006. Awkward

Hey Mr. Gangster!

“Why can’t you be more careful?” Kris hissed as he gathered all six of his workers or as known as his friends inside the meeting room. He felt slight furious due to the fact that Kim Woobin, the one he despised the most managed to gather so many information about his illegal business.

Xiumin sighed as he looked at the angry guy. He raised his right hand, asking for the blonde permission to voice out his opinion. Five pairs of eyes pierced through him; four of them looked at him with bewilderment while the other one looked at him with a challenging stare.

“Kris, I think it’s the time for us to stop this, all of this.” Xiumin words make everyone stopped their movement. The other five guys just stared at him, looking utterly puzzled. Kris leaned on his chair, not knowing what else to say.

“The hotel branch is more than enough to support our livings. I don’t think that killing people will bring any goods towards us. Plus, the police are getting suspicious about us; don’t you feel scared with the fact that we might end up being caught?” Xiumin ended his words, feeling very responsible towards his friend’s safety and future since he is the oldest one in their group.

Kris stared at his friend. “Yes, it can support our livings, but what about the other? Can they continue their life if we fire them?” Kris uttered, challenging the eldest to answer him. He did really want to stop all of this, but he also had to think of the other people – it is his responsibility after all.

Yixing stared at the duo; his mind is trying to think of a new idea – a new idea that can stop all of this. He totally agreed with Xiumin’s words to stop all of this actually. “We can just give them other job actually.” Yixing mused.

“Did you really think that they want it Zhang Yixing? They are e for goodness sake! What job should we give them? Cleaner? Waiter? Waitress?” Kris slightly yelled, feeling the stress is slowly eating him. He stood up from his chair, standing up to ease his anger.

“Our business is not illegal! We didn’t force them to work with us! Hell, we didn’t even force them to be e! They came to us.” Kris exploded, hissing every time he muttered those words which are the truth for him.

“All that they want is money! We just give them the simplest way to earn it. Why? Am I wrong?”

Five pairs of eyes just stared at his sudden outburst. It’s not really a rare thing to see him act like this, but this time they thought that he goes a little bit overboard. Chen, the troll decided to calm his friend down. “We know that fact hyung, but I seriously can’t handle the fact that we have to kill people anymore.” Chen sighed as he recall those moments when he had to kill someone who mess with them.

The businesses they are running are not the simple one. Xiumin is right; they are running an illegal business. They had three branch of hotel – that’s what people think, but, behind those hotels, they run another type of business which is ion service.

Kris raked his fingers through his blonde hair, feeling very, very stressful. “We had stopped killing right?!” He growled, looking straight on Chen’s eyes, answering his words just now.

Chen sighed; he bit his lips before muttering. “No hyung, you killed someone last week.”

“He was messing up with us!” Kris suddenly yelled, throwing the red folder in front of him towards the floor. “He was ing messing up with us! Our ing territory!”

Luhan stood up from his seat before walking towards the tall blonde. He took a deep breath, patting the blonde’s back. “All of you, out.” He command, making the other four guys moved, scattering out from the meeting room.

Kris breathed in and out heavily. He felt hot. No, he is hot and he doesn’t really know why.

“Calm down Kris.” Luhan whispered as he continued patting the guy’s back. “Sit down first; I need to talk to you.”

“Xiumin and Chen was right Kris, it’s time for us to stop all of these.” Luhan voiced out all of his opinion, deciding that Kris must know that all that they had done was purely wrong. “Xiumin had a daughter; do you think it is a proud thing to tell his daughter that her father is working as gangster? A bad guy? So do Yixing, he had a wife and what even worst is, his wife didn’t know the truth about his job. Do you think what would they feel when they know that their loved one are doing something bad for their living?” Luhan explained, telling the blonde that they had to stop all of this.

To be honest, Luhan had been thinking of this matter long, long time ago, but he was afraid to voice it out because he thought that everyone will reject his opinion. But, he is wrong.

Kris stared at his friend. “But what about the girls we hired? There are not only five of them Luhan, there are more than fifty.” Kris voiced out his worries. He rubbed his face, feeling like he had lost his hopes.

Luhan’s lips formed a thin line, pitying the blonde as he realised that it’s a huge burden for him to manage this kind of things alone. “You got me Kris, no, you got us, so don’t worry too much.” Luhan assured him. “I know it is impossible to stop all of this once, but together, we can handle this.”

Kris looked at his friend. “Are you sure Luhan?” He questions him and all Luhan can do was just nod his head.

“I owe you Luhan. I owe all of you.”




“Are you sure that this is the last things?” Dajung yelled from the living room, slightly gaping as she looked at the amount of bags that Eunsul brought to move out towards the guy’s house.

