
Little Star

Sehun frowns down at the suitcase laid out in front of him. “You sure you're okay with this?”


Luhan nods again, rolling his eyes. “I'll be fine. Don't worry.”


After asking another three more times, Sehun finally closes his suitcase and zips it up. He slowly drags it out, still throwing wary glances at Luhan, like he's going to suddenly change his mind.


“Sehun,” Luhan says sternly, pushing him right between the shoulder blades to keep him moving forward.


“I have every reason to be scared,” Sehun says in defense. “You almost burned the kitchen when cooking ramen. Ramen.


“I swear nothing's going to go wrong. Just trust me.”


Sehun still looks skeptical but he nods his head. The doorbell rings right then, and Sehun goes to answer it. Chanyeol is standing on the other side, tossing his car keys in the air.


“Ready to go?” Chanyeol asks.


“Yeah, just one sec,” Sehun turns back to Luhan. “Remember to call Chanyeol or Baekhyun if anything happens. Don't burn the apartment down and try not to leave the dorm. I'm pretty sure you still don't know how to use the keys. If you really, really need to, call me. I'll only be gone for a week, but if there are any problems, I need you to call me, okay? I'll try to come down as fast as I can. Also, it would be nice if you do the laundry. That's about it. Wait, am I forgetting anything?”


“Oh, just go,” Luhan chuckles. “Don't worry about me. I've got everything under control.”


“Shut up and stop acting like a married couple. Sehun, we gotta go, seriously,” Chanyeol complains from the door.


Sehun looks at Luhan again, as if for reassurance, and when he gets a nod, he finally starts to leave. But then, he surprises Luhan with a quick hug and a “I'll miss you,” before he's walking towards Chanyeol. He leaves Luhan standing there, red-cheeked and frozen, and the fairy doesn't react until Sehun's almost closing the door.


But, stupid as he is, Luhan doesn't say an “I'll miss you too,” or even a “Bye,” back to him. Instead, he blurts out, “What about your favorite hoodie?”


He holds up the article of clothing he had snatched from a chair and Sehun tilts his head. “Don't worry about it. Just leave it there.”


And then he's gone. Luhan wonders if it's okay to call Sehun right now because he has a problem. He already misses him. But he doesn't do that and buries his face into Sehun's hoodie instead, drinking in his scent, and wondering why he didn't bring it with him.


(The truth is, Sehun had long since changed which one was his favorite hoodie. He had already packed his current favorite in his suitcase: the one that smells distinctly of Luhan.)




Sehun is gone for a week long seminar for something (Luhan didn't exactly pay attention to what that something was when Sehun told him) and Luhan feels incredibly alone. He wakes up the first day, expecting Sehun to still be stretched crazily over his mattress, a blanket hanging off the edge and his mouth wide open. However, the bed is empty and cold, and Luhan trudges out of Sehun's room, throwing on one of Sehun's hoodies. Luhan personally loves wearing Sehun's clothes because they're all comfortable and warm and smell of Sehun and that's exactly what he needs without the actual person there. Luhan goes about his daily routine as usual, although he does sprinkle fairy dust over the plants with less zest and his breakfast doesn't exactly taste like it usually does.


It's not until Luhan curls up on the couch, watching another episode of a drama, that he realizes that somehow, despite their short time together, they have started relying on each other. The silence in the apartment is suffocating because there's no screams to match his when he complains about the main characters or the quiet flip of pages while Sehun studies or even the faint rustling of Sehun's clothes while he does something else in the dorm. He misses Sehun. A lot. He misses Sehun's grumpiness in the morning, his patient explanations, his lame jokes, his adorable smile. He wants to call Sehun, even if it's just to hear his voice, and maybe even tell him to come back. But he suppresses this urge because it's too petty, too insignificant to have Sehun return for.


Luhan turns off the TV at around nine and goes to bed early. He isn't able to fall asleep until eleven.




“Luhan, I don't have time for this.”




“Oh, there you go, you're asking me again.”


“What day is it today?”


Jesus Christ, do you not have a calendar? It's Saturday. Sehun's coming back tomorrow, okay?” Chanyeol sighs over the phone.


Luhan's already drawing a large red X over Saturday. “Thanks, Chanyeol. Also-”


“I left you instructions on how to operate the washing machine already. Please don't try to call me at two in the morning for that again.”


Luhan blushes, remembering having to face the wrath of just-woken-up Chanyeol (it wasn't as cute as Sehun, that's for sure) and asking him how the washing machine works. Chanyeol couldn't actually hate Luhan for it, though, because Luhan had said that he had missed Sehun and accidentally spilled something on his hoodie, and he needed to wash it.  Chanyeol had slowly led him through the steps, groaning once in a while to remind him that it was two in the morning. And even though he's been reluctant this whole time, Chanyeol had always, always given in and helped him, giving him generous tips or helping him learn a little more about how to operate things. And so that's why-


“I actually didn't want to ask you anything. I wanted to thank you for helping me out.”


