
Want To Want Me

link to song: http://youtu.be/aqpnF69u_Jk

Wendy counts. 3 months. Tomorrow is the 100th anniversary day of her relationship with Irene.
She sighs and picks up a marker to cross the 99th day on her calendar and places it down. It's too long that she has started to feel sad that her relationship with Irene hasn't been progressing at all.
They hold hands. They go on dates. They even cuddle and hug each other when they're at either Irene or Wendy's place. But they haven't kissed each other. Not even on the cheek.
Wendy is getting frustrated that she doesn't have the guts to tell Irene that she wants to receive a kiss from her.
She always tries to send a message whenever they're together and alone, but the older girl just doesn't notice it at all.
But this time, she tries to do her best to get Irene's attention.
She plans to bake a cake for their anniversary tomorrow. Maybe she should just write on the cake, 'Please kiss me' or even 'Happy 100th Day of No Kiss' so that Irene can quickly get the message.
She shakes her head and instead tries to stay positive. This is her chance to show that she's Irene's girlfriend, who is patient and reliable.
She gets to work and not too long later, the cake is done baking. An hour passes, and she is delighted to see the results of her hard work. The frosting of the cake is purple, Irene's favorite color.
She tries to think of a good message to put on it. But then the earlier ideas returned to mind.
A mini version of Wendy with a halo appeared next to her shoulder.
'No, you can't, Wendy! Irene might not like you....'
On the other side of her shoulder was a mini Wendy with devil horns holding a pitchfork. 
'C'mon Wendy, it's what you desire the most...Think...'
She groans and slumps onto the table in defeat. What should she do?
3 hours pass by as no progress is done on the cake. It's almost midnight, and Wendy was supposed to be in bed an hour ago. She gets her mind together and finally chooses to write something.
"Just...let's do this!" She writes a message and puts it in the fridge. Tomorrow, she is going to go all out for Irene.
Today is the 100th day. The day she will show how much she loves Irene.
It's morning and Irene just began to walk into class when Wendy stops in front of her to say hi to her.
Irene doesn't notice the blue bow with a small braid on her hair. Or even Wendy's style of dressing. It's a blue dress with white flats. Some earrings even dangle on her shoulder.
She sighs as Irene nonchalantly greets her and gives her a pat on the head before heading to her seat. She may have failed to get Irene's attention now, but the cake will definitely make her happy for sure. She tries to stay positive. It's all for Irene. Everything she does today is to ensure that Irene is happy.
It's P.E. right now, and everyone has gone off to change. Wendy plans on surprising Irene later, so she prepares to take out the cake and places it on Irene's desk.
She decides to check the state of the cake to make sure it hasn't been ruined because of her clumsiness. Hopefully it was still in good shape...or something.
She lifts up the lid before looking down at the cake and lets out a high pitched scream, while holding her cheeks in shock at what she wrote.
"Oh my god! I can't believe I wrote this...I thought I wrote 'Happy 100th Day, let's continue to be happy together Irene!,' yesterday!"
Wendy slumps on her desk and wants to slam her head against it, to make sure that she doesn't do something stupid like this again. She needs to hide the cake before Irene can see it. 
Maybe there's still time to make another batch of icing and write over it! Just kidding. She isn't Wonder Woman. She can't just run home and back in half an hour, let alone even fix the cake now.
But it's too late to do anything.
"What's wrong, Wendy?!"
The sudden voice of Irene shocks the younger girl that she turns around to cover the cake so the other girl can't see anything at all. But Irene did. She saw something purple on the table. 
And once you know Irene's favorite color is purple, it becomes a fact that everything purple belongs to her.
"What's that you're trying to hide?" Irene quickly tries to look over Wendy's shoulder as she desperately tries to cover the cake.
She can't see this. She can't. Her life is over if she does.
Think, Wendy, Think!
Wendy has become so desperate that she turns around and grabs at the cake, and eats the whole top of it. The only thing that remains is the bottom part of the cake, with some purple icing around it.
"Oh...you were that hungry?"
Irene raises an eyebrow at the crumbs and frosting that are stuck on Wendy's face.
Irene doesn't even know what day is today.
Wendy wants to cry. She wants to hit Irene so much but she can't. Instead, she faints and the last thing she sees is Irene shouting something while hovering over her with her hand touching her cheek.
At least Irene cares about her.
Wendy opens her eyes to see a white ceiling facing her. Where was she?
"You're awake." Irene's voice gets her to turn her head to the side to see that she was in the school infirmary. "Thank god. I was worried that you might had some health complications or something."
Oh yeah, she definitely does. A heart complication. All because of Irene.
She can feel her eyes water as Irene is sitting next to her writing some notes onto her notebook with a textbook on her lap. The older girl places them aside and snaps the book shut. "Done."
