008. Mr. Rich Wu

Hey Mr. Gangster!

“Eunsul ah, are you really did pregnant?” Mrs. Park asked as Eunsul sat down on one of the chairs inside the meeting room. The parents committee of the kindergarten had decided to hold a meeting regarding her pregnancy issue as Mrs. Baek Inha, the mother of Baek Rayul who is one of the students there told them that it is a serious matter that had to be discussed with the presence of the other parents.

Eunsul lowered her head, trying to find any words to explain towards her employer about the real situation. She wanted to lie towards her, but she just can’t!

“There’s no need to ask Mrs. Park.” Mrs. Baek spoke sarcastically, making the said girl looked at her in confusion. Mrs. Baek looked at her in pure disgust. “My nephew had said to me that she visited his clinic about three days ago. And he also told me that she’s pregnant! Why bother to ask her again?!” The middle aged lady spoke, her voice raising as she continued her words.

Eunsul her lips. “But I-“

“But what? Are you trying to say that my nephew is lying?” Mrs. Baek sneered. “My nephew is a very honest and great doctor, he will never lie!” She continued, crossing her arms confidently as she was speaking.

“No, I didn’t say that!” Eunsul tried to defend herself. She tried to stop the tears that were begging to fell down from her eyes.

“Then, you did admit it that you are pregnant?” Another voice added, making her speechless.

Mrs. Park sighed heavily as the other parents nodded their head upon hearing her words. She did really want to help and defend the poor girl, but she can’t. Why? Because all of the parents were here, even though this kindergarten is hers, her power is small to be compared with all of the members of parents’ committee.

“We should fire her.” Someone said, making Eunsul looked at Mrs. Park immediately.

“No Mrs. Park, you can’t fire me! I need this job to support my livings!” Eunsul spoke; tears were rolling down her pink cheeks. She wiped them harshly before turning her head towards Mrs. Baek. “Yes! I admit it that I am pregnant! But please I need this job to continue living. Just please... I need this job.” She pleaded, looking at the woman straight in her eyes, hoping that she would have just a bit mercy on her.

“We didn’t want someone unmoral to teach our kids!” Someone yelled and Mrs. Baek just shrugged at Eunsul.

“Eunsul...” Mrs. Park called her and the said girl turned her head towards her direction. “Just go and pack your things...” She decided sadly, not daring to stare straight on the girl’s eyes. Honestly, she didn’t want to fire her since she’s the only teacher here. Plus, she also believed that she is a kind girl. But, the decision is not in her hand.

Eunsul sobbed before clearing . She stood up from the seat, watching the dirty stares that some of the parents gave her. She slowly walked out from the meeting room, moving her legs towards her room. Eunsul turned the doorknob of her room. She glanced on her surrounding and walked towards her desk. A picture of her and her students was placed nicely on the corner of her table and her heart clenched as she stared at it.

“Eunsul ah, I am so sorry.” Mrs. Park’s voice echoed through the room as the girl busied stuffing her belongings into a brown box. Eunsul paused her works as she turned her head towards her ex-employer. She smiled sadly towards her, shaking her heads as a sign that she was okay. But the question is, is she really okay?

“It’s not your fault Mrs. Park.” She replied, wiping the tears that were falling down from her eyes. Mrs. Park walked closer towards her. The woman stood beside her and patted the girl’s back soothingly. “I promise you that I will persuade the committee to hire you back. I promise you Eunsul.” Mrs. Park promised even though she knew that it’s hard to do such thing.

Eunsul took the box’s lid and closed the box. “It’s okay Mrs. Park. Plus, I don’t think that I can work properly with this situation.” Eunsul spoke. She watched as the latter opened to say something but she closed it back in hesitation.

“Yes I am pregnant Mrs. Park.” Eunsul admitted, making Mrs. Park sighed heavily.

“I don’t know whether I should congratulate you or what. But still Eunsul ah, please do take care of that baby of yours.” Mrs. Park advised her. “Even though how hard it is to raise the unborn little baby, believe me that children will make our life even more blissful.” She ended her words.

Eunsul just smiled at her. She hugged her tightly, didn’t really believe the fact that she is going to leave her after 2 years of working with her. Eunsul still can remember the first time she stepped her feet into the kindergarten. It is one of the happiest moments for her and it will always be.