Chanyeol pauses on the other end before taking a deep breath and (Luhan can feel it) smiles widely. “No problem.”




Luhan wakes up on Sunday morning way too early. He skips throughout the entire dorm, generously sprinkling magic on the plants and humming happy tunes to himself. When lunch comes around, he almost forgets to wear oven mitts when he's taking the ramen pot off the stove and nearly burns himself from both the iron and the boiling pot.


While Sehun had been gone, Chanyeol had taught Luhan how to navigate the computer so while he waits, Luhan watches an endless amount of videos on Youtube, somehow ending up on a video of drama cuts when he had originally been watching a video of cute cats. By the time Luhan manages to tear himself away from the website, it's already around six and Sehun should be back any minute.


As if on cue, he could hear the jangle of keys, the jiggle of the doorknob while Sehun tries to jam his key into the lock and Chanyeol's boisterous laughter. Luhan bolts out of the room in excitement and sprints to the front door. Sehun opens the door only mere seconds before Luhan body-slams straight into him.


“Sehun!” Luhan yells right next to his ear, erupting into laughter. He buries his face into Sehun's neck and inhales, missing the smell that is so distinctly Sehun. Luhan can't even believe he's hugging him. After a whole week of not being able to see Sehun, Luhan realizes how much he's missed him so he latches on and refuses to let go. Thankfully, Sehun doesn't plan on letting go either, and they just stand there, drinking in each other's presence. Chanyeol hoots and whistles somewhere in the background, but it's all lost on Luhan's ears.


“I missed you a lot,” he murmurs.


A chuckle rumbles throughout Sehun. “I missed you too.” And Luhan buries himself further into Sehun's arms.




If anybody were to say that Luhan and Sehun spent the same amount of time together as before, they would either be blind or lying so much that even Pinocchio's nose couldn't grow that long. If anything, the week apart only had the two practically attached to the hip. One is rarely seen without the other. Sehun even trusts Luhan enough to bring him out to the store, the nearby park, even his own classes (granted, Sehun does get a bit too distracted and doesn't take down any good quality notes and has to borrow some from another classmate). Baekhyun and Chanyeol watch this all in amusement.


(And also in slight horror.


“Were we ever like that?” Baekhyun asks one day when he spots Luhan helping Sehun carry some books. The two barely even separate, and their arms and shoulders constantly brush against each other. Baekhyun swears he could even see their red faces from miles away.


“I hope not,” Chanyeol scratches his head. “Actually, it's possible. We couldn't even look at each other in the eye whenever we so much as talked to each other.”


Baekhyun tries to hide his own red ears.)


Sehun is a lot more open with Luhan now. He doesn't hesitate telling him random information, whether it's about himself or some random fact he picked up from somewhere. Sometimes, it makes no sense at all, and Luhan has no idea why he even needed that piece of information, but the way Sehun talks about it like it's the most important thing in the universe has Luhan listening all the same, no matter how ridiculous. Like that one time Sehun had told him that when he was six, he thought pineapples were actually made out of apples, and he cried when he found out they weren't. It was the way Sehun told him, complete with hand gestures and appropriate voices, coupled with the fact that Luhan could actually imagine Sehun doing something like that that had Luhan laughing until he was in stitches.


Luhan knows Sehun is trying. He's trying to show Luhan a little more of himself, and Luhan would like to too but it's impossible because he's a fairy and he's not from this world and what if Sehun freaks? He doesn't want Sehun hating him, or even worse, shipping him off to some science center to be poked and prodded at, so whenever the conversation steers towards Luhan's personal life, he tries to hastily avoid the topic. Sehun goes along with it at first but soon looks more and more suspicious and hesitant to let the topic go. There would be only so long until Sehun reaches a breaking point and just has to ask him. Luhan dreads that day. But still, each day passes without Sehun saying so much as a word about it, and Luhan tries to tell himself that it’ll be okay.




One day, while Sehun and Chanyeol are still in class, Baekhyun invites Luhan out to eat lunch. They've eaten several times together before and have bonded quite a bit over delicious food and embarrassing stories. They never go too personal, though, just enough that they know just a little bit about each other.


So, Luhan doesn't expect Baekhyun to ask, “Are you and Sehun dating?” while he's picking apart his lunch.


The fairy ends up choking on his drink in surprise. “What?”


“Don't think I don't see the looks you guys shoot each other or the subtle touches. Just straight out flirt or something. It hurts to watch you guys act like schoolgirls,” Baekhyun grumbles.


