Part 1

Vloggers, Fanboys, & Translators

XingHanTV Uploaded a new video


“Ni Hao!”  Two bright faces fill the screen, waving and flaunting eye smiles and sweet dimples. 

“Ni Hao!”  Two boys echo, smashing their faces together to get a better view of the phone screen. 

“This week we’ll be taking a break from culture lessons to go over tones again, since many of our commenters shared that they still seem to be having trouble with them.”  The brunet boy named Luhan explained, while the other boy nods and leans over to grab a stack of papers, his black hair swishing over his forehead. 

“Yixing looks so good with his new hair.”  “Shush, Joonmyun.”  Smack.

“That’s right, Luhan.”  Cue dimpled grin.  “Here we have some words written out with the tone marks, we’ll say them and all of you just repeat carefully after us.”  He speaks with a heavier accent than Luhan and the boys watching let out a sigh at how cute it was. 

“Yū.” Luhan pronounces it carefully, his perfect lips transforming the simple word into something beautiful.

“Yū!”  Two voices repeat eagerly.  There was a faint voice in the background telling them to shut up.

“Yú.”  Yixing says it softly and slowly.

“Yú!”  They get louder in their excitement.  The voice threatens them now.

“Yǔ.”  Luhan’s voice fluctuates for the tone and the boys hurry to repeat it.

“Y-Hey!”  The phone is ripped from their hands and shut off. 

“What was that for?!”  Sehun glares, while Joonmyun sits next to him pouting. 

“I told you guys to shut up.”  Minseok glares back even fiercer than the younger, his hand tightly clutching the phone.  “I need to study for my calculus test.  You know this is the library, where people do actual work.”

“How is learning Chinese not actual work?!”  Joonmyun shouts, causing the librarian to cast an angry glance at their table.  Minseok rolls his eyes.

“You guys learned the exact same thing two weeks ago, I remember because I had to tell you to shut up then too.” 

“Hey, Luhan and Yixing were just being considerate.  They said the commenters didn’t have a grasp on tones yet so they were reviewing.”  Sehun replies, quick to defend the honor of his two favorite vloggers, Joonmyun nods vigorously beside him. 

“More like their ‘commenters’ are all erts who get off on watching two handsome guys slowly pronounce words.”  Minseok states, opening his textbook and silently praying that the two would go away.

“Excuse you!”  Joonmyun gasps.  “Luhan and Yixing aren’t popular just because of their looks, their channel is very educational.  They teach about the Chinese language, and culture, and even geography.”  He practically has stars in his eyes as he gushes about them.

“And at the end of every vlog they always share a fun historical fact.”  Sehun adds with a fond smile. 

Minseok scoffes.  “Please, I think we all know people aren’t watching them for their “fun historical facts” or their lessons on geography.”

“Why do you have to be such a hater, Minseok?”  Sehun asks.

“Yeah, I would think that you should be interested in their videos, you did take four years of Chinese in high school.”  Joonmyun says.

“I took four years of Chinese because, unlike you two, I actually care about education, and I knew it would look good on my transcript.”  He explains while jotting down notes.  “And I can guarantee I learned more than you two ever will, because, one: I’m smarter than the two of you put together, and two: I wasn’t ually attracted to my teacher.” 

“Well, I would hope not!”  Joonmyun says while trying not to laugh.  “He was like eighty!” 

“Okay.”  Minseok says with a clap of his hands and glance at the clock.  “I’m off to ace this damn test, you two do whatever you want.”  He stands up and places the phone back into Joonmyun’s waiting hands.  “But, before you play that video just remember that you pay for college courses and if you fail that’s money down the drain.” 

The two roll their eyes at him and as he walks away he could hear their voices saying yú in synchronization.  Minseok sighs, they’re totally pronouncing it wrong. 



XingHanTV Uploaded a new video


“Ni Hao!”  The duo greets, bowing towards the screen. 

“This week we’ll be playing a game!”  Yixing cheers.

“The game is called Wei Qi, it’s a Chinese board game.”  Luhan explains, gesturing toward the wooden board covered in white and black stones.  “We’ll demonstrate how to play, but I can already tell you there’s no way I can beat Yixing.  The guy is a Wei Qi master!” 

“I’ve had a lot of practice.”  Yixing says modestly with a warm smile. 

