Allkpop 5/6/16

Daredevils [Woolliment Boy Group][Dareoyals TV][HIATUS]
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Daredevils are menacing men for 'Nylon'
May 5, 2016 @ 10:21 pm
by KaihleeLo
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Daredevils are looking handsome in their new individual photoshoot with 'Nylon'!

The six boys went for a black, white, and blue fashion as the posed in front of a variety of colored backgrounds. 

During the interview the boys talked about working with rookie boy group Royal Chronicles as they said, "These days we're used to traveling around as thirteen but today it felt like half of our group weren't present as we took these photos,

Though the photoshoot focused mainly on the boys, their friendship with the said band must have been special for them to bring it up during their interview!

SEE ALSO: Jangmun to join DOTs OST concert!

Daredevils also gave us hints that they were preparing for a comeback as their outter appearance has changed drastically. See what we mean below!

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VthanBIAS · Posted May 5, 2016 @ 11:05 pm
Is that really them!? They've changed so much! Especially Jangmun! I almost couldn't recognize him but knew it was him because of his one-of-a-kind lips! Those kissable lips! HE LOOKS SO FINE! And those adam's apple are shining I tell you.
Then there's my Vino and Ethan, being shared first and last >,
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MAJKWANlovechild · Posted May 5, 2016 @ 10:55 pm
Majjjjjj looks sooooo goodddddd oooommmmgggggg! What is he trying to hide under that jacket tho? xDDDD And dayum I never knew Jangmun has such a manly [beautiful] body. Did he work out? And ain't anybody gonna talk about how good Jaekwan look? His white, pale skin I swear will be the death of me!
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SaintArMY · Posted May 5, 2016 @ 10:40 pm
Sh*t theyre hot asf! funny how BTS is goofy hot and Daredevils is just menly hot! my two bias groups! Now whos with me? 
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kpopsinceidk · Posted May 5, 2016 @ 11:27 pm
Everyone is commenting on how good our boys look (like when have they not?) but no one is talking about how they brought up Royal Chronicles. This is one of the few reason why I love Daredevils, they always say what's on their mind. Plus they're very open with their friendships. I'm so glad Woollim and Highgrnd were able to give DD and RC a show together so that they could openly be themselves around each other. Seriously, I remembered how stiff Royal Chronicles was in the first episode in their first variety show, and for a group who has been on many shows and even have their own show during the time they debuted, I'm just super thankful for the mixing of Royal Chronicles and Daredevils. I hope and wish their friendship would last a long time even after the show has ended. Most idols would drive apart and even make new idol friends, but I hope DD and RC would always contact one another even ten years from now.
On another note, Jangmun just looks so good with short hair, though his long hair would be miss. Now it's Maru's turn to say good bye to his long hair whenever he's ready.  
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A/N: This is not a comeback. I just wanted to post this and assure everyone I have not thrown this fic out.


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I miss them~~ ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 186: theyre so cute! ! lol like how Maj only posted a photo of Soyoon :] poor Joochan !
Chapter 186: Awwww~~ they are soo cutee~~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Supporting their hoobae~~
I miss this story when will you update again author-nim?
Chapter 185: wow! thats very unfortunate kaihlee. . like you school starts for me soon too so I wont be on as much. I hope all goes swell for you :] and wow manager at two places with school too thats no ez.

Im happy to see that you chose Stalker as DD comeback sonng :] I listened to it once when it came out but will do again now that you brought it up. . See you soon author-nim! !
Chapter 182: VThan is so cute ! ! glad Vino is acting again and this time with L! !
Chapter 176: and yes Jangmun in another drama. this time in a Thai ! so cool! cant wait to see how he does :]
Chapter 174: Sorry I havent been commenting. Ive been reading but you knoe me. most of the time I read from my sister account :]
103 - I love it! Its so scary for the losing team but its funny to watch them jumpy too :] the blood is really keeping Ethan active lmao so cute to imagine ! !
104-109 - I love the song choices ! ! Ethan and Maru had BAP raps solos and then the rest were awesome too. . I like Yellow Light surprised its Tiffanys song tho :] still very amazing choice . Majs song is so good ! thanks to the lyrics I sang along !
110 - where can I buy the full 6-7-13 album? ! tell me! !! !
111 - its interesting how you chose 17s Adore U as the title song for this collab. album
112-117 - I like most of the songs . If I hve to put in order my favorites it would be ADL, S, Q, GD, AU, KS, then B.
Chapter 159: 100 - thank you ! Gisu voice was just as I wanted in his solo ! the versus board is seriously so kool ! !
101 - yep top visuals. Woollim is home to gods and goddesses too, surprise haters !
102 - this makes me mad............ Daredevils dont deserve this kind of comparison and hate when they literally worked their butts off.