Chapter Five


(( A/N I know this update is a day early but I doubt any of you mind, and I've been itching to update since Monday - I blame vacation and starting summer term at school for making it seem like time was taking a million times longer. So here you go~ ))

Chapter Four:
I Wanna Be , And You're Wasted

Jongdae had to admit he was very amused that Chanyeol was turning out to be the most needy he had seen anyone to find their dorm and get their door unlocked. He reached out to help guide Chanyeol’s hand to get the key into the lock, trailing his fingers up the other’s bare arm and down the back on his shirt as he unlocked the door. When it opened Jongdae grabbed Chanyeol’s hips and pushed him through the doorway, chuckling when the other had to catch himself on the door, looking back at Jongdae with that same surprised expression he had first given him. Jongdae stepped through the door way as Chanyeol straightened, closing the door and reaching out, hooking his thumbs into the belt loops of Chanyeol’s pants, pulling him close.

“You seem desperate. Has it been a while since you had someone in bed?” Jongdae asked, rocking his hips a little.

“N-no, I, uh…” Chanyeol swallowed hard, slow to put his hands on Jongdae’s hips as if he wasn’t sure what to do with them. “I’ve… I’ve never… done this.”

“Never picked up a stranger at a party?” Jongdae hummed, backing Chanyeol up against the door and pressing himself against the other’s chest to keep him there – not like he thought the other would be going anywhere in the first place.

“Never… Anything.” Chanyeol said in a small voice, looking away from the way Jongdae’s sultry look faded.

“Wait… Are you a ?” He asked and Chanyeol pulled his hands back from the other’s hips.

“Y-yeah…” He replied softly, looking like he was trying to shrink back into the door. “S-sorry if that’s a deal breaker.” He added, eyes wide as he looked back to Jongdae when the brunet wrapped his arms around his neck.

“Not as all.  I know how to take things nice and easy to get you hard.” He rocked his hips against Chanyeol’s earning a soft gasp. “Don’t worry Yeollie. I’ll take good care of you.” He said, nipping at Chanyeol’s neck as his hands moved down to and zip the other’s pants. “Your knees might get weak, why don’t we get you onto your bed.” He suggested, pulling the other back from the door by his belt loops. He turned them so he was backing Chanyeol up, pushing him back onto the queen size mattress when Chanyeol’s knees hit the edge of it and he staggered. Chanyeol didn’t get the other much time to recover of adjust before he was straddling him, moving to nip and at his neck.

Jongdae’s hands slipped under Chanyeol’s shirt and he moved to at the base of his neck when a grumbled noise stopped him. If it sounded a little more forced he would have thought he had gotten the other to growl from something so simple, but when he straightened to check on the other he found Chanyeol’s eyes closed. He frowned, watching the black haired male’s face for a long moment before he heard the noise again.

“Did you ing fall asleep?” He snapped, Chanyeol’s expression unfaltering. “Hey. Wake up!” He ordered, giving the other’s shoulder a shake. “Drunk is pushing the line; I’m not boning someone who’s asleep.” He growled, turning the other’s head from one side to the other and back before tapping his cheeks a few times, harder with each hit. Huffing a sigh he sat back, glaring at the unconscious male as he crossed his arms over his chest. “The and I supposed to do now?” He grumbled, looking around the room as he moved off the other.


After sitting there for about five minutes he pushed himself off the bed, looking back at Chanyeol with a shred of hope that the other would have woken up. No such luck and he started to walk around the studio dorm. The wall opposite of the door had a bookshelf, windows on either side of it and he stepped out of his shoes as he walked over to it, examining the books. Most were text books that made loud thuds as they hit the floor and each other as the brunet boardly pulled them off the shelf one after another off the shelf, vaguely wondering how annoyed the person living below Chanyeol would get by the time he moved on from the task.

Three fourths of the books were on the carpet before Jongdae moved onto the doorway to his left. It was a kitchen similar to his own in its set up, other than the fact it didn’t have a table to eat at. It was a bit smaller as well, and the cabinets were empty except for a box of stale cereal; the fridge only had a few eggs and a stick of butter.

“And I thought my selection of snacks was sad.” Jongdae muttered to himself. He exited the kitchen, seeing Chanyeol had rolled onto his side, still snoring. Rolling his eyes he started for his shoes, the bathroom catching his eye- more so the open medicine cabinet. He made his way into the bathroom, flipping on the light, blinking as his eyes adjusted. He picked up the orange prescription bottle that was inside, turning tit in his hands as he read the label.

Patient’s name: Park, Chanyeol
Drug name: Benzodiazepine – Diazepam – Valium
Amount of refills: 1
How many pills in bottle: 60
Mg per tablet: 5
Description of pills: Small orange round pills with Mylan 345 imprinted on one side
Date filed: 1-3-15
Use before: 1-2-16
Instructions: Take one pill by mouth 30 minutes prior to sleep
Side effects may include: Drowsiness, dizziness, lack of coordination, depression, nightmares, decreased libido, nausea, changes in appetite, blurred vision, anxiety and confusion.

Do not take with alcohol.


Jongdae frowned a little, looking at the half empty bottle then back at the label. The prescription wasn’t even two weeks old, but from the looks of it there were less than 30 pills left. And that name sounded familiar, now that he thought about. As the words started to get fuzzy he walked over to lie beside the other on the mattress. Sheading his shirt and pants he laid on his stomach now that his hard on had finally wilted, yanking the pillow from underneath the sleeping male’s head before laying his own on it and closing his eyes.


