the makeover

How to Love a Girl

How to Love a Girl

chapter 5



Chen, Bomi, Lay, Chorong and Baekhyun ate lunch together at a Japanese restaurant downtown. The five of them had nothing serious to do unlike the others, so they decided to pig out. While they were eating, Bomi and Chen showed their sweetness by feeding each other. Baekhyun groaned in disgust.

"Ya, Byun Baekhyun. If you're still bitter about me and Bomi, the door is open for you to leave," Chen pointed his chopsticks at him.

Baekhyun laughed, "It's a habit. Sehun, Chanyeol and I always do that whenever there are couples around."

"Don't worry. You'll feed someone soon, man," Chen said to him.

"I think we're disturbing your date, Jongdae-ah. Chorong, Baekhyun and I are just like props here," Lay said as he poured more egg drop soup on his bowl.

Chorong giggled.

"No. You're wrong. I'm the only decor here-"

Before Baekhyun could continue, Lay pinched Baekhyun's side, causing him to groan and say, "Okay, okay. I'll stop."

As they finished eating lunch, Baekhyun remembered something that bothered him last night. He had this fifteen-minute session right in front of the mirror. He looked at himself and wanted a change in his appearance. It's not that he badly wanted Taeyeon to like him back, but he was thinking about his old hairstyle everyone was fond of.

He looked at Bomi. Bomi has really good dresses, but in his opinion, Chorong dresses well. So he striked up a conversation with the cutesy young woman.

"Chorong-ssi. Can you give me a makeover?" Baekhyun asked.

Lay and Chen erupted in laughter.

"Hey. There's nothing wrong with a guy wanting a makeover," Bomi nudged at Chen.

"What do you mean? Like take you to a mall and have yourself fixed?" Chorong asked Baekhyun.

"I just need a new look. I thought you could help," Baekhyun replied.

"Well, I can. But when it comes to your face and your hair, I don't really know at all," Chorong said.

"Don't worry. We've got a few connections with stylists-to-be," Bomi added.


The next day, Chanyeol went running around the campus with his earphones on. He was playing a Coldplay song entitled "Hurts Like Heaven". His sweat was trickling down the sides of his forehead. He was catching his breath. He stopped right at the entrance of the campus upon hearing that there was some old student who turned out to be someone new today. Trusting his wild guess, he went to the entrance to see if it was really Baekhyun. Baekhyun was hinting a lot of mysterious messages on his SNS the other day.

To his surprise, the girls were swooning over this black-haired guy wearing long sleeves rolled up to his elbow. His shoes were somewhat different from his usual choice, including his black jeans. He wore thick shades over his not-that-round eyes. Chanyeol was taken aback that when Baekhyun recognized him, he walked backwards.

"Ya! What's wrong with you?" Baekhyun asked.

"Who are you and what have you done to the Byun Baekhyun I know?" Chanyeol asked him back.

Baekhyun laughed and put his arm over Chanyeol's shoulder, "Let's go to the student lounge, shall we?"

At the student lounge, Heechul was sipping his smoothie whilst talking to Yoona and Taeyeon. The three of them were chilling while waiting for their next class. Just then, Joy and Yeri from the opposite table were laughing about something peculiar.

"Have you heard of Byun Black?" Yeri showed Joy a photo of Baekhyun that went viral on the school's online portal.

"What the actual f-?"

"They even congratulated Baekhyun for having a really nice makeover courtesy of Victoria, Sulli, Chorong and Bomi! That guy is hilarious!" Yeri said aloud. The two laughed together.

"Baekhyun?" Yoona raised her eyebrows upon seeing a familiar figure opening the glass door of the student lounge.

Heechul nearly choked on his smoothie. His cold hands landed on Taeyeon's warm hands.

"What is wrong with you guys?" Taeyeon said, shutting the book she was reading.

"Byun Baekhyun, new hairstyle. New clothes. New shoes. New watch. At your twelve o'clock, girl," Heechul informed her.

Taeyeon's jaw dropped upon seeing Baekhyun's transformation. Her heart started beating rapidly. From that moment on, she started looking at Baekhyun in a different way.


You don't have to love someone who just changed his style, Kim Taeyeon.

You don't have to force it out.

