Weekly Idol Daredevils [Part 2 of 2]

Daredevils [Woolliment Boy Group][Dareoyals TV][HIATUS]


[Caption] -actions- *language*

[Sitting Order: Maj, Ethan, Vino, Jaekwan, Jangmun,Maru]

Doni&Coni: Weekly Idol Call Call Call!

Doni: Now~ Infinite has also done this segment, have any of you seen it? Maj?

Maj: Ah yeah, wasn’t it where fans call in and send in their requests?

Doni: Yeah, we leave the line on for 24 hours and in 24 hours any fans can call and only a few will get through and be recorded.

Daredevils: Ah~

Doni: Guess how many calls got in

Ethan: 10!

Doni: -looks serious- Do you think no one watches this show?

Daredevils: -laughs-

Doni: -laughs, looks at Coni- What to do? He only thinks 10 people called.

Coni: Ethan, there were more than 10 calls, a lot more

Maj: Then if we guess correctly will we be rewarded?

Doni&Coni: -laughs-

Doni: Then -chuckles- if you guess incorrectly should we also punish you?

Maj: Sure, if you punish all of the members this time

Doni&Coni: -cracks up-

Ethan: Then are we all guessing?

Coni: From the looks of it, Maj wanted to get revenge for earlier

Maj: -laughs/nods-

Doni: Then let’s do this, every member guess. The one who got it right gets to hit a member of their choice

Ethan: Can’t we just hit Maj?

All: -laughs-

Maj: -reach over and smack Ethan’s knees-

Doni: These kids are funny [Daredevils kids are funnier than Infinite kids]

Coni: They learned a lot from Infinite

Doni: Then let’s start with Vino since Ethan already guessed

Ethan: -shock- Why? Why? Why?

Doni: You already guessed

Ethan: -speechless-

Maj: But I didn’t get to guess yet?

Doni: You’ll go last

Maj: Ah okay!

Doni&Coni: Then, Vino~

Vino: -get back to senses after laughing- Uh, 500?

Doni: -wide eyes- OH 500?!

Vino: Yeah~

Coni: You’re that confident that Daredevils are that famous?

All: -laughs-

Doni: Then, Innocent man~

Coni: Innocent man

Jaekwan: -smiles- Uh….250?

Doni&Coni: -laughs- We caught him! We caught him!

Coni: He lowered it after he said Vino was too confident

Jaekwan: -only smiles-

Doni: Then, “I’m Jangmun

Members: -laugh-

Jangmun: One Thousand

Daredevils: Ohhhhh~

Doni: One thousand?!

Coni: I like it! Jangmun I like you!

Daredevils: -burst out laughing-

Doni: Why? Why do you like Jangmun?

Coni: He’s shameless

Doni: -laughs- Then, how about you Americano Maru?

Ethan&Vino: -chuckles- Americano

Maru: I’ll guess Two thousand!

Doni: Are you crazy?

Daredevils: -laughs-

Doni: Now you’re just crazy

Maru: -cracks up-

Doni: Then leader, how many calls did you think came in?

Maj: Uhhhhh, maybe 100?

Doni: There were [Anticipation]

Ethan: [Gulp]

Doni: 656 calls!

Vino: AHHH I WON!!!! -jumps out of seat-

Doni: Then, Vino, choose who you want to hit

Coni: -stands to retrieve hammer again- [We’re seeing a lot of the hammer today. The hammer will become a permanent guest at this rate]

Vino: Then, I’ll hit our leader

Maj: -gloomy-

Doni: -laughs-

Vino: I wish he would stop promoting violence

Daredevils: -laughs-

Doni: -cracks up- Oh Vino, you’re funny

Coni: -hands hammer to Vino-

Doni: Then come out, leader

Maj: -sighs/walks to the center with Vino-

Daredevils: [Watches without blinking/Vino will hit leader Maj?]

Vino: Any last words, Maj hyung?

Doni: Oh, Vino is scary  [Cute Vino -> Scary Vino?]

