021 | small world

I See You

Jungkook might be caught up in the early stages of love, but he is not oblivious.  Well, sure, he has selectively blocked out his surroundings for a few moments and ignored his roommates in favor of staying in his little love bubble.  However, there comes a point when it’s impossible to wait for his friends to broach the subject on their own.  He cannot, no, he will not sit in silence while Jimin and Namjoon stare dreamily over mediocre pizza.

Jungkook briefly wonders if this is how it felt to be around him at the very beginning of his relationship with Taehyung.  (The fleeting thought of Taehyung brings a smile to his face.)  The most bothersome part of the meal is the conversation, specifically the lack thereof.  It makes Jungkook shift uncomfortably in his seat because he knows that he is missing something important.

“What happened?” Jungkook asks loudly.  It causes Jimin to drop his slice of pizza, which he had been holding mid-air for the past two minutes.  Namjoon blinks very slowly, widening his eyes before squeezing his eyelids shut.  Neither one answers Jungkook’s question, so he repeats himself in annoyance.

Jimin inhales deeply before promptly breaking out into a fit of giggles.  It takes a moment to calm down and keep a straight face.  He corrects his posture with a face of mock-seriousness.  Clearing his throat, Jimin declares, “I have a date.”

“With who?” The incredulity in Jungkook’s voice isn’t intentional.  It’s not that Jungkook is shocked that Jimin has a date; Jimin deserves all the happiness in the world.  Jungkook had no clue that Jimin was emotionally involved with some, at least to the extent that they would go on a date.

“Min Yoongi.” Jimin giggles, pressing a hand against his cheek as he smiles.

Namjoon cuts in, “The one that fired you?”


Jungkook and Namjoon pause, sharing a meaningful moment of eye contact.  There is room for Jimin to elaborate, but he chooses not to say anything.  His happiness hampers his ability to realize that he really should provide an explanation.  When it becomes painfully obvious that any information from Jimin will have to be forcibly extracted, Jungkook shifts his focus to Namjoon.  “And what has you over the moon, Kim Namjoon?”

“I have a boyfriend.” Namjoon murmurs; his announcement is somewhat less dramatic since Jimin’s news is similar.

“Ah,” Jungkook responds, “Who?”

“Kim Seokjin.” Namjoon offers despite the fact it’s almost impossible for his friends to know his new boyfriend.

“Kim Seokjin?” Jungkook and Jimin exclaim simultaneously.

It briefly alarms Namjoon before he comes to his senses.  “I doubt he’s the same Seokjin that you know.”

Jungkook and Jimin speaks simultaneously:

“Taehyung has a brother named Seokjin.”

“Kim Seokjin hired me to work for Yoongi.”

Namjoon looks between his friends.  “Do you want me to ask him if he has a brother named Taehyung? And if he hired Park Jimin for Yoongi?”

Jimin and Jungkook chime in at the same time, “Yes.”

Rolling his eyes, Namjoon takes out his phone.  The odds that all three Seokjins are the same person seem low.  That is until Jimin brings that line of thought to a grinding halt.

“Jungkook, we’re talking about the same Seokjin.  Taehyung is Seokjin’s younger brother and they’re both friends of Yoongi.”

Jungkook squints before nodding, “You’re right.”

Now there are only two Seokjins in play, and Namjoon knows that Min liked his housekeeper, which merited scheming on Seokjin’s part. Jimin was Min Yoongi’s housekeeper at one point.  Seokjin once mentioned that he has a little brother. (Namjoon briefly think it's cute that the best fake name Seokjin could up with was Min.)  Namjoon does the math and comes to the swift conclusion that the world is too small, uncomfortably small.  He sets his phone down, leaning back in his chair.

“Aren’t you going to ask him?” Jimin says after noticing that Namjoon has set his phone aside.

“Does your Seokjin meddle?”

“Yes!” Jimin squawks.

Namjoon clicks his tongue, “I don’t need to ask him.  We’re all talking about the same Seokjin.”

Jungkook chews on the inside of his cheek.  His question took the conversation in a different direction than he was expecting.  Everyone has someone, unlike a few months ago when they were all incredibly single.

“What a small world.” Jungkook mutters before shoving a slice of pizza into his mouth.





Yoongi has spent the past four hours trying to rack up ideas for a date.  He has been trying and failing.  His mind has never been so empty.

Normally, if he’s blocked, he can take a nap and wake up refreshed.  However, his attempts at falling asleep have also failed miserably.  His eyes refuse to close, and his body acts like his blood is saturated with caffeine.  A mess of nerves tangles in his stomach.  He needs ideas, and he needs them immediately.  He cannot butcher his date with Jimin if he hopes for them to be anything.  A date is one thing, but Yoongi wants to be Jimin’s significant other.  He would have straight up asked Jimin to be his boyfriend, but he vaguely remembers that there is some sort of protocol that goes along with it.

When he hears the front door open, Yoongi is lying on the floor.  It has become an odd place of comfort for him, especially when his mind is trying to grapple with realizations that just won’t come.  He is unsurprised to see Seokjin come into view.

