
Rainy night
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The rain was pouring down and Taekwoon was confused. His eyes stared helplessly at the drenched man sitting a few meters away from him, but he made no move to reveal his presence. They were completely alone in the park at this late and cold night. Jaehwan had shut his eyes tightly, and had visibly clenched his fists just as hard, and Taekwoon was dumbfounded about what to do. Why is he still here? Taekwoon wondered, because he couldn't understand why the younger man still was waiting steadily in the freezing rain when Taekwoon was hours late. It hadn't been his fault, honestly. He had suddenly been rushed to a meeting which could not have waited, and Jaehwan was partly to blame since he had been the one who suddenly had demanded Taekwoon to meet him, without even waiting for an answer. Walking up to him, Taekwoon finally let the other know of his arrival by holding his umbrella over Jaehwan's shivering body. Two eyes slowly opened and glanced up at what had stopped the rain.

"Why are you still here?" Taekwoon asked and Jaehwan's eyes seemed to widen yet a bit more as he realized who was standing in front of his slumped body.

"Taekwoon..." He mumbled and Taekwoon couldn't help but wonder where the happily shining Jaehwan was. Something was wrong and he didn't know what had happened. Wet, stringy bangs were sticking to his forehead, casting a sad shadow on his eyes, and now that the rain no longer could reach him, Taekwoon realized that the sky wasn't the only one who was crying. "Why are you here...?" The question sounded so weird in Taekwoon's ears that he let out just the tiniest sound of a breathy chuckle.

"What do you mean? You told me to come."

"Yeah, but that was... I didn't think you'd come..." Jaehwan's eyes kept staring up at Taekwoon, as if not truly believing he was there in front of him.

"Yeah? I'm sorry I'm late. I had a meeting, and well, you can't expect me to be able to come running every time you decide to suddenly want to meet up." Taekwoon didn't mean to sound mean. It was meant to be a joke. They were supposed to have laughed about how silly he had been, but instead Jaehwan's tears seemed to flow faster and Taekwoon's encouraging smile quickly fell into a frown.

"I know." Jaehwan's voice broke and he hid his face on his knees, swinging his arms around his legs before pulling them closer to his body. "I know. That's why..." He sniffled and tightened his grip on his legs. "I made a bet with myself." Taekwoon stood still, holding out the umbrella over Jaehwan silently, ignoring how the rain reached his back in the process. Jaehwan was after all more precious than his own stupid back. "If you came then I would tell you, but if you didn't..." A whimper reached Taekwoon's ears and he swallowed, confused and worried. "I would give up." It was barely over a whisper, but he still heard it. Quiet sobs started shaking Jaehwan's frame and Taekwoon slowly kneeled down in front of the younger man.

"But I came, didn't I?" Taekwoon reached out his hand but stopped a few centimeters from Jaehwan's tensed arm. He stared at his own fingers, and wondered if he had done something wrong, because why else would Jaehwan cry? And then he became scared of reaching out the last way between them, of touching the man in front of him. So he cowardly pulled his hand back and looked down at the ground sadly, scared of what would happen. "So, since I'm here, you can tell me. Right?" He tried his best to ignore how his voice had shook on the last word, and he hoped Jaehwan hadn't noticed. "You can tell me anything. We're..." Taekwoon inhaled and closed his eyes, relieved that Jaehwan wasn't looking at him. "...friends. We're friends, so you can tell me a

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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 1: I freaked out at first... I read this after reading They were fine, and I almost though it was going to end sadly, but.... well, it's cliché to have a happy ending but I don't mind it one bit when it's so well written like this x3
eyesmilegyu #2
Chapter 1: Huhu that was so cute!
kaykaygirl #3
Chapter 1: After not reading a Keo fic in a while this was probably the best one to start off with. I absolutely loved it!:)
a-topp #4
Chapter 1: And then they both get sick next day... lol , joking

At first my heart really clenched by the sight of so vulnarable jeahwan. But when the situation turn out right, I felt so happy :)
Igus777 #5
Chapter 1: I loved it!! It was absolutely lovely♥
Chapter 1: omg i love this!!!
manatsu_ #7
Chapter 1: I LOVE IT , REALLY LOVE IT ..