

Pia Seong, an ordinary girl with an average life. But what made her stand out was her Intelligence Quotient (IQ). It almost seemed like there was nothing that she cannot do because of her skills and at the same time she's a perfectionist who practices her abilities. She was so uptight to the point wherein everything she does is on schedule, is on a scripted basis and she hates surprises. Will she be able to handle herself once her life gets topsy-turvy and reveals a lot of unexpected events?


My name is Pia Seong. I'm half Korean and Filipino. I am the second born among two sisters. I have always been second to the eyes of most people . . . They would usually over-look upon me . . . Which is why I have decided to do things perfectly so that they shall always recognize me. I may seem warm, cheerful, bright, sweet and caring but, that is part of my scripted actions. I am often angry, cold and feel very much like dust or mud. But I just had to mask all of it so that I shall remain approachable to each. I've always wondered what it would feel to be so loved and to love in return. . . But due to my past, I could only give it a few thoughts. I know that I'm not ready for it to into my life. I would have to wait for the time in which the deep wounds in my soul would vanish. It may be a sad life for me . . . but because of my studied way of dealing with it, it never bored me.

Characters' looks (for imaginary purposes)

Pia- petite, long dark brown hair that covers her back side-bangs, curvy big-boned body, good full brows, small eyes shaped nicely, long and dark lashes, a cute button nose, lips that have very good color and shape, face-shaped with a V-line, beautifully tanned.

Sam- tall, short bobbed hair, has normal physique, barely visible brows, dead-eyes, short and thin lashes, flat nose, small mouth, chubby-faced, pale-skinned.

Hanna- petite, long black curly hair that reaches her back, has good shape but fat,  scattered brows, big expressive eyes, round nose, full lips, has undefined jaw line due to fat, light skin color.

James- average male height, has receding hair-line, fat, scattered brows, tiny eyes, short and thin lashes, high-nosed, small lips, good jaws, tanned skin

Jenny- average female height, short-bobbed red hair, barely seen brows, sleepy eyes, high nose bridge; round nose, thin lips, circular face, fair-skinned


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