Your Love Will Set You Free

Want To Want Me

I can't believe I wrote this in the span of two hours...this is garbage. Sorry.



Wendy has been a secret admirer of Irene since the beginning of the school year. The problem is, she doesn't plan on making a move on the senior. There are many other admirers like her, but are more open with courting her that Wendy doesn't dare speak a word nor glance at her whenever she notices her presence. Ignorance is bliss.
Just kidding. Wendy always steals glances whenever she can and whenever Irene's back is facing her. She likes the freshness and outgoing personality of the older girl. Maybe one day, she thinks. One day, she'll gather the courage to greet her, or interact with her. Small, baby steps. One day.
Unfortunately, it's already the last month of school. The seniors, especially Irene rarely shows up to school these days, because they're busy preparing for their freshman year in college next year.
Wendy only prays in hope that Irene will show up more often so she can treasure those small moments to admire her pretty smile and visual.
She loves how nature somehow entraps Irene in their background, and how butterflies fly around her in a circle before heading to a new destination. Irene is a special one.
Seulgi taps her shoulder one day and smiles as Wendy looks at her.
"What?" She and Seulgi are very close friends, knitted tightly together since kindergarten. Both are very similar to each other, yet had differences. Differences, such as height and skills in cooking. Especially baking.
"Nothing. Just checking up on you." Seulgi waves before leaving her alone, to join her other friends who call for her from the basketball court.
Wendy watches as Seulgi scurries to join the basketball game while she sits on a bench of the school yard, alone and tries to examine her surroundings.
Seulgi is actually the only friend that Wendy trusts. She doesn't know anyone else in the school. She's a loner, and already accepted the fact that she was going to be friendless in college.
Her phone vibrates suddenly. She looks at the bright screen to see a message that says, "Are you in love with someone?"
She furrows her eyebrows, as the message came from an unknown number. What the hell? Who is this?
She maybe a loner, but that doesn't mean she dislikes interacting with people. She is just very cautious with who to trust in. After a few minutes of hesitation, she types back, "No."
A message quickly pops up. "Are you sure you don't like someone?"
Of course she does. Why in the world would she reply to an unknown number instead of blocking them?
Curiosity got the gist of her, it's not like this person or thing ever knew her. Irene will never fall in love with her, let alone even notice her presence after all. It's good to be realistic sometimes. 
"Time is running. I'll help you get the person you like." The message came with a thumbs up emoji.
Okay, maybe this person was interesting for sure. Wendy blinks. Should she? Or should she not? Hell, just go for it. Might as well try something new before becoming an eternal cat lady.
"Fine, what do I need to give you in exchange for your help?" She types back.
A message quickly popped up. "Nothing, you'll see."
"What should I call you?" She types, she wasn't going to sit still without knowing this person's name.
"Call me Cupid." A smiling emoji.
Wendy cringed. This person was doing too much already. Who was this person anyway? Oh, well, not like she's ever going to know.
A new message popped up as she was going to head back into class.
"So, who's your person of interest?" A wink emoji.
This Cupid was too nosy. She should just ignore this number and answer them tomorrow, or maybe, never.
Regret. There's a hundred messages from the Cupid the next day. 
She's about to block the number until she notices Irene walking towards her with a smile on her face. Well, shoot. Irene just had to come around and knock her down without warning.
Wendy can feel her heart rate rise as she and Irene pass each other. Just a feet away from each other. The scent of lavender invades her nose as she continues to walk like nothing just happened.
Of course something happened. Bae Irene in the flesh appeared out of nowhere and smiled at her. Why? How? What even? Irene doesn't know her, and neither does Wendy except that she likes her. Definitely for sure.
She turns beat red as she realizes how horrid her actions are. She just tried to take a whiff in on how Irene smells. God dammit.
A message pops up as she heads into class.
"So, Miss. I think I know who you like." - Cupid
Jesus, no. She wants to curl into a ball and roll off somewhere. This damn Cupid isn't helping her at all. Irene just pushed her into the depths of heaven and she doesn't want to get another taste, in fear that her weak heart won't be able to carry the burden of inconvenient feelings.