Luhan splutters for a total of four seconds before he manages to find his words again. “He doesn't like me like that. At least I'm pretty sure,” he trails off.


Baekhyun gives him a look he can't decipher before he says, “Fine. Then at least you feel something towards him right?”


Luhan feels his face burning, so he ducks his head and attempts to shove a huge spoonful of food into his mouth to avoid talking. From his peripheral, he sees Baekhyun shaking his head in both amusement and exasperation. He can only imagine that his reaction to Baekhyun's question is answer enough.


Baekhyun directs their conversation back to small talk, which Luhan falls easily into. But, it's a little unsettling that whenever he so much as brings up Sehun's name, Baekhyun shoots him that indescribable look again. It's not like Luhan has ever tried to hide his feelings, but Baekhyun's I know something you don't expression is starting to put Luhan off.


Luhan's describing a time Sehun had almost burnt their dinner while watching a soccer match with him when Baekhyun suddenly interrupts. “Do you know any other people besides Sehun, Chanyeol and me?” He takes Luhan's blank expression as a no and tsks. “Man, you're not really out there. What do you say about a party?”


“Um, what?” Luhan asks, a bit startled.


“My friend's having a party on Friday at her place, and I was going to only invite Chanyeol because he's my boyfriend, but I think you should go too. Experience the social life and all that. I don't know where you're from still, but I do know that you don't know enough people here. Maybe you can make some new friends or something.”


It's a cool idea, but he can't imagine being in a sea of people all by himself. It's a bit nerve-wracking. “Can I bring Sehun?”


Baekhyun rolls his eyes. “If you want. Just make sure you don't let him drag you down.”


Luhan frowns because Sehun has never been any type of burden. He's about to retort, but Baekhyun pats his jaw closed. “Don't bother arguing,” he says. “Now I'm going to pay for the bill, and I expect to see you on Friday all dressed up with Sehun at the party.”


A bit astounded at Baekhyun's assertiveness (which he shouldn't have been, but it's a surprise every time), Luhan watches Baekhyun dump twenty-five dollars on the table and lets himself be dragged away.



“Luhan, don't worry, you look fine,” Sehun soothes, grabbing Luhan's hands from trying to smooth down his shirt and his hair at the same time.


Luhan wants to tell him no, because it's his first time going to a human party and it's probably completely different from a fairy party and he's too nervous and damn, these skinny jeans are tight. But when he looks up at Sehun and sees the sincere look in his eyes, he finally stops struggling.


Sehun smiles a little. “Okay, once we go in, you're going to be on your own, alright? Do not drink too much alcohol, and if you ever feel uncomfortable or like you don't want to be here, you try to go find me or hang around the bar or refreshment table and I'll come get you. Deal?”


Luhan nods, and then Sehun opens the door and pounding music fills his ears. Sehun is immediately swept away by the crowd, a few people cheering his name. Shocked, Luhan moves to the sides of the room. He never knew Sehun was this popular.


Baekhyun meets him at the refreshment table fifteen minutes later, cup filled to the brim with what looks like fruit juice in his hand. “How are you doing?” he yells over the loud music.


The bass is hurting his ears, the food looks unappetizing, the drinks are suspicious, he knows absolutely nobody, he’s pretty sure two girls and one guy had eyed him, and he has no idea what to do because Sehun isn't with him but he doesn't want to ruin the party for Baekhyun so he yells back, “I'm doing okay.”


Baekhyun easily reads him, though, and he walks closer to Luhan so he doesn't have to yell. “Your boyfriend's really popular at school.” Baekhyun promptly ignores Luhan's firm denial at the word boyfriend and points to a crowd near the front of the room. “He's probably in the center of that group of people right now and rocking the dance floor.”


As if on cue, the crowd parts just enough that Luhan can see Sehun dancing, his lean body twisting in ways Luhan has never seen before. There's a big smile on his face while the people surrounding him cheer. All of a sudden, Luhan feels guilty. He didn't even know Sehun could dance. And Sehun's with a ton of people Luhan doesn't even know, probably having the time of his life. Luhan stares down at the bowl of chips in dejection, wondering how much he's been dragging Sehun down by staying at his dorm. After all, Sehun comes home almost right after his classes end, as he tells Luhan, and spends the rest of the night cooped up in a small living space with Luhan. Feeling even guiltier, the fairy has the sudden urge to find something to wash out the bitter taste in his mouth so he snatches Baekhyun's cup of whatever and takes a big gulp from it.


