Chapter Nine


(( A/N Hello~ Wow I can't believe this has gotten so far, I'm still in the mindset of this updating every other week so I was surprised when I looked at what was the next update! But that just means that you all will get to the ChanTao faster than planned xD Especially with the writing roll I was on for this last week, I'm so excited for the chapters when Tao shows up owo Soon. Sorta. Like, next month. But! I should have the chance to get more writing done after next week since I'll have a few weeks off from school and I can hopefully get more and more done and maybe even update a little more often. No promises on that.

But I can say that after this is done, I'm gonna work on a couple shorter ChanTao's that don't have a million chapters before they meet and will be shorter things that I either finish or get mostly done before I start to post/update.

If anyone has any prompts they wanna request, please please send them in! :D I'm always taking requests, tbh for most any pairing. Like I'm happily writing my notp for a friend, so send me your ships and prompts and I shall see if I can't make you happy~ 

I cherish each of you who subscribe and read this story more than I can probably express. Just... Thank you all. ))

Chapter Nine:
It’s Been A Long Day Without You My Friend 

It was loud, crowded, and hot and it made his clothes stick to his skin and his whole face become wet with sweat as it started to be harder to breathe. Jongdae apparently knew the bartender, which didn’t entirely surprise Chanyeol once he thought about it, and called him over.

''Two shots of tequila,'' Jongdae yelled, trying to be heard over the music.

''Coming right up.''

The bartender placed two shot glass's on the bar disk and filled them both with the golden yellow liquid. Jongdae nodded to the bartender at the 'On the house' and used the smoothness of the disk to slide one over to Chanyeol.

When he refused the shot the brunet bought him, he got an eye roll before Jongdae downed both shots. With a sigh, Chanyeol the bar stool and tried to focus on looking around the club. It almost made his skin crawl to see the way people would be trapped between sweaty bodies on the dance floor, but still look as if they had a good time. Half an hour of people watching later Chanyeol looked around and noticed Jongdae wasn’t next to him anymore and he stood, walking around the bar, feeling himself tense when he found the brunet shirtless. Jongdae was sitting on a pool table with a lime ride between his lips, someone his collar bone while pressing against his chest, settled between the brunet’s legs.

Jongdae hooked one leg around the other’s torso and he bit the rind a little when the light brown haired male started to on his neck, before leaning back so someone could sprinkle salt on the hicky he left on Jongdae’s collarbone, and someone else handed Jongdae a shot to hold. The light brown haired male leaned forward again, the salt from the hicky, pulling back and taking the shot Jongdae offered him before pressing his chest against Jongdae’s again, taking the lime between his teeth and biting into it, hearing Jongdae hum as some of the juice trailed down his chin.

The other pulled the lime from Jongdae’s mouth, pulling it out of his own before Jongdae grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. Chanyeol shook his head at the cheer several who were watching the scene let out, and he made his way over to the table. He picked up Jongdae’s discarded shirt, balling it up before throwing it at the brunet who broke the kiss to look at him.

“Let’s go home. I’m bored. And I’m not all that excited about watching you play with your new… friend.” Jongdae scoffed, unhooking his leg from around the other’s waist.

“You know how to get home. You’re the one who came to bother me at work.”

“Your boyfriend?” The light brown haired male asked, stepping back from between the other’s legs and Jongdae laughed.

“Not now, not ever. I’m single, and free.”

“Well if he wants you out of here because he’s bored, how about grabbing a bite?” Jongdae grinned, slipping his hand up under the other’s shirt, trailing his nails along the other’s stomach.

“Depends. Can I skip dinner and go straight to dessert?” He purred and Chanyeol grabbed him by the arm, pulling it out from the other’s shirt.

“Jongdae, please,” he whined and Jongdae frowned at him, opening his mouth before the light brown haired male interrupted him.

“It’s fine, wait here a second,” He started, grabbing a napkin off a nearby table and disappearing long enough for Jongdae to shoot a glare that would have been more threatening if he wasn’t almost pouting at the same time. He returned, offering the napkin to Jongdae. “Give me a call when it’s his bed time,” he stated with a wink before giving Jongdae a peck on the side of his neck and leaving them. Jongdae grabbed his shirt, slipping it back on before pocketing the napkin.

