
Everything We Are

"What about him do you like so much?" He asks me, voice low and deep, a calm humming sound follows suit in my ears and I look up at him. I can only see the shine if his eyes in the darkness, the light from my curtains hitting his face just right. His honey eyes stare back at mine and my heart skips an unhealthy amount of beats. My arms tingle in a ticklish, cool way. A cold breeze blows in under the closed doors gap and I shiver, nothing but a thin white tank top to keep me warm. I shake my head slightly, reaching over to the bedside table where my phone lay. I now this isn't real. It can't be. 


"Don't." He says, voice stern, but his facial expressions are anything but. His head is tilted a bit, eyes narrowed, gaze on my phone, which is now in my hands. This is how it goes. I'll shine my light on him from my screen, but he won't be there anymore. Although I'd love to talk to this handsome creature in front of me, maybe learn how he got into my room in the first place without alarming our dog and setting him into a wave of loud, wolf like howls, but I'm tired from the previous days work shift and school to add onto it.


"I'm sorry." I whisper, the heaviness in my veins to hard to ignore. I double tap on my phone screen, an the small screen lights up. 


I don't even look up. I don't need to. The ghastly whisper reaches my ears as the light turns on, the chill in the room suddenly gone, along with the figure that was once standing before me at the foot of my bed. "I'll see you tomorrow then." Was the last thing he said before disappearing into the night. I hum to the air occupying the space around me, setting my phone to the side before sinking back under the covers. The white curtains blow quietly in the darkness and I lay, listening to the sound of a wet sponge hitting a metal pan in the kitchen. 


Small snores flit into my room from the one next to mine, and I yawn, my nose burning slightly. I ignore the laughter of my father in the living room and close my eyes, blinking after a moment to rid them of their wetness. 


I think of my best friend Jimin, who I had fallen for. The fact that he reacted the way he did when he found out proved I made a mistake. A huge one. Because I fear I've lost him. I also think of my cousin Jin, who's in the hospital. My mom hasn't let me visit him in about a week, and I make a mental note to just go alone in the morning. It'll probably have to wait till after school, or well, after work. 


I think of a story my mom once told me when I was younger. 


It was a month before her mom (my grandma)  had died, and she was with them for the summer. The woods around their little house had smelled strongly of fresh fruit and rain from the storm the previous night, and she decided to go for a walk in the woods alone. 


I smile as the bright green leaves pop up in my mind. 


Her red rain coat had drops of the left over rain absorbing into the soft cotton, and she winced every time she'd step down, breaking the silence of the world by snapping a twig with her rain boots. She liked the natural silence of the woods, but she especially loved when it would rain. The floor beneath her soaked, little pink flowers flopped to the side, struggling to hold up the drops that had fallen on their small, delicate petals. The water sloshed under her feet, body sinking slightly into the mud puddles below her, and she'd walk with her hood down, letting the sheer, cold drops fall onto her cheeks, nose and forehead from the forestry above. Scattered across the floor were the little speckles of pink, yellow and bright blue flowers, protecting the baby bugs that had found a home beneath them. 


I think about the yellow flowers for a moment. She had shown me pictures after she told me the story, but I liked the description for the flowers a little bit more then the image of them. "It's the same light yellow as in the playroom of the home. Our home at the time before the.. Well. You know," she had said, ruffling my hair with the palm of her left hand. I was seven when she told me this story. She always had this serene, small smile, eyes soft and the slightest wrinkle of the brow when she told stories. She had always given the greatest of detail. 


"I'll see you tomorrow..." Plays over and over in my head, back to the nights previous event's in the darkness of my room. His lips, thin but plump and full in their own ways shoot through my mind in realistic images, along with a few other of his features. The way his eyes turned into cresents when he'd squint to be able to see me, or the way the light from my silk curtains managed to only hot his eyes, lighting them up in the night. The shadow on his cheeks was faint, a small dot just on the line of his upper lip barely visible.


My chest clenches in a sickly way and I swallow, ignoring the sting of my dry throat. A cricket outside chirps to the beat of my heart and I lie immobile, listening to the sound and the beating in my chest condescend. They work nicely with each other but right now they're a deadly combination. 


