Chapter Three


((A/N Hello everyone~ I hope you're all doing well ^^ I don't really have much to say before this chapter I don't think... It's the last for this time frame in the story, after there's gonna be a little bit of a time skip, and then things start to get really fun owo ))

Chapter Three: 
To Call it Off or Bring it On

By his checkup, four days later, most of the side effects had leveled out. He wasn’t quite bounding around like he did before the accident, but he wasn’t a zombie who just slept and stared out the window either, much to Yura’s relief.

“The loss of focus and appetite have gone away, thankfully. Your body reacted a little harsher to the diazepine than most, but your sister told me that you were starting to adjust back to normal when I called to remind you of this checkup.” The doctor explained, looking over his notes. “As long as nothing drastic happens between now and Sunday, I’m going to clear you for returning to class Monday.” Chanyeol looked to the calendar on the wall, and the doctor spoke again. “Today is Thursday.” To which Chanyeol nodded. “However, you shouldn’t try to push yourself too hard. If you start to feel ill or overwhelmed while you’re in class, don’t feel guilty if you have to go home early. It may take a few days before you’re able to attend classes the full day like your classmates.”

“I’ll be careful.” He assured, more so to hopefully ease the obvious nerves of Yura’s. The doctor signed a few papers, handing them to Chanyeol.

“These are your clearance forms; one is a copy for you to keep, the other is for your school. You should still have three weeks of your medication, please schedule an appointment for a few days after you stop your medication so we can assess if everything is still going well.” He requested as Chanyeol took the forms. He and Yura made their way from the office and back to the car, starting the drive home. Yura glanced over at Chanyeol several times before he looked back at her.

“Noona… What is it?” he asked, resisting the urge to sigh. Yura bit the inside of her cheek, shaking her head.

“I shouldn’t have told mom. Not with how much you begged me not to.” She said. “I was so worried about you but… that’s not a good enough excuse - not for what that medication did to you.”

“There wasn’t a way to know how it would affect me. I’ve never had to be put on medication like that before, so your guess was as good as mine for what side effects I would have from it. I’m okay now.” He replied, though the phrase left a sour taste in his mouth. That was all that anyone had been saying to him since he had woken up; you’re alright now, you’re fine now. If h was fine hew was pretty sure he wouldn’t be taking a pill before bed each night.


For some reason, that was beyond him, the gates to the school were incredibly intimidating.

“You know you don’t have to go today if you’re not feeling up for it.” Yura said, reaching out and placing her hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder. “You can wait until tomorrow; it won’t put you much more behind.”

“I’m behind enough as is; I don’t want to miss any more of my classes.” Chanyeol said looking back at his sister. Taking note of the worry that he was starting to think would never leave her eyes, he placed his hand over hers and gave a small squeeze to try to reassure her. “If it gets to be too much, I’ll call you. I promise.” She didn’t look sure, but she released his shoulder, placing her hand back in the steering wheel. She stared back at him for a moment before handing her head a little, sighing.

“Alright. Have a good day.” She said in a defeated tone, and Chanyeol opened the car door, keeping his eyes on her for a moment.

“I’m going to be alright. You said yourself I needed to get better so I could go back to school.” He said, trying one last attempt to soothe her nerves before he got out of the car and closed the door behind himself, hoping that if he could ease hers that his own would go away with them. He knew that if he gave her any more time to argue she would have been able to talk him out of attending that day. He had six months to catch up on, and the sooner he started the better.

He made his way to the office first to turn in the doctor’s form, trying his best to smile at the surprised expressions he received as he walked down the hall. He was very social when it came to school and he had known close to three-quarters of the population last year - he was sure he had been enthusiastic to learn the first years this year too… He started to feel worry settle in his stomach and he did his best to shake it as he entered the main office. At least this time he was greeted with a smile instead of a wide-eyed looks he had been getting.