Maj: I’ll work harder, so, go easy on me

Daredevils: Whoaaaaa!

Doni: -clicks tongue- What’s so cool about it?

Daredevils: -laughs-

Doni: Do you all want to take turn getting hit?

Daredevils: -laughs- No~

Coni: Let’s get hit and get this over with, leader

Maj: -winch- Sure….

Vino: I’m coming hyung -lifts hammer-

Maj: Do it quick

Vino: I’m coming! -about to swing but stops before Maj- I’ll stop here

All: -surprises-

Doni: Why?!

Vino: Leader may retaliate later

All: -laughs-

Maj: No! If you say that then I’ll look bad! Just hit me!

Vino: -laughs/runs over and hands Coni the hammer-

Coni: Maj come here, let me hit you

All: -all laughs-

Maj: -moves away and shaking hands-

Coni: -chuckles and walks off with hammer-

Doni: We keep wasting time

All: -laughs-

Coni: Yeah these kids are funny

Doni: Yeah

Daredevils: Ah thank you~

Doni: Then we’ll get right into the segment and listen to the chosen recording.

Daredevils: Yeah~ [When it comes to fans, Daredevils are calm and serious]

Voice: Hello Daredevils! Can the main vocalist Jaekwan rank the members in terms of their vocal skills? Thank you, I love you Daredevils~

Daredevils: Oh!

Vino: We love you too!

Doni: Yeah that was sent in by infinitizequeen, she asked that main vocalist Jaekwan rank the members in terms of their vocal skills. Why did she ask Jaekwan specifically to rank the members?

Vino: Among the members and fans, Jaekwan’s vocal is the most memorable, everyone acknowledged that

Doni: Oh, can you sing a little for us?

Jaekwan: Ah, then I’ll sing a little of “Storm”

Doni: Yeah~

Jaekwan: -sings-

[The room is memerized by Jaekwan’s voice]

Doni: Oh it’s very angelic!

Coni: It’s very soothing

Jaekwan: -smiles- Ah thank you~

Doni: Then, can you rank the members vocals?

Jaekwan: Ah sure, I think Maj hyung’s vocals are very good, and Jangmun’s vocals are very clear

Doni: Would you say they are better than you?

Jaekwan: No, I think Jangmun and I are on the same level, because Jangmun does most of the sub vocals and background vocals with me.

Doni: Really?!

Coni: So Jangmun does the background vocals and you do the high pitches?

Jaekwan: Yeah~

Coni: Oh~

Maj: Jangmun does the breathing in most of our songs, like “Might Just Die”

Doni: Can we listen to Jangmun then?

Daredevils: -laughs-

Maj: Listen to him breathe?

Doni: Yeah -blunt-

Daredevils: -laughs-

Coni: If you can’t do it then we’ll confirm that it was all computer

Doni: Yeah, Jangmun, are you ready?

Jangmun: Yeah -looks at camera-

Doni: 5, 6, 7, 8

Jangmun: -covers mouth with hand/inhale-

Doni: AH! Stop it! -jumps out of seat-

Daredevils: -looks over-

Doni: Why is it so y? [Doni’s heart is racing]

Members: -laughs-

Coni: It was Jangmun -wave finger-

Doni: It’s very y -still frozen-

Coni: Jangmun is the ace in Daredevils

Members: -laughs and hum-

Ethan: He’s very cool

Doni: Then who’s after Maj and Jangmun?

Jaekwan: Maru and Vino are tied

Doni: That means?

Coni: Ethan is last?

Members: -chuckling-

Doni&Coni: -laughs-

Coni: Why is Maru and Vino tied?

Jaekwan: They’re both rappers and vocalists, but they sound very different. So it’s hard to say one is higher than another

Coni: But it’s not hard to say the eldest is last place? -teasing Jaekwan-

Members: -laughs-

Jaekwan: No~ -tries to clear up any misunderstanding-

Doni: Do you acknowledge being last Ethan?

