Sometimes love comes around. [Tae Hyun x Wendy]

Strong Babies One Shot [ Open for request!]
Sometimes love comes around.. 


It's midnight after work, Tae Hyun and his friend's were chilling right at their favorite bar, Overtime. Which was awfully crowded and packed since it was Friday night. You could see circles of friends toasting and laughing over their tables but it was just not as for Tae Hyun. Things are getting depressing for him, you know, typical bachelor's problems.


"Say when are you going to get a girlfriend Nam Tae Hyun?" His best friend Mino teased after taking a big gulp of beer, which sucessfully earned an annoyed face by the man sitting by him. Even though he had not seen Tae Hyun for a while, Mino could had just asked about Tae Hyun's job or life-goings but its hard resisting asking the question. Everyone knows Tae Hyun, the CEO of YG Corporations would do well in his job. So there is not much left to tease besides him being single. On the other hand, the other empty seat which was suppose to be occupied by Seung Hoon, has already gotten himself next to a hot girl accross their table, probably already asking for her number.


She, Her, Girls and Girlfriend


Tae Hyun clicked his tounge annoyingly at the thought. It's not that he could not have one, its just the matter of his will. He has more than a stable income, good looks, a lean body and not to mention his high sense of responsibilty. But Tae Hyun is not perfect either, because he gets a little too comfortable with his current life and refuse to move on. After knowing how materialistic girls from a big city like Seoul could be, his life plans mostly revolves around work and a stable life, thats all. 


"I don't know man, girls nowadays just ask for too much and none of them made me feel like having one either."


"People might think you are gay dude." 


"What the dude, how many times I told you, I'm not gay." Tae Hyun protested.


"Then prove it, go kiss any girl there." Mino challenged his best friend while nodding to the dance floor next to them.


"The fact that I'm not kissing you is enough to prove I'm not gay." Knowing there is no end this, both of them laughed off the topic and their eyes aimlessless scanned through the place. Which made Mino brought something else up.


"Bet that blonde girl over there will get drunk anytime soon." Curiously Tae Hyun looked through his beer towards where Mino was referring. A petite girl with fair skin which is almost his age is dressing a little awkwardly for a place like this. What's even awkward was her sitting alone with 4 men which seems overly frightful for her. Tae Hyun's senses told him that she does not like being there because the way those men are trying to grab her attention seems in vain as she kept her eyes glued on the ground more than anywhere else.


Usually this kind of situation sounds like normal in a bar for Tae Hyun; where a bunch of rich and desperate men targets young ladies that fishes their money to buy their next Gucci bag or iPhones. Surprisingly, this girl didnt spare a glanced at them nor accepted the drink. Perhaps it's a way to get more money, since men liked playing hard to get.


But Tae Hyun was wrong when he saw what came next. Those hungry wolves lost their patience and started laying their hands on her, and for the first time the girl squirmed and pushed them away. Even from afar she seems good looking, could be thats why the men could not hold back from having her anymore. Before Tae Hyun could decide what to do with himself, he already found himself dashing forward to the spot.


", they are gone!" Unfortunately as he managed to cross the pack of people, there was no one left at the couch, only a few alcohol and a guitar case.


Holding onto the case, Tae Hyun ran towards the dimmed exit with his brothers whom were close behind him. As they exit the bar, there found the few men forcefully holding the lady against the wall and teasing her. 


"Yah! What are you doing? Get your filthy hands off her!" As they came right in time, Tae Hyun yelled furiously as he saw them. He didn't know why his blood boiled so quickly, but seeing men mistreating women is enough to makes him disgusted. Even knowing that they were slightly out numbered, Tae Hyun, Mino and Seung Hoon bravely rushed forward and charge against those men. At first they were just hitting each other free-handedly, until one of the bad guys took an empty bottle and tried to hit Mino right in the face. Swiftly, Tae Hyun took the damage by covering Mino's face with his arms instead, causing him to bleed.


"Police, the police is here!!" The girl screamed as she saw headlights facing towards their directions. Which caused panic among the guys, they ran and ran without looking back. Tae Hyun and his friends were about to run away but they were slowed down by their slight injury. Only moments later only they realized it was just an SUV with highlights.


"Wow, you saved our life." Seung Hoon gave the girl a thumbs up while panting heavily, the fight had definitely drenched away alot of their energy.


"I didn't, you all saved my life. Thank you so much." The girl bowed at them apologetically. Only if she have some money she would have bought them something or treat them, sadly she didn't even have money and a place to stay anymore.