“I’ll go first Mrs. Park.” Eunsul spoke before breaking the hug and walked out from the kindergarten. She stepped towards the bus station near the kindergarten while carrying the box along with her.

Eunsul sighed as thousands of blissful memories regarding the kindergarten came across her mind like a flood. She put the box on the seat in the station before sitting down to think. Yes she was thinking about what should she do next? Should she find another job? But who will hire a pregnant woman like her to work with them? Eunsul eyes suddenly widen as she realised that she didn’t know which bus should she took to go to Kris’s house. While silently praying, she took out her phone and scroll on her contact list.

‘Kris Appa’

She smiled as she remembered that Kris had told her yesterday that he will saved his number on her phone and instantly thank him inside her heart for doing that. But still, did he really have to write ‘Kris Appa’ for his contact name. While rolling her eyes, Eunsul quickly slide the call button to call the said guy.

Eunsul her lips as she was waiting for him to pick the call up. “Hello.” Eunsul greeted as Kris picked up the call. “Kris, can you pick me up at the kindergarten since I don’t know which bus to take to come home?” She continued, not minding to hear the guy greeted her or not.

“I thought that school ends on 1 in the evening. It’s only 10.30 Eunsul. Why? Are you sick?” Kris replied from the other line. Eunsul chuckled slightly, trying to hide her sadness and misery. “I just don’t feel like working. Can you just pick me up please?” She spoke, closing with her palm as she felt like sobbing.

Kris replied, telling her to wait for him for 5 minutes since he was in his company. Eunsul just nodded her head even though he can’t see her. She ended the call and rubbed her temples as headache and stomach-ache started to kick her system. Eunsul took few deep breathes to calm herself down.

After around five minutes, Kris red Audi stopped right in front of the bus station. Eunsul looked up and quickly picked up her box. Kris furrowed his eyebrows questioningly as he saw the girl was lifting up a box and put it on the backseat of the car.

“What’s that?” He asked as the girl closed the door and put on her seatbelt. Eunsul briefly looked at him and blinked her eyes. “Oh? That? Nothing.” She replied, holding onto the seatbelt tightly, hoping that Kris would let the box issue passed.

“That was more than nothing Eunsul. Just tell me what’s actually had happened?” Kris asked again, urging the girl to be honest and tell him what had happened to her until she had to bring a box home. Eunsul her lips, she suddenly felt hot because of his questions.

“I’ve told you, it’s nothing.” She muttered and turned her face to look at the vista outside. She decided to not telling him the truth. It’s not his problem at all. Why did he was so eager to know everything about her life? They are nothing.

“Why are you so grumpy?” Kris finally asked, choosing to talk to the latter instead of driving the car and bring her home.

“I said nothing Kris.”

“Nothing until you had to bring a box home?”

“Why are you so busybody? Just drive.”

“I’m not going to drive until you tell me the reason why you behave like this.” Kris crossed his arms on his chest while giving her a pointy looks, urging her to tell him the truth.

Eunsul clenched her fist. “I got fired! Satisfied?!” She slightly yelled at him.

She turned her whole body towards him, watching the shock expressions of him. “I got fired because of you! You make me pregnant and they didn’t want some unmoral lady to teach their children!” Eunsul spoke without even thinking that her words were like bullets that passed through Kris’s heart.

Eunsul sighed before burying her face on her palms, sobbing loudly. She felt like accusing him due to her loss of job, but she knew that it’s not his entire fault. Kris watched as the girl kept crying her eyes out. He slowly unbuckled his seatbelt and scooted closer towards her. He wrapped his arms around her and soothed her back, whispering that everything will be fine.

Unexpectedly, Eunsul replied his hug, wrapping her arms around his waist, sobbing into his chest. “I don’t want to get pregnant Kris...” She cried out, making Kris sighed loudly.

“I am so sorry Eunsul ah.” Kris replied, still patting her back. “It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I should’ve gone to the other clinic for the test.” She sobbed, clenching her hands on the hem of his shirt.

Kris broke the hug before palming her face, cupping her cheek softly with his large palm. “Hey, hey, don’t say something like that. It’s not your fault okay?” He spoke to her softly. His finger moved to wipe the falling tears on her face. “It’s okay, you have me. Don’t worry too much about working. Now smile little princess.” He told her, asking her to smile because it pained him seeing her cry like that.