Honestly, at first she disagreed with her decision to move out towards the unknown guy’s house, but after thinking of her friend’s future, she decided to let her go. After all, working as a kindergarten’s teacher can’t really help in raising the baby alone. And getting an abortion is really a big no.

“Yes, why?” Eunsul asked as she walked out from her room, bringing a plastic bag contained her personal belongings.

“You’re going to live with him for the rest of your life Choi Eunsul. How the hell can you just bring two bags?” Dajung muttered in disbelief as she watched her friend put her scarf into the bags. She felt sad of course thinking of the fact that her friend is going to leave her, but she kept cool because hell, she can visit her anytime right?

“Two bags are more than enough Dajung ah, plus, I can go here if there’s something that I forgot to bring right?” Eunsul finished her words, clasping her hands together as she finished packing to move towards Kris’s house.

It is a total lie if she said that she is not scared to move into the guy’s house. She more that nervous to live with him, but she didn’t have any other choice since he had messaged her this morning, telling her that he will fetch her up on 11 am after her asked for her address.

Dajung just shook her head. The duos head snapped towards the front door direction as the bell rang, signalling that someone came into their house.

“It’s your baby’s father!” Dajung exclaimed as she partially ran towards the front door, opening it wide only to be greeted by a handsome guy with a dazzling smile.

“Is Eunsul ready?” Kris asked as an unknown figure popped out from the door of Eunsul’s address. He raised his eyebrow as the girl earlier seemed frozen on her feet. Kris quickly kept on a poker face as Eunsul popped out beside her friend, carrying two bags – a small one and a big one.

“Are you ready?” Kris asked her and she just nodded her head as a sign that she’s ready. Eunsul hugged her friend. “You’re such a lucky lady. He’s hot!” Dajung whispered towards her friend before she left the house.

“Let me bring that for you.” Kris spoke as he took the bags from Eunsul’s hand, blinking in an uneasy way as their hands touched. He cleared his throat before walking out from the small apartment unit towards where he parked his car.

Eunsul blinked her eyes repeatedly, watching the tall giant took away her bag and walked towards his car. She swore that she can hear angel sighs at the time he took the bag from her. Isn’t he such a gentleman?

“Are you sure that you only needed this much clothes?” Kris spoke, questioning Eunsul who was standing beside him as he helped her taking out all of her bags. He felt very weird when the girl just nodded her head towards him, a sign that she only needed those two bags.

“I don’t have any girl’s clothes for your information.” Kris continued talking as he closed his bumper and walked towards the elevator of his apartment unit. “But still, you can borrow my shirt if you wanted.” He continued, trying to tease the girl as he realised that she had been quiet for quite a long time. Maybe she’s nervous.

“Can you just lead the way Mr. Wu?” Eunsul hissed as both of them walked into the elevator. She hates the fact that he kept talking non-stop since he was driving the car and what even worse is, he kept talking about topic that were specified just to !

Kris chuckled heartedly, liking the fact that he managed to get positive reactions from the girl. He felt much better with her presence. He really wanted to deny this but, people are true, and you will felt at ease when you’re with someone that you love. He’s not going to admit that he is in love with her; he’s just like being with her.

Yes, he likes her presence.

“Why are you so grumpy?” He asked, walking out from the elevator after her, trying to hide his amusement. “Woke up from the wrong side of the bed?” He carried on with his words, liking the tingling feelings inside his stomach just by talking with her.

“I don’t know. Maybe mood swings.” Eunsul replied. “It’s your fault anyway.” She continued, crossing her arms as she waited for the tall giant to reach his front door.

“Pregnant women are scary sometimes. But still, you can borrow my shirt whenever you want; I like it when you wore my shirt.” He commented before putting the bags on the floor, making Eunsul rolled her eyes. “The password for my house is 1106.” Kris continued before pressing the code to enter his house.

Eunsul nodded her head and just followed him inside. Kris stopped in the middle of the living room, putting the bag on the floor before turning his body around to look at the girl behind him. He really like it when she wore that oversized sweater and white leggings, she looked so adorable.

“You can sleep on my room.”

Eunsul widen her eyes in shock. She looked at him with mixed expressions. “What about you then?” She asked him, not really wanted to believe in her devil thought which were telling her that she’s going to stay in a room with that giant.

“Me? Of course I will sleep in my room.”

Erk? Eunsul gulped. “Then what about me?”

Kris eyed the girl in front of him up and down. He raised his eyebrow, thinking whether she is purely dumb or she’s just way too innocent. “You’ll stay in my room.”

Upon realising the fact that she didn’t want to stay in a room with him, Kris smirked. “Ahh, we’re going to stay in a room together. There’s no other empty room here in my house. There’s only one, which is there.” Kris , pointing his index finger towards his room direction.

Eunsul sighed in pure disappointment.

