Lost in thoughts?

Little miss Naïve

They had walked for just a little bit, when Myungsoo decided for them. “We’re going to drink some tea here, so you can calm down.” He didn’t look at them, nor waited for a reply. He was genuinely worried, but didn’t want to show it. The four of them entered a small cosy teashop. They hadn’t quite left the alleys yet and the shop was pretty much empty. Myungsoo sat down at the back of the store, followed by Sungyeol taking the seat next to him. Hee-jin and Dia took the seats opposite of them, without much thought.

Why would they be wearing sunglasses? It’s night, dark and now we are inside, was what both girls were thinking. Should I ask? Just as Dia was thinking this, Hee-jin said: “Why are you wearing sunglasses at night? At first, I thought you were going to help those scary guys!” Sungyeol was the first one to reply: “And here I thought we would look cool like this.” “Really?” all three others replied with disbelieve instantly. The fact that Myungsoo had also replied made Sungyeol frown a bit: “Even you, L-ie?” “So why do you do it?” “Maybe we just don’t want to show our face,” Myungsoo replied. “Because you are really ugly?” Hee-jin said innocently, while she was thinking about what was going on. Dia said his name was Myungsoo. His friend is Sungyeol and calls him L. But it can’t be, right? There’s no way. Just no way.

Hee-jin’s comment made the two boys laugh. “That’s it, yes,” Myungsoo said dryly, and immediately turned to order tea for the four of them, hoping that the subject was now done with. “Ugly, really?” This time it was Sungyeol who was surprised. Two people who were often described as the visual from their group, now suddenly calling themselves ugly. “Are you really?” Hee-jin asked suspiciously. She was pretty sure she had figured out who they were, but didn’t want to embarrass herself in case she was wrong.

“You don’t believe we are ugly? We’re too handsome even with sunglasses?” Sungyeol asked. “Well, I’ll tell you a secret. I’m not ugly, I just wear sunglasses to support L-ie, who is very, very ugly.” This caused Myungsoo to look at him indignantly, but he didn’t say anything. The tea arrived and once again Myungsoo tried to use it as a diversion to steer the subject to something else. “I just ordered Korean tea for the four of us. It will help you calm down. Sorry for ordering without asking.” “It’s okay. It’s not like we can speak Korean,” Dia replied dryly. “Then why wander around dark alleys at night,” Myungsoo mumbled, barely audible.

“So you are not going to tell us why you wear them?” Hee-jin was now determined to find out the truth. It was Sungyeol who gave in first. He removed his glasses, smiled and then asked her: “So, was it because I am ugly?” Hee-jin’s thoughts were confirmed. This were not regular boys. As she had suspected they were from infinite. The reason they didn’t show their face, was because they were famous idols. Dia however still had no clue, being as uninformed about kpop as she was. Hee-jin had gotten so lost in her own excited thoughts, that she had forgotten to answer Sungyeol’s question. “I guess she does think you are ugly,” Myungsoo said with a smirk. It was payback for being called ugly earlier. His comment, and the look it produced on Sungyeol’s face made Dia softly laugh. “So you can still laugh,” Myungsoo said softly, his smirk softening into a relieved smile.

At the same time, Hee-jin was frantically apologizing to Sungyeol. “You are not ugly at all! You are very handsome. I was just… surprised… to see who you really are. I never would have imagined… meeting you.” “You know who I am?” he looked amused. Hee-jin nodded. “I like your music.” An awkward smile appeard on Sungyeol’s face. “I kind of… figured you wouldn’t… since you’re not Korean… I’m happy you like our music… but then I really… shouldn’t have shown my face.” He wasn’t quite sure of what to do next. She wasn’t screaming, or doing anything wrong in any way, so he decided to shrug it off. So what, this girl knew he was famous. More people knew that. And if she would change her opinion of him based on that… then he wouldn’t like it. But it couldn’t be helped.

Hee-jin was too shocked to be screaming right now. All days she had spent looking for and buying kpop merchandise, but never had she imagined meeting actual kpop idols. She had dreamed about it, but to have it actually happen… She wasn’t quite sure how to react. “Then are you also?” she turned to Myungsoo. “Am I also what? Not ugly?” he lifted his eyebrows when he answered her. He had clearly not been paying much attention to the conversation between Sungyeol and Hee-jin. Dia on the other hand had heard everything and was quite possibly even more in shock than Hee-jin. Instead of thinking about what to say or do next, she just focussed on her tea and listened to the others talk. Hee-jin sighed. “I meant famous.” Myungsoo looked at Dia from the corner of his eyes, to keep track of her reaction, before nodding once. “I knew it!” Hee-jin exclaimed triumphantly.

