Fat in the water


Steve jabs chuckled, then said, "U p00r soul u" with improper spelling and everyth!ng :O

"I don know who u are! but halp me!" Luhan screamed out of breath and trying to git back up on his feet!

Steve jabs squatted down, "U p00r thing u, Jessi, we n33d to halp him!" Then Steve pick Luhan up and flipped him over his shoulder. "We must git him to safety!"

"When did you start talking normal?" Jessi asked.

Steve smirked, "Us rich men can d.o whatever we want!"

Jessi, put her hands up to her face and gasped. "No way!"

"Yes way."

Then Steve flew off with Luhan and got him to a nearby hospital, where Luhan was explaining how he was attacked by superman. "He flew out of nowhere and attacked me and like flexed his muscle and the world just caved in on itself!"

Jessi put her hand up to , "My goodness!" She exclaimed.

"Hmmm.." Steve jabs said while his chin, "Looks like we need the help of the fat in the water!"

"NO!" Jessi exclaimed as he fell down to the floor, fainted.

Luhan had know idea on what to say, almost no one could control the fat in the water! How could Steve control it?


Stay tuned to find out what happens next! :O

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Ogre11 #1
Chapter 2: Goodness! Amzing story!
Ogre11 #2
Chapter 1: Steve is everywhere LOL nice story!