
The world at the bottom

"Hyung I tought we do something together."

The black- haired tugged on olders arm.

"Later Jungkook, ok?"

Before the boy could do something against the disappearance of the older, the brown- haired was already gone.

Jin ran along the streets, he only wanted to see his friends.

He hasn't seen the red- haired since two days and he wasn't sure if Namjoon was still breathing.

Only when he arrived in the alleys, he knew so well, he noticed that he forgot his cab, gloves, scarf and his jacket.


It was so cold that he already could see the fog of his breath.

And he already started freezing.

As already mentioned, the cold was never his thing.

He ran through the alleys.

He searched, but found nobody.

He stopped and sighed.

There was nobody.

Either Namjoon nor Yoongi.


Jin looked around once more.

Actually he intended to invite Namjoon to watch some movies with him and his brother.

Jungkook would met the blond one finally and Namjoon would be somewhere where it's warm.

He even would've invited Yoongi, although he knew the guy hated movies till the moon and back.

He just wanted that his friends have a roof above their heads, food in their bellies and that they're not freezing to death.

But he didn't know where they were.

That was the problem since ever.

Both didn't want his help.

Both wanted to get away from the streets alone.

He turned around and walked back two streets, when someone suddenly pulled him into a another side street.


"Where is your jacket?

Why arn't you wearing anything?

Are you disturbed?

Do you want to die here?"

"Yeah, it's nice to see you again, too."

Answered the older and hugged his friend.

Namjoon did the same.

He was happy to knew that Jin would seek for him everytime, even when he forgot his jacket.

"Come with me, please."

The older snuggled his head a little in the shoulder of the taller.

"Please, only this time.

Only to watch some movies, not more."

The blond one sighed.

"I don't want to, Jin. Get it."

Namjoon wanted to break the hug but Jin didn't, so they stayed like they were.

"It's just for some hours, you can go afterwards, immediately.

Please, Namjoon, just for those couple of hours."

"Jin, I-"


Namjoon noticed how Jin trembled.

And he knew the older wouldn't go as long as he wouldn't come with him.

"Only this one time."

Said the taller and kissed the forhead of the brown- haired unobtrusive.

The older broke the hug and looked at the blond one happy.


"Only this time, never again."

The brown- haired hugged the other one once again briefly before they went to his house.

When they arrived at his house, Jungkook sat on the stairs invfront of the front door.

He looked a little bit angry.


He stood up, his hands were fists.

"Jungkook, wait before you scream at me, This"

He pointet at the blond-haired.

"Is Namjoon. He's going to watch some movies with us, ok?"

Jungkook looked at the blond quickly, then back to his brother.

He still looked angry but stayed silence.

"Good, can you turn on the TV?"

Jin looked at his bother.

He nodded and disappeared into the house.

"You hadn't told me that you live with someone."

The blond one looked a little sad, but Jin didn't understand it.

"Yes, if I had told you, you would've never come with me."

The older smiled, grapped the others arm and guided him into the house.

"Do you want to take off your shoes or something?"

The brown- haired looked at Namjoon.

The blond ansered with actions.

He took off his shoes and his, not that thick, jacket.


"Give it to me."

Jin smiled, took the jacket, shoved the shoes with his feet to the side.

"You can go to the living room already. That way."

He pointed ahead.

The blond nodded and made his way into the living room, while Jin hung up the jacket.

When he went back into the living room, he saw Jungkook sitting on the one side of the sofa and Namjoon on the other.

He smiled and sat down between them.

"Okay Kookie, what movie do you want to watch?"

Jungkook took the remote.

"Ehm.....Hangover, all parts?"

Jin looked at his now acting shy brother, then at Namjoon.

The blond one nodded agreeing.


The black-haired jumped up, ran to the TV, took the first CD out of the cupborard, loaded the CD into the TV and sat down again.

The movie started and Jungkook was nervous as ever, when they watched a movie together.

Jin arleady knew the movie by heart, Jungkook too.

But he found the movie boring, because of the absurd story- line.

Jungkook however could never get enough of the movie.

He already knew every funny scene, but he laughed always again.

Jin smiled and shook his head.

Once the movie reached its mittle part, Jin looked at the blond one.

He had his eyes closed and he breathed calm.

He slept.

Jin was still smiling.

Namjoon was done with his life.

He lived on the streets since three years, but he looked as if he would die, every winter.

Jin and the blond went to the same school and they celebrated their graduation together.

Namjoon was important for him, very important.

Jin sighed.

It's been a while since he saw his friend like this.

So calm, without worries, not freezing to death.


The brown- haired looked at his brother.

"Is he sleeping?"

Jungkook whispered quietly.

Jin nodded.

"Who is he? Is he alright? He looks damn thin. Is he a relative? A friend?"

"He isn't a relative, he is a friend, we went together to the same school.

And yeah, he looks damn thin."

Jin said the last sentece a little sader.





Hoseok smiled and looked at the boy, who was laying in the bed.

The boy nodded.

He sat up, a little tired because of his sleep.

"Where am I?"

He looked at the black- haired.

"At your home. We met again yesterday and you fainted.

I proverbial blew you away."

The older laughed and sat down on the end of the bed.

"I fainted?"

Hoseok nodded and the boy looked at his hand, which where laying on his lap.

"Sorry, that I bothered you."

"Oh no, not a bit. I'm actually quiet happy that you fainted.

If you wouldn't have, I wouldn't sit in the warmth and I never would have found Jimin."

Hoseok grinned brightly and Taehyung looked at him.


"He's a friend of mine.

He was with a guy named Yoongi and this guy knew where you lived, that's why we're here."


The boy asked, with a little disbelieve in his voice.

