BG21 Graphic Shop| Request available!!!



i'm opening my very first graphic shop in here. and i'll happily accept your request(s). and i've done nothing with my job. now i'm making my poster and samples.

if you're interested, please read ↓

first, please fill this form(DM me):
-story title :
-username(s) :
-colors that you want :
-object or something which is important (e.g piano,keys,etc) :
-genre/mood/theme :
-main characters :
-quotes  :
-how the story goes/summary :
-email :

and.. please follow this rules:
1. subscribe and please don't unsuscribe. unless you aren't satisfied with the poster

2.please promote me in your story.

3. please give credit to the poster

4. you have to use it minimal 3 weeks 

5. please be patient. and wait.

-if you want to change the poster (colors,effect only), you could ask me and i'll happily change it for you :D
it will done in 1-2 weeks (depends with my schedule) is that okay? 

that's all. thxx :D 

-im sorry for the grammatical errors >< -



please DM me if anything is wrong.


thx :)



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hi are you still open?