"No worries. I already know what she likes." - Cupid.
She types back a message, "Oh really? What is it?"
"Carrot cake."
The message is so simple that Wendy wants to laugh. A carrot cake. Sure, she can bake that. For Irene, she would. It seems to suit the older girl after all. A carrot and a bunny.
She clenches in hope that her laugh doesn't escape . Damn.
Carrot cake. She hasn't ever met someone who had a taste in such a cake. Of all people, it's Irene. How bizarre.
"How do you know that?"
"I'm a Cupid. Of course I know."
"So, I should just bake a cake and give it to Irene? She'll automatically be head over heels for me?"
What a simple plan. Wendy blinks as she rereads the message she sent. She accidentally slipped Irene's name in there. Screw her life.
"Her name is Irene? Thanks for telling me that."
"Wait! You don't know who I am, do you?"
"I do."
The short message brings Wendy's heart close to shutting down. This Cupid is dead. Totally. She'll lay hands on them if she ever finds out who this Cupid is.
"If you tell Irene anything about this, or me, I'll kill you."
"Aw, too late. Just kidding." The Cupid sends her another message.
"Enough chitchat. I don't have time, so I'll make it short here."
Wendy blinks, this Cupid is messing with her. Definitely. "What?"
"Make a love potion. And instead of carrot cake, use carrot juice. Irene likes that too, so it makes the job easier."
Oohhh, this Cupid was playing with her. A love potion? This was some super four-dimensional-outer-space-high statement.
"How the hell am I supposed to make that?" Wendy blinks. Impossible.
"Just get something that belongs to Irene and your hair with a potato and some carrots."
A potato...?! She snorts to herself. "Are you trying to lead me to my death?!" Wendy furrows her eyebrows. This Cupid is messing with her for sure.
"I'm going to block you."
"I was just kidding!!! You only need some whiskey and some honey."
"Whiskey? Where am I going to get that?"
"I don't know. You need that for your potion. You need to prepare that by tomorrow."
And Wendy just follows that. She doesn't know what she has gotten herself into. What the hell is she even doing this anymore, she doesn't know at all. Oh, right. It's for Irene.
"Wendy!" Seulgi greets her first thing in the morning, Wendy doesn't know how she did it, but she managed to get whiskey from her dad's breakfast bar.
Seulgi notices the so-called 'love potion', aka spiked carrot juice in her hand and grabs for it. "What's this?"
"Oh, it's just some love potion." She is sarcastic. Wendy doesn't plan on giving this to Irene at all. She believes Irene will think she's completely nutters if she finds out this thing is spiked.
"Can I use it?" Seulgi believes her automatically. Some people who had listened into their conversation were suddenly interested in the object. This was definitely not going to end well.
Wendy widens her eyes, "No way, I was just kidding-" She struggles hard to retrieve the spiked drink from Seulgi who nearly falls down the stairs. Unfortunately, the drink had slipped out of her hand.
It's too late. It splashed on someone. Irene. Irene was there. She was on the staircase. And she heard, 'love potion' for sure.
It's like the Gods heard Wendy's prayers. For pete's sake, she doesn't know how the hell this even happened.
Irene is clinging onto her like a koala. Jesus, was this Cupid that unbelievable? The love potion actually...worked?
"Irene...uhm..." Wendy trails off as Irene looks at her from the side. She doesn't know what to say. Irene is glued onto her, and doesn't seem to mind the stares of the students whose mouths hang agape.
"Wendy...I..." Seulgi is in total disbelief. Seulgi must be disappointed in her. So sorry, Seulgi!
Wendy feels her heart droop as she cannot believe Irene is love struck with her because of a cheap tactic.
"You gotta tell me how to make a love potion too!" Seulgi blurts out.
...the hell?! Seulgi has become one of the students who are asking for her help too now.