“Mr. Park.” The woman at the desk started. “Your mother said you would be returning this week. It’s good to see you again. Your classmates have been waiting for your return, so I would expect a big welcome when you get to class.” She warned in a light tone as he offered her the form. She tread it over, her smile faltering a little which cause the worry to tighten into knots in his stomach. When she looked back up at him her smile retuned.

“If there’s anything we ca do to aid your transition back into attendance, please let us know.” She said. He offered his thanks, and then exited the office, focusing on taking deep breaths and trying to block out the stares he was getting as well as the whispers. Did no one expect him to ever come back?

Down the hall, up a flight of stairs and down another hall; he was done with step one now came the most terrifying as he now stood in front of his classroom door. It wasn’t too late to back out, he thought, and he was about to step back and leave when something slammed into his side. He cringed away from the contact, stumbling and moving his hand to the dull throbbing in his side. He looked at the assailant, ready to demand an explanation and was met with a full-lipped pout.

“Kyungsoo.” The name barely fell out of his lips before she short male raised his fist as if to take another swing and Chanyeol jumped back. “Hey! I haven’t been here long enough to do something that deserves you hitting me!”

“Exactly.” Came the other’s reply, though he eased his threatening stance. “You’ve been gone for a month without any word that you were okay. You worried a lot of people.” Chanyeol stared at him for a moment before he felt the corners of his mouth tug up.

“Were you one of the worried ones?” He almost cooed, receiving a punch to the arm this time and Kyungsoo turned to the door.

“What do you think?” He mumbled, opening the door and leading the way into the classroom, Chanyeol on his heels. He was about to make another comment to tease the younger as he followed the other, hoping that they sat near each other since he had no idea where his seat actually was. He looked around the room, one of the desks causing his breath to catch in his throat and he stopped where he was. There was a large stack of papers tied with a ribbon, beside a vase housing several different kinds and colors of flowers; a card reading ‘welcome back’ hung from the top of the vase. Kyungsoo looked back at him, and then followed his gaze to the desk before back at him.

“Like I said, people were worried.” Kyungsoo said and Chanyeol continued to stare at the desk until it blurred in his vision. When he blinked he felt something run down his cheek and he moves his hand up to wipe at it when he realized that he was crying as a tear trailed down his other cheek. He close his eyes, wiping furiously at them as if that would make them stop and when he opened his eyes Kyungsoo was standing in front of him. The dark haired male reached up to pull one of Chanyeol’s hands from his face and Chanyeol bent down to rest is forehead against the shorter’s shoulder.

This was going to be difficult; there was no doubt about that. But if this showed him anything, it was that he wasn’t completely on his own through it.


(A/N Yay~ Cute little ChanSoo buddies. So see~ He's okay owo Sorta.

For now anyway x3

This chapter's title came from the song You Know Where to Find Me by Imogen Heap ^^ Which was originally going to be part of a different scene, but I think it fits for Yura and Chanyeol :3

Oh! I'm going out of town the day before this is supposed to update next, so I'll update it right before I leave so you don't have to wait three weeks for the next chapter. I hope your ChenYeol hearts need some attention~

Take care ^^~ ))

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Chapter 25: Awwwwwww it was sweet and heart wrenching <3 good work author-nim!
Amandaling #3
Chapter 4: Long since I read a chanyeol fuc tbh
Chapter 25: it's completed? aw I was hoping u'll continue the ahaha anyway, I'm glad everything turn out well for them~ thanks for this!
Chapter 25: *stares at the 'completed' continuously*

Oh gawd, it was naive of me to think this story would go on forever. Man, the feelings are warming up to me right now. Jongdae finally is starting to move forward along with Chanyeol. Zitao finally gonna get some d*** tonight and Baekhyun would rest in heaven. All's good, isn't it?
Chapter 24: Yeah, ZiTao's doing the right thing to get Chanyeol some help. It's nice of Tao to be considerate of Yeollie and try not to step over to quickly on . Jongdae most likely has his own reasons, and.. Junmyeon is a therapist? I thought he was just Zitao's manager, but I could be wrong. (him being the therapist)
Chapter 23: Holy . //lost at words//