The joyous expression on Seokjin’s face morphs into one of worry when he spots Yoongi on the ground.  He immediately begins to verbalize his panic and disappointment rather than wait for any explanation.  “When I left that coffee shop, everything was going really well.  How exactly did you mess this up, Min Yoongi?  I don’t now how I’m going to fix this again!”

“It’s not what you think.” Yoongi murmurs, rolling his head to the side to give his best friend a stern look.  “Also, thank you for getting up in my business.  Never do it again.”

“Why are you on the floor?”

Yoongi sits up with a groan, “I don’t know what I’m going to do for my date with Jimin.”

“YOU’RE GOING ON A DATE WITH JIMIN?!” Seokjin shouts before squealing and stomping his feet and flailing his hands around.  After his small geek out, Seokjin gets down on the ground to be on the same level as Yoongi.


“I have news of my own.” Seokjin smiles, taking Yoongi’s face into his hands and getting uncomfortably close.  (It’s a small gesture that reminds Yoongi of the fact that Seokjin and Taehyung are brothers without boundaries.)  “I got my man!”

“Congratulations.” Yoongi extends his happiness with a rather dull voice.  Yoongi didn’t doubt that Seokjin could resolve his own issues, and perhaps on another day, he might’ve been more enthusiastic.  However, he’s still trying to find out what to do with Jimin on their date.

Seokjin huffs, “Are you really that preoccupied?”


Seokjin clicks his tongue, “Take him mini golfing.  It’s an easy, affordable date that isn’t inhibited by prosopagnosia, unlike movies.  It’s okay if you both at it because no one mini golfs to sharpen skill.  Any silences aren’t likely to be uncomfortable because you’ll have to move through the date.”

Yoongi looks at Seokjin with soft eyes, “You’re a genius.”

“You’re welcome for meddling.”  Seokjin touches his pointer finger on Yoongi’s nose.  “And I cannot promise that I won’t do it again.”





Taehyung chews on his lower lip, staring at the cover his new album.  The label chose to make the picture black and white.  Taehyung is partially submerged in a pool of dark water.  His hair almost moves with the still flow of the water as his eyes lock with the camera.  A large, red V is printed in the left corner, almost over Taehyung’s heart.

Taehyung actually likes the picture.  He seems mysterious, even y with the way that he’s staring out into the world from the photo.

Everything is set for him to pull back the curtain and reveal the wizard.  One week before the end of his mystery and privacy and Taehyung still hasn’t told Jungkook about his career as a famous singer.

Taehyung has tried to tell Jungkook repeatedly, but each time Jungkook does something cute or catches him off guard with his twinkling laughter.  Taehyung panics and fears the worst.  He’s grown too attached to Jungkook to damage their relationship in any way, shape, or form.  What if Jungkook breaks up with him?  Taehyung has lied to him through omission.  Jungkook might not be willing to give up a part of his privacy in order to be involved with someone famous.

Taehyung knows that he needs to say something before Jungkook finds out independently.  If it’s a matter of privacy, Jungkook should have the option of breaking it off if he feels uncomfortable with it.

Setting down the album, Taehyung groans deeply and drags a hand down the side of his face.  His head hurts from the conflicting emotions and thoughts bouncing around his head.  Jungkook makes his heart stutter and his tongue trip over itself.  He leaves the taste of banana milk in Taehyung’s mouth.  Taehyung can picture being old and feeding ducklings with Jungkook.

He might be in love with Jungkook.  He is in love with Jungkook.  He wants a big, bright, fuzzy, idealistic future complete with a dog and two kids with Jungkook.

Taehyung picks up his phone and calls Jungkook.  He realizes that he only has a few moments to come up with a plan of action.  Should he just tell Jungkook over the phone, or is this news that needs to be delivered in person?

“Hello boyfriend.” Jungkook greets as he picks up his phone with a light giggle.

“I’m V.” Taehyung blurts out, unable to finish his planning.  The abruptness of his declaration just proves how poorly thought out this call was.

“You’re what?” Jungkook asks, unsure of what exactly he just heard.

“The singer, V.  I am V; V is me.” Taehyung whispers, flicking his forehead while listening for whatever reaction Jungkook is having.

“You’re V.”


“You’ve been V for the entirety of our relationship?” Jungkook asks in a dazed and confused voice.

“I was V before I met you and continue to be at the this very moment.” Taehyung begins biting his thumbnail, as he listens to Jungkook’s breath quicken. He tries to read the silences and audible intakes of breath as though Jungkook is sitting in front of him.  He must be angry, furious, hurt, and Taehyung begins to freak out again because Jungkook is going to break up with him.

“Jungkook, please say something.” Taehyung whines.  He needs Jungkook to break up with him right now, to rip off the Band-Aid.

Jungkook takes a deep breath, “Are you breaking up with me?”