“You got what you wanted,” he grumbled, walking past the black haired male and ordering two more shots before closing his tab and making his way out of the bar, Chanyeol on his heels.

They weren’t far from the dorms, and Chanyeol was thankful for that; he wasn’t sure if he could deal with the silence between them very long as he followed Jongdae to the other’s dorm. He was rewarded with a side glare as the brunet unlocked his door.

“Why are you still here? Go home!” the drunk Jongdae barked and Chanyeol took a small step back.

“I wanted to make sure you go back safely.”

“And now you can see that, so run along. You’re more likely to get it up than I am to invite you in,” he hissed, opening the door and stepping in, closing and locking it without a look back before Chanyeol could get another word out. Jongdae sighed, leaning back against the door as he closed his eyes for a few minutes.

When he opened the he slipped out of his shoes and made his way past the photo frame on the table in the entry way, flipping one face down after he paused to look at the pair in the photo it held. He sat on his bed as the image of Chanyeol following him to his door flashed through his head and he leaned forward, resting his face in his hands, many others following. Finding the bottle that the other had gotten from Zhang… Pinning Yifan against the wall before dragging him to the couch… Sitting in Chanyeol’s lap at the party they met at…

“Out of all the people at that party… Why him?” He muttered, jumping when he heard a thud, looking up from his hands. The shoe box he kept on top of his wardrobe was now upside down on the floor and he groaned softy, pushing himself from the bed to his feet, crossing the room. He sat down turning the box right side up and starting to put the letters that had spilled out back in, pausing as his eyes caught some of the words on one that wasn’t in an envelope. A small smile crossed his lips and he straightened, unfolding the letter the rest of the way to reread it.

So this new house and town , everything’s so boring without you. I have to start my new school tomorrow and I’m not really looking forward to it. I really wish you were here with me, maybe I wouldn’t feel so anxious. I’m still mad at my dad for breaking his promise that we would graduate together, and he keeps offering me things to try and make it up to me. But I’ve just stayed cooped up in my room, and I hear my mom trying to tell him to give me space. My brother’s been trying to brighten my mood and I’m not really sure if it’s been helping. But it’s nice of him to try.

What about with you? Excited to start senior year? You totally have to tell me all about the senior prank you guys pull, I can’t believe that I have to miss out on it. But hey, I don’t care what it takes, I’m not missing your choir performances. Even if I have to walk all the way there to make sure I see them. And unlike my dad, I’m not going to break my promise.

He folded the letter, setting it in the box before picking up another.

You’ll never guess what my parents told me today! They said starting next month I can start visiting you on the weekends as long as your parents are cool with me crashing there. I might be getting a mobile too, so it’ll be easier than all these letters. But I really like writing to you, so maybe we can still write and just use texting and calling for small stuff. I made a friend too. He’s the class clown at his school, and I wish we had moved into the apartments he lives in so we went to the same school. Maybe I would be a little less angry about the move. I think you’d like him. Maybe we could all hang out sometime.

Jongdae’s smile faded as he read the name written on the next line, and his grip on the letter tightened. There was no way… He felt his throat tighten and he tried to swallow the lump in it, shutting his eyes tightly as he set the letter down before he ripped it. There had to be some mistake… This had to be some joke his mind was playing on him. The reason the other’s name had sounded familiar was just because they were in the same class. He tried to convince himself of that at he looked back down at the letter.


Two days later Chanyeol looked at the bottle in his hand. He hadn’t slept since he had been left alone outside Jongdae’s dorm and he sighed. He slipped out one of the pills, placing it on his tongue before taking a drink of water and swallowing… Jumping as his door peed and he almost choked on the water.

“Hey, I’ve got a question…” Jongdae trailed off, staring at the bottle in Chanyeol’s hand before his expression darkened, his eyes moving up to Chanyeol’s. “What did I ing tell you?” He snarled, tightening his grip on the pill bottle in his own hand.

“Y-you wouldn’t answer your phone-”

“You keep trying to blame me for this ,''

''Y-you have my pills, and wouldn't answer the phone!'' Chanyeol shrieked with wide eyes. ''I can't even sleep without those pills,'' Chanyeol looked close to tears, but Jongdae acted like he hadn't hear anything and just continued his own sentence.