But if you're really in love with him,


You deserve to love and to be loved.

We believe that he'll treat you better than Leeteuk.

Oops, that name was taboo.


we will be leaving you.

I've got an appointment with some guys.

And Yoona...

she's gonna eat dinner with her Fishy Hae tonight.

We, um...

got you a limo waiting outside.

So you better wipe off your drool marks and comb your hair.

Cause we're serious about a white audi waiting for you down the school grounds.

We love you.

And please inform us if you're sure about your feelings.


With all of our love combined,

Kim Heechul and Im Yoona ♥


Taeyeon shook her head. When she was about to scream, she mentally reminded herself that she slept for an hour inside the school library and she has no right to scream because her friends just left her. She rose up from her chair, kept everything inside her messenger bag and stormed out of the school library. The librarian just looked at her, puzzled.

Taeyeon found it kinda rude for the two to leave her dozing off at the library. She ran towards the school grounds to see if the two were just kidding about the white Audi. But it seems like they weren't.

"Hi," Baekhyun greeted.

"Those two are really crazy," Taeyeon mumbled.

"It's not that I was told to drive you home, Taeyeon-ssi. I offered to. It just so happened that I overheard them at the library," Baekhyun explained.

Taeyeon slapped her forehead and sighed, "I didn't know I'd cause so much trouble. Don't worry, Baekhyun-ah. I'll just go and get a cab-"

Baekhyun opened the door and said, "Get in. I don't want them to worry."

Taeyeon wanted to hesitate, but Baekhyun's dominant eyes made her crawl inside the car. Baekhyun got in after her. He adjusted the car's aircon and played a track by Ed Sheeran. As Baekhyun started driving, he asked her address.

"You can just drop me at the intersection, Baek, " Taeyeon said.

"No. I want to see you enter your house safe and sound, " Baekhyun replied, "Yoona and Heechul might kill me if you can't go home safe."

"I'll just teach you where," Taeyeon said.

There was a huge pause between the two of them. The thought that Baekhyun is driving her home made Taeyeon do cartwheels inside her head. Suddenly, Baekhyun's phone rang.

"Aigoo, I forgot to bring my bluetooth headset. Can you please pick the phone call up for me?" Baekhyun asked.

"S-S-Sure," Taeyeon stammered and held the phone up.


D.O. : Hello?

Taeyeon: Hello.

D.O.: Ya, Oh Sehun! Are you sure we dialed the right number?

Sehun (in a distance): Yes we did! It was clearly Byun Baekhyun the total !

Taeyeon: It's me, Taeyeon.Baekhyun is driving right now.

D.O. : (gasps) Why are you there with him, Taeyeon-ssi? He could kill you anytime...

Sehun: ....with his love!

Baekhyun: Hey idiots, shut up. What do you want from me?

D.O. : We'll be submitting the short film tonight. We were about to ask you if you wanted to tag along, but you're obviously busy. So...

Baekhyun: Okay.

D.O.: And we'll have a party this weekend. We'll view the short film together! Taeyeon, you should come.

Taeyeon: Aye aye captain!

Baekhyun: Do not show them the final version! If you know what I mean.

D.O.: Sehun and I got it covered. Now, you two should enjoy the rest of the drive. Bye. I'm hanging up. See ya guys soon.


The two were left alone once again, with no noises blocking them. Out of the blue, Taeyeon looked at her driver.

"Baekhyun-ah, you should stop being formal to me. And I.... I.... I like the way you look. I mean, I like your new look," Taeyeon said nervously.



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Chapter 11: andwaaee endingg
but i love it all!! ♡♡
Chapter 9: something? hm.... update soon author-nim
Chapter 8: baek hapkidooo? but how can i know that i'm dense? lol
well update soon! loving the story!!
Chapter 7: Wahh why so short ㅠㅠ I wish Baekhyun would make a move already and wOW! Leeteuk is such a jerk lol Update soon author-nim ^^
Chapter 6: Authornim~ I think I fell inlove with your story ♡ Update soon~ BAEKYEON HWAITING~
Chapter 5: update soon im so excitedddddd><
Chapter 5: Wow looks like baekhyun is determine to be notice by Taeyeon huh? Thanks for the update. ^^
baekyeon09 #8
Chapter 5: update soon...