It takes a little while for Baekhyun to react because he didn't expect Luhan to steal his drink, but he manages to wrestle his cup back. Luhan's world tips and he feels kind of dizzy, not used to the drink. The bitter taste still doesn't leave his mouth, though, and he scowls. He doesn't even register Baekhyun scolding him for taking his drink because it's spiked punch, Luhan and Sehun will have my head if you go home drunk. He doesn't want to stay there any longer. He doesn't want to socialize. He doesn't want to drag Baekhyun or Chanyeol (who he hasn't seen at all) down any longer. And he especially doesn't want to watch Sehun having so much fun without him because it's like somebody poured a huge bucket of reality over him; Sehun has tons of friends besides Luhan, and Luhan may never be the most important. Sehun's in his element right now – it's obvious to anybody who looks at him, dancing and laughing and cheering other people on – and Luhan has only been keeping him from it.


“I'm leaving,” Luhan says to Baekhyun, and before the human could respond, he's stumbling towards the door.


Luhan knows he's being a bit selfish for wanting Sehun to be only his but he can't help it. Sehun, Baekhyun and Chanyeol are the only humans he knows, but Baekhyun and Chanyeol have each other. And it wasn't like Baekhyun and Chanyeol had so patiently welcomed him into the human world. It was Sehun, who showed him everything without question, who always treated him nicely, who always cracked lame jokes with him, who stays up late to watch drama episodes with him and, especially, who he fell in love with. But seeing this side of the human has made him realize that he isn't the center of Sehun's world like Sehun is his. And there's no real way to deal with it except leave him where he belongs.


Luhan doesn't even realize he doesn't know the way back to the dorm until he's standing in front of the building he just left, debating between turning left or right. He stands there trying to retrace his steps but comes up empty, only remembering Sehun pulling him close to shield him from a breeze and not letting him go until they finally reached their destination.


Even though it's nearing the end of May and the days are becoming hotter, the nights are still pretty cold, hence why Luhan's dressed in a coat. Another breeze blows by, but this time, Sehun isn't there to shield him. Once again, Luhan feels incredibly lonely, and he shrinks into his coat to keep warm. He finally decides to turn left after two more minutes in the cold, but before he can leave, a hand grips his arm to stop him.


Luhan traces the hand up a long arm and then up to Sehun's face. He looks out of breath and concerned and a sleeve is not put on correctly and his hair is disheveled. Luhan's a bit surprised to see him outside.


“Sehun,” he finds himself saying.


“Thank god I caught up to you. I thought you got lost or something,” Sehun breathes.


“Don't worry about me,” Luhan frowns. “Just tell me how to get back to the dorm and then you can go back to the party.”


Sehun's hold on his arm only tightens. “No. I'm leaving with you.”


“Why? It's a lot more fun up there. Don't mind me.”


“You don't understand,” the grip Sehun has on him is starting to hurt. Luhan's about to protest, but when he looks up at Sehun's fiery eyes, he shuts up. “You don't understand how worried I was when Baekhyun told me that you left. I swore I was keeping an eye on you, but you just disappeared. I promised you that I would get you if you felt uncomfortable, and you obviously feel out of place up there so I'm leaving. End of story.”


And Sehun promptly drags them away.




Sehun takes him back to the dorm (they turn right), but when they get into the elevator, Luhan doesn't expect him to press the button for the topmost floor.


“Where are we going?” Luhan asks, bewildered.


“You'll see,” Sehun says with a mysterious smile.


As the elevator crawls up the floors, Sehun hums and bounces on his feet. Luhan hides his smile behind his hands because Sehun is just too cute. The elevator dings open shortly after, and Luhan finds himself in a hallway quite like Sehun's own floor. But the human veers off to the right, and Luhan quickly follows him, not wanting to get left behind. They climb up a flight of stairs, and then Sehun's opening up the door to the rooftop.


“Wow,” Luhan breathes when he steps out.


“Pretty, right? I used to come up here to do my homework sometimes because it was just so peaceful. Until the wind blew and I almost lost some important assignments.”


Luhan laughs and sits down next to where Sehun situated himself against the railing. They sit in mutual silence, enjoying the cool night breeze (it's no longer cold to Luhan with Sehun pressing against his side) and looking at the few twinkling stars in the sky.


Finally, Luhan says something that's been on his mind the whole time. “I didn't know you could dance.”


Sehun laughs. “It's a hobby actually. I started learning back in preschool, but I stopped once I reached high school because it got too time-consuming. When I was younger, I wanted to become a dancer, but it didn't work out. I was pretty disappointed. My mom says it's a shame because I was so graceful.”


And Luhan can see why because although he's never actually noticed it before, Sehun glides across the floors and floats on something invisible. If he were to actually become a dancer, who knows how he will move. But Luhan pushes these thoughts away for now because he has more important things to ask like-


“Why'd you leave the party?”


Sehun gives him a funny look. “I thought I told you. It was because you weren't there.”


“No, but why did you really leave?” Luhan insists. Sehun had looked so comfortable surrounded by different people. He should have no actual reason to leave.


