Chapter One

Melted Ice

Chapter One

It was a dark and stormy night. I grabbed my heavy red bag from the back room of the cafe I worked at. I closed and locked the front doors of the cafe, and started walking to my apartment. However, half-way there the sky started to  turn dark and roars of thunder and rain ripped through the clouds. “Just my luck” I mumbled to myself.  I tucked my bag under my shirt and began running.  Just when I was 2 blocks away from my apartment building, a man in black clothing shoved me down on the wet , hard cement floor. “ Give me your money!!” he growled, ferociously.  “I dont have any.”I  mumbled. “DO YOU THINK I AM STUPID?!? WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS?” he yelled,clearly frustrated.  “I’m an orphan,”  I quietly reply. “ Well then, maybe I can make a  few bucks selling you. FOLLOW ME OR ELSE…”  he growled, angrily.  “ I dont think so,” I bravely stated, now I was the angry one. *How could this guy have no heart?* I thought to myself. I got up and kicked him in the face, as hard as I could. He tried to grab my arm, but I grabbed his arm and flipped him on the wet, hard cement. He got up, “YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT!” he growled. He took out a knife from his left side pocket. He switched it on, and came to me. At first, I was paralyzed, but I quickly came to your senses. I backed up, and grabbed a nearby piece of wood, hiding it behind your back. He came hurdling the knife towards me. With not a second to spare, I ducked his throw swiftly going behind him, and hitting him on the back with the wood. Not wanting him to get back up again, I quickly swat his head making him fall on the floor. I turned to your right ground to grab my bag. I quickly grabbed it from the ground. *Ugh! My homework is wet now!* I was so distracted trying to pick up the papers that fell, I didn’t notice that the guy in black took a knife from his boot and came behind me. However, I felt his presence and abruptly turned. Although he was aiming for my neck, he managed to cut deeply on my arm.  I did not even care about my arm, but slapped his ears loudly. Making him fall to the floor, yelping. But much to his luck, I was not done with him yet. I kicked his belly, and grabbed his shoulders. I used pressure points to make him unconscious painfully (behind the collar bone) .He fell to the floor. “ert” I mumbled as I picked up my bag from the floor. I walked off in the dark, raining road. Little did I know, someone was staring in awe the whole time. Feeling a little drowsy from loss of blood, I hurried home. As soon as I got to my apartment, I headed to the bathroom. I carefully washed the blood off, then wiped with alcohol. “Aaah!” you yelped, it hurt badly. Then wrapped it in bandage. *Grrrrrrr.* My stomach grumbled. I didn't eat anything since this morning’s toast. I headed for the cabinet and made myself some ramen. As sleepy as I was, I forced myself off the couch to the study table. I opened my bag and began my homework. Gradually, falling asleep as time went on.

*R-r-r-i-n-g! R-r-r-i-n-g!* My alarm clock rang. Drowsily, I got up from the table and went to the bathroom. I washed up and wore my uniform. Sighing at the soreness of my feet, I put my finished homework in my bag and grabbed my toast on my way to school. At school I am known as “The Ice Girl” because I don’t have any friends, nor do I socialize much. I can't afford school lunches so I prefer to go to the library and help the librarian shelve some books. I opened my locker and stepped back, as a sea of notes filled with insults came tumbling down. Because I’m a scholarship girl, I get tons of insults daily on how poor I am. After placing them all in the trashcan, I grabbed my books for the next period and headed for class.  I began reading the new book I got from the library as I sat in my seat waiting for the teacher to come in. “Hello! My name is Luhan! Is the seat next to you taken?” A cheerful voice said. I looked up in disbelief. Was he talking to me? There was at least 15 girls surrounding him, but his eyes stayed focused on mine. I nodded quickly and returned to my book. “Whats your name?” he asked. “Jessica” I mumbled, waiting for the nasty remark. It never came. “Ooh! Pretty name!” he replied. “Thanks” I said. Luckily the teacher came in, and class began. I put down my book and began taking notes. “Aah. Mr. Luhan, you must be the new student. Introduce yourself!” he called out. “Hello. My name is Luhan, and this is my best friend Jessica!” He said. I looked up in shock! *How could he just say that? I wish I could disappear!* He sat next to me and smiled triumphantly. I just went back to taking notes.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Skip to the end of school<<<<<<<<<<<



Finally, the bell rang and I began putting my books in my bag. *Today was a Tuesday which meant no work! Yay!* I thought as I began walking home. “Jessica! Wait!” Luhan called. I started walking faster hoping that he would go away, but I didn't see one of my classmates stick her foot out just in time to trip me. “Aah!” I yelped as I fell to the floor. “Ouch!” I fell on the same arm that got cut, so It started bleeding again. “ Hey! I saw that! You tripped her on purpose!” Luhan yelled at Sora, my classmate. “I don’t know what your talking about, Luhan-ssi.” She said making her face seem innocent. “Luhan, its fine.” I softly said as I began walking home. “Wait!” He yelled as he ran beside me. “How is this fine?!?! You fell on the same arm you got cut on yesterday nig……” Luhan stopped himself. “You saw that? OMG! Nobody was supposed to see that? Also, I got used to it. Im totally fine!” I freaked out, “It doesn't bother me anymore.” I said as we reached my house. “So, you know that I’m an orphan and I can defend myself? Can you please not tell anyone? I dont want people to know.” I pleaded. “On one condition, you’ll let me be your best friend.” He said “Are you sure you want that? You’ll be labelled “The Ice Girls best friend”?” I said. “I’m sure.” He said. “Ok, then. See you tommorrow, friend!” I said as I went inside my apartment.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5 Months Later<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Ever since that day, Luhan always cared for me. He even brings me lunch every day at school. I can't help but feel something towards him. Its like everytime he comes to me, I can feel my heart rate accelerating. At first, I denied it, but as the days went by, my feeling towards him only grew stronger. It was graduation day, and I felt gloomy knowing that me and Luhan had to part ways for college. He was going for an arts major and I was going for a law major. I wanted to become a lawyer so I could help people solve their problems. “Hey.” I softly said as I approached him. “Hey.” He replied, “Jessica, ever since the day I met you, I always wanted to take care of you, but I can't help but have these feelings for you. I think, no, I know I love you. Every day that I'm not with you is like a day without sunshine. I know that this might break our friendship, but I held this secret for a long time and I want to be the one to call you mine. Jessica, will you be my girlfriend?” He said sincerely. I was shocked! I thought this day would only come in my dreams!

--------------------------Luhan’s POV-------------------------

After I confessed, she didn't reply. I took this as a sign that she didn't like me so I turned around and began walking to my house. I suddenly heard running footsteps behind me and a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my chest. I was shocked, but relaxed as I noticed the bracelet I gave Jessica on her birthday was on her wrist. “You fool! You didn't let me answer! My answer is yes! I would love to be your girlfriend. I LOVE YOU!”

--------------------------------Jessica’s POV---------------------------

I waited and waited. However, Luhan must have gone in shock mode. I chuckled and walked in front of him, pecking his cheek. With that, he quickly hugged me and said “Thank you, Jessica! You have no idea how happy you made me! I will try my hardest to be the best boyfriend ever. I promise!” I blushed as he entwined our hands together and we began walking home together. Just like our hands, our lives were destined to be together.  

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