Part 61 Forgiven

Monday Couple Love Story
As Ji Hyo finished telling Gary exactly what had happened, Ji Hyo's eyes had started to water.
A tear fell down Ji Hyo's face as she quickly wiped it with her eye and said,"Gary, I'm sorry. I was stupid and I didn't know."
Gary said,"I'm sorry too, 5 years ago, if, we didn't do it. You wouldn't have been upset an you wouldn't have been in an accident either. We were immature and I put you through too much not thinking of the consequences. I'm sorry, Ji Hyo."
Ji Hyo said as another tear went down her face,"Oppa, don't say sorry. Who knows? If that day never happened, I may not have met you again. Even if we did meet, there might not have been time where we would both forgave each other for our wrongs. Even so, although we will get hurt, we will still get through this together right?"
Gary nodded as he wiped the tear falling down her face saying,"Yes, even though our first baby may not be here, we can still make another one."
Ji Hyo said,"Gary oppa, I.....I'm sorry, I know even though I say these words, the baby that I killed won't come back. I will never forget this guilt and I won't blame you either if this comes out to the public or if you leave me because of this. I deserve it, just hit me and leave, it will make me feel more comfortable."
Gary looked at Ji Hyo as a tear went down his face and said,"Ji Hyo ahhh, you don't deserve to be hurt. It was me, my fault. Why are you putting it under your fault? I love you still and even if this goes out into the public, I will never regret the love that I give to you. Ji Hyo, I'm sorry, I did wrong, please forgive me."
Ji Hyo stared at Gary and said,"Gary, please, just punish me, don't be hurt because of me. I didn't want this to be known as I didn't want you to be like this being sorry and wanting me to forgive you."
Gary said wiping his tears,"Ji Hyo, I love you, if you love me too, then lets forgive each other and stop crying. It won't solve our situation and this was in the past. I forgive you, lets start again."
Ji Hyo nodded and said wiping her tears,"Gary, I love you too, I forgive you too."
Gary said,"Ji Hyo ahhh, promise me one thing."
Ji Hyo said,"What?"
Gary said,"If something bad happens or if someone threatens you, please don't run away."
Ji Hyo said,"I won't run away, you?"
Gary shook his head sideways as he said,"Ji Hyo, sleep with me tonight."
Ji Hyo smiled as Gary pulled the duvet to let Ji Hyo in.
Ji Hyo shuffled inside as she looked at Gary with her red and puffy eyes.
Gary said,"Ji Hyo, I......missed you a lot."
Ji Hyo said,"Me too. Oppa, please stay by my side. Although Ji Young is in our way, nothing will change right?"
Gary nodded and said,"But, Ji Hyo, can you wait for me? You know that Ji Young suffered a bit and I need to do something about it."
Ji Hyo said,"I understand."
After that, Gary wrapped his arms around Ji Hyo's waist as his head rested on her shoulder as they both fell asleep.
It was the next morning as Jae Suk went to visit Song Ji Hyo and Kang Gary as he had some schedule in the afternoon.
He had brought some breakfast and when he met the doctor, he was surprised that Gary had woken up.
He walked towards the hospital room as he tiptoed across the room.
He saw that Ji Hyo's bed was empty but as he walked closer he smiled seeing Gary and Ji Hyo together in bed.
He knew that they had gotten back together and was happy for them.
He put down the breakfast on the table and said,"You two, it's time to wake up."
Gary turned around as Ji Hyo opened her eyes squinting from the brightness.
Ji Hyo saw Jae Suk waving as she sat up seeing that Gary was next to her.
Ji Hyo blushed and whispered,"Oppa, you're here early, lets go over there."
Jae Suk helped Ji Hyo over to the sofa while he said,"Congratulations."
Ji Hyo said blank,"About what?"
Jae Suk said,"You two getting back together, have you sorted things out?"
Ji Hyo nodded and said,"Oppa, thank you. If you didn't tell Gary about what had happened 5 years ago, we might not have gotten back together."
Jae Suk said as he saw Ji Hyo's smile faded a little,"Ji Hyo ahhh, is there still something bothering you?"
Ji Hyo said,"Am I that noticeable?"
Jae Suk nodded as she said,"I'm worried about Ji Young. She might do something unexpected, Gary said that he had to sort things out with her and pay back how she suffered for him."
Jae Suk said,"I see, Ji Young will probably do something but even so, me and the other running man members will definitely help you. At least you two know that you both love each other, lets eat."
Ji Hyo and Jae Suk started to eat as Ji Hyo said,"Why are you here so early?"
Jae Suk said,"I have schedule in the afternoon so I thought I should visit you two earlier. I shouldn't have budged in. You two could have slept some more spending time with each other."
Ji Hyo said,"Oppa, it's ok, you're embarrassing me."
Jae Suk smiled and said,"Lets hope that you two will be happy from now on.
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mariafransiska #1
Chapter 70: Your story is amazing!!! OHMYGOD I couldn't think if monday couple being like your storyy!! It's amazing thankyou! I like that
nikki90 #2
Chapter 70: Such a long story but it worth to read! Thanks authormin for your hardwork! Keep writing about uri monday couple ya!!
just published? and already end? wow O_O daebak