☁ O3.

Saints Devine, Sinners Sanctify

" jiwon, stop "


" why should I? " jiwon turns to hanbin after he just made a guy act like a fool around a woman who slapped him just cause his face got too close to a certain part of her body.


Hanbin sighs then gestures over to the now angry woman who stormed off, leaving a guy who has a red hand print from impact of the slap he received on his face. Jiwon exchanges glances between the situation that just happened and hanbin.


jiwon just waves a hand. " pfft dont worry about it..im sure she didnt even have interest in that guy to begin with " 


" she may have had interest if you didnt make the guy fall foreward and faceplant into her s!- which btw..needed to be covered up more cause..that top..too small. " hanbin adds, shaking his head in disappointment.


" yeah I disagree with you there, bro " jiwon says before wandering off, leaving hanbin alone for a minute. 


Hanbin huffs and looks over at the man who got hurt by the woman sit alone on a bench looking upset while his hand was covering his red cheek. Hanbin felt bad for the guy cause he didnt even get a chance to impress the girl due to jiwons evilness ruining it. Hanbin glances over at jiwon walking away,probably proud that he had done yet another evil deed. Once again, he shakes his head then comes up with an idea. He thought he could fix this by finding another woman who can go over and cheer the guy up and hopefully have both of them catch interest with one another. Hanbin snaps his fingers then taps his chin as he searches for a girl. 


Once found, he uses his good angel powers to- almost magically- have the girl he spotted notice the lonely man on the bench and hurry over to check on him. Minutes after, hanbin smiles at the new sight hes seeing which is the man who was lonely just a while ago laugh along to some jokes with the pretty and even nicer lady that appeared out of nowhere in front of him. 


" another job well done, hanbin " hanbin says, congratulating himself on not leaving the situation jiwon caused in a bad spot. " Now to find jiwon.. " 


Walking around the park that both he and jiwon stumbled upon, hanbin uses the good vision he has to try and spot jiwon. He prays that he finds him quick just before jiwon does something else cause for all that the younger knows he doesnt even want to imagine what the sly devil might do next. Most people if they were searching for someone would call out their name but instead of calling out for the other male, hanbin stays quiet, only using his ears and eyes to search the demon out. Ears to catch any screams of whether it be of pain or terror due to jiwon and eyes to spot a situation that may be jiwons doing.


" let me go, goddamnit!! " a familiar voice yells out.


Hanbin turns around at the source of the voice and sees jiwon struggling to get out of the hold of a fellow angel that hanbin knows. 


" jinhwan hyung? " hanbin smiles, approaching the two.


" hey hanbin, oh I believe you were looking for him? " the other angel known as jinhwan asks as he slightly glares at jiwon who is throwing back an obviously angry glare at the other angel.


Hanbin chuckles seeing the two. " yeah, I was, thanks for bringing him back to me. " 


" hey dont mention it " jinhwan says, roughly letting go of jiwon and shoving him towards hanbin, brushing off his hands on his white jeans after.


" dont touch me again, you saint! " jiwon hisses at jinhwan, wanting to attack the boy any minute now.


" I wouldnt have touched you if you didnt cause a minor car accident back there, you devil! " jinhwan shouts, him being as angry as jiwon and is trying to keep control of his actions at this moment so he doesnt go and launch himself at the troublemaker. 


As for Hanbin, the youngest of the 3 is getting annoyed by the two hyungs bickering. To put a stop to it he steps in between them and places one hand on jiwons chest while the other was on jinhwans, just to make sure they kept their distance. 


" yah, guys, chill~ jinhwan hyung, find your happy place. " the youngest tells the older angel who then closes his eyes for a few mins and slows down his breathing to calm down. " and you, shut up " he tells jiwon who gives him a wanna die look. 


Hanbin isnt scared by it cause he knows jiwon will cool down soon. For him being a demon, jiwon doesnt stay mad for a long time which is kinda a good thing to hanbin cause a mad jiwon could mean badder actions from him.  