I have the tightest resistion in my chest, along with the sinking feeling of guilt, but I don't know why. The sound of dishes and laughter have stopped, making the atmosphere quiet aside from my dads friends snoring in the guest bedroom next to mine. 


My dad and his friend, Namjoon, often have nights like these where they sit down, get drunk, annoy my mom and at the end of the night Namjoon ends up crashing in the guest room. Namjoon is sort of a weird guy. His broad shoulders look strange in the tight clothes he likes to wear, his wide framed square black glasses sit snugly on the bride of his nose. He constantly dies his hair, and is always finding ways to convince my dad to sneak out and drink, party and do other things they like to do. It's always Namjoons idea, but that's not what my father tells my mom. 


It's not that my mom doesn't like Namjoon, it's just that she doesn't like the ideas he puts in my dad's head. Hates that even though she doesn't like Namjoons love for alcohol and loves even more to drag my dad to drink with him, she has no reasons to voice her concerns to my father because he he manages to have a stable job, takes care of the family and never needs to barrow money to help pay the apartments rent. He's a reliable man, and honestly I think my mom's only bothered with him drinking because he's not drinking with her. She gets lonely sometimes too. 


I hum a random tune quietly, watching my curtains blow open in the breeze. Maybe that's how he gets in... But after the indecent, I don't feel like anything else at night is right aside from the cold winds from the city around us. I wonder.. If there's a way to get him to come back? After all, he just started doing this last week, after Jimin.. "I sent him away to sleep and all I can do is think about him," I think to myself with a quiet, sour laugh. 


I roll into my side slowly, careful not to make sound, letting my legs hang off the bed for a moment before the coarse hairs of my carpet press into the pads of my feet. As silently as I can, I stand up, wincing slightly as the sound of my creaking mattress creaks a little too loud. Holding my breath, I stare at my bedroom for for a second, but nothing happens. Sighing in relief I make my way over to my curtain, carefully pushing it aside with the heel of my palm.


The cold wind hits my cheeks causing me to shiver. My heart skips a few beats as I look out at the city below me. My bedroom overlooks all the different sixed buildings around our apartment, the sight of bright yellow, flicks of green from TV screens show through open windows and the white stars in the black sky soak into my brain. I've always loved my home at night. All of the lights make me feel at home, even when I'm physically not here. It has to do with the old black and white movies we'd watch as a family when I was a kid. The serene, fuzzy white would always stick out to me more then the black would. Now, growing up, I like to see all the lights, because they make me remember that everything can either be so different, or exactly the same. It's like a relationship. Every color is made up of a mixture of two colors, just like a  relationship is made up of things that make it what it is. To add onto the lights are the sound. The sound of children's laughter, cars honking and deep voices from cheesy Korean dramas being played on TV fill the air on a normal night, but right now I can hear nothing. It's like the worlds frozen in time, waiting to be played again. 


I jump when my phone chimes, and I feel as though I'm going to cry because, well it's been one hell of a night. I slump unceremoniously onto the floor, back and bare arms against the cold wall and unlock my phone, letting my eyes scan the text. 


From: Jimin

I completely forgot to do my homework. Can you send me a pic of yours?


I glare at the screen because 1, ever since I've confessed all he really talks to me about now is to copy my work because he's failing and 2 because I forgot to do my homework again. Well . But I can't be mad at him... It's all my fault. I should never have told him anything.


To: Jimin

I completely forgot to do it - I type, reading it over once before clicking send. As soon as I set my phone on the floor it goes off again. I frown, going into my settings to change my phone to vibrate before reading his text. 


From: Jimin

It's okay Kookie bunny, why are you still awake?


My heart clenches. I should be happy he's talking to me right now but all I feel is disappointment.


To: Jimin

Couldn't sleep... You?


It only takes a second. 


From: Jimin

Same I guess. Hey, do you want to hang out tomorrow after you get off of work?


I stare at his words. They're so...foreign now.


To: Jimin



From: Jimin

Yah! What's wrong Kookbook you don't sound too excited


I shake my head as i read his words, the room uncomfortably cold. I glance around for a second before typing a response.


