Is That Even Possible?

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Is that even possible? We're not a lover. We're just best friend, but we share a lot of touch, desire, laugh, tears, compliments, and even kiss. We know we were in love with each other, but we don't want to having each other, cause sometimes it isn't enough.


So, hi! I'm new in here. This is my first fanfic. Before you read the story, I want you to know that the whole story was completely happened to me, yeah with some imagination too. Maybe you'll think this is impossible, but that's the truth. And sorry if there's a lot of grammar error because English isn't my mother tongue. Anyway, happy reading! : )


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Chapter 2: Please continue your story. Update authornim <3333
Chapter 1: I want you to continue your story author-nim. T.T it's awesome!!!
kriswife2014 #3
Sounds Good~~
yixingirl #4
Chapter 1: oh please update!!!! I can't wait!! author you're DAEBAK~