It's the 100th Day. Irene is doing notes while she's laying here. Maybe she is the only one who is serious about this relationship. Irene probably has hundreds of other hot girls who can do better than her. How pathetic.
"Why are you crying? Is something bothering you?" Irene asks as she hands Wendy a glass of water and sits back down on a chair.
Wendy takes a sip and places it down before noticing a mirror sitting on the desk next to her. She lets out a shriek. She wants to run away and hide from Irene.
The crumbs and icing are still stuck on her face. So embarrassing.
Wendy lets out a defeated sigh and turns her back to Irene while facing the wall. She gives up. Irene is too dense to notice anything at all.
"Go away." She sulks. She wants Irene to leave.
Irene raises an eyebrow and stands up, dusting her pants. "Well, if that's what you want."
She doesn't bother to look back as she exits the school infirmary.
Wendy peeks over her shoulder to see if Irene has really left her.
She really did.
She's too hurt to even cry now. She can feel the hole in her heart expanding. Irene is such a jerk. Why didn't she realize that earlier. She rubs her eyes and lays back down on the bed. She stares at the empty, plain white wall in front of her. Maybe she should just cut off all ties with Irene.
The sudden voice of Irene is heard outside. Wendy can hear the door open again, and slide shut again. The sound of a click makes Wendy feel nervous. Some footsteps are heard, coming closer and closer to her.
What if this person isn't Irene? What if this is some ert that's going to come and-
A bunch of blue flowers appear over her shoulder. She tilts her head to see Irene standing next to her, looking to the side.
"Sorry." Irene mutters. "I just wanted to surprise you later on, but it seemed like you were having a bad day today." She waits until Wendy sits up and takes the flowers into her hand.
At least Irene has common sense now.
Wendy continues to sulk inside as Irene runs a hand into her hair. She extends her other hand towards Wendy to wipe some of the icing off the corner of her lips with her thumb.
Wendy watched. What was Irene going to--She her thumb.
"It tastes good." Irene compliments her baking.
Great. Irene is still a jerk.
She continues to sit there as Irene leans over her and--Wendy doesn't know what has just happened. Did Irene just all over ?! And the next thing she knows, Irene is kissing her. Irene is totally raiding her lips.
It's been almost 30 seconds before Irene pulls away and lets Wendy breathe normally again.
"It's sweet," Irene her lips as she stands back up before looking at Wendy in the eye. "But I prefer the taste of your lips." She lets out a smirk.
Wendy is now fully red in the face. She yanks the covers of the bedding over her head and wants to hide under there while Irene continues to stands there.
Stupid Irene.
"Aw, don't hide, I want to see your face!" Irene smiles widely as she tries to yank the covers off but fails. Instead, she decides to just sit on top of Wendy who is suffocating now.
"Irene! Please I can't breathe-"
"Only if you let me see your smile."
"Okay, okay! Just-" Wendy finally pulls the covers over and there Irene slides under it. She takes advantage of Wendy's temporary shock of surprise and wraps her arms around her waist with ease.
"Feels nice." She snickers as Wendy scowls but pecks the corner of her lips anyway.
"You're such a meanie." She sulks. Irene likes it when she does that. It reminds her of when she started to notice Wendy waddling around a lot. She really loves that part of Wendy still and always.
"I know. But let's skip class and stay here. I just want to make out with you here anyway."
Irene's last statement catches Wendy off guard.
"Irene! That's not appro-"
"I know, I know." Irene grins, "But rules are made to be broken, y'know?"
Wendy pinches her. "Don't even think about it."
"Why not? I mean you wrote, 'Kiss Me Irene' on that cake, right?"
Wendy drops her jaw at the revelation, "You...you knew?"
"Well, yeah. I was wondering what you brought earlier so I peeked out of curiosity. You literally ate half of that cake in one go..." Irene trails off, and stares at Wendy's beautiful facial features. She is really in love with all her expressions and the way she tries for her.
But the fact that Wendy ate the cake with her bare hands left her speechless. That will be a memory she will always be fond of.
"Seriously. I am whipped for you." Irene mutters.
Not that she hates it. She likes everything about Wendy. The way she does anything. It just makes her happy that Wendy is doing all this, everything for her. Every little flaw, every little broken part of her is perfect, and she would like to keep it that way.
"I will do my best to keep you whipped for me then." Wendy smirks as she pulls Irene's chin in to give her a more longer kiss.
"Happy 100th Day, Wendy."
"And now you say that? ."
Jesus Christ.
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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 15: Holy cowindeed!
-WenRene15- #2
Chapter 6: Would there be an update for the chapter "Beautiful?"
Chapter 15: i'm liking all these plots though hahaha
Yukilovesfics #4
Chapter 15: Omygahsd
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 12: Interesting
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 5: Different goals
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 4: This is funny
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 2: Sweet, I want to see Wendy do that
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 1: irene too care
Chapter 14: I keep laughing here lol. Please update this. Puhlease?