To: Jimin

Nah, I am. We haven't been able to hang out in a couple days cause of work and all. I'll see you tomorrow bro :]


From: Jimin

Yeah, love ya! Night! 


I set my phone down, cradling my face in my hands. "That's the thing, Jimin-ah. You don't." I think to myself, ignoring the stinging tears in my eyes. I wipe my eyes gently with my thumbs.


"It doesn't matter. He asked me to hang out with him, meaning he doesn't hate me. I still have a chance." I whisper, a small smile coming to my lips. That's all I can really hope for anyway, is a chance. 


Grabbing the curtain and pulling myself up, I hesitantly walk towards my door, turning the knob carefully. I need water. The intense burn of my dry throat as I breathe is starting to really hurt. I walk down the dark hallway, catching glimpses of the pictures hanging on the walls as I walk, trying my best not to trip over my own feet, because as graceful as I look, I can promise you I have fallen on my many times while just walking. 


Our kitchen is a little bigger then the average one would be, but the arranged designs in it make it seem smaller. I flip the light switch in, squinting at the sudden flood of light and make my way over to the dark redwood stained cupboard where the cups are kept. We have the glass plates and bowls next to this one, but when I was younger I would always mix up the cupboards. Our glass mugs are on the top shelf, tucked away behind our variety sized plastic orange ones. I grab a small orange tinted cup out shutting the cupboard quietly and set it on the counter before opening the fridge, pulling out the large pitcher of ice water on the middle shelf. I pour water into my cup, grabbing out a bag of grapes in return for the picture and carry them to the open counter on the other side of the room, sitting on the floor below it. 


I'm too tired to make my way to the living room, so the floor with have to do for tonight. I glance up from peeling the skin off my baby grape as my phone screen lights up for a moment, showing the time. It's nearly 3 am. I need to be awake at 5, to school at 5:30 and out of school and at work right after school. I sigh, re reading Jimin and I's texts when I remember something. 


To: Jin

Hey, you awake still?


I promised Jin Id come see him tomorrow. What do I do?! I think to myself, groaning as I lean my head back against the counter, closing my eyes with ease. I have to go see Jin. No acceptation. But... I can't cancel on Jimin. After what happened, I can't.


From: Jin

How'd you know Kookie? 


To: Jin

I figured :) beeping of machines is hard to sleep to.


I smile to myself. I'm really happy to go see him tomorrow. 


From: Jin

Tell me about it. They did a spinal tap, hurt so bad. But anyway, when are you coming to see me? I miss you.


Finishing up the last of my water, I put the grapes back in the fridge, this time lighting up the hallway with my phone on the way back to my room.


To: Jin

I miss you too! I'm actually coming tomorrow after work!


I don't even bother being quiet while shutting the door this time because what does it matter? All it'd do is wake up Namjoon. Then what? Nothing. I'm sure he'll just blink at me a couple of times then retreat back to the guest bedroom. He's done that before so I'm not worried about it. 


From: Jin

Cool! Go to bed bunny boy, I'll see you tomorrow. 


I smile, my so called "Bunny" teeth showing. Jin-hyung is something else. 


To: Jin

So awkward hyung, night! I love you!


From: Jin

Yah! Love you too. Night~


Laughter bubbles up in my throat, and I bit my cheek to prevent it from coming out. With the pain numbing my cheek, I lie down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling for a second before grabbing my phone again. 


To: Jimin

Ah.. So.. I may have to cancel on you. I'm not sure yet.


I swallow, reading the text again. What if he's mad? I can't help it though... He'd understand that. Right? He should be asleep. I'm probably bugging him... No. I'm not. I'd rather have texted him and told him I had to cancel then ditch him and not say anything. 


On a separate thought, I should probably tell my mom about him, for many reasons. One, I have no idea who he is, two he knows a lot about my social life. Maybe he goes to my school? But how would he know where I live?? There's no way he came in through the window, that's impossible with how high up we are. My stomach twists, this feeling of terror slowing sinking into my chest. Could Namjoon have let him in? But what would he want with me? 