Dia just kept sipping her tea slowly, while Hee-jin asked the two idols about all kind of things. The fact that she had discovered they were idols had taken Hee-jin’s mind of the things that had happened earlier, and she seemed to have gone from scared to excited. But the fact that her friend kept quiet bothered her and instead of asking more questions, she directed the conversation to her. “How is your wrist?” Dia touched her wrist softly and almost managed to keep the pain of her face. “It’s okay, just a bit bruised. Nothing to worry about,” she then answered with a smile. “Were you hurt?” Sungyeol asked her immediately. “Not really, one of the guys just grabbed my wrist.” “Let me see,” Sungyeol said kindly, but as she stretched out her hand, instead of Sungyeol, Myungsoo took it. “Seems fine to me. Might be a bruise later though.”

“That’s what I said,” Dia rolled her eyes as she said it. “You’re lucky it’s not something a lot worse,” Myungsoo replied. “They could have had knives or something,” Sungyeol agreed with his friend. “That’s so scary!” Hee-jin exclaimed. “You shouldn’t walk around by yourself, especially at night,” Myungsoo muttered. “Then next time I’ll just ask Nick to walk us around. I’m sure he won’t mind, especially if I tell him what happened. At night he should be free from university and in the weekend he can show us around the whole day, what do you think?” Dia had turned completely to Hee-jin. “You think he would do that? Every night?” “He has to, right? He’s the only one we can turn to here!” It was as if she had already forgotten about the two boys currently sitting on the table.

“I.. We could show you around?” Myungsoo suggested. “You know we can’t L-ie! While I agree they shouldn’t wander around by themselves, Sunggyu hyung already got angry at you for disappearing yesterday. You said you were still at the airport, yet then Dongwoo hyung said you already dropped your bags off. You can’t go. Especially not after also sneaking out today.” Sungyeol interjected. Dia turned slightly red at hearing that and Myungsoo also got beet-red. He had not wanted Dia to find out about that. Sunggyu had been extremely angry when he had come home yesterday, because he had said he was still at the airport while he was really walking around with Dia. But she didn’t need to know any of that.

“Alright, ask that Nick guy,” Myungsoo muttered. “Just make sure you are safe or whatever.” “Don’t worry about us,” Dia said smiling, “What are the odds of something like this happening twice? For one, we are definitely not going to wander around without a plan anymore, right Hee-jin?” “Definitely not! I don’t want to get lost again!” But I wouldn’t mind getting saved again by really handsome idols.

When the four of them had finished their tea, Sungyeol suggested: “Shall we bring you two to your hotel? We also kind of need to get back soon.” As he said it, he once again put his sunglasses on. “Ah, I’m so sorry for calling you and then keeping you so long,” Dia looked to the ground.  “Well, we kind of sneaked out of practise to come and get you,” Sungyeol laughed. “Sunggyu hyung will be angry if we don’t get back on time.” “Then we have to hurry!” Hee-jin answered, while quickly getting up. Dia looked up again, smiled and then said: “You don’t have to bring us. We’re almost out of the alleys and from there we can find our way for sure.” “Chincha?” Sungyeol asked, “If that’s so that would be…” “I can see you shaking. We’ll bring you. A few minutes won’t matter,” Myungsoo interrupted. “You can go back first, if you want to,” he then suggested, looking at Sungyeol, who shook his head “You are right, a few minutes won’t matter,”Sungyeol agreed half-heartedly and the four of them left together.

It took them about ten minutes to leave the dark alleys and both Dia and Hee-jin were glad the boys were bringing them home. “We would have never found this,” Dia whispered to Hee-jin. “I know, I’m so glad they are still bringing us. And don’t act like you aren’t because I know you are.” Dia nodded, “I am, you are right.” A small smile appeared on Myungsoo’s face, causing Sungyeol to ask him what was funny. “Nothing, just thinking about how annoyed Sunggyu must be getting right now.” “That is not something to smile about! Ottoke! We’re going to be in so much trouble.”

They reached their hotel after a 20 minutes’ walk. “We didn’t get that lost,” Dia concluded. “You got lost enough to get in trouble,” Myungsoo answered. Dia sighed. “You’re never going to let me forget that are you?” “He’s just worried about you two,” Sungyeol said shrugging. “Thanks for worrying about us,” Hee-jin said with a smile. “Sorry for causing so much trouble,” Dia added. “Make sure you have that friend of you with you next time,” Sungyeol said; “Who knows what could happen if you get lost again.” “I will message him today,” Dia assured him. “Great,” Myungsoo said, yet sounded like he didn’t quite mean it.