Sehun sits with his eyebrows furrowed, a sign that he's trying to find the right words. “Because I wanted you to have fun too. I only went because you invited me and it wouldn't make sense if you weren't having fun. I like spending time with you, Luhan, and I didn't want you to feel left out.”


Luhan's heart soars, and he hides his blush under his coat. When he looks back at Sehun, he's staring at him and has a small smile on his face. Sehun reaches out to brush back some hair that falls into his face. And that's when Luhan suddenly realizes that Sehun has always been giving and giving to him and never receiving in return. He remembers how Sehun willingly opens up about his life, but when Luhan doesn't want to talk about his, he backs off, although with slight suspicion. And Luhan decides right then and there that Sehun finally needs to know the truth about him, even if it means he might be shipped off to some science institute.


“Hey, Sehun?” Luhan starts off hesitantly. Sehun's attention is already on him, but he nods all the same, encouraging Luhan to keep on talking. “I have something important to tell you.”


“What is it?” Sehun prompts.


“Don't call me crazy for what I'm about to tell you, alright?” he waits for Sehun's nod before he continues. “I'm a fairy.”


The sentence hangs in the air for a while, and Sehun blinks, staring at him in confusion before it finally registers in his mind. “What?” he asks anyways.


“I'm- I'm a fairy. You know the ones with wings and stuff. Anyways, my city was in the sky, right among the clouds. It was very beautiful and I could always see the pretty blue sky. We grew plants there and that was basically all we did but I didn’t mind because I loved each plant a lot. The thing is my city was being slowly pulled to the ground by gravity. But with global warming and the thinning ozone layer and everything, our city fell faster than we expected. We crashed, and that's how you found me. I lost my wings, most of my magic, my plants, and my friends. I don't even know if they survived the crash.”


Luhan doesn't realize he has tears in his eyes until he blinks, his eyes blurry with water. Sehun takes his hands in his and rubs comforting circles on the backs of them, smiling softly at him. It does the trick because the tears stop gathering, and Luhan hesitantly smiles back, grateful that Sehun's still with him and not calling him crazy yet. He's reminded of a night many weeks ago when he was in a similar situation with Sehun, and Luhan can't help but feel like he owes his life to the human, for taking care of him so well even when they had been strangers.


“Hey, you said that you like taking care of plants. Did you take care of mine this whole time?” Sehun asks, gently leading Luhan away from the topic.


Luhan scoffs playfully, already recovering from telling Sehun about his true past. “How do you think you've kept them alive for this long? I'm actually surprised they survived under your neglect. They were dying when I first took care of them."


Luhan laughs at the affronted look Sehun has. “I think I did a good job taking care of them.”


“Yeah, yeah. Believe what you want,” Luhan says, patting the bottom of Sehun's chin. Sehun suddenly grabs his hand mid-pat and wordlessly laces their fingers together. Luhan's heart races, but he doesn't pull away, letting Sehun do whatever he's doing.


They fall back into silence and continue staring at the stars. Sehun's palm is warm against his own – his whole body is warm – and Luhan finds himself scooting closer and resting his head on Sehun's shoulder. Next to him, Sehun inhales sharply before he tightens his hold on Luhan's fingers. The fairy kind of wants this moment to last forever.


“Luhan?” Sehun murmurs, and he hums to signal that he's listening. “I still remember reading a little bit about fairies before.”


“Really? It's probably inaccurate,” he laughs.


“So you can touch iron and holy water and you don't like to sing and dance?”


Luhan frowns. “No, those are true.”


Sehun looks like he wants to say more. He his lips repeatedly (which Luhan watches with rapt attention) before he says, “And you can't lie?”


If this were any other situation, Luhan would be furious, wondering how a human knows this much about fairies and managed to spread the information to other people. But Sehun's face is a little too close and his breath is warm against Luhan's face so Luhan only nods, staring at Sehun's lips again.


“Luhan,” Sehun says and Luhan reluctantly tears his gaze away from Sehun's mouth to meet his stormy eyes. He leans back in surprise, but Sehun has an arm wrapped around his waist so he can't move. “Do you want to kiss me right now?” Sehun asks seriously.


The yes barely even escapes Luhan's mouth before Sehun kisses him, his lips gliding over his. The arm around his waist and the hand clutching his disappear, and then two smooth hands cup his face. Luhan reaches his arms up and wraps them around Sehun, pulling him closer. Their noses bump, and Sehun tries to pull away, accidentally tugging on Luhan's bottom lip with his teeth, but Luhan doesn't allow them to separate, pulling Sehun back to him. Right now, Luhan’s heart is racing ten times faster than normal and color is exploding behind his eyelids as he presses his lips over and over Sehun’s. He’s been waiting far too long for this moment to happen, and he’s going to take advantage of it as much as he can.