Groaning, I sit up on my elbows, staring at the foot of my bed where he had been. The spaces feels... Somewhat empty now? But that shouldn't be, because it's always been empty. His eyes, careful but calm flash through my mind. What if he's a ghost? A former family member that died that I once knew? I shake my head at the thought. I'd know if I've met someone that.. Captivating before. His face long but slender, cheeks strong but appear soft, eyes dark, mesmerizing in a way. I'd know his face anywhere, so I now he's a stranger. 


He doesn't seem like someone Namjoon would know. Tonight was only brief, so I didn't catch his outfit, but his appearance seems more fierce, intimidating in a way, a bundle of softer features hidden by this dangerous facade. Or so that's how it seems, but like it or not he's a stranger and he's intruding in our home. One thing about tonight caught my mind though. His eyes, almost shadowed in a way, and the way the light hit him almost made it seem like he wore eyeliner. Maybe I imagined it? I've never seen him in full light so it's a huge possibility.


My leg vibrates suddenly, causing my to yelp and bite my tounge, with emits a low groan.


Mother en who ever it is I swear to god, I growl to myself as I fish my phone from my pocket. 


Jimin. The anger flushes out of my body fast, leaving me cold with a sense of ease.


From: Jimin

Going to see Jin? Or your cheating on me..?


My heart jumps. WHAT?? I think to myself, scrambling towards my phone.


I can't type fast enough. 


To: Jimin

Um. What does that mean?


I lay back, blinking at my screen and waiting for his next text to pop up but sigh in frustration after a few minutes and it hasn't. 


I rolling my eyes out of boredom I throw my phone on my bed, walking over to my laptop on my messy desks surface, ignoring the strange crisp, scratchy patch of carpet that isn't like the rest at the foot of my bed. 


I slide the laptop open, lightly typing buttons. The laptop beeps for a moment, screen black before flashing a room similar to mine back at me. A puff of orange hair is the first thing I see.


"Tae!" I whisper, smiling as the head of hair raises off of his own desk, a pair of dark, sleepy eyes meeting my sleepy but energetic eyes. 


"Why?" He whimpers, face smushed in between the two hands holding his head up. I giggle, and shrug.


"Why not?"


"Why are you awake?" He says, voice coming out just as squished as his face looks right now. 


"Couldn't sleep, what about you TaeTae?" I hum, retreating quickly to grab my phone from the bed, sliding the screen to unlock.


"Well obviously I could" he groans but I ignore him as my chest burns.


From: Jimin

Haha Kook I'm just playing. I have a girlfriend remember? Anyways have fun with Jin tomorrow, hope he feels better! Love you, goodnight ~


And all I can think of is how when we used to talk on the phone he would coo "gooonight" in my ear. I frown and Taehyung notices.


"What'd he do." 


I shrug, looking off to the side as I lift my phone up to the laptops camera, scrolling as he hums, letting me know he read it. 


"I'm gonna kill him." He growls, more awake then before but when I pull the phone away to set it down he looks more like a tired kitten then anything fierce.


"I love you Tae. Have fun at school tomorrow." I say, sad that I'll have to go another day without my weird alien best friend. Why'd he have to move to a new school? Well.. It's simple. 


"I love you too. I'll see you at work tomorrow!" he says with as much of a smile as he can muster. I smile at his attempt. Well that's something to look forward to.. Right?


"Try to make it to your bed." I say and he nods, giving me a thumbs up.  Before I turn the camera off I watch as a orange streak falls back onto the desk and I laugh, knowing he wouldn't make it to the bed behind him anyways. I shut my laptop, barely finding the energy to pulg my phone in the charger, and let my eyes close.


Tomorrow won't be so bad, right? 



Hey!!!!! I finally found my notebook with this story in it so I can update! Thank you so much for being  patient with me!!! Love you guys!! <3 thanks for reading, sorry for spelling mistakes and don't forget to tell me what you think below!

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trash101 #1
Chapter 2: authornim will there be an update ??
Europe #2
Chapter 2: all my condolences to you and your friend's family ><
Europe #3
Chapter 1: Jimin shouldnt joke with him like that :(( it would hurt him
K-SoulHeart #4
Update soon please:3 I can't wait to read this, it sounds interesting