“Just try, and have a little patience” Patience – Take That.




Holy ! I finished high school! I'm sooooo happy! ^^ Next year: Laws school :O Now, that's amazing! :D 

And this chapter is... mindblowing! (At least for me)  BUT, please don't hate me ^^' 

Thank you all for reading and commenting! 

See you! :) 


The music blares in a crowded night club; and you could see almost all the boys and girls dancing in the big dance floor, having a really good time. The waitresses go and come with their tray full of shot’s and long glass with alcohol, swinging their hips to the beat of electronic music, as they serve their customers with a y and playful smile on their red lips. In one of the corner's tables you could see six guys, two in both of the sides and one in each end of the black table. They were laughing and talking, the night was just starting but by the way they laugh it seems like they were partying since Monday morning.  A few empty glasses were on the table till one waitress come and clean it, sensually smiling as she serves the new drinks.     

-¡Nichkhun! ¡That girl was totally flirting with you!- Chansung shouted from the other side when the girl left, smiling goofy like he always does.

-¡Yeah! ¡Yeah! ¡You may have something tonight, Khun!- Taecyeon add from his left, a playful smirk in his strong features.

-¿How old are you? ¿15?- Junsu sarcastically asked his boyfriend.

-Almost 19 like you, baby…- the big boy answer as he placed an arm around the smaller boy shoulders.

-¿Really? But your mind’s age it seems to be 15- the older boy joked, smiling quizzical.

-¿You know? A 15 year’s old boy could never think in the things I make to you, Junsu…- Taec comment in a sensual voice, looking straight in his boyfriends eyes.

And then Junsu blush slightly, turning his black panda eyes away from Taecyeon lustful ones.

-Hyungs… ¿may I ask? ¿Are you together?- Junho curios sweet voice reach their ears, as Junsu blush harder.

So the tall boy smirks, bending a little to kiss his boyfriend red cheek. –Of course, Junho-ah. Su is only mine.- he answer, a bit intimidating.

-¡Oh, that’s so cool!- the smaller boy said. –I wish I could have a boyfriend too…- he comment, looking covertly at Wooyoung by his side.

-¿So you like boys?- Taecyeon questioned, arching an eyebrow.

-I like one boy.- Junho answer confident, before he took a sip of his drink. -¿And you, Nichkhun-hyung? ¿Do you have someone you like?- he asked suddenly, looking at the Thai boy.

The brown haired boy just keep drinking, tasting the sweet taste of alcohol down his throat. He put the glass on the dark table, seeing all those pairs of eyes fixed in him, waiting for his answer… and a smirk appeared on his lips as he stare at those smalls eyes of Junho.

-Yeah, I have someone I like… in fact, is someone I love.- he said, confident as he never felt.

Junho’s eyes just wide a little as he heard those words, that were a clear declaration of war; but he just smile at the older boy, a sure response to his invitation. –Okay, hyung… that’s good.- he comment, sweetly fake.         

-¡Oh! ¡I love this song! ¡Wooyoungie, let’s go to dance!- so then the black haired boy stood up, yanking his friend.

-Junho… I-I don’t know…- Wooyoung shy voice echoed in Nichkhun’s head, and he just clenched his fists as he see how that boy is touching him.

-¡Come on, Wooyoungie! ¡Please!- the small boy whined, so adorable that Wooyoung doesn’t have the heart to say him ‘no’

-Okay…- he sigh standing up, and quickly Junho was dragging him to somewhere in the dance floor.

There were so many people, boys and girls dancing so tightly that if you move too much you can hit somebody… and in a club that’s not a good thing to happen. So Wooyoung thinks that it was a smart idea that Junho looked for a space near the wall to dance. There weren’t as many people as in the center of the dance floor; this was a place more intimate, maybe for talk even... But he can’t see Nichkhun from there, and that’s makes him feels somewhat sad. He likes to see his hyung face, he is so handsome and really nice too… now he understand why girls are heels over head for him and why everybody calls him ‘prince’… God, ¿why does he miss the tall boy now?  

-Wooyoung, ¿what are you thinking?- Junho whispered in his ear, making him shiver.

-N-nothing…- he answer, focusing his gaze in Junho’s eyes… ¿Was Wooyoung idea or the smaller boy was too close?

-You are lying…- Junho whispered again against his ear. –Tell me…- he said, though it sounded more like an order.

-I-It’s nothing…- he repeated, starting to feel nervous.