“Well, I mean, you know, does your company want us to break up because you’re sort of an idol?” Jungkook squeaks, trying to keep his voice from cracking. “I know that V, I mean you, you’re putting a face to the name now, and you’re breaking up with me right?”

“No.” Taehyung almost shouts at Jungkook. “No, no, no, no. No.  I mean no, I thought you would want to break up with me because I lied by omission and there might be media around you if we’re dating.”

“What?” Jungkook screeches. “Why would I break up with you when I’m in love with you?”

Taehyung’s heart pounds against his ribs. Did Jungkook just say what Taehyung thinks he just said?

“You’re in love with me?” He asks hopefully as his heart swells to the point where it has begun to interfere with his breathing.

“Did I say that?”  Jungkook whimpers.

“Yes.  Did you mean it?”

“Yes.” Jungkook replies quietly.  “I love you.”

“I love you, too!” Taehyung shouts, standing up to declare his feelings. He feels like he could soar at this very moment.


“Say it again.” Taehyung begs as he sinks back into his seat with a ridiculous smile plastered across his face.

“I love you.” Jungkook giggles. “What about you?”

“I love you more.”





Yoongi stares at Jimin’s front door.  Nerves are wrecking his insides, twisting and wringing his organs, causing his muscles to pull taut and harden.  He clenches his fist, raising it to the cool surface of the door.

Yoongi closes his eyes; everything will go perfectly.  It’s just his first date with Jimin, and Seokjin knows where he’ll be. He’s perfectly aware that Seokjin will be somewhere at the Putt-Putt Hutt behind a pair of oversized sunglasses, monitoring the status of his date with Jimin.

Yoongi looks at the sunflower in his left hand.  He can only hope that Jimin likes sunflowers because they remind Yoongi of when Jimin smiles to an eerie degree.  Honestly, Jimin’s smile could makes an entire field of sunflowers grow, but that’s the kind of compliment that is too cheesy to say out loud when they haven’t even had a successful date yet.

Yoongi swallows his bundle of nerves and gently knocks his fist against the door two times.  The door swings open within three seconds to reveal Jimin dressed semi-casually with a large smile spread across his face.

“Hi.” Yoongi whispers as all of the tension leaves his body upon seeing Jimin.  He melts like soft serve on a scorching summer afternoon because Jimin is so handsome without even trying.

“Is that for me?” Jimin points at the flower in Yoongi’s hand.

Yoongi blinks before nodding and extending it toward Jimin, “I saw and I thought of you.”

“Sunflowers are my favorite.” Jimin giggles, “I’ll put this in water, and we can go to the mini golf place.”

Jimin disappears for a second and returns without the small gift.  Jimin pats his pockets before nodding.  “Let’s go have our date.”

Yoongi clears his throat, following Jimin to the elevator where he presses the call button.

Jimin turns to Yoongi, “You know I never asked.”

“You never asked what?” Yoongi responds, afraid that whatever question is going to come might ruin the date at the very beginning.

“What do you look like?”

Yoongi takes a deep breath.  People aren’t exactly throwing themselves at him, but they’re not trying to cover the eyes of children either.  Yoongi figures that he’s just average, but should he tell Jimin that?  He wants to be honest, but he doesn't want Jimin to think he's some hideous monster.   He tries to dodge it by responding with a question of his own, “Are looks that important to you?”

“No.  I’m just curious.” Jimin sighs as the elevator doors open.  "I would like to know what you look like if my mom asks or something like that."

They step onto the elevator together, and Yoongi swallows his pride this time.  “Let’s just say I’m not breaking any hearts.” 

A small smile blooms on Jimin’s lips as he intertwines their fingers.  Once they’re hands are firmly woven together, Jimin exhales contentedly.

“Good,” he says, “That means you won’t break mine.”



the beginning.

I dunno if there's going to be an epilogue.
thanks for reading for beginning to end.
leave a comment so that I know what you think (will answer questions if you have any).
if you loved it, be sure to upvote.
feel free to friend me or follow my author stories or whatever.
i'll let you guys know about my next yoonmin fanfic.
thanks for you patience. I love you guys.



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peggyw #1
Chapter 23: Such a sweet story; sorry I came across it so late
myloveforjimin #2
Chapter 23: This was really cute:)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 23: aww i love the story this was so nice
I was really expecting the 6 of them to be at the same place at the same time and realize they were dating one another's friends though :( but either way this was great ^^
liquorandice #4
im sick with a fever and coughs and was drinking tea when I saw this and smiled for the first time today
I can tell this is gonna be a good read
SassySquirrel #5
Chapter 22: An amazing story, thank you! (-:
JaniceLucy #6
Chapter 23: This is the first fanfic ever that I reread! I love it, you are a really good writer! Fighting!
JennyLucy #7
Chapter 23: You are a great writer and this story was amazing! Keep writing, fighting!
Chapter 23: MY HEARTEU. MY FEELS. MY EVERYTHING. This is such a good story ohmygosh. Thank you ao much for creating such a wonderful piece. I'm so glad i found this. I really really loved this so much. I LOVE YOU