They separate a few moments later, their breaths puffing against each other's faces. Sehun places a few more kisses on Luhan’s lips before Luhan opens his eyes slowly, his fingers lazily playing with the hair on the back of Sehun's neck. There's a smile on the human's face, and Luhan's pretty sure he has a matching one.


“Oh my god,” Sehun breathes. “I've been waiting to do that for forever.” He buries his face into Luhan's neck. His lips brush occasionally over Luhan's skin, making him shiver, as he continues talking. “You're adorable and funny and you actually laugh at my lame jokes and I don't know. Has anyone ever told you that you were a sunflower? Because you remind me so much of one because you’re so bright and happy and- you’re just so important to me. Luhan, you're giving me too many feelings.”


Luhan has a lot to spill too, but he settles for a simple, “I like you too,” because his feelings can wait for another day. Right now, he just wants to kiss Sehun again.




Luhan taps his fingers, letting them dance across the tabletop while he waits for the microwave to finish so he can retrieve the popcorn inside. He's never actually tried popcorn before, and when Sehun had heard this, he had gasped and insisted that they needed to eat popcorn. So somehow, Luhan is roped into watching a movie, and by extension, into preparing the popcorn himself while Sehun picks and sets up the movie.


The microwave beeps then, interrupting his thoughts, and he leaps out of his chair to open it. The heavenly scent of cheese and something else greets him, and he sighs, now understanding why Sehun had told him he would regret not eating it. He stands there for a few more moments, just breathing in the smell before he takes the bag out, immediately regretting it because it's burning his fingers. He practically runs to the TV and throws the smoking bag down on the coffee table.


Sehun, who had previously been staring intently between two movies, looks up and laughs. “Doesn't it smell amazing?”


“Hurry up and choose a movie so I can eat it,” Luhan says. He nurses his burning fingers by blowing on them and glares at the human when Sehun laughs again.


“Alright, alright. I'm hurrying.”




Luhan's acutely aware of Sehun's gazing boring into the side of his face. He hadn't noticed it for the most part as he had been completely focused on the movie, but after turning towards Sehun to nudge his hand away from the cooling popcorn and discovering that Sehun hadn't exactly been watching the movie but him instead, he's all too aware of their shoulders, arms and knees brushing against each other and seriously, Sehun just won't stop staring at him.


Luhan doesn't know whether to feel flattered or a bit put on the spot. It's not even the most romantic setting either, as it's an action movie. Luhan returns his attention to the screen and tries to concentrate on the cars exploding and the sounds of gunshots, not on the fact that Sehun is sneaking his hand into his and probably smiling like a big goofball.


But when the end credits roll, Luhan doesn't hesitate to bring it up. “Am I really that interesting that you watched me instead of the movie?”


Eyes wide, as if he didn't expect Luhan to catch him, Sehun dips his head down and lets the hair fall into his face, bottom lip caught between his teeth. Luhan doesn't even need the lights on to know that the human's blushing all the way to the roots of his hair. A few heartbeats later and Sehun's hand tightens around his own and he nods. Cute, Luhan coos in his mind, and he leans forward to place a chaste kiss on the human's cheek.


Sehun only turns even redder and stumbles away, spluttering something about how he can't handle Luhan right now and that he's going to go wash the popcorn bowl now (which he leaves in Luhan's hands). Cute, Luhan thinks once again and gets up to follow him.




The next time Baekhyun and Chanyeol stop by the dorm is a week after the party. Sehun warns Luhan earlier on that Baekhyun's a love freak and can sense a relationship from miles away (“Except his future one with Chanyeol when they were crushing on each other,” Sehun shakes his head). But Luhan doesn't expect Baekhyun to tackle him once he enters the dorm, squealing, “They're in a relationship, Yeol! They're dating! I told you!”


Chanyeol looks confused and Luhan feels the same. Sehun hadn't been joking when he said Baekhyun had a love radar. Victorious, Baekhyun twirls Luhan around, still screaming about his new relationship status while Chanyeol scratches his head in confusion.


Luhan didn't think Baekhyun could yell any louder but he apparently can, because when Sehun walks up to them, Baekhyun screams and tears himself away from Luhan to screech into Sehun's ear.


“Hi, Baek,” Sehun greets. He pries the clingy person off of him and pushes him towards Chanyeol.


“You guys are dating now?” Chanyeol asks belatedly. Baekhyun frowns at him and looks like he's going to smack him for the stupid question.


Sehun nods and Chanyeol breaks out into his signature creepy grin. From afar, some people would think Baekhyun and Chanyeol were both psychos. Luhan takes a cautious step back in Sehun's direction, just to be safe.