-So, ¿why are you not dancing?- the smaller eyes of Junho were staring at him, inquisitors.

-I-I’m shy… y-you know that…- Wooyoung replied, blinking uneasy.

-Yeah… and you know that you only have to close your eyes…- his friend remember him, a soft smile in his plump lips.

And so Wooyoung sigh, nodding ashamed because Junho was right. This wasn’t his first time dancing, so he knows what he should do to leave the shame aside. Hi closed his eyes slowly, just feeling the music through his body… and soon the rhythm caught him. Like if he was under some spell his hips began to sway, in soft and relaxed motions. His head moved slightly to the electronic beat of the song, and his upper body and arms start to move as well. Faster than he could ever imagined his entire body was dancing in fluid and natural movements. He don’t even make those moves, his body just follows the rhythm unconsciously… like if he born to do that.

But suddenly he feels something round, big and soft press against that sensitive part of his body and he gasps slightly at the nice friction. Those hips start to move, making the sensation even more pleasant, pressing hard against his crotch, almost pinning him into the wall. He suddenly feels so hot, too hot actually...and that hip rubbing against him didn’t help to cool him down. He feels how softly a head rests in his left shoulder, and then Junho’s scent fills his lungs.  Wooyoung’s eyes slowly start to open, a little dizzy because all those new sensations, and he could see his friend looking back at him… a rare twinkle in his dark eyes.

-¿J-Junho…?- he mumble, a touch of confusion and innocence in his voice.

-God… you are so cute and y, Wooyoung…- the younger boy whispered, but his friend was unable to hear it.

-¿W-what? Junho, I didn’t hear that…- Wooyoung hissed a little as the smaller boy rub against him again and again. –J-Junho… s-stop…- he said, narrowed his eyes at the pleasure he feels.

-¿Why? You seems to like it…- Junho whispered in his ear, making it bright red. –I can feel it…- he add, pressing his hip hard ones again.

-J-Junho…- Wooyoung moaned softly. –P-Please… stop… t-this isn’t… r-right…- he managed to say as his younger friend keep rubbing his sensitive low part.

-Mmm… Wooyoung… just trust me…- the smaller boy murmured in a seductively tone.

And Wooyoung just surrender, the alcohol start make him weaker and that nice and pleasant sensation is taken over his tired boy… he doesn’t have the strength to fight back and Junho is so persistent, then the only thing he could do is just wait till is over. Because although he kind of like what his friend is doing, he can’t help but feels that is wrong too. It’s not the fact that Junho is a man and also his best friend that he feels to… it’s the fact that is Junho and no someone else who is doing that to him. And for some unknown reason… he can’t stop thinking about Nichkhun. But thinking about his new friend, someone he barely knows, in this particular time is making him feels… confused. ¿But why doesn’t makes him feels that is wrong just like it happens with Junho?

His younger friend rub against him again harder and faster, as soft moans fill his ear, making him hotter. Wooyoung shuts his black eyes tightly, trying to concentrate in something else than Junho rubbing his against his crotch… but it was impossible if the smaller boy keep moving so fast and hard. He feel how his cheeks blush in a bright red, burning his white skin, and he just whished this ended quickly… but suddenly Junho stops, and Wooyoung couldn’t feel him against him anymore. He breathes heavily, trying to catch some air. But then he feels a soft hand caressing his red cheek, a nice touch giving him some peace. His tired eyes open slowly, seeing those sweet browns orbs in front of him.

-Wooyoung…- Nichkhun calls his name, and his heart skips a strong beat.

-¿N-Nichkhun...?- he mumble, feeling more embarrassed.

The older boy just smiles nicely, and without a word he took his hand and drags him genteelly through the entire club, ducking all the people who pass across their way. Wooyoung look the big and strong back of Nichkhun, wondering if he and the other boys watched what Junho and he were doing… he squeezed the Thai boy hand, as his heart ache with the idea of Nichkhun watching them in that situation. He can’t stand imagine those brown eyes looking him with disappointment or something worst… with disgust. Thinking that he mayhate him now, it’s so painful; it’s slowly breaking his heart and Wooyoung don’t even know why. Nichkhun it’s just a friend, ¿right? ¿So why hurts that much? He never felt like this, don’t even with Junho.  

The cold touch of the night air against his hot face wake him up, and so then he felt the hard wall behind him… besides, Nichkhun is standing in front of him, staring at him with a soft a sweet look in his brown eyes. But, ¿it’s not supposed that the tall boy has to look him with disgust?

