Aunt Mi Ja's (Crooked) Wisdom

Sad Clown, Happy Loner

Tae Kyung watched Jeremy as the drummer tried his best to bring Mi Nyu out for ice cream. Hyungnim went to the drummer and looked at him.

"Jeremy," he said. "Where are you going with MY girlfriend?"

"Oh, we will go and eat ice cream," Jeremy said.

"Would that be better if I were to come as well?" Tae Kyung asked strictly.

"Hyung, you and Mi Nyu had always been together," the drummer said. "Please give me time to even spend some time with my friend."

"And aren't Shin Woo and Mi Nam your friends too?" Tae Kyung argued.

"They are! But Mi Nyu is my only female friend so far," Jeremy retorted.

Mi Nyu begged Tae Kyung to just let her go.

"Please trust me, Hyungnim," she said. "Jeremy and I will not do anything illegal, I promise."

Tae Kyung sighed as he allowed his girlfriend to go out with a friend.


Mi Nam freaked out when he saw his sister exit the dorm with Jeremy.

"This is trouble! Total trouble!"

He went out and followed them secretly. Just like a ninja, he went with them all around, in secret. As the two rode on the ferris wheel, Mi Nam also rode, but in a separate car. He could not afford his sister to be fooled by a similarly dense guy like Jeremy.

"Just you wait, Jeremy," Mi Nam thought. "You are soooo dead."


Mi Nyu and Jeremy were not yet home that evening after dinner, and Tae Kyung started to panic. He trusted his girlfriend. He also trusted his bandmate, but he could not trust the blondie to handle his girlfriend well. Tae Kyung could not afford to get separated with Mi Nyu, not when Jeremy was clearly making some strong moves to gain Mi Nyu's attention and make her change her mind.

"Argh! I am getting crazy!"

He stormed off to the veranda and sat near the doghouse. Aunt Mi Ja came out and saw him in a foul mood.

"Oh, Leader, what's wrong?" she asked.

Tae Kyung shared to her his apprehension. He could feel that Jeremy was making some moves on Mi Nyu, and he felt that something was really not right.

"Geurae, that is not right," the aunt said. "You should tell Jeremy about that."

"I sense that he will not give up. I don't know what happened, but it seems that he is trying his best to get Mi Nyu away from me."

"All the more that you should talk to him, huh?" the ajumma said.

Tae Kyung looked at someone behind Aunt Mi Ja.

"Kang Shin Woo," he called out.

"Oh? Mr. Kang is here?"

Shin Woo could not hide his slight irritation. He had predicted that he will be abused to be their political adviser.

"What?" he asked the vocalist.

"Please come here," Tae Kyung requested.

Shin Woo stood up and went to him. Tae Kyung instructed him to sit between him and Aunt Mi Ja, and the guitarist complied.

"What do you want?" the guitarist asked.

"Shin Woo, what is in your playlist?" Tae Kyung asked.

Shin Woo rolled his eyeballs as he handed one earpiece to Tae Kyung. The ajumma also requested to borrow the other pair, so Shin Woo complied. But the ajumma could not comprehend what was sang, so she returned the other part of the earpiece to the owner. The song on the playlist?

Bad Girl, Good Girl by Miss A.

"You like Miss A?" Tae Kyung asked him.

"Ne. I like them," Shin Woo said. "They don't attempt to act cute and fake it. For me, they are giving the viewers the idea that they are true to themselves, take it or leave it."

Tae Kyung rolled his eyeballs. Shin Woo likes girls as natural as his green tea. Of course, Tae Kyung knew that Shin Woo doesn't like girls like Yoo He Yi and SNSD. The only cute he liked was Mi Nyu, who was totally cute but definitely not fake.

"You are so weird," Tae Kyung scoffed at his bandmate. "But sorry for making you as our mp3 player for tonight."

Shin Woo only closed his eyes as he continued listening to the songs.

"So, Leader," Aunt Mi Ja said as she got back to talking. "I suggest you talk to Young Snail, huh? Don't let a day pass without talking to him."

"I know that," Tae Kyung said. "It's just that, I am glad that you are here. If I could not rely on myself, I need someone much older than me."

Aunt Mi Ja smiled and turned to Shin Woo.

"What do you think, Mr. Kang?"

But Shin Woo was asleep while sitting. Then Tae Kyung realized that the song in the playlist lulled Shin Woo to sleep. The song? Winter Child by Suzy of Miss A.

"He is like a horse, can you imagine?" Tae Kyung said.

"Leader, he seems to be in a trance," Aunt Mi Ja whispered. "Do you think he became a monk overnight?"

Tae Kyung looked at Aunt Mi Ja strangely.

"Geurae? I did not know that!" he whispered back.

"Ah, leader, do not call them just yet. I think you need to wait and be patient. Maybe Jeremy will snap out of it."

"But what if he won't? Aunt Mi Ja, I cannot afford to have another guy snatch my Mi Nyu away!"

Then he looked at the sleeping guitarist sitting straightly beside him. Then, he looked back at the ajumma.

"Ya, I don't  mean anything by my look for him," Tae Kyung said. "I am glad someone is out of the race."

The ajumma sneered at Tae Kyung. "You are too insecure. Very insecure."

Tae Kyung shot a hurt look at her.

"If you are very confident of your relationship with Mi Nyu, you will trust her that she will not do anything to break your trust in her," the ajumma said.

Tae Kyung digested the piece of advice and nodded.

"Gomapseumnida, Aunt Mi Ja," he said.

He gingerly took off the earpiece and slowly placed it back to the guitarist's ear. When he stood up, he froze again, as the ajumma slapped his . The ajumma laughed hard as she watched the leader walked stiffly like a zombie.


As Tae Kyung was about to get in his room, Mi Nam came in, panting and sweating profusely.

"Ya, has Mi Nyu and Jeremy returned?" he asked his sister's namja.

"Ani. Wae?" Tae Kyung asked in astonishment.

"Mwo????? Aish! They had not returned? Eotteokhaji?????" Mi Nam freaked out.

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Annyeong!^^ new reader here:) I'm so in love with geunsuk/taekyung:)))
This is sooo beautiful! :(<br />
Poor Jeremy getting rejected. . . again.<br />
Are you going to write a Jeremy&&MiNyu fic nexttt?????? xD
Love how He Yi is still a threat to TK peace of mind... Like Fake Fairy still think that SW will always be the main rival of TK...LOL.
deanne #4
Jeremy is one of a kind, he always has a sweet disposition. I wish him all the love in the world. hug hug hug! Shin Woo hyung, I miss you!
Wow. It's over already? So sad. I love how you just threw He Yi in there with a plot to take over the world.
@Nandiferd: Hahaha... Even if this fic is totally TaeNyu, I would never leave a chappie without Shin Woo. He is like tonic. ^_^
She shot Jeremy down fast. I wonder what will happen next? I noticed that you can't even leave Shin Woo alone for one chapter. You totally love him!
@laz_15: Yeah, he will need a Jolie therapy.
So sad for Jeremy, good thing he had his beloved pet with him.
TK versus Jeremy. I love it! I thought the scene where Jeremy does girl pop dances for Mi Nyu was hilarious!<br />
And He Yi, Hwaiting!