They spend the rest of the 7 minutes and 24 seconds playing the game, only to end with, of course, Yixing as the victor.  Joonmyun cheers.  Sehun pouts.



Minseok sits across from his two bickering friends judging them quietly.  Eyes going back and forth as they fight.

“Yixing’s side channel is obviously better than Luhan’s.”  Joonmyun states, crossing his arms.  “I mean, he dances and plays music.  All Luhan does is sit and sing.” 

“Not true.”  Sehun says.  “Sometimes he stands, besides, his voice is so beautiful it beats all of Yixing’s dancing.” 

“Yixing can sing too, it may not be as fine tailored as Luhan’s cookie cutter voice, but it’s natural and just as beautiful.”  Joonmyun says, clasping his hands under his chin like a love-struck schoolgirl.  “He plays the guitar and the piano too, I don’t think there’s anything he can’t do!” 

“I’m sure Luhan could play those instruments too, but he doesn’t because it would distract from the essence of the song.  He keeps it simple and heartfelt.”  Sehun is glaring at Joonmyun and neither seem like they’re going to give up anytime soon. 

“Why are you even fighting?”  Minseok speaks up.  “Don’t you guys like both of them?” 

They shoot him scandalized faces and Minseok shrinks a bit in his seat. 

“It’s called having a bias.”  Sehun scoffs. 

“Seriously, Minseok.”  Joonmyun shakes his head in disappointment.  “Do you even know anything?” 

Minseok ignores them and instead grabs Joonmyun’s phone that had lit up with a notification.  He swipes his finger to unlock it and reads the new twitter addition with an amused face.

“I know that the two guys you’re obsessed with just announced that they’re having a fan meeting.”  Minseok says, resulting in two boys clambering over the table to grab the phone. 

Minseok laughs.  “Who do they think they are?  A fan meeting? Ridiculous.  They’re not celebrities, they’re just two guys with a camera.” 

Joonmyun and Sehun ignore their overcritical friend and instead gaze in awe at the newest tweet from Yixing and Luhan.



Yixing&Luhan @XingHanTV

We’re overjoyed to announce that we have secured a venue and will be holding our first fan meeting.  We’re really interested in meeting all of you, and will be honored if you’d attend.  Further details in our next video.


Manly squeals can be heard throughout the whole courtyard. 



XingHanTV Uploaded a new video


“You’ve all given us so much support, and we want to repay that.”  Yixing says with his usual soft smile.  “The fan meeting will consist of photo opportunities, a signing table, and an hour of question time.” 

“As Confucius once said: “It is a great pleasure to greet friends coming from faraway places.””  Luhan quotes, flashing a bright smile.  “Wherever you’re from, we’d love to meet you and hope you can make it!  The address, time, and date can be found below in the description.”




“Well, we have to go.”  Joonmyun says in his ‘there’s no changing my mind’ voice.

“I agree.”  Sehun replies.  “But it’s in China and we’re in Korea, only very expensive plane tickets can change that.”  He looks down sadly, it being a broke college student.

“I’ll buy them.”  Joonmyun grins.  “I don’t like to use my parents’ money, but they have tons of it and this is a necessary situation.” 

“Really!  Joonmyun, you’re the best!”  Sehun exclaims, squeezing Joonmyun in a bone crushing hug.

“There’s one more problem though.”  Joonmyun carefully detaches himself.  “The language.  No matter how much we try, the fan meeting is in a week, we can’t learn Chinese that fast.  I’ve been practicing but we need to be able to get around, take taxis, and get a hotel room, important things like that.” 

“Hmm.”  Sehun ponders, rubbing his chin.  “If only we knew someone who could speak Chinese.” 

“Hey guys.”  Minseok greets cheerily (having just aced his test), sitting down in his usual spot across from them.  “Or should I say ni hao?”  He scoffs, eyeing the phone they had obviously been watching a video on. 

Sehun and Joonmyun look at each other, and then at Minseok, and then back to each other.  Grins spread on their faces and Minseok finds himself regretting his life choices of making those two his best friends.  Those faces mean trouble. 

“Come to China with us.”  Joonmyun says. 


“You have to!”  Sehun whines, moving to sit by Minseok and pull on his arm with a disgusting display of cuteness. 

“God, make it stop.”  Minseok demands, glaring at the boy clinging to him.

“It’ll stop once you agree to come with us.”  Sehun says, pausing in his whining to give Minseok a dark glare.