Considering that yunhyeong doesnt like demons, hanbin knows that jinhwans hate for them is a lot worse than his. This being only cause one of jinhwans used to be friends named Donghyuk became one after he died. Hanbin for a min gets lost in his thoughts thinking back to the exact story that jinhwan told him.


- backstory - 


Donghyuk and Jinhwan were close with each other back in the day. They always hung out after school and either played video games at home, studied, or went to a wide open field to play a sport of some kind. That friendship eventually ended after Donghyuk started hitting on Jinhwans high school girlfriend, Soohyun. And if there was one thing that Jinhwan hated, it would be his friend hitting on his girl. 


" true friends dont do that " jinhwan tells donghyuk one day as they hung out by the school gates after school.


Donghyuk just rolled his eyes, leaning his body against the brick wall beside him, basically not caring so much on what jinhwan said. 


" well I cant help it, hyung, soohyun is pretty "


" doesnt matter! Thats my girl and you have no right to be flirting with her! " jinhwan, now enraged, says. His hands balled into fists not cause he doesnt want to hit his friend but cause hes just so mad thay he cant help but form his hands into 2 fists of anger who do want to punch the kid.


Again, Donghyuk rolls his eyes and turns his back on Jinhwan, already starting to walk away from him. " whatever, jinhwan..whatever. " 


Jinhwan takes a deep breath before shouting out at his friend who he doesnt even know if he should still call him a friend at this point in time. 


" I thought you were better than that, Donghyuk! You jerk!... I thought you were better than that.. and now you have commited a sin that I hope takes you to hell." he whispers the last part before sighing and storming his way home. 


Little did Jinhwan know that Donghyuk passed away a few days later by a drunk driver recklessly driving on the road, hitting Donghyuk in the process as he crossed the street. When jinhwan found out he felt bad but at the same time he knew that this way karmas play. Jinhwan once heard something about karma, he heard that if you do good things that good things will happen to you and if you do bad things then bad things will happen to you. This just happened to be the bad part about karma that came into Donghyuks life. 


- end of backstory -


Jinhwan could have forgiven the boy too when they were both alive but he didnt cause he had a mix of emotions, not knowing what to think, say or do back then. Deep down inside he still wants to apologize to his " friend " but the afterlifes regulations are no angel and demon are allowed to visit each others universes, especially for the angels,that is forbidden and one of the golden rules at that. If jinhwan had it his way he would visit Donghyuk. Hanbin knows for sure that he would cause fortunately hes the only one who knows about jinhwans story with donghyuk. Truth be told that Jinhwan doesnt share any of his stories with just anyone. Hanbin is an exception though cause he trusts him. He may be a newcomer but he has gotten close with the boy in such a short time period. To him, hanbin is like a 2nd donghyuk, only a better version of him and since hes an angel he could tell that he would be a true friend unlike the last.


Hanbin got too lost in his thoughts that the next thing he knew he saw jiwon and jinhwan fighting- more like wrestling to him- on the ground. He quickly gets down and pulls the two away from each other. Hanbin has them both stand up while he holds them both by their collars of thier shirts. He looks at the two whos eyes are both filled with rage, having a sense that they arent done with each other yet. 


Hanbin can only sigh. 

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definitelynotcindy #1
Chapter 8: More please, author-nim! :)
pururunka #2
Chapter 8: Jiwon death next plss (2)
Chapter 8: Jiwons death next plss
Chapter 8: Omg WELCOME BACK!!! I missed this fic it's so cute and interesting, now I'm really curious about how jiwon died and what went wrong in his life. Thank you for the update
Chapter 8: It's so cuteee. Can you please update sooner? :D
VixxKeo6988 #6
Chapter 7: Super adorable!!! I loved it!!! Can't wait till the next update:D!!!
idk_anymore #7
Chapter 7: Omg they're so cute asdfgghjk ;u;
Nadine10 #8
Chapter 7: Aww... It's so sweet.
Nadine10 #9
Chapter 5: Nice update author nim.!! Their interactions are so cute. ^^