For Emilie~ ♡

Always~ ♡

Written for my eonnie: Emilie~ 


"Dongwoonie!" Emilie called after the tall boy down the hall. "Yeah? What is it?" he replied calmly. "I need your help..." 


"W-WHAT?!" he shouted in surprise, causing the people in the coffee shop to stare. "Shhh!" she coverd his mouth with her hand, causing him to stiffen at her touch. "Not so loud Dongwoonie!" she begged "I really do need your help..." she spoke softly. Dongwoon sighed, "Why? Why do you want me to help you find a boyfriend?" Emiliestared at her shoes in silence. "Look, I know those are a really cute pair of shoes," he said "but please, talk to me? Why? Why all of a sudden?" Emilie slowly raised her head and looked into his concerned eyes. "I-I'm so alone..." she sighed. "Wh-what?" he stammered, "How? You have me." Emilie sighed. "No. No I don't." Dongwoon couldn't understand."Emilie-" he started, but before he could finish, she stopped him. "Look," she said, "I'm fine. Really I am. It's just that I want someone to be with, you know? Someone to talk to and cuddle with. Someone who loves and understands me. Someone I can be truly happy with. So if you can, help me. Please?"

Dongwoon sighed, once again. How could he refuse her when she looked at him so pleadingly? "Fine," he groaned "I'll see what I can do." Surprised, Emilie squealed. "REALLY DONGWOONIE?! REALLY?!". He chuckled. "Yes, really. Aish, and stop calling me Dongwoonie. You're not 7 anymore. Actually, come to think of it..." he smirked. "Yah!" she said with a frown, as she lightly slapped himon the shoulder. "I'm not that childish!" she pouted. "Yes you are~" he teased. "Hmmph! Fine! I'm gonna go, but don't forget what you promised!" she said as she skipped off. "I won't!" he called after her as he watched her leave. "What have I gotten myself into?" he thought.


The next week, Dongwoon and Emilie hung out every day after school. "Found anyone yet?" she inquired enthusiastically, as she entered his room. "Nope. Would you give it a rest? You ask me every day. I'm starting to think that's the only reason you want to hang out with me lately." He hung his head, forgetting the video game he was playing. "No! Of course not!" she sat next to him and snuggled up to his shoulder. Surprised, Dongwoon sat up abruptly. "What's wrong Dongwoonie?" Emilie asked. "Nothing. I'm just...nothing." he replied flatly. "Hm... alright." she gave up, "Let's play!" she chirped as she grabbed the other controller. 

After about 20 minutes of remaining silent and listening to Emilie's cute shouts of triumph, Dongwoon finally spoke up. "Emilie, what exactly do you want in a boyfriend anyway? I mean, I know you said someone you can talk to and who understands you, but is there anything else?" he asked. "Hm..." she stopped, "I guess a guy who has a big heart and is really sweet and caring." she finished, nodding to herself in approval. "I see." he said.


Emilie woke that weekend to a text from Dongwoon.

To: Emilie-ah~
From: Dongwoonie ^^

Emilie, I think I've found someone.

Excited she replied immediately.

To: Dongwoonie ^^
From: Emilie-ah~

Really?! >o<

From: Emilie-ah~
To: Dongwoonie ^^

Yes! Of course!! When and where?

To: Emilie-ah~
From: Dongwoonie ^^

2:30pm at the fountain inside the mall.

To: Dongwoonie ^^
From: Emilie-ah~

Okay! I'll be there! Thank you so much Dongwoonie! ^^

To: Dongwoonie ^^
From: Emilie-ah~


She didn't wait for his reply as she went to get ready. She showered excitedly and combed her hair. After putting on a little makeup, she wore a summery dress, belt, heels and ran out the door.


The mall was crowded with people. Couples,women shopping and a lot of teenagers. And in the middle of it all, was the fountain. "I'm so nervous." Emilie thought as she sat down on the fountain's edge, "What if he doesn't like me? What if he takes one look at me and walks off? Aish..." she thought worriedly. Emilie stared absent mindedly into the crowd. She sighed as looked up at the sky through the class roof. She felt as if someone watching her. As she glanced at the crowd, she saw a someone walking towards her. He was wearing a white shirt, white blazer, denim jeans and a pair of clean, white sneakers. As she looked up at his face, she stopped, stunned. He smiled as he came closer. Within a few seconds, he sat next to her, the sound of the fountain bubbling in the background. 

"Hi Emilie." he smiled charmingly. "D-Dongwoon... How? Why? I mean..." He stopped her. "Listen," he spoke softly, "We've always been together. When we were little, you would always take care of me, even though I was older. You were like a mother in the way that you fussed over me all the time. You were always there to hear my problems and give me advice. You were my support. I admired you so much. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend. But, it was only recently that I began to notice other things. The way you speak ten times faster when yopu're excited, or the way your eyes sparkle when you're happy, your adorable clumsiness, silky hair and heart warming smile. Not only are you smart, but beautiful and have a huge heart. I couldn't understand what these feelings were," he smiled, "but, when you asked me to help you find a boyfriend, I became so jealous. It was then I knew I was in love. You were always there for me. Now, if you let me, I'll be ther for you. I love you Emilie..."

Emilie was shocked.

"Dongwoon," she gulped, "I always stayed by your side, not because I had motherly feelings towards you, or those of a best friend, but because I loved you. I never wanted more than to be by your side, even if it was just as a friend. I loved you so much, and I even tried to hint it to you to see if you might feel the same way, but everytime I'd get close to you, you'd back off. So I distanced myself from you at first and then asked you to help me find a boyfriend so I could get over you. But, I'm sure glad you told me, or we would've been in one sided love with each other for a long time to come. I love you Dongwoon. I really do." she spoke softly. "Please stay by my side forever."

"Always." he replied, as he gently pressed his lips against hers, his hands wrapped around her waist, her hands in his hair. And for a moment, the world seemed to stop. They both had finally gotten what they wanted the most; each other.


Thank you so much for reading~
I hope I didn't disappoint anyone 
Feel free to request a oneshot, neh? 

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seungriism #1
Cute! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
waniey951215 #2
omonaaaa ~ ^^
pigrabbit16 #3
Omo~ Thank you :*)<br />
I will! ^^
unknownqwerty #4
WRITE MORE!!! this ones good