"Sorry Seulgi, maybe next time!" Wendy shouts, as the students crowding around her make way for her as she runs out of the school building to the courtyard with Irene following after her.
God dammit. What the hell is this Cupid doing? Why isn't he answering her messages?!
She watches as Irene is wrapping her arms around her shoulder and leaning close to her. Is Irene going to kiss her?!
Too far, too far. This has gone too far. Out of hand. Wendy is blank in the face. She needs to draw the line, and like now.
Suddenly, Irene leans back and starts laughing as they are sitting outside alone.
"Huh?" What the hell? Wendy blinks as Irene stops clinging onto her and keeps her hands to herself now.
"I didn't think that 'love potion' could cause such a dramatic scenario." Irene smiles as Wendy stays frozen to the bench. "Sorry for fooling you, that was actually funny."
Irene was playing with her? Love potion?
"" Wendy trails off as she holds up her phone, "It's really not you, is it?"
Irene nods as she holds up her phone. On her screen are the messages that Wendy has been trying to send to her for the past few minutes.
"It is. But don't take it to heart." Irene fiddles with her hands as Wendy is hurt. Irene was doing all this for her own entertainment? Wendy wants to just leave and never return to school again.
She gets up onto her feet and starts to leave but Irene blocks her from doing so.
"Sorry. I got your number from Seulgi but um-" Irene taps her fingers nervously as Wendy rolls her eyes.
"Game over, Irene. I'm leaving," Wendy bites her tongue so she doesn't let out a storm of curse words. Irene just drilled a huge stake into her heart. A jolt of pain spreads throughout her chest. She can't breath for a second.
"No, you need to hear this from me-" Irene cups Wendy's face to look into hers.
"What, just spit it out." Wendy wants to yank Irene's hands off of her, but she can't because she's powerless against her longtime interest of affection.
"Look, I'm Cupid, okay!" Irene is just as angry that Wendy isn't willing to cooperate to with her. She wants her voice to be heard, because Wendy doesn't want her own to. "But I did this all because I like you!"
"Yeah, yeah. I-" Wendy's ears perk up, along with her eyes that widen at the speed of lightning. "You what?" She didn't hear that right, did she? "What? You did this all because of me?"
Irene nods. Wendy is standing there as Irene releases her hands from her face and drops them back to her side. She is in total disbelief.
"" She sputters as Irene lets out a small smile.
"I didn't intend the stunt to go this far, but I only wanted to do this because you never seemed to have the courage to come and talk with me." Irene admits. Wendy is speechless. All this for her. She did not expect this at all. It seems like Irene has a bad side to her. She's too stunned at the moment that she doesn't even mind if Irene leaves her in a mess right now.
"But...I'm really sorry about that." Irene apologizes again.
Wendy decides to get cheeky and points to her cheek. "If you're really sorry, you should give me a kiss to relieve my pain."
Irene goes in for the kill instead. She aims right on Wendy's lips instead. Better kill two birds with one stone.
"WHOAAA!!! IRENE IS KISSING WENDY!!!" Seulgi's voice is heard across the entire courtyard and school.
"Shut up!" Wendy shouts back, embarrassed that Irene kissed her without warning. She doesn't need the whole school to come after her.
"Well, what are we now?" Irene asks her as Wendy scratches her cheek. Maybe, she should take this chance while she can.
"Err...will you be my 'Cupid' then? Wait, you know what I-"
Irene chuckles as she nods, and covers Wendy's mouth from speaking anymore.
"Of course I will."
It's time for Wendy to sing Hallelujah.
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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 15: Holy cowindeed!
-WenRene15- #2
Chapter 6: Would there be an update for the chapter "Beautiful?"
Chapter 15: i'm liking all these plots though hahaha
Yukilovesfics #4
Chapter 15: Omygahsd
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 12: Interesting
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 5: Different goals
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 4: This is funny
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 2: Sweet, I want to see Wendy do that
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 1: irene too care
Chapter 14: I keep laughing here lol. Please update this. Puhlease?