Chapter 1

After The Proposal
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*Beijing, 2014* As the rays of sunlight kissed her face, Suzy woke up, giddy and happy in love. Next to her in that hotel room, was her boyfriend and now fiancé, Wu Yifan who was still snoring away in bliss. She giggled as she stretched her arms and got out of bed. She was still half , so she put on her dressing gown and slippers. “Why did you cover yourself up?”She could hear the pout in Kris’s deep voice. “Such a nice view gone to waste.” She turned around and saw that Kris had woken up. He had a smirk plastered on his face. “Good morning, oppa. Last night was amazing.”She crawled on bed and kissed the top of his nose. “Of course, it was. It’s ME!”He self praised, earning him a playful punch to the chest. “What was that for?”He ‘cried’. “You deserved it, oppa.”Suzy stuck her tongue out. “Now come on, get dressed. We need to leave.”She got off the bed again and went inside the bathroom. “Can’t we prolong our stay?”He asked. Being with Suzy in their own world without the pressure of the consequences of the whole world going berserk when they found out about the two was just perfectly euphoric. “We’ve been in China for a week, oppa.”She said. Although her toothbrush was in , he could understand her perfectly. “I know…”Kris sighed, “It’s just I like being in our own world.”He confessed. “I like it too. But we have work and responsibilities as idols.”Suzy reasoned. The toothbrush was out of and now, she was combing her long brown hair in front of the dressing table. “Okay, you win.”He put his hands up in defeat as he got out and trudged towards the bathroom. “Don’t act like a baby, oppa. If we stay here any further, we might have to WORK during our honeymoon. And we certainly don’t want that, do we?”She mischievously grinned. Kris blushed madly. “You’re right. But you owe me when we do go for our honeymoon!”He said. Suzy laughed. “Okay, oppa. But come on, get ready. We need to get to the airport in an hour!” “I love you.”Kris smiled as he kissed her. “I love you too, oppa.” *In the plane* The couple finally boarded the plane. It was hard, considering the paparazzi and fans were after them like hounds after a fox. But they did it and to their luck, no one was next to them, so they were free to do stuff cheesy and puke worthy. They held hands as the stewardess smiled broadly. “Congratulations on the engagement, you both. I was at the miss A concert and I got to see the proposal live. Kris and Suzy, both of you deserve each other.” The two smiled ear-to-ear as they thanked the stewardess who quickly rolled away with the drinks trolley. “You see? People are accepting of us. It’s because of my radiating charm.”He smirked, earning him a slight punch on the arm. “Don’t get cocky.”She chided. “When I have a girl like you, I am bound to be.” “I know.”She giggled, flipping her hair. “YAH!”Kris pouted cutely. *At the airport* It was total pandemonium as the couple tried to exit the airport. China or Korea, the paparazzi and crazy fans still surrounded them wherever they went, asking them seriously uncomfortable questions. When they finally got out, some huge dude with a beard and head of hair which looked suspiciously fake with a placard with their names on it told them to get inside the van. “Where is he taking us?”Kris asked, terrified. “How would I know, oppa? But if this comforts you, I’ll kick his if he tries to do something funny.”Suzy patted her fiancé’s hand. *Present* “Grandpa, is
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Chapter 6: Update soon kriszy cute
Chapter 6: Ah, Suzy no other women but you Suzy.. Lol..
The trio dance to only you is the cutest part..
And i hope the film will be a megahit so i can see liam dance only u in dress with Suzy..
And the final part, the wedding .. Tell us the kriszy wedding cronicle pls...>.<
Chapter 5: Jajaja kris cute
colakey22 #4
Chapter 4: Lmao let see kris adorable jealousy when discovered that kissing scene hahahaha the angry bird! Update soon! Hwaitinggg!
colakey22 #5
Chapter 3: Lols never expected there will be another hollywood stars in this story hahaha so impressed with ur genius idea to put on some scene. XD
colakey22 #6
Chapter 2: Hahahaha! This chappie so entertained me lol I couldn't stop smiling while reading it.. XD cocky and cheesy is kris middle name. XD
colakey22 #7
Chapter 1: Ugh the feeling is.... imagining their happy life with the grandkids ♥ kris took care of the baby are too sweet! xD
colakey22 #8
Oh shoootttt! My kriszy!! So it will be a flashback of their youthful moments!? Aww! *subs* and prepare to reads*
Chapter 3: Yep.. Knets always act like they sre shaman or something like that, they only know how to curse.. I hope suzy can prove all their wrong judgements towards her is all wrong, and hey the writter name is similiar to mine.. Hehe..
Chapter 2: wow i love jyp and sm collab.. And sunye speech make me laugh so much.. The exo boys also not helping, they are all so supportive towards kriszy, i hope this will become a reality.. Kriszy... *silently hope for kaizy..