Dareoyals TV Episode Six

Daredevils [Woolliment Boy Group][Dareoyals TV][HIATUS]
Episode Six
Mission Impossible Pt. 2

March 26, 2016

The winning team were off to a good start as they walked in a group down the dirt path surrounded by lively green trees. Leading the group was Gisu and N2C, who was walking and looking around them. Behind them were the others. Walking in between his two taller members was Jaekwan, who had his arms hooked around Jangmun and Vino. Meanwhile walking beside Vino was Woncheol. Finally the member who won by default Hyunjun was at the end, talking to a cameraman as he took small steps at a time.

“I think out of everyone, I’m the only one who isn’t enjoying this,” Vino stated aloud, causing giggles and chuckle among the group, “Seriously, I don’t like complicated stuff like this,”

“In the movies mysterious cases are usually edited very well with dramatic soundtracks and effective cuts, so is this program going to edit it like that too and make us look like real detectives?” N2C asked to no one in particular.

“Then are we going to the crime scene right now?” Gisu asked.

“Ah don’t say that,” Vino cried from behind. Woncheol and Jaekwan were the first to chuckle at his reaction.

“Vino, do you like criminal films?” Hyunjun asked from behind.

“No, I don’t like them,” Vino answered without looking back. Some laughed at his quick responses.

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you Vino,” N2C said.

“What about you, Jangmun? You acted as a police officer in your recent drama,” Hyunjun brought up.

“Oh, did you watch it?” Vino asked, as he looked over his shoulder and toward the tallest lad in the group.

Hyungjun smiled, “No, I saw it on an article,” laughter rose once again as the boys got closer to their destination. A two story white building that seemed to be at peace soon came into view but it was still a few more steps before they reached the entrance.

“Oh it’s the same building I saw from before,” Jaekwan commented.

“Really? I can’t even see, I have poor vision,” Hyunjun said.

Q: Since the second mission asked for teamwork, say you can only have one partner. Who would you want to work with from the opposing team?
N2C: Hm, from the opposing team. Then from our rival team? /yes/ Hm -smiles- maybe Maru sunbae? He seems to have a lot of energy and in teamwork stamina and energy are very important factors. Also quick thinking is a must and (Maru) sunbae seems to have that.
Ethan: Hyunjun, I think in a very eerie situation he would be able to build a good atmosphere
Jaekwan: It’s okay if I choose someone from Daredevils right? /sure/ Then Ethan hyung. His height could be useful -laughs-
Ahin: Changsung (N2C), he’s really into dramas with heavy crimes and cases -smiles- I’d want him as my partner if we have to solve cases.


While the other boys are taking their time, approaching their assigned setting, the losing team had came to a less brighter area. With a shabbier appearance, the boys were feeling the chills of the road. Unlike the winning team, the losing team footwork are filled with caution and they moved slower. Unexpected the three eldest, Ethan, Maj, and Ahin were in the back while Taehan and Maru lead without saying a word. Yongsoo, the child stuck in the center, followed closely behind as he observed what was around them. In the back, Maj walked in between the other two, their heights even as they strolled along.

“Isn’t the road getting darker?” Maj questioned to Ethan and Ahin. As the elders took their time, Maru and Taehan’s speed built a gap between the group. “Yongsoo, walk with us,” Maj called to the youngest who has been abandoned by the cruel fronters.

Q: During the whole mission the hyungs and Maj kept looking for you?
Yongsoo: Yes, sunbae called for me a few times and told me to stick close to him
Q: You kept looking for Yongsoo during the mission?
Maj: Yes, for some reason I felt like I had to look after and protect him
Q: But Ahin was present?
Maj: -chuckles- From what I learned, it takes a valley to raise a child they say.
Maru: It’s a village, Maj hyung -sighs-

Once the building was in sight, Maru was the first to scoff a disbelief chuckle, “Hyung, we’re at a haunted house,” he called to the slugs in the back.

“What? Haunted house?” soon the group has started to move faster in order to get a look at the whole setting. Before them was a warehouse, abandoned and forgotten by the people of S. Korea. The building has three stories and windows were blocked with plastic and tape, along with bars. Will the losing team be able to enter the abandoned building where the crime scene happened to take place in? “Ah really what is this?” Maj asked.

“We’re supposed to gather evidence here?” Ahin questioned this time.

“It looks dark inside, all of the windows on this side are covered up,” Ethan pointed out.

“I didn’t expect to be coming to a haunted house so I had my makeup done very well,” Maj stated, confusing his group members, “what if I cry or sweat too much and smears my makeup?” His question brought laughter to some and disbeliefs to others.

“We just have to go in and find clues right?” Maru asked, looking at the filming crew.

As the group put on their own self cameras, they started to move in.