“I told you it was going to happen,” Chanyeol says. “I'm still surprised Luhan fell for an idiot like you, though.”


Sehun rolls his eyes. “Let's just go play, alright?”


Baekhyun bounces towards the TV, squealing that it's going to be their first double date together. It's also safe to say that whenever Sehun or Luhan so much as look at each other, Baekhyun fanboys so hard that he loses several times.




“Hey, did you know you've stayed with me for about four months now?” Sehun says one day while they're playing Mario Kart.


It's so random and so out of the blue that Luhan drives off the road, and he curses under his breath. He doesn't reply, and Sehun doesn't say anything back since they're both concentrating on getting second place (because for some reason CPU Donkey Kong is really good so they don't even bother trying to get first). When Sehun crosses the finish line mere seconds before Luhan (“Stupid red shell!” Luhan wails as Sehun yells harmless insults at him), Luhan finally answers him.


“Four months, huh? When I think about it, it's not a long time. But it feels like we've known each other forever, don't you think?” Luhan says, placing his controller down.


“Don't fairies live a long time? So you're probably way older than me and have no right to say that. Four months should be only a blink of an eye for you.”


Luhan scoffs and hits Sehun on the shoulder. “How old do you think I am, Oh Sehun? I'm young for a fairy, mind you.”


“Does at least a hundred years old seem young to you? You're ancient, Lu, admit it.”


“I'm twenty-five goddamnit. I'm beautiful and youthful.”


Luhan doesn't expect Sehun to answer seriously. “Yeah, you are.”


He runs a thumb over Luhan's cheek and leans forward to kiss him, which Luhan gladly accepts. “I still don't understand how you fell for me.”


Luhan shrugs and leans his head on Sehun's broad shoulder, playing with his fingers. “I should say that about you.”


He can feel Sehun's gaze on him after he says that and he looks up, smiling brightly. He has so many reasons why he doesn't deserve Sehun running through his mind, and he can list them out if he had time. But when Sehun leans in for another kiss, he just stops thinking at all, only focusing on the slide of their lips and the fact that Sehun is right here with him.




After the first two weeks of dating, they give up on the futon, tuck it away into Sehun's closet and sleep together. Some people would think they're going too fast for two people who have been dating for such a short period of time, but after being with each other almost 24/7 for four months straight, it doesn’t actually seem that fast. Besides, they're awfully innocent (which Baekhyun points out many times).


Luhan personally likes sleeping with Sehun. When he used to fall asleep to the sound of Sehun's slow breaths, he now falls asleep to the gentle movement of Sehun's chest. Their legs tangle under the blanket, and Sehun likes to run his fingers through Luhan's hair when they talk to each other in hushed tones. Luhan couldn't ask for much else besides this.


One night, when Luhan's about to drift off to sleep, Sehun murmurs into his hair, “Sometimes I forget you're a fairy.”


Half asleep, Luhan blinks. “Hmm?”


“It's because you're starting to act more and more like a human every day.”


Luhan nods, processing the words. He does ask fewer and fewer questions as the days pass. After all, he's starting to become accustomed to living in the human world. Instead, the questions have transferred to Sehun, who constantly asks about his old life as a fairy.


“Do you miss your fairy friends still?” Sehun suddenly asks, surprising Luhan out of his thoughts. Sehun interprets Luhan jerking away from him as a sign that he doesn't want to talk about it so he hurriedly says, “I'm just curious. You don't have to answer.”


Luhan rolls his eyes. There Sehun is again, worrying about everything. He settles himself back into Sehun's hold, tracing shapes on his chest. “I sometimes miss them,” he confesses.


Sehun probably has his eyebrows furrowed when he asks, “Sometimes?”


“Don't overthink it,” Luhan pats him. “I do miss them but I can't live in the past. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and you are my friends now.”


He can feel Sehun pouting into his hair, and he laughs, knowing his boyfriend's offended by his friend label. “I'm kidding, Sehunnie,” he teases. “But my point is is that you're my present right now. I can't spend all my time worrying about my past.”


Sehun nods and presses a loving kiss to his forehead. He rocks Luhan back and forth and soon, Luhan is falling asleep again. He swears Sehun is humming the old fairy tune he sang to him when Sehun had stayed up late studying.


He dreams about Sehun in the magical city with him that night.




“One chocolate boba and one taro boba, please,” Luhan says, sliding a ten dollar bill over the counter. While the cashier rings him up, the fairy turns to look back at Sehun, who gives him a thumbs up. Luhan had just ordered something for the first time in his life.


“Here's your change.” Luhan turns back to the cashier. “Your number is 16.”