Eunsul tried to smile but failed miserably. Kris shook his head before breaking the hug completely. He buckled back his seatbelt and turned his head towards Eunsul who was busy wiping her tears using tissues. “Do you want to eat something delicious?” He asked her, Eunsul just nodded her head as she realised that she didn’t even ate since the morning.

Kris smiled at her before turning on the engine and began to drive away from the kindergarten, desperately hoping that she will forget about all the painful memories regarding the place.

Eunsul watched as the blonde focused on his driving. She suddenly regretted all of the words that she just spat towards him. While biting her lips, Eunsul opened to say something. “I am sorry.” She apologised, making the blonde turned his head slightly towards her.

“For what?” Kris asked her. Eunsul puffed her cheek, trying hard to be honest with him. “For what I said just now.” She admitted her wrong but Kris just chuckled at her. “It’s not really a big thing. But because you are so eager in apologising, I will forgive you but with a tiny condition.” He told her, still focusing on his driving. He turned his car towards the right and grinned as he can saw KW Prime’s building just a kilometre away from them.

“What condition?” Eunsul asked him. She confusedly stared at him as he point his finger on his right cheek. “What?” Eunsul questioned him again as she really can’t decipher what is he trying to tell her.

Kris his lips as he parked his car right in front of his company building. He turned to look at the girl and grinned mischievously. “Kiss me.” He uttered those two words. “Right here.” He added, making the girl narrowed her eyes at him.

“Yah!” Eunsul yelled at him while slapping his arms. Kris laugh echoed inside the car and it became even louder when he realised that she was blushing.

“Aww, it’s just a kiss on the cheek.” Kris pouted as he turned his head towards the girl. He moved his face closer towards her and turned his cheek towards her. “Come on. Kiss me.” He spoke.

Eunsul glared at him and pushed his face away from her. She unbuckled her seatbelt and looked at her surroundings. “Umm Kris, where are we?” She asked him, without even turning her head from the building in front of them.

Kris unbuckled his seatbelt. “My company.” He replied her. Eunsul eyes widen. “You are the CEO of KW Prime?!” She asked him in pure shock. Kris blinked his eyes repeatedly due to her sudden yelling.

“Yeah, KW... Kris Wu... So yeah...” He replied; making Eunsul cupped her own face in shock. “You are the CEO of KW Prime?!You are one of the richest hotel owners in Korea? Like seriously Kris?” Eunsul asked him in pure, pure shock.

Kris shrugged his shoulder before exiting his car. He walked towards the passenger door and opened it for her. Kris chuckled as the girl kept frozen on her seat, not really believing that the father of his baby is really, really rich!

“Are you going to stay here until night?” He asked her, smiling as he extended his hand for her. Eunsul took his hand hesitantly and exited the car. Both of them walked into the building and Eunsul slightly gaped on how big it was and how classy the interior design is.

“Why don’t you tell me that you are rich?” She asked him as both of them waited for the elevator to come down. Kris bit his lips, pretending like he was thinking about something. “Because it was no fun.” He replied and waited for her to walk into the elevator.

Kris pressed the 3rd floor button and leaned his back on the elevator’s wall. “Where are you taking me Mr. Rich Wu?” Eunsul spoke, teasing the said guy. Kris glared at her playfully but ended up laughing together.

“To the cafeteria.” Kris replied her question.

“What? The delicious food that you are talking about is in the cafeteria?”

“Yes, I suddenly carved for the cafeteria’s fried rice.” Kris spoke and Eunsul looked at him weirdly. The elevator door dinged open and both of them walked out of it. Eunsul looked at their entwined hands, slightly hoping that this happiness will last longer.


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gogogirl26 #1
Chapter 13: This story really good i really how u write it hope u will continue this story^^
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 13: Aw where's the next button :s
Please update soon . i hope you still want to continue this story .
parrot #4
Chapter 13: Please update soon...I really really love this story. And I waiting for update almost 2 years...
Chapter 13: oh noo
MinDanbi #6
Chapter 13: In love with this story.Please update ><
Chapter 13: Update soon please