'' ...and it’s really pissing me off,” Jongdae looked at the bottle in his hand. “You know what? I’m done. Go ahead and pop the drugs because you're scared. You don’t even want to get better; you just wanna keep popping these till your problems go away. You're scared, and an addict. I'm done,” he dropped the bottle onto the floor, starting for the door. Chanyeol caught him by the arm and got shoved back before Jongdae yanked his arm back, sending the blank haired male to the floor before he left, slamming the door again.

Jongdae recognized the door this time when he knocked, feeling his throat tighten again before it opened. Yifan didn’t resist much when he pushed him inside, and Jongdae shut and locked the door before pushing the blond backwards through the living room and onto the couch again. He dropped to his knees between the blond’s legs, fumbling with the other’s belt buckle, swatting at Yifan’s hands when it looked like he was trying to help him with the belt.


“Shut up,” Jongdae said, then hesitated for a moment at how strange his voice sounded. It was long enough for Yifan to take a gentle hold of his wrists.

“Jongdae, what happened?” Jongdae tried to grab the other’s belt again and Yifan tightened his grip to keep the other as still as he could.

“Nothing,” Jongdae insisted.

“Then why are you crying?” Jongdae tensed, stilling his struggles to get out of the other’s hold. He blinked and felt a tear trail down his cheek and he hung his head, his shoulders starting to tremble.

“He’s so stupid,” He said, his throat tightening to the point that his voice came out as a whisper. “A …. Who’s just going to e-end up getting himself killed,” Jongdae felt a pull on his arms and he found himself in Yifan’s lap. He started to struggle, only for Yifan to wrap one arm around his waist, the other around his shoulders, holding him tightly to his chest. “What the are you doing? Let me go!” He demanded, the other tightening his embrace until Jongdae wasn’t able to move. He still tried to push away from the other with his arms that were wedged between their chests. “Let me go!” He repeated.

“Is that what he would tell you?” Jongdae froze and it wasn’t until his throat began to burn that he realized he had stopped breathing. “Jongdae-”

“Shut up.” Yifan sighed, moving the arm around Jongdae’s shoulders to push the other’s head onto his shoulder.

“Jongdae, when are you going to talk about this?”

“Did you not hear me? I told you to shut up.”

“It’s been a year and a ha-” Yifan cut off, cringing at the sharp pain in his neck as Jongdae bit him as hard as he could. The brunet remained still with his jaw clenched until it hurt and he released the other as a hint of iron laced his tongue. He pulled his head back, looking at the small punctures his canines had made, as well as the imprint that several of his other teeth had made looking up at Yifan to see the blond slowly open his eyes. “That hurt, you know,” he stated.

“And you know better than to bring him up,” Jongdae choked, but Yifan shook his head, shifting a little to lie on his back with Jongdae laying on top of him, still holding onto the brunet tightly.

“What are you doing?”

“Laying down.”

“I don’t do cuddling. Take off your clothes.”


“ me or I’ll find someone else who will.”

“No you won’t.”

“And what makes you say that?”

“Because I’m keeping you here until you’re done crying.”

“I hate you,” Jongdae grumbled, Yifan’s hand coming to the back of his head, carding through his hair. He gave a small huff before resting his head on the other’s shoulder, trying to ignore the tears that still laced his eyelids.

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Chapter 25: Awwwwwww it was sweet and heart wrenching <3 good work author-nim!
Amandaling #3
Chapter 4: Long since I read a chanyeol fuc tbh
Chapter 25: it's completed? aw I was hoping u'll continue the ahaha anyway, I'm glad everything turn out well for them~ thanks for this!
Chapter 25: *stares at the 'completed' continuously*

Oh gawd, it was naive of me to think this story would go on forever. Man, the feelings are warming up to me right now. Jongdae finally is starting to move forward along with Chanyeol. Zitao finally gonna get some d*** tonight and Baekhyun would rest in heaven. All's good, isn't it?
Chapter 24: Yeah, ZiTao's doing the right thing to get Chanyeol some help. It's nice of Tao to be considerate of Yeollie and try not to step over to quickly on . Jongdae most likely has his own reasons, and.. Junmyeon is a therapist? I thought he was just Zitao's manager, but I could be wrong. (him being the therapist)
Chapter 23: Holy . //lost at words//