“Can I just sleep on the couch?” Eunsul asked silently but loud enough for the latter to hear her words whilst lowering her head down to hide her blushed cheek. Kris shook his head. “Sleeping on the couch will bring harms to the baby.” He commented in a stern voice, trying to make the girl agree with him.

Come on, they had sleep together before this and it is even more than the usual sleeping, it’s not a big deal sharing a room together right?

“I promise you that I will not touch you.” Kris promised, staring towards the girl in front of him. “Unless you want me to.” He joked, making the girl looked up at him and rolled her eyes.

Kris walked closer towards her and ruffled her hair. “Go and pack your things. I’ve already bought a new closet for you inside the room. I hope that you like it.” Kris spoke as he glanced down at her, he really likes the height gap between them – it makes him feel very comfortable.

“Go on and pack. We’re going out to eat after this.” Kris ushered her. Eunsul just nodded her head, feeling slightly touched because he did care about her and plus, he prepared a lot just because she wanted to move in with him.

“Eat?” Eunsul asked as he took her bag towards the room. She followed him into the big yet cosy room. “Yes, we are going to eat.” Kris replied as he put the bag on the floor. “I suddenly carve for spicy grilled chicken.” He drooled over the food, making Eunsul chuckled at him.

“What’s so funny about it?” Kris asked while heading towards his bed and laid his body there.

Eunsul opened her white closet, starting to put all of her outfits inside it. “Nothing. You are just funny.” Eunsul commented, not really knew why the hell did she laughed just now.

Both of them became silent. Kris sighed as he turned his body to look at the petite girl who was busy arranging her clothes. Somehow, he likes this sight. It feels like he was watching his wife doing the house chores while waiting for her to cuddle on the bed together.

“What is your favourite colour?” Kris asked her, wanting to hear that melodious sound of her voice.

“Orange.” Eunsul replied without even turning her head towards him.

“Nice. Your favourite food?”

“Fried chicken.”

“Your favourite movie?”

“Currently Pitch Perfect 2.”

“Never heard of that. What abou-“

“What is wrong with you Mr. Wu?” Eunsul asked as she sighed in annoyance. She really loathed the fact that he was asking her many questions.

Kris smiled sweetly at her before leaning his head on his arms. “I’m bored. Asking you questions might save me from the boredom.” He easily replied to her question making her shook her head.

“I don’t think that I can-“




The sound of the doorbell make the duo turned looked at each other. Kris narrowed his eyebrows; thinking whether he did asked someone to come towards his house. “Can you please open the door for me?” He asked her sweetly.

Eunsul rolled her eyes. “Lazy .” She commented before standing up and walked towards the door. She opened the front door and blinked her eyes repeatedly as three pairs of eyes stared at her attentively.

 “Umm... Are you here for Kris?” She asked, didn’t really know how to greet the boys – yes, they are boys. A really hot one.

A boy with a camel like eyes tilted his head. “Who are you?” He asked her, walking closer towards the door and her.

Eunsul stepped back. “Wait! Don’t come near me!” She slightly yelled as the boy extended his arms, trying to touch her.

“Yo Chen, you’re creeping her out.” A boy with a very obvious eye bag scolded him. He pushed his friend aside and took your hand before shaking it. “Hello, I am Huang Zitao. Is Kris ge home?” He asked, muttering to his friend about how polite he is.

Eunsul pulled her hand a bit harshly, making the boy stared at her in shock. She didn’t want to do that, but they were so creepy including the dimpled boy who was busied smiling at her from the beginning.

“Wait, let me just call-“

“Who is it Eunsul?” Kris voice cut her words off. He walked closer towards the girl and stood beside her to take a glance on the guests. “Oh, it’s you.” Kris lamely commented as he saw the figures of his friends.

“Duizhang, who is this?” Yixing finally asked after being quiet for the whole time, asking his leader about the identity of the anonymous girl in front of them.

“Yahh, why are you not coming inside yet?” A voice sounded from behind. Luhan and Xiumin pulled the boys aside as they noticed that there’s another figure beside their leader.

“Uhh Kris, who is this?” Everyone asked Kris as they stared at the petite girl beside him. Eunsul gulped as she felt the strong gaze one her.

“Guys, this is Choi Eunsul. The mother of my baby.”



AUTHOR's Sticky Notes!

Sorry for the late update. I helped my brother to renovate his library (it’s not his but he is a library teacher so yeah) and I don’t have any time to update this fic. Sorry.

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gogogirl26 #1
Chapter 13: This story really good i really how u write it hope u will continue this story^^
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 13: Aw where's the next button :s
Please update soon . i hope you still want to continue this story .
parrot #4
Chapter 13: Please update soon...I really really love this story. And I waiting for update almost 2 years...
Chapter 13: oh noo
MinDanbi #6
Chapter 13: In love with this story.Please update ><
Chapter 13: Update soon please