“Why do you guys need me to go to China?  Since when are you even going to China?” 

“We have to go to the fan meeting, but we don’t want to get lost, or kidnapped, and we need to be able to get around.  That’s why we need you.”  Joonmyun explains.

“Let me get this straight, you two want to drag me away from my studies so you can use me to run all over China and meet your fantasy boys?” 

“Yep.”  They reply simultaneously. 

“Unbelievable.”  Minseok mutters.

“I’ll buy your ticket, you need a break from school anyway.”  Joonmyun smiles.  “It’ll be fun.” 

Minseok wants to say no, he wants to get up and leave his crazy friends to their own escapades.  However, as he looks into Joonmyun and Sehun’s pleading eyes, he finds himself going against his better judgment and agreeing. 


They get kicked out by the librarian shortly after for “disturbing the peace with their incessant cheering”.



XingHanTV has replied to your comment



First comment!  God, Luhan you looked amazing this week, you’re the only person I know who can pull off a hat like that!  The lesson was good too…Wǒ ài nǐ!


                Thank you! ( ゚▽゚)/


“Oh my god.”  Sehun stares at his phone in shock.  “I’ve been chosen…I’VE BEEN CHOSEN!!!”

“What’s he going on about?”  Minseok asks Joonmyun while he eyes the crazy boy running around the courtyard. 

“He thinks he’s the chosen one because Luhan replied to his comment.”  Joonmyun glares, crushing his chips in his hand.  “My comment was so much better.  I mean he literally said “first comment!”, only losers do that.” 

“Are you still pouting because I was chosen and you weren’t?”  Sehun laughs as he joins them at the table. 

“Shut up.” 

“Cheer up, why don’t you look again, maybe you got one too!”  Sehun grins evilly. 

Joonmyun knew it wasn’t a good idea, but he checks his YouTube account in spite of everything, the temptation and hope was too strong. 



You two really are the best youtubers, I get so excited every week for your videos!  Yixing, I’m your biggest fan!<3


                Get lost loser. ( ̄ー ̄)Love, the chosen one.




“Okay, you guys are sure you have everything you need right?”  Joonmyun double-checks while they stand in the airport terminal. 

“Of course!”  Sehun groans.  “I watched Luhan and Yixing’s ‘What to Bring on a Trip to China’ video like five times!” 

Minseok just shrugs.  He is positive that forgetting something will be the last of his problems during what is sure to be a disaster of a trip. 

“Great!”  Joonmyun says, clasping his hands together.  “I can’t believe we’re actually going to meet them!” 

“Not just meet them, Joonmyun.”  Sehun says, grabbing Joonmyun’s shoulders and giving him a serious look.  “We’re going to woo them.” 

“Right.”  Joonmyun vigorously nods.  “I’m assuming you have the notebook, correct?” 

Sehun smirks, Minseok sighs. 

“Do I even want to know what this “notebook” is?”  Minseok eyes them warily as their faces stretch into creepy smiles. 

“It’s the single most important thing we’ve ever made.”  Joonmyun explains while Sehun reaches into his bag and pulles out a simple composition notebook. 

“Within these pages lie everything we have ever learned about Luhan and Yixing.”  Sehun caresses the notebook lovingly and Minseok is slightly disturbed.  “Their birthdays, their favorite foods, what pets they have, their favorite color, what they look for in a romantic relationship, their hobbies, their heights, their weights-”

“And, most importantly.”  Joonmyun cuts in.  “Their favorite places to hang out.  Now we know exactly where to go to look for them-” Sehun coughs. “…I mean accidently run into them.  We would never purposefully look for them that would just be creepy.” 

They laugh awkwardly, and Minseok decides that maybe he did want these idiots to get lost in China.  Unfortunately, before he can turn and leave, his soon-to-be ex-best friends are dragging him onto the plane. 



Playlist: XingHan’s China Travel Know-how


“Always remember to be respectful!”  Yixing stresses, tapping his stick on the whiteboard where Luhan was making a list of guidelines.  “Especially to the elderly, that is essential.  Bow, speak formerly, you know the drill.”

“Also, there is nothing more annoying than a tourist who doesn’t even try to speak Chinese.”  Luhan says.  “Don’t come here with the expectation that everyone will speak your language, always try your best to communicate in Chinese and the locals will meet you halfway!” 