Luhan fumbles with the change for a little bit and returns to his and Sehun's table, a little flustered. His boyfriend laughs and takes the change from him, slipping it into his wallet while teasing him about his clumsiness. They make idle talk as they wait for their drinks and at one point, Luhan stops talking just to listen to Sehun's voice and stare at his face dreamily.


“Number 15 and 16,” somebody calls from the counter.


Luhan jerks out of his daze in surprise and Sehun laughs. “Serves you right for just staring at me the whole time.”


Luhan glares at his boyfriend and smacks him, only for Sehun to laugh louder. He stalks off to the counter, grumbling. There's already somebody there, who Luhan presumes number 15. The figure looks familiar, and Luhan stops in his tracks and frowns, trying to remember who.


Just then, the person turns. Luhan's mouth drops open in shock because he can recognize that face anywhere. “Kyungsoo?” he asks, just in case.


“Luhan,” his friend breathes and breaks into the heart-shaped smile he's so incredibly famous for. He mumbles something under his breath about sunflowers and how maybe they do bring good luck, but Luhan doesn’t catch it, a bit too shocked to register anything.


“Oh my god, you survived the crash. Oh my god.” he finds himself saying, staring at his old friend like he can't believe he's there. He almost reaches out to poke his face just to make sure, but he refrains, remembering how Kyungsoo would literally snap at him whenever Luhan touched his face in the past.


“And you did too,” Kyungsoo states calmly. “I never thought I'd see you again. How'd you survive anyways?”


They linger by the counter, briefly catching up with each other. Luhan tells Kyungsoo about living with Sehun. In turn, Kyungsoo tells him about a guy named Jongin, who had found him, quite literally, in his backyard. It's not until more numbers are called does Luhan realize they've been standing there for far too long. They exchange phone numbers and promise to meet up again, and then Kyungsoo is walking back to another table where a tanned male with a goofy smile is sitting. Luhan retrieves his own drinks and returns to Sehun, who has his head propped up on his hand.


“Who was that?” Sehun asks, stabbing his straw through the plastic covering. “You looked happy to see him.”


Luhan turns back around and waves at Kyungsoo, who waves back. “Just an old friend. Why? You jealous?”


Sehun scoffs. “Why should I be? You have me. You don't need anyone else in the world,” he jokes.


Luhan laughs around his straw. “Say what you want. Now are we going to go home so you can make me lunch or are we going to stay here this whole time?”


His boyfriend rolls his eyes. “So demanding,” but he still pulls him up by the hand and tugs him out of the shop.


As they walk back to their dorm, Luhan can't help but think that he loves his life at the moment. Months before, when his world was ending as he knew it, he wouldn't have thought that he would make such good friends or meet an old one, much less survive the crash. And he definitely wouldn't have expected that he would fall for and date a human. He looks down at his hand clasped in Sehun's and he can't help but smile. The moment just feels so right.


“Sehunnie?” Luhan murmurs. Sehun hears him all the same and hums in response. Luhan inhales and finally says the words that have been running through his mind for a long time. “I love you.”


Sehun's fingers tighten around his, and a huge, dorky smile spreads across his boyfriend's face. “I love you too.”


(Later, though, Luhan would scream bloody insults at him while they fight over first place on Mario Kart. But for now, Luhan just feels fluffy and happy.)




(A/N) So my original author's note on my entry was really short because I didn't want to write a gigantic paragraph for it. But of course, I must express my gratitude and stuff so here's the inevitable gigantic paragraph. 

I received a lot of love for this fic on selubration which I'm eternally grateful for because I groveled over this damn fic for days and even had to ask for an extension. I felt a lot better about my writing skills after that so thanks to all my precious readers ^^ Also, I want to thank my amazing beta, witchofLVE, who helped beta my fic on such short notice and who encouraged me in the last few days when I was just about ready to give up hope. We even managed to pull together the fic title after screaming at each other through email, which is Little Star, one of Standing Egg's beautiful songs ^^ (I personally think the lyrics fit the story pretty well)

Also, I'm sorry for the tons of Mario Kart references, I was at the end of my nerves and couldn't think of any other video games. On another note, I hoped you all liked reading this fic because I'm pretty proud of it. Thanks for reading ^^

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cuteicycream96 #1
Chapter 2: This fic was one of my favorite of Selubration last round, and you again wrote one of my favorite fics this round! I really like your writing, there's exacltly the amount of fluff I need (so, a lot) and your plots are really nice too!
Melynwang #3
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Awwwwww that was adorable!!!!! Can you please write a baekyeol sidestory if you ever have time? Tysm!!!
Chapter 2: please write more fluffs!! this was perfect!!!
Ohluhan101 #6
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 1: //dies//....
you cross-posted it so i HAD to reread it and it was just as cute and wonderful as the first time ^^ and omg your paragraph of author's note and yesss our screaming at each other over e-mail xD