Just as they were leaving, Myungsoo turned back. “Be careful. Don’t get lost again. Just, let me know you’re okay every few days.” With those words, he just left. His voice had sounded flat, emotionless even. And before Dia had even a chance to reply the two boys had disappeared in the distance.

“What was that!!” All of Hee-jin’s excitement had come out again. They entered their hotel room and there Hee-jin was flailing. “You should have told me he was an idol. Wait, did you know? If you knew, you should have told me! No, you would tell me! What, how, how can you just meet them and hang out for a full day. Aren’t they supposed to be super busy?” “I don’t really know either. It just happened I guess. And I didn’t know. Of course I didn’t know. He never told me, and who would guess she would meet an idol her first day in Korea.” She then added softer, “He never did remove his glasses.” “You SO wanted to see his face!” Dia blushed a little, but nodded. “I did. It’s so mean to just keep his sunglasses on even after we had already found out.” “I have the perfect solution! Internet!” Hee-jin suggested. This is a great opportunity to make Dia a kpop fan as well.

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Shino159 #1
Chapter 18: ohmygoshhh yayyyy an update~~ :D
especially pufferfish~! :D they are cutee~~ because it looks like they are smiling xD
yes!!! spend more time with myungsoo~ ... if it's possible at least because he is an idol. on the other hand, don't spend time with him because you'd probably be at a photoshoot or something and only watching him. Which isn't bad or anything but it gets boring after a while even though he is that handsome xD I think at least >.<
hahahahah XD ohmygosh i hope she buyed useful things xD (probably not xD )
ahhH! Everland~~ still want to go there~~ apparently they have a kind of escape room / haunted house there with zombies! Not that I want to go because too scary but it still sounds interesting ^^
awwww i hope heejin stays long in korea~ xd but it would feel like she is a leech because she stays at Dia's place XD
ahhh but i get where Dia is coming from. if you live there you will see it less like a tourist place and don't bother anymore or you just think you can go anytime and in the end you don't go XD
OHMYGOSHHHHH I miss the music store and bookstores now T^T they had such pretty jigsaw puzzles of disney T^T NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
awww it would be cute if infinite would help Dia with Korean :D
Yayyyy Heejin makes her happier <3 awwwwwwwwwwwwwww T^T I MISS YOU T^T
owww she needs more real free T^T (i'm thinking of the anime free all of a sudden and then the sentence gets weird X D)
ohh~! i hope they have that pass!! where you pay a bit more but then the line isn't so long so it's actually worth the money
OHMYGOSHXD I do complain about only eating dessert!!! XD hahahaha
ohmygosh the guy knew where they needed to go?! or there is only one bus in one direction? then it's not so creepy xd ^^'
ohmygoshhh stranger!! oh that's good, keep your phone in your hand just in case!
awwww they're so social~ so good~ ohhh?? Minhyeok?? will he come more in future chapters?? :D
awwww she's willingly waiting for him kind of~ XD
awwww so good! she's studying so diligently~ i should study again >.<
nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu T^T owwwwwwwww ohmygosh Dia T^T *hugs*
OHMYGOSHHHHH MYUNGSOO!!! of course she cares!! she's being considerate because she knows you're an idol! that doesn't mean she's not dissapointed though but she knows you can't do anything about it. T^T
oww noooo her thoughts are darker than that T^T but i totally understand why she'd feel like just a distraction tho T^T
HAHAHHAHAHAH XD yes open the door! XD awwwwww so cuteee she's too surprised~
getting along and dating are different. like you can get along as acquintances or like dating. be specific to Dia >:(
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww she still wants to try even though it's so hard T^T so niceeeeee
lolll and in the back of the corridor heejin silently squealed at them xD hahahha xD
Shino159 #2
Chapter 17: Ohmygosh ohmygosh xD Everything I said is in the chapter xD about being scared with strangers... BUT DIA NEEDS HER MOMENT WITH L SO ITS OKAY!!! ILL MANAGE!!!
That's it!!!! I'm so happy he stays with her~~~~ But I feel bad Sunggyu XD he's so worried and awww and he probably gets all the scolding since he is the leader ^^'
Ohmygosh Heejin is going home alone?!?!? xD I hope she didn't get lost xD hahaha
Ohmygosh, drama she had caused T^T it's not only her fault yahhh!!!
OHmygosh ohmygosh!!!!!!!!!!! They're super cute~!!!! This is so wrong teacher student xD but they're same age so it's okay and the flirting is totally heart fluttering!!! xD and kyaaaa notes are better!!!! handwritten~~~ unless it rains and you want to give it and the message turns into a blue blurr!!! xD But in this case ohmygosh it's just too cute`!! yayyyyy
Ohmygosh that's sooooo cute~!! going to the same place again :D :D And i'm sort of glad he took a taxi and not a luxury own car or something XD i don't know why lolll XD yayyyy a real date and no lost children :p hahahhaa unless they stalk them and get lost xD but Dia and Myungsoo won't know so it's okat xD hahahha Yayyyy
Chapter 16: Just finish reading your fanfiction and can't help to wonder what's going to happen next ;) ! Fighting !
Shino159 #4
Chapter 16: HAHAHHAHAH CATFISH!!! ohmygosh AHHHHHHHHHHH it's exactly how i'd feel!!!
Omo... drinking... clubbing... bad idea~~!
ohhh~~~cocktails~~! i love the sweet ones
oh nooooo Dia drinking... Will Myungsoo come to save her???!!
ahhh how Dia acts makes me weary? wary? not sure how to spell it... although i'm happy she's distracted and is having fun. And Dia is responsible so I don't believe she would drink too much to make wrong decisions xD
AHHHH Nick is soooo mean T^T and L would get in trouble for ditching work... Dia won't liek that...
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH why so sad T^T why so much fight... just talk you two!!! spill your emotions out to each other ohmygosh T^T
but Hee-Jin... with strangers... kind of strangers... ohmygosh i'd be so scared xD
awww i have my own air matress~
Awwww okay, the ending makes it all okay~~ i'm glad they made up >.< and hopefully they'll really try and talk and not just words T^T
Shino159 #5
Chapter 15: Awww Dia as stubborn as ever~~
ohh yayyy short wait!~ :D hehehe
Hoya so rational~ hehehe
awww Dia bought a lot~ I'm proud~! XD
awww Myungsoo is so conflicted and he cares so much for her T^T so touching!!!!
OHMYGOSHXD I just thought, how did she even get a free ticket?! xD
ohmygosh... everything heejin says... that's me xD ohmygosh!!! XD
aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh why.... why so sad and tension and... omo....
ohmygosh i'm so glad he didn't walk away O___O
Ohmygosh... It's not like I expected anything, but I didn't expect so much angst... T^T ohmygosh!!!!! Why make me cry?!?!?!

