Jung Daehyun! Give me back my phone! | delexnight

(◕‿◕) Vee Graphics (✌゚∀゚)☞ Status : Closed

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Jung Daehyun! Give me back my phone!




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Your AFF profile name: dongsaengie_98

Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/251488

Name of characters/ idols: 2pm Taecyeon,Dalmatian Simon, Iolani

Any focused character: taecyeon,iolani,Simon

URL to your Fanfic: asianfanfics.com/story/view/337242/love-doesn-t-die-taecyeon-you-simon-iolani

Picture of characters/ idols & URL links: Can you provide them for me? Thank you ^_^

Theme: romance, sorrow

Other extras you want me to add? Such as: Quotes? Saying? :

Quotes- "But you promised that you will always stay forever. Why did you leave me? What do I do without you?

I want taecyeon picture on the top of the image and iolani and Simon at the bottom. (If you don't get what I mean please read the foreword for my story)
Hey,you've changed the name XD
ParkAhRin604 #3
I'm sorry but I had to decline... I'm sorry...
ParkAhRin604 #4
Your AFF profile name: iHeartJoKwangmin

Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/75614

Name of characters/ idols: OC, Chunji and Beast

Any focused character: OC, Chunji (Sory, i don't really understand this question)

URL to your Fanfic: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/128873/love-letter-beast-chunji-romance-teentop-you

Picture of characters/ idols & URL links: Can you provide them for me? Thank you ^_^

Theme: Romance, sweet, happy

Other extras you want me to add? Such as: Quotes? Saying? : none :) Thanks ^_^
Thanks you poison_ivee for my second poster. And to the first poster also..... Muah muah!!! :)
i credit-ed you!!!<br />
(:<br />
i also gave the link!!!<br />
i requested!<br />
never mind,i already got the background,but thanks (:
where did you get this background? i love it so much, tell me the site and what to search(type in the search box) (:
i subscribed,i'll also subscribe on your profile,i'll also friend request you,hope you accept(please) !!! (: