Kai 2.0



It was late, and Jongin needed a break from the long hours of dance practice.

He stepped out to the balcony at the top of the building, so he could have a quick cigarette in peace.
He knew it wasn't a good thing for idols to be spotted smoking, but he could really use a stimulant to keep him awake right now without the jittery effects of coffee. 
The night sky was clear with a sprinkling of stars, and the cool air relieved the dull throbbing in his head. 
He plugged in one side of his earphones, and was about to play some music on his phone, when he noticed that a lady was looking up at him from the ground floor of the opposite building, 6 storeys down.
It looked like she was wearing a lab coat, and she held a light brown handbagarrow-10x10.png that had the rectangular shape of any regular office work bag which was just large enough to carry A4 sized documents.
Jongin felt goosebumps rising to see the lady looking directly at him, and she even looked away hastily the moment he noticed her.
However she didn't seem to have any agenda or reason to be standing there, as she was alone with no cameras in sight, and she had a bunch of files under her arm and that office work bag looked like quite a load for her to carry as well. 
Jongin had seen his fair sharearrow-10x10.png of stalking fans before, and this lady did not seem to fit that profile.
Just as the lady was hurrying away from the spot where she had stood, Jongin's curious eyes followed, and watched her fumbling in her bag for her phone to answer a call.
She was soon gone in no time, as she was already walking past the gate of the building compound while she talkedarrow-10x10.png on her phone.
Jongin had seen something shiny drop out of her handbagarrow-10x10.png while she was digging her handphone out earlier. The shiny object now lay on the brick pavement down below, with noone to claim it.
Jongin couldn't turn away from the object once he had witnessed it falling out of the owner's handbagarrow-10x10.png. From above, that shiny object looked like it could very well be a set of keys, and Jongin felt that if he were the one who had lost his keys, he would certainly hope for someone to return them to him. 
So, he took the elevator to the ground floor, and made his way to the opposite building to retrieve the object.
The object indeed turned out to be a bunch of keys.
As Jongin turned the keys over in his hand to study each side for clues of their place of belonging, he noticed something bizarre labelled on one of the keys… The label read in a computer-typed font: Kai 2.0
His other name was labelled on the key.
What are the odds? 
Disclaimer: All pics used in this chapter are not mine. 
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SaranghaeMuffin #1
Sounds veeery interesting so far!