

As you watched him walk away with her, you could feel the cracking of your own heart.

You never were good enough for him. You never were.

The whole canteen was filled with noise. People were laughing, cheering, silently chatting with their friends, busy with their own activities.

However, you were in your own world. The noise around you drowned out as you silently gazed at him. He was perfect in every way. He had the nicest smile, the most satisfying laughter and the kindest heart. He was the most handsome guy in class. You were nothing compared to him, yet, he accepted you for who you are. You couldn't remember how you had gotten so lucky but you were, because you had him. As a friend.

He never did talk much yet he always listened. Listened to you as you gossiped with the other members of your clique about the silliest of stuff. He laughed whenever you for being so quiet. He drew you in with that smile, those eyes, each passing day. 

Her. She was just so gorgeous. Hands down, the most beautiful girl in class. No matter how hard you try, you would never be on the same level as her. She was kind, lovable, funny and so humble. She was your best friend. 

In the clique, they were the power couple. They were not a couple but they just looked so compatible next to each other. Outside, you were laughing along with your other friends. But inside, you were silently breaking. Why couldn't you be more like her? If you were gone, would they be talking about how different you looked compared to them? If you left, would they be more happy? Were you just an extra? Did you even matter?

He laughed. As you watched those eyes of his crinkle up into crescent moons, your hands slowly formed fists as you laughed along, wondering why you couldn't look more like the rest of them. Why couldn't you be beautiful too? Why did you have to be such a potato compared to the rest of them?

Out of nowhere, you could feel someone patting your back. You turned to look and saw that your other best friend was silently patting you on the back while he and she were busy conversing with each other.

He gave you a sympathetic smile, trying hard to show that he would always be there for you. You managed a small smile at him. It was starting to hurt to smile.

The other two didn't even notice the small interaction between you two as they were busy laughing at their own inside joke. Perhaps, were they laughing at you? 

You felt even more insecure when you saw that he had silently glanced at you while she was talking. Was he hinting for you to leave? Were they talking about you? 

You felt so ashamed of yourself. 

Suddenly, she stood up, announcing it was time for her to get back home. He stood up along with her and you felt your heart crack again for the millionth time that day. 

"I'm gonna go too alright? Bye."

You felt happy with the few words he uttered to you but it was quickly replaced with disappointment when you realized they would be heading back together. You couldn't even reply him, worried that you might just break down in front of him. He would definitely be freaked out if that ever happened. You managed a meek smile at him and that was enough for him. When would he realize the fake smiles you regularly gave him?

The image of the two of them walking away together was so magical you felt like you died there and then. Why couldn't you be the picture perfect girl for him? You couldn't even be angry at her, in fact you were happy it was her. If it was someone else, you might have been even more destroyed. If she was the one, it would be better for him. She was too good. Better than you. 

You could feel your other best friend's eyes on you. 

"I'm fine."

Even you felt like a complete fool for saying that when everybody else could see how hard the situation was for you. You were definitely not fine. But, you had to be. He looked at you sympathetically. And again, you managed a small smile at him, trying to reassure him although it was futile. 

Although you knew you had to move on, it was just so hard. You fell too deep, how would you ever climb back out again?

Yet, you were always so clear about reality.

You were never good enough for him. Never good enough.







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it was so good that it hurt. good job! :D