-Wooyoung, ¿are you all right?- Nichkhun soft voice reach his ears, surprising him.

-Y-yes… I’m right now…- he mumble, turning his eyes away.

And the brown haired boy sighs. –Wooyoung, don’t lie.- he said in a serious tone.

-I-I’m not l-lying…- the younger boy replied, not credible at all.

-¿So you are taking me by an idiot?- he hissed, obviously angry.

-¡N-no! ¡O-of course not!- Wooyoung rush to say, as his eyes closed tight.

-So tell me… ¿what’s bother you?- Nichkhun asked, his soft tone back again.

But the small boy just keeps his eyes shuts, his head down, and his lips pursed without saying a single word. The seconds passed, and the Thai boy want an answer at that only question… and then he could go and kill a certain boy who dared to do that thing to his innocent Wooyoung.

He was about to call his unique name again when Wooyoung’s voice echoed in his head.

-I-I’m sorry…- he whispered. –I-I don’t want you to hate me, hyung…- he said, his voice a little broken.

-¿Why in Earth could I hate you, Wooyoung…?- he asked him genteelly.

-B-because… y-you saw… J-Junho and…- the small boy mumble, his voice even broken. –A-and I t-thought that I may d-disgust you… a-and you could h-hate me…- he told him, as his breathing became heavy.

He didn’t hear a word from Nichkhun for a while, and his heart ache even more… he hates him, he definitely hates him. He clenched his fists without much strength, he feels so weak now… like if had just lost something irreplaceable, something that he won’t find ever again. It truly hurts, more than a burn or a deep wound, more than any pain he ever felt… ¿But why?

“¿Who cares? He hates me now…” Wooyoung thought, stopping himself from crying.

But all at sudden strong arms surrounded him, hugging him tight. Nichkhun’s warm body was press against his and his fresh scent invading his lungs.

-I had pass all this 4 years wanting to talk to you, ¿and you think that I could hate you?- the tall boy asked him, a bit of sarcasm and angriness in his words.

The brown haired boy moves away a little, just a little to see clearly those black eyes that look at him with the cuter and puzzle expression in his adorable face. -¿And how could a be disgust by you when you are so cute?- he questioned, making him blush even more.

Wooyoung could hear his heart beats in his ears, making him feel dizzy. He can’t believe it, he doesn’t hate him. And Nichkhun words were… Nichkhun… ¿What did just said?

-¿Y-you had w-anted to talk to me a-all these years…?- Wooyoung asked him, innocent as always.

And the Thai boy smile, a little shy. –Yes… I did…- he answered in a low tone.

-¿W-why…?- he asked again, obviously nervous.

Nichkhun bit his lower lips softly,as he lowers a bit closer to him. -¿Do youreally… want to know?- he whispered, inches away from those pink and plump lips.

And Wooyoung just stare at the older boy’s mouth, feeling his heart beating like crazy screaming to kiss the taller boy.

-Yes…- he whispered, barely audible.

The brown haired boy could feel how his heart start to beat faster and harder inside him afterthat word… but what makes his heart beat so happily is Wooyoung’s sweet and anxious look, like if he was waiting to be kiss… like if Wooyoung were wanting to Nichkhun to kiss him. And the Thai boy barely can bear that strong desire of kiss those plumps and pink lips that seems to scream him to kiss them… but it doesn’t matter what he feels, or if the younger boy want it too; the night was too odd for Wooyoung and he don’t want to put another problem in his innocent mind.    

Nichkhun sigh mentally, clenching his fists as he just kiss sweetly one of those red, chubby cheeks and quickly moved away from the smaller boy.

-We should go to the parking spot… the boys may be waiting for us.- he comment, sliding his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

Wooyoung’seyes softly start to open, looking at him with a puzzle and kind of disappointing gaze in his lovely black orbs. He pursed his pink lips, swallowing slowly.

-O-okay…- he just mumble, as his cheeks blush even more… if it’s possible.

The tall boy turned his eyes off of his friend as he begins to walk, trying to ignore that burning sensation inside of him that beg for only kiss Wooyoung right there; living aside his good manners and just surrender to his wild side for this one time… but he can’t, he just love Wooyoung too much as for steal his first kiss in the middle of the street like if he was some easy girl. No, Nichkhun doesn’t have the heart to do that; no matter how strong is his desire and how happy makes him knowing that Wooyoung wants to kiss him too… he has to wait a little longer.