“Besides, you should all be fluent after our help.  Right?”  Yixing flashes a dimple and thousands of viewers swoon instantaneously.



“Wow, I can’t believe we’re actually here.”  Sehun looks around in awe at the tall, grandiose buildings towering above them as they exit the airport. 

“Ditto.”  Minseok mutters less enthusiastically. 

“Okay, we have our suitcases, our maps, our phones, and I converted money back in Korea so we’re all set.”  Joonmyun fusses over them a bit, double-checking everything before standing back and giving Minseok an expectant gaze. 


“Do your thing.”  He gestures toward the busy street.  “Get a taxi, make it take us to a hotel, you know, the whole reason you’re here.” 

“Oh, right.  Sorry, let me serve you master.”  Minseok grumbles as he walks forward.  To be completely honest, he has no idea what he’s doing, but he figures it can’t be too different from Korea.  So he sticks his hand out and lone and behold a taxi drives right up to them. 

Sehun and Joonmyun cheer and grab Minseok’s suitcase to put in the trunk with theirs.  Minseok slides into the backseat and bows his head toward the driver.  Then the man starts to speak, and Minseok’s jaw drops. 

It’s fast, it’s confusing, and four years was definitely not enough to deal with this.  Chinese words are entering his ears at high velocity and to say he is panicking would be an understatement. 

But, Minseok is prideful, and he refuses to let his two friends know he wasn’t as skilled as he claimed to be.  So, he smiles sweetly and says what he hopes is “hotel, please.”  The driver’s eyebrows go up a bit, but then he just nods and Minseok breathes a sigh of relief.  That was close.  All he has to do now is hope they get to a good hotel and Sehun and Joonmyun don’t expect too much from him. 



“Um, Minseok?”  Joonmyun asks, shooting him a suspicious look while Sehun just looks at the building in front of them in shock.  “Where are we?” 

“Isn’t that obvious? Ha ha...” Minseok laughs trying to hide his unease.  “We’re at the hotel.”

Apparently his conversation with the driver hadn’t gone as well as he thought, since the man had taken them to the shadiest place he’s ever seen in his life, took his payment, and then shoved them out of the cab before speeding away. 

“You must be kidding.”  Sehun turns to Minseok with a broken look, quivering lip and everything. 

“It’s not that bad.”  Minseok says sheepishly. 

And sure, it isn’t that bad, if you ignore the fact that the building is literally surrounded by dark alleys and has no windows, the paint is peeling off, there’s an odd group of men in front of the door eyeing them, and…crap, one of the men is coming over. 

“Minseok!”  Joonmyun whimpers, jumping behind his back with Sehun scurrying after him.  The man is tall and has the eyes of an assassin, not to mention the rippling muscles…and is that a giant stick.  !  He’s going to kill them with his giant stick. 

The man finally reaches them and stands in front of Minseok, sizing him up before smiling sweetly. 

Wait.  What? 

“Hi!”  The man greets them in a voice that definitely doesn’t match the exterior.  It’s soft and kind and Minseok is instantly relieved.  That was close.  “I’m Tao!  Are you guys here to stay?  My father owns the hostel, I can check you in.” 

“Um, y-yeah.  That would be great.”  Minseok answers, surprised that the guy spoke Korean.  “How did you know we’re Korean?” 

“I can tell.” 

Tao doesn’t explain any further, he just turns and motions for them to follow.  Before they get inside Tao tosses his stick to his friends, who Minseok notices are holding similar sticks and wearing martial arts outfits.  Oh… he feels stupid. 

Much to the trio’s pleasure, the inside of the hostel is slightly better.  It’s still sort of run down but they get a clean room and Tao’s mom’s food is probably ten times more delicious than any hotel food would’ve been. 

It’s looking good for them.



XingHanTV uploaded a new video


“So, a lot of you guys leave comments asking about how we became so fluent in Korean.”  Yixing smiles.  “And, well, we only got this good after a whole lot of studying!”

“And natural talent, of course!”  Luhan adds with a wink.  “If you all keep working hard you’ll be just as good in Chinese!”

And if you listen closely you can hear the faint sound of a scoff in the background that the editing missed. 



“So, where are you guys going today?”  Tao asks, looking at the trio curiously while they eat breakfast.

“Um,” Sehun pulls out his notebook and looks inside.  “We’re going to the Red Dragon Café.” 