The pair stared at each other for a long minute, the brunet breaking the silence with a simple ‘Hey there’ that had Chanyeol jerking back and falling off the bed, resulting in the stranger rolling onto his back as he laughed. Chanyeol groaned as the throbbing in his head increased and he closed him eyes tightly. Maybe he was still dreaming and if he shut his eyes tight enough it would all go away. He jumped when he felt a poke in his side and he looked up at the other who was now at the edge of the bed that Chanyeol had fallen off, and Chanyeol felt his throat try to tighten.

“What, no good morning kiss?” The brunet asked and Chanyeol felt the color drain from his face before the other started laughing again. “I can’t tell if I like this or how you were last night better.” Chanyeol finally sat up, eyes still on the other as he realized this probably wasn’t something he was dreaming. His eyes trailed over the other’s all but frame before down at himself noticing his pants were ed and ped, a feeling of dread settling in his stomach as he looked back at the other who looked pleased with himself.

“Did… did we…”

“Did we, what, Yeollie?” He flinched at the nickname, shifting to cover his crotch as the other’s eyes flickered down to it and he his lips.

“Did we h-have-”

“Did we have hot, passionate ?” The brunet said for him in a mocking tone that caused Chanyeol to cringe. “You mean you don’t remember? Bringing me here after making out at the party, me pinning you to the door, then…” Chanyeol’s chin was lifted, forcing him to look into the stranger’s eyes. “You passing out and leaving me with an unattended hard on?”

“W-wait, what?” Chanyeol asked and his chin was released.

“You were asleep the moment your back touched the mattress.” The brunet said, slipping his legs over the side of the bed as he sat up.

“So we didn’t….” The other laughed, shaking his head.

“Trust me, you would have remembered if we had.” He mused. “Don’t worry, you’re still a .” He added and Chanyeol’s cheeks lit up.

“How did you-”

“Beside by the way you’re freaking out? You told me last night.” Chanyeol hid his face in his hands, letting out a groan. “What you didn’t tell me is that you’re some new drug dealer on campus. I know some guys who won’t be happy about that.” He added as Chanyeol looked over the tips of his fingers at him.

“What? Drug dealer?”

“That, or you’re having fun taking more of your pills than you should.” Chanyeol’s hands slowly lowered, and the wide eyed stare he gave was all that the brunet needed. “Valium’s pretty nice stuff, I’d be careful. I hear it’s easy to get addicted and withdrawal is worse than what it treats.”

“I’m fine.”

“I bet. From the looks of that pill bottle, you’re already doubling up on your dosage. What do you plan to do in two weeks when you run out?” The playful tone of the brunet’s voice grated on Chanyeol’s nerves.

“What’s it to you? You don’t know me, why do you care?” He asked, feeling himself start to shake a little.

“This school has had enough overdoses, and people suffer enough loss without the people they love being stupid and getting themselves killed with things like drugs and alcohol.”

“Says the one who went home with a complete stranger from a frat party.” The brunet scoffed, leaning back as he propped himself up with his arms.

“So I drink on occasion and make friends between the sheets. The only pain I cause is when someone gets attached and starts the morning after with ‘I love you’ and they never hear from me again.”

“At least what I do doesn’t affect other people.”

“Really now? So you haven’t gotten to the point where you lie to friends and family? Maybe beg someone to help you get more? I’m sure you’ll start soon, if you haven’t already, when this prescription runs out and the doctor stops writing you a new one.” The brunet’s eyes narrowed, the playfulness leaving his expression. “You’ll be hurting loved ones before you know it.”

“You can leave now.” Chanyeol snapped, pushing himself off the floor and onto his feet. Before the brunet could say anything else he slammed the bathroom door, locking it before starting the shower. When he got out of the shower and opened that bathroom door the brunet was gone, much to Chanyeol’s relief.

Until he opened his medicine cabinet and so was his prescription bottle.


(( A/N: To be honest I don't really have much to say xD These author's notes keep getting shorter and shorter. I gained a bunch of new subscribers, and that always makes me smile because I tend to expect them to be for the other Exo fic I have, not this one.

Also, sorry if this didn't live up to the expectations for people when I said minor ChenYeol. But this was planned back before I even started writing this, it was one of the first three plot bunny scenes to pop into my head. ))

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Chapter 25: Awwwwwww it was sweet and heart wrenching <3 good work author-nim!
Amandaling #3
Chapter 4: Long since I read a chanyeol fuc tbh
Chapter 25: it's completed? aw I was hoping u'll continue the ahaha anyway, I'm glad everything turn out well for them~ thanks for this!
Chapter 25: *stares at the 'completed' continuously*

Oh gawd, it was naive of me to think this story would go on forever. Man, the feelings are warming up to me right now. Jongdae finally is starting to move forward along with Chanyeol. Zitao finally gonna get some d*** tonight and Baekhyun would rest in heaven. All's good, isn't it?
Chapter 24: Yeah, ZiTao's doing the right thing to get Chanyeol some help. It's nice of Tao to be considerate of Yeollie and try not to step over to quickly on . Jongdae most likely has his own reasons, and.. Junmyeon is a therapist? I thought he was just Zitao's manager, but I could be wrong. (him being the therapist)
Chapter 23: Holy . //lost at words//