Chapter Seventeen


((Earlier update than recently, though I doubt any of you mind

Still have had terrible writer's block and it hasn't been fun in my current state of headspace, but I'm trucking through it. And it still won't affect updates for about another month, I'm not sure exactly what I'll do if it doesn't go away by then. Fingers crossed.

I did want to bring up again that, as always, I'm looking for a beta! You don't really have to do anything other than talk to me about this fic, and you get to read a head of the updates, and it gives me motivation to write. I'm honestly convinced that the reason my other fic has 9 more chapters written for it than this one is because I have a beta for it

Feel free to comment or send me a pm if you're interested~ and then we can figure out how would work best for you for me to send you things ))


Just like talking during the lulls during their shifts together spending time together after work became a comfortable routine that they fell into. There wasn’t much they could do in the odd hours after work so most of the time they just spent a few hours talking while they ate. Two weeks in Victoria had learned Chanyeol’s own regular order and the memory of ZiTao teasing him with a fake pout about not wanting what ZiTao had ordered for him before made Chanyeol smile whenever it crossed his mind.


“ZiTao~ Guess what’s in season?” Victoria chimed, bringing them their orders. Chanyeol hadn’t been prepared for the way the blond’s eyes lit up and he bounced in his seat like child when she set a bowl of similar looking chunks of fruit before him and one of mixed chunks in front of Chanyeol along with their usual plates of pancakes and French toast.


“Peaches?” Chanyeol asked, feeling his heart skip a beat at the pleased hum ZiTao let out as he took a bite. He nodded with the fork still in his mouth, pulling it out slowly before pressing it into another chunk of peach. “You really like peach, don’t you?” Chanyeol asked as ZiTao popped another chunk into his mouth, nodding again. The blond opened his eyes and Chanyeol noticed his cheeks tint pink as he looked down at his pancakes.


“You’re staring at me,” ZiTao mumbled shyly around his fork and Chanyeol straightened, lifting his chin from where it had been resting in the palm of his hand.


“I…” Chanyeol started before coughing awkwardly. “I wasn’t meaning to stare at you, it’s just… really cute how much you like peaches,” Chanyeol explained, looking back at ZiTao to notice the blond was looking down still, messing with one of the studs in his ear.


Chanyeol turned back to his French toast and eventually ZiTao started eating again, quickly finishing his peaches with a small frown at the empty bowl. Chanyeol bit back a smile incase the other would get self-conscious again, picking around the peach chunks in his own fruit bowl and he waited for them both to be finished with their meals before he looked to the peaches.


“You can have mine,” He offered, ZiTao looking up from his mobile to the other. “The peaches,” He clarified. ZiTao gave him a small smile before leaning across the table and opening his mouth, Chanyeol feeling his heart skip another beat. He pressed his fork into one of the chunks, holding it out to the blond who leaned forward a little further to capture the peach chunk between his lips. Pulling back ZiTao let out a pleased him that had a blush creeping up Chanyeol’s neck. When ZiTao had finished chewing and swallowing he leaned forward again and opened his mouth, the blush reaching Chanyeol’s cheeks as he offered another bite to him, looking away this time when ZiTao took it into his mouth.


“I’ve been thinking…” He started, feeling ZiTao’s eyes on him but not daring to look since he could still feel the other’s weight on his fork. “This is fun and all, coming to the diner but… I was wondering if you wanted to… maybe do something during the day?” He asked, ZiTao sitting back finally.


“Like a date?” He asked once he had swallowed and Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck, nodding.


“Yeah… Like a date,” He replied slowly, looking over to ZiTao when there was a long pause. The blond was biting the corner of his lower lip as he smiled and nodded.



>So, where do you plan to take me?

>I was planning on asking you where you wanted to you

>You pick!

>Why do I have to pick?

>Well, I picked the diner, so you get to pick where our next date destination is

>So the diner was our first date?


Chanyeol smiled to himself when five minutes passed and the other still hadn’t replied.


>Just so you know, if you try to say you fell asleep, I’m going to call your bull

>I was making something to eat ono

>Sure you were.


Chanyeol shook his head, looking around the bar. It always felt a little strange without ZiTao since it was rare for them to not work a shift together. His mobile buzzed again, drawing his attention back to it.


>How about the zoo? I hear the one in town is pretty good, but I’ve never gone.

>I can’t remember the last time I went to a zoo.


Chanyeol felt a tap on his shoulder, looking up to meet Junmyeon’s gaze.


“You’re up in five minutes,” He said and Chanyeol nodded, grabbing his guitar case.


>Gotta go, be back when my performance is over.


He shoved his mobile into the front pocket of his guitar case, making his way back stage to get ready. At least the performances had slowly gotten easier the more shows he had at the bar over the past two months; thought that meant that the nervous buzz he felt in his stomach was from planning a date with ZiTao. When he finished playing and got back stage again he pulled his mobile back out, laughing at the ‘5’ notification next to the panda icon above ZiTao’s name.


>Good luck! Not that you need it

>The zoo’s open tomorrow at 8 in the morning

>But you’re weird and actually need sleep

>So how about ten?