"It's alright girl, small matter. Just tell Tae Hyun where do you live. We need to go back real soon." Mino mentioned while patting her head.


"Don't be scared, you are save now. Remember to take care of yourself in the future." Seung Hoon adviced concernly while he and Mino left the scene. Leaving Tae Hyun to take care of the girl since he was the only one with no curfews and such. On the way to the car Tae Hyun casually found out her name was Wendy, while she had just finished university and cannot find a job related to her course. Finally, she was desperate to look for a job in the bar as a singer as she failed to pay her rents. Apparently, it didn't turn out well because the audition was a scam causing her to be a little traumatized. Truly her life would be crushed if Tae Hyun were not there to save her.


"I'm squatting at my friend's house now. but I'm afraid she had slept because she didn't pick up her phone." Wendy said while constantly working on her dail pad. It's been 10 minutes but her calls had been ignored, only constantly directed to the voice mail box. 


"I can get you a room in a nearby hotel, you can stay there for the night." Tae Hyun offered her generously. At first he was about to offer her to stay by his house, but considering the fact she was traumatized by a few men earlier. It's not good to make her trust a stanger easily.


"No it's too expensive and I can't take your money." The baby faced girl waved her hands in detest that she accidentally hit on Tae Hyun's arms. Causing him to cry out in pain. Only Wendy realized that he was the only one hurt earlier. Promptly, she pulled up his jacket sleeve and notice the bruised cut on his hand.


"Oh my, Tae Hyun-Ssi! You are hurt!! Where is the safety kit? hurry!" Apparently Wendy was worried about his wounds as she was holding his wounds so close that Tae Hyun could feel her warm breath agaist his skin. He must be crazy to think how cute she was than worrying about his wounds.


Besides, where else Tae Hyun would know if there is a safety kit other than his own home.


"Thanks for saving me.." Wendy mentioned as she gingerly circle the bandage around his injury while she continued"It's actually, saving me from another loop of bad luck."


"Maybe you could save me from mine as well." Cheesy as . Tae Hyun scolded himself mentally, It came out just as naturally, he could only blame it on the alcohol for making him say that. 


"What?" The surprised girl looked up to him as he was seated on his sofa. Those innocent eyes that were staring at him were sending blood up to his face. Up till this point he is really curious about this girl. He never felt this way before and now with a little boost given by the alcohol earlier, he decided to give it a try.


"Nothing..So, uhm.. Wendy, you sing.. You are a singer right?" He tried to brush off his silliness earlier.


"Yeah I sing, but I'm not a singer. It's just something like my hobby I wish to earn some money with it now."


"Could you sing a little for me then?" Tae Hyun requested. 


Even she felt like resisting, but suddenly a song that suits the vibe came and Wendy didn't want to reject someone who just saved her life. So she cleared and started singing.

"How far did I come?
Where are you?
Unknown fear is standing in front of me
I’m looking for your hands in the darkness
So you have nothing to fear
You have no reason to cry

I believe I believe
I won’t fall down again
I believe I believe
No more tears
You know that tomorrow’s sun will rise
You never cry"

As she finished, Wendy hid her head shyly and awaited for Tae Hyun's respond. However, after some time she felt there was none and she thought is was because her singing was so bad that he didn't knew how to react. Only later that she knew, he had fallen asleep on the couch, leaving her no place to sleep.


"Ahh, jinjja... Tae Hyun ssi, where am I going to sleep tonight?" 


  ☁  ☁  ☁        ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  


At usual days, Tae Hyun would be awaken by his biological alarm. Instead, he felt something tickling his arms as he laid on the couch. He almost let off a scream when he saw the long silky hair all over him. Only managed to calm himself down when he recalled how this cute lady managed to fell asleep next to him - half seating on the floor and leaning her face on the couch. 


"Aish, dammit! Nam Tae Hyun! You are supposed to be a gentleman!" Tae Hyun mentally slapped himself and paced around the room. Should I carry her to the room.. am I allowed to touch her, would she think I'm a ert.." Finally, deciding as the sun have not fully rise, Tae Hyun put on his favorite Adidas sweaters and headed out to get some fresh air.


As he jogs off his home, Tae Hyun attempted to get Wendy off his mind. Maybe I'm just feeling guilty. Its nothing... But eventually he failed to get rid of those puffy cheeks, round eyes and caramel-liked voice. Every girl that pass by Tae Hyun became so unattractive and even without him noticing, he was humming to the melody that sent him to sleep the night before.