-¡Yo! ¡It was about time!- Taecyeon voice wake him up, as hi fix his brown eyes in the four boys leaning against Junsu’s red car.

Wooyoungie, I’m so sorry!- Junho shout, quickly hugging the boy beside Khun. –I was so into the music a-and the alcohol was controlling me…- he explained, ashamed and regretful. 

-I-it’s okay, Junho…- Wooyoung said in a soft tone, hugging his friend loosely.

Nichkhun just roll his eyes at the scene, obviously annoying… till his gaze find Junho’s mocking smirk, his small’s eyes looking back at him with quizzical glance.

-Thank you, Wooyoungie… you know that I could never do that to you, ¿don’t you?- he asked, falsely sweet.

-I-I know, Junho…- he answer, gently breaking the hug. –I’m tired… ¿can we go home?- he asked, looking at Junsu with pleading eyes.

-¡Awww! Sure, Wooyoung, I will take you home.- the older boy said, touched by that tired and a bit hurt look in the younger boy cutes orbs. –You will sit by mi side, Taec can sit back.- he told him, gently guiding him to the passenger seat.

-¡But! ¡Junsu!- Taecyeon whine to his boyfriend. -¡I want to sit beside you!- he pout.

-Wooyoung is tired, Taec. And I know you still can endure till 11 am, so you sit back.- Junsu hissed, sliming a little hard his car’s door as he get in.

The big boy just sighs annoying, getting in his boyfriend’s car along with Chansung, Nichkhun and Junho. It’ was really uncomfortable back there since he didn’t wanted to the Thai boy sit in his lap and they ended squeezed against each other, barely moving. But fortunately the streets were empty and quickly their reach Wooyoung’s house.

-We are here…- Junsu sweet voice echoed in the small car.

-Mmm… t-thank you, hyung…- the younger boy said, smiling softly at him.  

-¡Awww! ¡You are welcome, Wooyoung!- he comment, smiling back.

-Taecyeon hyung, Chansung-ah, good night…- he greeted them, and the two of them smiled at him. –N-Nichkhun… good night…- he said to him, a shy tone in his voice, as he quickly gets out.

-Good night, hyungs. Thank you for everything.- Junho said in a sweet tone. –See you, Chansung- he greeted at the maknae, as he gets out as well.

-Good night, Junho…- Chansung whispered lovely, looking through the window at the smaller boy.

But Nichkhun never heard anything of that, Wooyoung’s voice still was echoing in his head… it was something in his tone, something that he can’t decode. Yes, it was sweet and cute as always… but he feels a little, and maybe is his idea, a little of ¿sadness? ¿disappointment? But if that what was in Wooyoung’s voice, ¿why it was in it?... ¿It because he didn’t kiss him?

A sweet and lovely smile appears in Nichkhun’s lips as his eyes travel to the window, seeing the streets lights and the dark night… if Wooyoung knew how much he wants to kiss him, he never could use that sad tone again. 

“Soon Wooyoung…” he thought, imagining his adorable little boy smiling cutely. 

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It's been four years already since I've read it and still love it so much
I've read this story before and when I passed by its sequel, I thought I miss the very cute and innocent woo who always to please his khun hyung...so here I'm starting reading <3
Chapter 18: This ended sweetly ;___;. I love this couple and their characters so much !

I guess both too afraid of losing each other. Thats why took ages to convey each other's feeling.

But im happy it's happy ending fanfic ♥.♥ and fluffy romance is the best !
Chapter 5: Marathon reading for me cause once i read i cant stop ! I love this genre and plot. Wooyoungie is so cuteeeeee. I love his character and also gentle but funny plus clumsy nickhun. Ok ! Continue reading and will put another #not so important# comment again later hehehehe ... ^.^
With this story,I became more interessted on coldplay's songs and now i'm a big fan of them <3"! Absolutetly awesome and cute!!!
Chapter 18: i don't kniw what must i say. Your story always make me crazy. How can your imagination be the best imagination for your story. The best.
Author, i want to vote, but i don't know how. I don't understand about the choice.
Mitsumichi #7
Again a beautiful story!!! Thank you!!! ^^
this story is so sweet!!! I love the way you make Wooyoung is such an innocent one. I love the way love grow between these two... Thank u so much for writing this story... keep up the good work... :D
YeonYeon #9
this is the sweetest story i ever read !
I love shy wooyoung, he is cute (pinch wooyoung cheeks)

Thank you for shared this story

although this story already end, i will miss this so much

Good jobbbbbbbbbbbbb !