>Or noon. That would probably work better.


Chanyeol slid the strap of his guitar case over his head so it was fascined to his back, giving a wave to Junmyeon before he exited the bar.


>Let’s meet halfway and plan for 11.



Chanyeol wasn’t sure why dressing for a date seemed harder than a job opportunity, but here he was singeing as the clock on the wall read 10:13 and he was standing in the middle of several piles of clothing, just as lost as when he had started. He grabbed his mobile, selecting Jongdae from his contests and holding the device to his ear. He was about to end the call when it was just ringing when there was a click followed by a groan.


“This better be good, it’s too early.”


“Says the guy who used to walk into my dorm at eight in the morning,” Chanyeol replied, feeling himself relax a little at the other’s voice. “I need help; I’m going on a date.”


“You do realize who you called, right? I don’t date.” Chanyeol rolled his eyes.


“Yeah, yeah. I need to know what to wear.”


“What did I just say? if I know, wear whatever you normally wear,” Jongdae grumbled and Chanyeol could hear a familiar mumbled voice in the background before, “Stop touching me, you’re gross. What is it with you and taking my mobile?!” Jongdae whined as his voice grew farther from the speaker.






“If you’re going out to eat, dress like you did for your first performance at the bar. Otherwise jeans and some t-shirt should be fine,” The older explained and Chanyeol nodded to himself.


“Thanks. Maybe I should start calling you for these things since Jongdae’s no help,” He teased. “Sorry if I woke you two up.”


“Don’t worry about it; you know he’ll always answer when you call.”



As Yifan had advised, Chanyeol was waiting outside the zoo entrance in a pair of worn jeans and a gray t-shirt, feeling underdressed when ZiTao showed up in a pair of black skinny jeans and a sleeveless vest with fur lining the hood. Chanyeol offered a smile in response to the other’s, that turned into a grip at the surprised look ZiTao gave him when he paid for them both, a blush dusting the blond’s cheeks when Chanyeol went as far as to hold the entrance door open for him.


They walked around the entire zoo twice, Chanyeol paying more attention to the smiles on ZiTao’s face than the animals he was smiling at, before ZiTao suggested going to the diner for lunch. They were starting for the exit when someone ran past them, knocking shoulders with ZiTao and the younger grabbed onto Chanyeol’s arm to catch himself from falling onto the ground.


ZiTao straightened once he had oriented himself again and started to pull his hands back when Chanyeol placed one of his own over ZiTao’s to keep them in place on his arm. ZiTao looked up from their hands and Chanyeol’s heart fluttered at the blush that was spreading down ZiTao’s neck. A few moments passed before ZiTao looked down, leading them from the zoo.



“Why are you so tired?” ZiTao asked, poking Chanyeol’s cheek with his fork as the black haired male way laying his head on his arms.


“I didn’t really sleep last night.”


“Were you screaming in your sleep again?” ZiTao asked, pulling his fork back. “You never did tell me that ‘long story’ behind that.” He added and Chanyeol sighed, keeping the explanation brief.



“So you scream in your sleep because of something that happened that you can’t remember? Am I understanding you correctly?” ZiTao asked and Chanyeol nodded.


“Basically. I’ve given up on figuring out what happened back then,” Chanyeol said, watching the other’s face for a moment. “You don’t seem… weirded out at all by that,” He pointed out and ZiTao shrugged.


“We all have our own . I’ve got my insomnia and you’ve got whatever the your screaming in the night is.” Chanyeol frowned a little.


“They have a name, they’re called night terrors.”


“Yeah, but that sounds like a horror movie title,” ZiTao replied with a playful wink that had Chanyeol shaking his head, sitting up as their food was served.


“You know… You can call me in the middle of the night… If you can’t sleep or you have a nightmare or terror and need someone to talk to,” ZiTao said, drawing Chanyeol’s attention to him. “We both know that I’ll be awake,” He said, taking a bite of his pancakes. Chanyeol stared at him for a moment before smiling as ZiTao peeked up at him from under his eyelashes.

“That means a lot, ZiTao.”

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Chapter 25: Awwwwwww it was sweet and heart wrenching <3 good work author-nim!
Amandaling #3
Chapter 4: Long since I read a chanyeol fuc tbh
Chapter 25: it's completed? aw I was hoping u'll continue the ahaha anyway, I'm glad everything turn out well for them~ thanks for this!
Chapter 25: *stares at the 'completed' continuously*

Oh gawd, it was naive of me to think this story would go on forever. Man, the feelings are warming up to me right now. Jongdae finally is starting to move forward along with Chanyeol. Zitao finally gonna get some d*** tonight and Baekhyun would rest in heaven. All's good, isn't it?
Chapter 24: Yeah, ZiTao's doing the right thing to get Chanyeol some help. It's nice of Tao to be considerate of Yeollie and try not to step over to quickly on . Jongdae most likely has his own reasons, and.. Junmyeon is a therapist? I thought he was just Zitao's manager, but I could be wrong. (him being the therapist)
Chapter 23: Holy . //lost at words//