Tae Hyun slowed down as he arrived at his favorite pancake shop, since it was a weekend morning, the queue was pretty long. Unconciously, Tae Hyun glanced over at his watch and frown. Wonder if she is a awake. Will she like strawberry pancakes or honey..oh, come on.. hurry up..


Wow, if only Mino and Seung Hoon was here. Tae Hyun is certaily going to get alot of teasing. 


Luckily as he sped back home, the girl was still asleep but this time already lying on the ground. Since Tae Hyun was used to live alone, he simply took off his sweaty outfit and placed the pancakes on the kitchen counter. He noticed he was not alone only when he saw Wendy sleeping on the living room's floor. Should had brought her into the room before I went out. He thought concernedly. Without thinking much, he hurried to her side and lifted her up into his room.


As Wendy was still in dreamland, dreaming of the prince than saved her life the night before. She felt like a princess for a moment, and indeed she was. You can tell by the way she was held from the living room to the-


"Ah, what are you doing!! Ah!! let me down Tae Hyun ssi."The sudden panic had caused both of them to lose their balance and luckily fell on the bed. As their faces were so close to each other, Wendy instantly went wide awake and bounced away. Oh my, this is so embarrasing. She scolded herself as she lowered her head. At the moment even felt ashamed about the incidednt but she could not stop herself from staring at those lean fine arms that were holding her moments ago. Not to mention those firm abs that had been hidden until Tae Hyun was shirtless. Damn, stop dreaming Wendy Son. He is so perfect, handsome and well off. He must had a girlfriend already. Wendy sighed at the thought and frowned.


"Oh my, Im sorry! I didnt meant to drop you... and I didn't mean to bring you into my room. I mean I do, ah! Just don't misunderstand." Nam Tae Hyun since when you have became a babo, come on, talk like a man!  Tae Hyun apologized repeatedly. He hope Wendy would not think badly of him, he only wanted to offer her a comfortable place to sleep. Thats all. 


"Uhm.. It's alright. I think I better keep going. Your girlfriend would be mad if she sees me here like this." Wendy responded apologetically by giving a half hearted smile and was getting ready to leave, which in fact she was pretty reluctant to.


"W-wait..uhm.. what girlfriend?" Tae Hyun panicked as he sees her leaving.


Wendy stopped, her heart skipped a beat with her hands covering her heated face. She tried to process those words again and again. Gosh, Did he just meant he didnt have one? Oh my!! Wendy squirmed inside and took a deep breath, as she turned around to face him, he stood there shyly while rubbing the back of his neck. Both of them could tell the room was feeling a little warm than usual.


"Uhm... Don't you have a girlfriend Tae Hyun-ssi?" Wendy emphasized on the word, crossing her heart hoping that his answer is -


"No, but actually, I do think I wanted one right now."


Silently he stood forward, closen the gap between them and held her hands, smiling. 

Finally, Tae Hyun did found that someone that could make him feel..





Author's Note:

Wow, exactly 2500 words written. Hope you got the WenHyun fluffy feels! :) 

Please comment if you can, so I could know if you liked it or if there are better ways to write ~~ 

By the way, the lyrics written above were adapted from a OST sang by Wendy. She and Tae Hyun should have a duet,they both has such angelic voices!!

Check it out here! : Wendy (웬디) [Red Velvet] - 리턴 (Return) (With. Yuk Ji Dam}

Thanks. x


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Can you make mino x kim jisoo ( yg trainee) plis
sunnybib #2
anyone from red velvet with Jinyoung please please pretty please? =))
healthcare #3
Chapter 5: uh..uh..finally you write bout seunghoon!!im crying in happiness..thank you♡♡pls write more.
and you know i just imagined seunghoon dancing contemporary dance,and its beautiful.and i just wrote it down.fighting for me too!lok
i dont mind seunghoon shipped with anyone including irene, so pls write more.from the bottom of your fans that have desperate feeling for seunghoon^^
Jaebum seulgi pls?? ♡♡
please make Wendy x Jinwoo
choibrother #6
Please make a fluff story about seunghoon and seulgi... I really like your story a lot
nutzshawol #7
Chapter 2: seunghoon joy pleaseeee. and more minrene ;-)
aina21 #8
Chapter 5: Minrene jbxseulgi
Soralove #9
Chapter 1: Jackson irene
MarielleCole #10
Chapter 5: Wendy x JB/Mark/Jackson or Seulgi/Seungyoon :)