Hoseok nodded answering.

"Where's he?"

"In the living room, should I call him?"

The brown- haired boy shook his head.

"It's ok."

He looked at the older, but immediately back to his hands.

"How are you anyway? I mean, are you hurt or something?"

The brown- haired shook his head again.

"Ahh, ok."

After this words, silence laid between them.

Taehyung hated this, bothering people.

He knew the older barely and he already bothered him with his faint.

He didn't want to bother people.

That's the reason why he was living alone.

He distrubed his parents, he knew it.

He couldn't pay the rent of his arpartment, because he was jobless and he had no friends to speak of.

So he knew he could land on the streets soon.

But he didn't want to bother people with his problems, his life.

Nevertheless the loneliness was depressing.

He was alone since three weeks and since this three weeks he didn't talk to anyone.

He met Yoongi two days ago, but the red- haired seemed to be bothered too.

He was alone and it hurt him to be alone.

Yes, it actually hurt him.

He wanted to talk, to laugh, to jump around so the others could laugh about and with him.

But there were no others.

The boy jerked a little when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He was lost in his thoughts and he had already forgot that Hoseok sat right beside his bed..

"You sure, you're okay?"

He looked at the black- haireds eyes.

Wonderful eyes.

They looked like they could never lie and they looked trustworthy.

Nice, happy, but they were afraid.

There was fear, Taehyung could see it.

He saw that the eyes of the older were afarid, but he didn't know why.

Taehyung was good at seeing the feels of other people.

"Hello? Taehyung, everything ok?"

The black- haired ripped the boy out of his toughts again.

The boy nodded and looked back to his hands.

", you're very quiet. You don't look like it."

Hoseok laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his head.

The brown- haired nodded.

"I actually like to talk."

He said quietly.

"Then why arn't you?"

The brown- haired felt the others glances.

" listening."

He said the last words very quiet.

"Nobody? I can listen. So about what do you want to talk?"

The black- haired moved a little closer and smiled.

"You're sure you want to listen to everything?"

Taehyung looked at the older with hope in his eyes.

Hoseok laughed shortly and nodded.

"Of course, if I don't, who will?"

He said still smiling.

There was it.

The warth of a smile.

Taehyung missed it.

Hardly any people owned it.

Hardly any prople smiled honest.

Hardly any prople smiled warm.

But Hoseok did.

Taehyung felt it, or was it something else what was making him happy?



"Do you think Taehyung is already awake?"

The red-haired shook his shoulders and sat down next to Jimin.

He looked at him.

"But I think he is, I mean, Hoseok is up there already a long time.

"And he will stay there.

He's worried and once he is, you can wait weeks till he comes down."

Said Jimin laughing.

The red- haired smiled shortly.

"How was your night?"

"You kicked me and when I wanted to go to the toilet, I awoke on the floor."

Jimin said remonstrative.

Yoongi just laughed.

"I provided you to sleep on the floor anyway."

He laughed louder.

"You're mean."

Jimin boxed his arm.

"I know."

Said the red- haired still laughing.

Once he calmed down, silence laid between them.

Jimin looked around and Yoongi looked at him.

He found him pretty.

Jimin was damn thin, yeah, but he was damn pretty.

He wasn't a lush, like the others on the streets.

His hair was fluffy and he had a high, cuty voice.

He was the completly opposite of a luch.

And he was nice.

Yoongi liked him.

But he knew, once Taheyung was awake and Hoseok was sure that Taehyung was ok, Jimin and Hoseok had to go.

When Yoongi noticed how much he was staring, he looked away quikly.

He shook his head a little to get the thoughts out of his head.

It was only forenoon and Yoongi already had a headache.

A terribly headache.

Yoongi found it normal meanwhile, but he knew, it wasn't.

He had almost every day a headache and he couldn't just erase it with some medicine.

He sighed and Jimin looked at him.

"Everything ok?"

The red- haired nodded.

But it wasn't.

Yoongi started to sweat and to shiver.

He got dizzy and everything was spinning.

His eyes started to tear up and his ears started to get deaf.

But this also was normal for the red head and even that he couldn't feel his legs anymore.

Everything was normal.

Even the nosebleed, which was going to start every moment and even the bellyache, which was going to almost kill him.

It happened always.

Almost every day.

Everything was normal.

Jimin jumped up as soon as he saw Yoongis nose.

Yes, it bled, quite strong.

"Oh god, Yoongi. Wait, I'm back in one second, stay like this."

And the bellyache started.

The red- haireds breath turned erratic.

Either the sweating nor the shivering stopped.

Once Jimin was back, he gave him a tissue and put a wet cloth in his nape.

Yoongi closed his eyes.

He felt it.


Nothing stopped.

He was shivering everywhere, he was sweating like hell, his nose was bleeding like a waterfall and the bellyache got stronger every minute.

"Yoongi, wait I'll bring you a blanket."

But Jimin got stopped by Yoongi.

He grapped his arm.

"It's ok, you don't need's going to disappear."

He said weak and Jimin sat down next to him again.

"You sure?"

The red-haired nodded a little.

"Do you have that often?"

Jimin looked at him worried.

The red- haired nodded again.

"Yeah, but this are.....just side effects."

He answered still with a erratic breath.

Jimin didn't want to ask more but he did.

"When does it disappear?"

"Immediately.....don't worry."

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jhopebuddy #1
Chapter 2: I love this! Hit me right in the namjin feels!
exobtsvixxapinklover #2
Chapter 2: Thanks for updating :) :)
Chapter 2: The ships are sailing~!
exobtsvixxapinklover #4
Like the story ;)
Chapter 1: Update soon :)
Chapter 1: UPDATE SOON