“Oh!  I love that place, my friend owns it.”  Tao grins.

“Really?”  Minseok asks, finally gaining interest in the conversation. 

“Yeah.  His name is Baekhyun, he’s Korean.”  Tao says.  “He’s a little odd, but nice!”

“Great!”  Minseok exclaims with a bright smile, causing Sehun and Joonmyun to shoot him suspicious looks.  He just shrugs, he can’t possibly tell them he’s happy because it means less chances at embarrassing himself with his crappy Chinese. 

“Well.”  Joonmyun says, wiping his hands on a napkin.  “Let’s go, guys.  Thanks for breakfast, Tao!”

“No problem, have fun!”


Luckily, the ride to the café is easier since Minseok can actually pronounce the name of the establishment correctly.  The place is indeed spectacular.  Fashioned in a traditional oriental style, with tiers and intricate wooden carvings.  Joonmyun and Sehun immediately start taking selfies and Minseok just rolls his eyes and goes in.


A face suddenly appears in front of him, with a huge grin and crazy eyes. 

“Um, hi.”  Minseok replies, backing away from the tall stranger in front of him.  He squints at the name pin on his shirt.  Chanyeol.

“Enjoy your visit at the Red Dragon Café, we have the best coffee and um, ,” the guy pauses and seems to be in deep thought before glancing at his palm. “Ah!  The best coffee, cakes, and service in all of Beijing!  No other place can compare!” 

“Right, thanks.”

Minseok continues into the café and can faintly hear Chanyeol repeating the same greeting to Sehun and Joonmyun. 

“Hello there.”  Minseok jumps when a voice sounds right next to him and he turns to see a short guy grinning at him.  “You must be one of Tao’s guests.  I’m Baekhyun.”  

“Nice to meet you, Baekhyun.  How did you know I was one of Tao’s guests?” 

“Intuition.” Baekhyun smirks, before walking around the counter.  “Those two must be your friends then, right?”  Gesturing to the two idiots laughing with Chanyeol.


“So, what can I get you guys today?”  Baekhyun asks when Sehun and Joonmyun had joined Minseok at the counter. 

“Well,” Sehun begins, trying to act nonchalant.  “We heard that you have two regulars here, by the names of Luhan and Yixing.” 

Baekhyun’s eyebrow raises at this.  “That’s correct.” 

“We’ll take whatever they usually order.”  Joonmyun says, sliding his credit card across the counter. 

“Right away.”  Baekhyun replies, and Minseok swears he can see an evil glimmer in those brown eyes. 


“What the hell are those?”  Minseok asks as he crosses his arms and leans on the counter next to Baekhyun. 

“The most expensive drinks we offer.”  He responds in amusement. 

The drinks are served in huge, golden mugs, with various colors of cream floating on the tops and a ring of smaller espresso shots situated around it. 

“Are those really what Yixing and Luhan order?”

“Of course not.”  Baekhyun laughs. 

Maybe Minseok should’ve stood up for his friends, maybe he should’ve been mad at Baekhyun for taking advantage of them, especially when he saw the receipt.  But he didn’t, he just shared a knowing glance and exchanged a fist bump before following his naïve friends out the door. 



Yixing&Luhan @XingHanTV

Only a few days left until the fan meeting!  We can’t wait to meet you all!



“Ahhh!  I can’t believe it’s tomorrow!”  Sehun gushes while he stretches his body across the sea of shopping bags on the floor. 

They had spent the previous day visiting all the stores that were apparently recommended by Luhan and Yixing.  Minseok now has sore feet from the nonstop walking and a sore brain from the nonstop translating, in reality it was just fake translating but whatever.  All he wants to do was rest, but no, he can’t even do that because his two stupid friends won’t shut up. 

“Joonmyun, what are you going to wear?”  Sehun asks.  “I’ve looked through all my clothes and I just can’t decide!  I need to look amazing so I can woo Luhan.”

“I’m wearing this.”  Joonmyun replies tossing a sweater onto Sehun’s head from his reclining position on the wall, headphones in one ear and eyes glued to his phone. 

“Uh, I’m not sure this is the best choice.”  Sehun says uneasily. 

“Why’s that?”  Joonmyun replies, sounding completely disinterested. 

“Minseok, tell him why he shouldn’t wear this.”  Minseok cracks an eye open to look at the sweater and sighs.

“Joonmyun, you look horrible in purple.”