Ethan: -nods- That’s why I’m the main rapper

Doni: -laughs-

Coni: Rappers are good, Jaekwan will be last anyway if we rank it as top rappers

Members: -laughs-

Ethan: -nods-

Doni: Then, let’s listen to another request

Daredevils: Yeah! -turns to speaker-

Voice: Uh hello Daredevils! You guys are very cool and handsome!

All: -laughs and smiles-

Voice: My request is since Daredevils just debuted, would it be possible if members reveal something about one another? So that us fans would know you better, that’s all thank you~! I love you all!

Doni: She’s good at bluffing, her reason for you guys to reveal your secrets is so your fans will get to know you better

All: -laughs-

Doni: Then, who wants to reveal a secret about our leader Maj?

Maj: -startled- Why me?

Vino: Maj hyung can crack a nut open by flicking

Doni: -mouth wide open- Crack open a nut? Like Shinee Onew? -surprised-

Ethan: Yeah he can do it

Coni: Let’s see -goes to get nut-

Maj: -laughs and looks over to Vino- You’re seriously overdoing it

Vino: -laughs-

Doni: Then leader, please show us your flicking power

Members: -laughs-

Maj: [Burdened] flicking power -two staffs brings table over and had fruits on the table-

Doni: Yeah, since we don’t have a nut since we didn’t know Maj was going to reveal his finger power here

Members: -laughs-

Doni: We’ll see Maj crack the sunflower seeds

-Ethan and Vino helps spread out sunflower seeds for Maj-

Doni: Let’s see~

Maj: -readies middle finger while keeping the other four on the table, then let go with his other finger, cracking the sunflower in half-

Doni: -eyes wide open- WHOAAAAAAA!

Doni&Coni: -walks over to confirm-

Coni: Jangmun can you do this? Maj said you were stronger earlier

Doni: Jangmun come over

Jangmun: -takes Ethan’s seat as he gets off/Vino sets one seed before Jangmun-

Vino: Fighting!

Jangmun: -flicks seeds/cracking it-

Doni: -startle- Omo! [Daredevil are not funny but scary kids now]

Coni: -grabs the middle piece and pops it in mouth- Hey, Jangmun and Maj, why don’t you cooperate and pop these for us to eat?

All: -laughs-

Doni: Then, Ethan who’s secret do you want to expose?

Ethan: Hm -looks at others with hands under chin- [Members aren’t making eye contact with Ethan] Hm, Vino -place hands on Vino’s shoulder-

Vino: -starts chuckling-

Doni: What about Vino?

Ethan: Vino is very obsessed with his cousin Via [Vino’s cousin who's he's protective of: Mystique’s Via ]

Doni: Eh?!

Vino: -hiding his laughter-

Ethan: Yeah, Vino and I are closest to each other so we talk a lot. But whenever I talk about his cousin, Vino goes insane

Vino: -claps with laughter-

Members: -laughs-

Doni: Eh? Insane?!

Ethan: -serious- Yeah, he’s very protective of her. Even if I ask him how she’s doing, he’ll say -mimicking Vino in a scary tone- “Why do you want to know?”

Doni: Really?

Ethan: Yeah, all I did was ask how she was but he look like he was going to kill me

Vino: -falls to the ground-

Members: -laughs-

Doni: Does he say that to every member?

Maj: Yeah, Vino is a bit like that. He’s very sensitive if we talk about his cousin

Coni: You’re too much Vino, when she gets marry are you going to send him death threats? Huh?!

All: -cracks up-

Vino: -recovering from hell-

Doni: Then, Vino, which member are you going to expose?

Vino: Uh, Jaekwan? -looks over to the lad sitting closest to him-

Doni: What about Jaekwan?

Vino: Jaekwan is very hairy -straightforward-

All: -burst out laughing-

Vino: Jaekwan’s hair is serious, he doesn’t ever shave

Doni: Where? Where? -still laughing-

Vino: Down here -gestures down to Jaekwan’s legs- It looks like he wears stockings everyday

All: -cracks up- [Stockings? -uses stocking graphic over Jaekwan’s legs-]

Conii: Why don’t you shave?

