when my time comes around (lay me gently in the cold dark earth)


Rangers don't get the luxury of secrets. He tries to keep them anyways, and that might just destroy them both. 


This is a cross over with Pacific Rim. I read a great fic with this au and I loved it so much I had to write my own. The title is from Hoziers Work Song. I hope everybody enjoys!


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situationoverload #1
Chapter 1: Beautiful and heartbreaking and hopeful ♡
Chapter 1: so i was looking up pacific rim AUs for my own planned fic and wow this was just. beautiful. your prose and the way everything flows and this is my favourite part:

"And sometimes the waiting is like the moments between songs on the radio. When there is nothing but empty noise and the faint sound of static in the background, when you sit and wait and it’s all anticipation because the next song might be great or it might . When you’re a pilot though, your next drop could be success (slapped shoulders and loud laughs and the feel of power and adrenaline coursing through your veins), your next drop might end with two empty graves and another candle lit in a line of many."

Chapter 1: Love it omg.
Very Interesting