Without any fear, Maru led the group toward the front entrance which had remains of wooden pieces from the door still attached to the doorway. Through the five feet long hall, they come to an open room with items in one corner, while the entrance to another room was to their left. As they looked inside the first room for clues, it was darker than they had expected. However, there were flashlights prepared for them at the doorway. After grabbing their own flashlights, Maru and Taehan were already leading and checking the corners of the first room. They noticed old boxes and broken crates that were stacked up among each other. Maru flashed his light toward the boxes and turned to look at Taehan, “Think there’s any clues hidden in here?”

Taehan shrugged at first then answered, “Let’s look?” As the two moved toward the six stacks and tried to look for anything odd, Yongsoo was the next to enter before Ahin, Ethan, and Maj follow in the exact order. Yongsoo heard the sound of movement and checked to see, only to noticed Maru and Taehan digging at the corner.

“Is there anything there?” Yongsoo asked, strolling over slowly.

“Oh it’s dark and cold in here,” Maj commented from behind. When the three oldest got to the scene, they shone their lights toward the three younger ones. Just in time they caught Taehan pulling out something from under a box.

“I got something,” he mumbled, causing Maru and Yongsoo to surround him.

“What is that?” Yongsoo asked, before shining his flashlight toward the object in Taehan’s hand.

“It’s a phone and has a picture of—” Maru began but was cut off by Maj’s cry that followed next.

“Isn’t that boss?!”

Q: What was on the phone?
Maj: A picture of my boss Jungyeop hyung -disbelief scoff-


“Why is it a photo of your boss?” Ahin asked, confused by what he was seeing.

“Wait, does this mean he’s apart of this whole investigation game?” Ethan asked, his eyes wide open.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! I just got goosebumps,” Maj commented.

“I guess this is our first hint,” Maru commented.


Meanwhile the winning team were wowed by the outside of the large home. After being handed their own self cameras, they started to climb the front steps toward the entrance where they find themselves coming to a complete halt when a large photo hanging at the main stairs caught their eyes. “Isn’t that Jungyeop appa and CEO Tablo?” Vino asked, earning the rest of his team’s attention.


“What the? Why are they clowns?” Hyunjun asked to no one in particular as they fully entered the home with its doors wide open.

Q: What do you think of the CEOs as clowns?
Hyunjun: I don’t like clowns but I like our CEOs. It was a complicated feeling.

“What kind of scenario is this...?” N2C asked.

“Is this one of the CEOs real house?” Gisu throw out the question.

“No, I don’t think so,” Woncheol answered. As they continued to stand around, some started looking around.

“Is this supposed to be the crime scene or the home of the victim?” Hyunjun added.

“Or it could be the killer’s home,” N2C started, “I say we split up and see if we can gather any evidence. This building is too big and it’ll take a while if we all move together. So we’ll split up and scout the first floor first then meet back here to exchange information, call?” N2C asked.

“Why are you giving out the orders?” Hyunjun asked in a surprised playful tone.

“Then, do you have a better plan?” N2C asked.

“No, sir!” Hyunjun replied with a growing smile, “But how are we going to split up the groups?” Hyunjun questioned.

Q: What did you think of N2C taking charge?
Vino: I was shocked he had it in him. -nods nods- Yeah that’s what I thought

“Let’s see, first height must to be balanced out,” N2C commented.

“So you want to pair short and tall members together?” Woncheol asked after he correctly processed N2C’s words.

“Yes, when it comes to finding evidence we must search even the floors to the ceilings. It’s important that we don’t miss a single angle as well,” N2C explained.

“So three groups and one with three members then,” Woncheol pointed out as he count the members, “that makes me, Hyunjun hyung, and Jangmun sunbae leaders,”

“Let’s do it like this then if we’re going to split using heights, N2C and Gisu with Woncheol, I’ll go with Jaekwan, then Vino and Jangmun together,” Hyunjun said.

“Sure, that works,” N2C, “oh and if anyone happens to see the deceased organism then just yell. We’ll all be there,”

“Deceased organism?” Vino asked with a confused frown, “You mean the dead body?”

“Precisely,” N2C said with a flash of his smile.

As the three groups split up, the group of threes took the west wing alone while the other two head toward the east wing.


On the other hand, the losing team has started to move through the dark maze. Cold sweats ran down the back of their necks and temples when they came to the sight of an elevator. “Does it work? What if we get in and it stops working halfway?” Maj asked.


“This isn’t the time to joke around Maj,” Ethan whispered.

“I’m saying what if,” Maj said under a dangerously low tone. While Maru and Taehan stood near the elevator, Yongsoo was next to Maru. Meanwhile Ahin led with Maj’s hands on his shoulders and then Ethan’s hands were gripping onto Maj’s shirt from the back. Once Maru had moved to press on a button, they heard the ring of the working elevator, then seconds later the doors opened revealing a lit up interior with lights so bright it blinded them for a moment.