Jaekwan: No, it’s not that I don’t shave, but my hair grows very fast. Plus I get cold so I let them grow

All: -laughs and claps-

Doni: Would you ever shave it off?

Jaekwan: Why?

Doni: What if you get a girlfriend and she wants you to shave it off?

Jaekwan: -dumbfounded- Uh….

Coni: Have you ever had a girlfriend before, Jaekwan?

Jaekwan: No,

Doni: Then if you get a girlfriend, will you listen if she wants you to shave them?

Jaekwan: Why a girlfriend?

Doni&Coni: -taken aback-

Doni: Then did you want a boyfriend?

Members: -laughs-

Jaekwan: No!! It’s just I thought some girls like it if a man is hairy

All: -laughs- [Saved by the perfect excuse]

Doni: Maru, is there a member whose secret you’d want to reveal?

Maru: Uh….

Vino: I have one

Ethan: -nervous- What, what, what?

Vino: Ethan really like the female character from the Japanese series Final Fantasy

Doni: The female character?

Vino: Yeah, what was her name again?

Ethan: -blushes- Tifa

[Ethan is obsessed with Tifa? Cosplay-Wednesday-Final-Fantasy-VIIs-Tifa-Lockhart.jpg]

Doni&Coni: Ah~

Doni: The female with the black hair and fights very well?

Vino: Yeah

Coni: From the way I see it, Daredevils likes violence

All: -laughs-

Doni: Then, time has flew by as we played with Daredevils. We’re almost to the end, any last words, leader?

Maj: Ah yes, we came on Weekly Idol to promote our song but we ended up having a lot of fun instead. I hope we can visit again, we’ll show a better us next time~

Doni: You probably will, Infinite did more than ten times

Coni: -laughs- Next time don’t get hit by the hammer

Maj: -laughs- Yeah, I’ll avoid the hammer’s path next time

Doni: -laughs- This has been Daredevils!

Members: -waving goodbyes-

-”Rain Sound” begins to play-

[Part 2 of 2 Ends]
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A/N: This is not a comeback. I just wanted to post this and assure everyone I have not thrown this fic out.


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I miss them~~ ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 186: theyre so cute! ! lol like how Maj only posted a photo of Soyoon :] poor Joochan !
Chapter 186: Awwww~~ they are soo cutee~~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Supporting their hoobae~~
I miss this story when will you update again author-nim?
Chapter 185: wow! thats very unfortunate kaihlee. . like you school starts for me soon too so I wont be on as much. I hope all goes swell for you :] and wow manager at two places with school too thats no ez.

Im happy to see that you chose Stalker as DD comeback sonng :] I listened to it once when it came out but will do again now that you brought it up. . See you soon author-nim! !
Chapter 182: VThan is so cute ! ! glad Vino is acting again and this time with L! !
Chapter 176: and yes Jangmun in another drama. this time in a Thai ! so cool! cant wait to see how he does :]
Chapter 174: Sorry I havent been commenting. Ive been reading but you knoe me. most of the time I read from my sister account :]
103 - I love it! Its so scary for the losing team but its funny to watch them jumpy too :] the blood is really keeping Ethan active lmao so cute to imagine ! !
104-109 - I love the song choices ! ! Ethan and Maru had BAP raps solos and then the rest were awesome too. . I like Yellow Light surprised its Tiffanys song tho :] still very amazing choice . Majs song is so good ! thanks to the lyrics I sang along !
110 - where can I buy the full 6-7-13 album? ! tell me! !! !
111 - its interesting how you chose 17s Adore U as the title song for this collab. album
112-117 - I like most of the songs . If I hve to put in order my favorites it would be ADL, S, Q, GD, AU, KS, then B.
Chapter 159: 100 - thank you ! Gisu voice was just as I wanted in his solo ! the versus board is seriously so kool ! !
101 - yep top visuals. Woollim is home to gods and goddesses too, surprise haters !
102 - this makes me mad............ Daredevils dont deserve this kind of comparison and hate when they literally worked their butts off.