
I miss someone too


It had been perhaps a month or two since Sehun got to see his lover. In Sehun's mind it was the most excruciating month that he's gone through. He laid there on his bed, unwilling to move or actually do something productive even though his sub group was on a break. Exo-m wasn't though, they didn't have a break they were promoting still.

Luhan was still working.

A voice and a door opening broke his thoughts. 

" Oi Sehun! Come on get off that bed and actually do something. We were going to go get some bubble tea, want to come with us?" Baekhyun asked with his squarish smile, he had a giant looming over his shoulder. His lover, his Chanyeol. *At least they get to see each other every single day* Sehun thought to himself bitterly. 

"No hyung.. I don't want to go anywhere right now... Not even for bubble tea.." Sehun mumbled and curled up on his bed. His words encouraged Baekhyun simply to roll his eyes and walk further into his room whilst being followed by his giant who refused to let go of his hand. 

"Oh come on Sehun-ah, I'm sure that the bubble tea shop misses you.." Chanyeol attempted at coaxing the youngest to get off his bed and do something. Knowing this was clearly not working Baekhyun was tempted to just drag the younger off the bed himself but he knew since the younger is taller he would just probably kick him or something. Then again he had a giant of his own but he wasn't willing to risk anything right now. 

"SUHO HYUNG GET THIS LAZY MAKNAE OFF HIS BED!" Baekhyun yelled out getting impatient with the maknae. The latter walked into the room shortly with a light sigh.

"What's going on here guys? I was trying to sleep.." Suho mumbled lightly as he rubbed his puffy eyes. Clearly showing a lack of sleep that no one seemed to have noticed. 

"Sehun won't get out of bed, he keeps whining about not being able to see Luhan." Baekhyun said with a frown, he knew it would perhaps upset the maknae even more but he didn't care because he thought that the maknae was being rather spoilt at the moment.

"I'm not whining! You don't get it Baekhyun hyung! You have Chanyeol with you every single day! I can't see Luhannie every day... I can't talk to him all the time, I can't kiss him when I want to, I can't hold his hand... I can't do anything like that whenever I want to unlike you! None of you would understand so please leave me alone!!" The frustrated maknae yelled out. The volume of Sehun's voice had surprised Baekhyun and Chanyeol; before Baekhyun could retaliate with a string of swearing he was stopped by Suho who placed his hand on Baekhyun's shoulder. 

"... Let's leave him be you two... We can't blame him for missing Luhan. It's not his fault, just let him rest and Sehun-ah just get some sleep for now, I'll buy you some bubble tea later okay?" Suho diffused the tension and watched as the Baekyeol couple walked out. It was more like Chanyeol carried Baekhyun out because Baekhyun was fuming mad. Suho smiled softly seeing Sehun just go under his blanket before walking out of the room.

Outside the dorm, Baekhyun was still fuming mad as he let out strings of abuse aimed at the maknae.

"Oh Baek... I know what Sehun did was wrong but he misses Luhan hyung and if you were gone for that long I don't know what I would do..." The giant stopped walking and looked at his Baekyun with his big cute eyes.

Baekhyun couldn't resist him, he stopped walking and kissed Chanyeol's cheek. "I know Yeollie... But he's not the only one... Didn't you see the look in Suho hyung's eyes when Sehun yelled saying that none of us would understand? I admit we won't because we have each other all the time but Sehun isn't alone. He has us taking care of him all the time, but who does Suho have? We are all younger than him so he won't let us care for him Yeollie... Suho hyung is... Broken when his unicorn is not with him." Baekhyun sighed. 

Chanyeol could only nod in agreement. "I know Baek... I wish Suho hyung would stop hiding his feelings.." He sighed as he walked into the bubble tea shop with his Baekhyun. He was so glad that he could be this close to his lover unlike Sehun and Suho.

Back at the dorm Suho, the guadrian angel walked into his room and sat down on his bed. "Ah Sehun-ah... I wish I didn't know what it felt like but sadly I do.." he whispered and looked at his phone, his lockscreen was a picture of his lover. 


The one person that could heal him no matter what. Lay could read him like an open book even when Suho tried to not let that happen. Before Suho even realises it, tears were going down his cheeks. Unlike Sehun he couldn't see Lay even when the two groups were free because as leader he needed to continue on with work just like Kris had to but unlike Kris; he didn't have his lover with him at all times. 

Fresh hot tears ran down his cheeks as he felt a searing pain through his heart.

Another day with no one to hold him.

No one to care for him.

No one to love him.

Another night with no one to sleep with.

Another night filled with silent tears.

Another sleepless night without his love.

Without him.

Sehun isn't the only one who misses someone.

Suho missed his lover.


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Chapter 1: Amazing. Really. Well then off to the sequel~ :d
Very Interesting
Chapter 1: I love this! Read like 3 times. It's good you made a sequel as well :)