“God!  Can’t you guys see I’m busy?”  Joonmyun whines, ripping his earbud out and glaring.  “I know I look horrible in purple, but it’s Yixing’s favorite color so I’m going to wear it anyway.  Okay?!”

“I couldn’t care less.”  Minseok mumbles at the same time Sehun declares that Joonmyun is a genius and he’s going to do the same thing, except with red since that was Luhan’s favorite color. 

“Great, now that you two are done can you shut up and let me sleep.”



“Woah.”  Tao gapes at the trio when they come downstairs the next day.  “You guys look…interesting.” 

Minseok just sighs, he’s honestly had enough of this so-called vacation.  He had woken up this morning with a t-shirt shoved in his face and Joonmyun demanding he put it on. 

Apparently, when the two were discussing their outfits, they were actually discussing what to pair with the t-shirts they already planned on wearing.  The custom t-shirts.  The embarrassing custom t-shirts, and they made one for Minseok too.  How thoughtful.

So, here they were, Joonmyun in a white shirt that had Xing printed on it paired with a purple cardigan, Sehun in a matching shirt with Han printed on it and a red zip up, and Minseok in a shirt that had TV printed on it, he made sure to carry a black hoodie so he could slip it on and hide the ugly shirt whenever his friends weren’t paying attention. 

“Are you going somewhere special?”  Tao asks while they eat breakfast. 

“We’re going to a fan meeting.”  Sehun replies, one hand shoveling food into his mouth and the other tapping away at his phone.

“Ah, have fun!” 

“Oh, we will.”  Joonmyun says and he and Sehun turn to look at each other with creepy smiles before grabbing Minseok and pulling him out the door. 



XingHanTV uploaded a new video


“When traveling around China it’s always easier to use a taxi, it’s an extra cost but worth it compared to getting lost in a foreign country!”  Yixing laughs.  “I remember trying to use buses to travel in Korea to save a little cash, but I wasn’t as comfortable with the language then and I ended up in Mapo when I wanted to go to Gangnam!”

“Was it really the language?  Or just your horrible sense of direction?”  Luhan quips causing Yixing to pout.  “Anyway, another thing to keep in mind is your pronunciation.  If you say the address wrong then you can still get lost even with a taxi.  I suggest always pulling the address up on your phone and showing the driver!”

“Good luck and happy travels!” 




“Okay, Minseok, here is the address of the convention building.”  Joonmyun says, handing Minseok his phone.  “Make sure the driver knows where to go.” 

“Hmm.”  Minseok hums before smirking.  “Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” 

Joonmyun and Sehun freeze, turning to stare at him.

“I’ll make sure the driver knows the right place if you two agree to cover up these hideous shirts until we get there.” 

“Fine.”  They answer together, zipping and buttoning their sweaters.  Minseok grins and pulls on his hoodie. 

He figures it would be easy enough, just hail a taxi, show the phone and go.  No Chinese involved.  He was wrong. 

The driver squints at the phone before looking at Minseok and spewing Chinese with exaggerated motions toward his eyes.  Minseok takes a leap of faith and interprets it at as the old man telling him he can’t read the screen. 

He would’ve questioned whether the man should be driving if he can’t even read a phone screen, but he couldn’t say that even if he tried.  So, he inwardly panics and looks at the address.  Reading shouldn’t be as hard as speaking. 

Minseok can recognize some of the characters, so he gives it his best shot, and is pretty impressed at the words that leave his mouth.  They sound pretty Chinese. 

The driver nods curtly and started driving.  Sehun and Joonmyun shoot him small thumbs ups before going back to their excited whispering, and Minseok relaxes into his seat, hoping it will all turn out alright so he can just get it over with and go home. 



“Minseok, where the hell are we?”  Joonmyun growls while Sehun looks close to tears.

“Don’t panic guys, I’m sure the convention building is around here somewhere.”  Minseok says with a nervous laugh. 

“I honestly doubt that.”  Joonmyun frowns, glaring at their surroundings.  Dark alleys, dirty streets, and buildings more rundown than Tao’s place.

“Do you even speak Chinese?!”  Sehun shouts, punching Minseok’s arm.  “Have you been lying to us?”

“Woah.”  Minseok puts his hands up and backs away while the two cross their arms and glare.  “I maybe, sort of, might’ve overestimated my Chinese abilities.  But, I didn’t mean to lie to you.” 

