The First Letter

【新しい始まり】Atarashii Hajimari - Codex Texts & Scrolls
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[CONTENTID1]14th February 1943[/CONTENTID1]
[CONTENTID3]Happy 21st Birthday, our sweet little Princess!

Mama and Papa loves you so much. Never ever blame yourself for everything that happened 11 years ago, my sweet girl. It is not your fault. It was never your fault. It will never be your fault. There are people out there who want to hurt you because you're the sole heiress to the throne of our Kingdom.

The man who tore us apart is a friend of Papa. He did it because he wanted to protect us from everything. His foolishness sent him to betray us. Mama and Papa doesn't expect you to understand everything at this moment.

You are the brightest, most intelligent little sweetheart in the world. The truth will be revealed when the time comes for you to return home to your throne and to your beloved brothers.

Mama and Papa may not be around anymore to see you grow up, but we know that you're going to be a woman with a heart as pure as the driven snow that is as graceful as a swan, as pretty as a picture and as bright as a button.

We're always watching you from the Heavens and we'll guide you and love you and care for you no matter the choice you make. You, our dearest, sweetest little Princess, are the love of our lives. Mama and Papa will always love you.

Never forget that Mama and Papa will always and forever be in your heart.

We love you, Princess. Our sweet little Yana Valen

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Jenna: For those who don't know, this story updates about a couple days before the main one does as a form of a teaser for the upcoming chs. of AH:G ^^


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