“Oh it works?” Ethan commented.

“Just how many floors does this building have?” Ahin asked on the side, earning agreement hums from Yongsoo.

“Let’s find out,” Maru said. Right then Taehan stepped into the ride first before Maru could get on second. Then the rest follow suit and soon the elevator was packed.

“The elevator only takes you to the first or second floor,” Taehan said, after examining the brown buttons on the side first as everyone settles in.

“Let’s go to the second floor then,” Maru commented as he and Yongsoo also scanned the line up of buttons available. Once Taehan pressed the button, the door closed immediately and once again they heard a ring. As the object carrying them begin to go up, all six members were suddenly startled by the sound of an eerily crying woman. In the far corner, Maj grabbed onto Ethan and Ahin tightly while the younger trio became startled but did not grab onto anyone or anything.

“Ah I hate this really!” Maj screamed, using his whole body to express his hatred as he shook in between the two taller members.

“What is this?!” Ethan asked aloud, directing it to a speaker he noticed on the wall of the elevator.

Q: Were you happy to be on the winning team after discovering what kind of place the losing team went in?
N2C: Enlightened. I was told they had to use flashlights in order to see where they were going and that there were a lot of  dark hallways. I hate that kind of thing.
Jaekwan: I heard about an elevator scene? The members were talking about how a sound of a crying woman just came out and scared them. I’m happy I wasn’t there.
Hyunjun: When they (the losing team) was talking about an elevator I was so grateful to have won by default. I really don’t like being in elevators and most definitely one in an abandoned building.

Once the elevator came to the second floor, the older males pushed their way out as fast as they could as the sound continue to play. The younger too quickly got out just to be stopped by the taller three.

“There’s blood!” They heard Ethan holler when the light of the elevator shone toward the room.


“Who are you?”

“Isn’t that a real body?!”

“I don’t want to continue,”


Comments for episode six [5/5]

[+] That freaking crying woman got me scared too and it was in an elevator! I would have reacted like Maj! How can Maru, Taehan, and Yongsoo be so calm?!

[+] I loved how they used Tablo and Jungyeop’s clowns photos kekeke

[+] You can tell who really loves this. N2C haha

[+] N2C giving out orders is so cool! Maru and Taehan leading is so cool! I want to see how N2C is in a horror house

[+] Basically Hyunjun escaped the crying woman in the elevator but met the photo of the two CEOs as clowns lol I feel so bad for our Hyunjun xDDD



Sorry for the long wait everyone~! Hope you all like this episode just as much xD Thank youuu!

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A/N: This is not a comeback. I just wanted to post this and assure everyone I have not thrown this fic out.


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I miss them~~ ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 186: theyre so cute! ! lol like how Maj only posted a photo of Soyoon :] poor Joochan !
Chapter 186: Awwww~~ they are soo cutee~~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Supporting their hoobae~~
I miss this story when will you update again author-nim?
Chapter 185: wow! thats very unfortunate kaihlee. . like you school starts for me soon too so I wont be on as much. I hope all goes swell for you :] and wow manager at two places with school too thats no ez.

Im happy to see that you chose Stalker as DD comeback sonng :] I listened to it once when it came out but will do again now that you brought it up. . See you soon author-nim! !
Chapter 182: VThan is so cute ! ! glad Vino is acting again and this time with L! !
Chapter 176: and yes Jangmun in another drama. this time in a Thai ! so cool! cant wait to see how he does :]
Chapter 174: Sorry I havent been commenting. Ive been reading but you knoe me. most of the time I read from my sister account :]
103 - I love it! Its so scary for the losing team but its funny to watch them jumpy too :] the blood is really keeping Ethan active lmao so cute to imagine ! !
104-109 - I love the song choices ! ! Ethan and Maru had BAP raps solos and then the rest were awesome too. . I like Yellow Light surprised its Tiffanys song tho :] still very amazing choice . Majs song is so good ! thanks to the lyrics I sang along !
110 - where can I buy the full 6-7-13 album? ! tell me! !! !
111 - its interesting how you chose 17s Adore U as the title song for this collab. album
112-117 - I like most of the songs . If I hve to put in order my favorites it would be ADL, S, Q, GD, AU, KS, then B.
Chapter 159: 100 - thank you ! Gisu voice was just as I wanted in his solo ! the versus board is seriously so kool ! !
101 - yep top visuals. Woollim is home to gods and goddesses too, surprise haters !
102 - this makes me mad............ Daredevils dont deserve this kind of comparison and hate when they literally worked their butts off.