“Do you have any idea how important this was to us?”  Joonmyun asks in a broken voice.  “You might think it’s stupid, but it’s not stupid to us!” 

As Minseok looks at his friends he can feel the remorse filling his heart, he blames it all on his stupid pride.  It was all his fault.  As annoying as they are, Sehun and Joonmyun are his best friends and he can’t help but feel like a huge jerk with them staring so pitifully at him. 

“Look, I’m sorry.  I’ll do my best to fix this.”  Minseok looks at them hopefully.  “How long do we have until the meeting?”

“Two hours.”

“That’s plenty of time.”  Minseok quickly looks around.  “There.”  He points.  “It’s a restaurant, we can ask someone in there for help.” 

Sehun and Joonmyun look skeptical, but eventually nod and follow Minseok into the dingy establishment. 

They’re just about to ask the kind looking waitress for directions, before a huge sound distracts them.  That sound turnes out to be the old wooden door being kicked off its hinges and a group of three men walking in with smirks and guns.

Wait.  Guns!

The trio of friends look at each other with panic in their eyes while the few customers and employees start to scream.  The tall guy in front begins to shout in Chinese and waves his gun around, the people immediately stop screaming and hold their hands up before cowering onto the ground. 

“Um, maybe we should copy them.”  Joonmyun whispers.  Sehun just whimpers and grabs onto his arm. 

Minseok is going to agree, but it was too late.  The men have already spotted them, not that it was hard.  They’re the only people still standing and they’re kind of in the middle of the freaking restaurant, in plain sight. 

The gang walks up to them, although it looks more like a swagger, and the leader nudges Minseok’s arm with his gun.  He mutters something in Chinese and Minseok stares.  Maybe Minseok would’ve tried to answer, but he was too scared.  Any word of any language wiped from his brain. 

The guy is getting impatient, nudging him harder and starting to shout.  The guys behind him watch carefully before the wide-eyed one whispers something to the tan one. 

“Kris.”  The tan one calls, placing one hand on this so-called Kris’s arm.  “Kyung thinks they might not be Chinese.” 

“And I was right.”  The short one smirks, taking in the surprised faces of the trio as they hear Korean being used. 

“Ah, well then, excuse me and let me repeat myself.”  Kris bows politely before poking his gun at Minseok again and shouting.  “Get on the ground motherers!!!” 

“Ugh, always so dramatic.”  The tan one mutters, lazily pointing his gun toward Sehun. “What he said, get down or something, whatever?”

“I’m Kyungsoo, it’s nice to see some native faces.  Welcome to China, if you could put your hands up and please get on the ground it would be much appreciated.”  The short one says politely, showing a frightening smile and holding his gun pointblank to Joonmyun’s forehead. 

They slowly begin to kneel down, but Minseok is somehow filled with a sudden bravery while looking at the pathetic faces of his friends.  Yeah, it’s his sense of duty that made him stand up and speak.

“Listen,” He says, raising his hands up.  “We have somewhere we really need to be.  If you just let us go we won’t call the police, we’ll just run and not-“

“Shut up and get down.” 

Minseok really can’t argue any further with a gun pressed against his head, yep, abort mission. 

“Sorry, guys.”  He whispers, joining the two on the ground.  He is answered with glares that scream the same message. 

There’s no way they’re getting to the fan meeting, Minseok ruined their lives.  That is, if they even survive. 



Yixing&Luhan @XingHanTV

Only 2 hrs left!  We r so excited to meet u all!  You guys better come, no excuses! ٩(^ᴗ^)۶

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Chapter 2: Noooo this is too cute, im clutching my chest >////<
Katira_Elise08 #3
Chapter 2: Awwwww that was seriously soooo cute!!!! Awww XiuChen is totally OTP x) that was so adorable!!!!
Katira_Elise08 #4
Chapter 2: So adorable!!
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh I laughed so much it was so funny and cute HAHAHA I loved it <3
LunaticV #7
Chapter 2: this is so cuteeee <3
i wonder though, what Jongdae made Luhan and Yixing say to their fans :p
Chapter 2: This is kyute!! XD love it!
Chapter 2: I love this! This is the first time I read three royal otps of exo in one shot that is not hunhan, baekyeol and kaisoo centered (because their are the usual otps on the stories I came to read) double thumbs-up author-nim!