The familiarity of all the Japanese around them made Dia smile -> around her. she's alone?
though they were with -> there were. loll i missed this typo~
to get all of them -> i forgot it was lovelyz XD
Dia nodded with a smile and quickly check her phone -> checked
Shino159 #6
Chapter 14: Awwwww so nice of Nick to let her meet more people. When I read Amber i thought f(x) instantly xd but she's not from Australia I think... They're all cameo or actually people you know? Since Nick xD awwww disney!! Eating karaoke and clubbing sounds SOOO much fun and just like you heheh awwww but Myungsoo is being stupid not giving attention but then again he's busy so I can't blame him... But the members don't know yet right? :( Awww and he didn't have time to say goodbye to her :( it's a public place so he can get recognised I guess but disguise or meet with her earlier Ohmygosh >.< poor dia. Yayyy for update hehehe
Shino159 #7
Chapter 13: Awww don't get mad at Myungsoo? He doesn't know that you thought it was a dream or not. I just noticed they quarrel quite a lot xD but it makes them stronger together~~ and YAYYY Japan! Dia would feel better probably in a country she can understand the language of
Shino159 #8
Chapter 12: Ohmygosh they both can't understand each other, the argument is so long and going round xd haha ohhhh the bottle reminds me of touchdown to your heart heheh but Yayy they're on good terms again
Shino159 #9
Chapter 11: Awww when I read the title I thought Heejin would come... But Nick is really sweet here though for being there for her when he knows she has a hard time adjusting. Awwww I would be upset if I needed to keep it a secret, but I guess it's not their business either too. Still feels not good to me xD and the members omg won't they stop teasing?! Now it was getting a bit annoying since class got disturbed
Shino159 #10
Chapter 10: I just realised I'm still here with comments but I did read up to date I think xd anyways, they're so cute together disoo~~~ and the members teasing is so funny xd Hahahha