Ten Seconds

Discussions and Debates

Hello! I'm so sorry for being out for so long. I got really sick and then finals and regents came up and I didn't have time to write, and I just wanted to apologize for being lazy and not updating. :) Please accept my apology. I'll give you free socks if you do. Anyway, I got a new idea for a story, not sure if I want to try it out after this one. I tried to make this chapter funny, but I have a feeling that, once again, I failed in doing so. Enjoy!

Italics are for emphasis.

In which Suho sighs a lot, Baekhyun and Chanyeol make out, and the apartment is thrown into general chaos.


"Hey. Hey. Baek. Hey. Hey. Baek."

"Chanyeol, I swear to Jesus ing Christ. If you keep poking me, you won't live to see tomorrow."

"But Baeeek," he whined. "I'm bored."

"And what has that got to do with me? Absolutely nothing. Now stop bothering me."

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow, leaning over Baekhyun's shoulder to peek at what he was doing. "What are you doing?"

Baekhyun glanced back, only to see Chanyeol's face right in front of his. He screamed. "That ing scared me! What the hell Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol blinked. Then he started giggling. He lied sideways on the couch, rolling around. His giggles turned into loud laughter that left him gasping for air. 

Baekhyun pouted, pushing Chanyeol away. "It's not funny, Yeol."

"R-Right. Of course it isn't. W-Why would it be?"

Baekhyun crossed his arms, annoyed from all the teasing. His frown deepened.

Soon, Chanyeol's laughter died down and he looked up, only to find a grumpy Baekhyun glaring at him.

"Awww. Baek - you can't possibly get mad at me over this."

Baekhyun drew his eyebrows together, glaring harder at Chanyeol.

"Just watch," he sneered, getting up and walking into the kitchen.

There he busied himself as he made a cup of coffee.

When he was pouring the beans into the grinder, he felt arms wrap around his waist, pulling him into Chanyeol's chest.

He immediately set down the bag of coffee beans, wrenching Chanyeol's arms off of him and pushing the taller male away. He turned his back on him, returning to his coffee brewing.

Chanyeol pouted, whining and throwing his arms around Baekhyun once more.


"Chanyeol, let go of me."



He let go immediately. He reacognized that tone. Baekhyun was being serious. He smiled. He knew exactly how to fix that.

Reaching his hands out, Chanyeol turned Baekhyun around, pulling him into a hug and nuzzling the side of his head.

"Do you love me?"

Baekhyun struggled to get away, shaking his head.


Chanyeol whined, picking Baekhyun up and sitting him down on the kitchen counter. He leaned forward and kissed Baekhyun's nose.

"What about now?"

Baekhyun turned his head away, pouting.


Chanyeol leaned forward once more, placing kisses all over Baekhyun's face, traveling down his jaw line and onto his neck. He pulled away.


Baekhyun glared, playfully shoving Chanyeol's arm.

"Yah! Park Chanyeol! You can't just do that!"

Chanyeol put on his best "innocent-puppy-face", looking up at Baekhyun.

"I can't kiss my boyfriend?"

Baekhyun blushed, his body turning red from head to toe. He was about to reply, when he heard a gagging sound behind the taller male.

Jongdae walked into the kitchen, mug in hand and a disgusted look on his face. He turned around, pouring more coffee into his mug and taking a sip.

"Get a room, will you?"

While Baekhyun turned even redder, but Chanyeol leaned back, smirking at Jongdae.

"You're just jealous that I do this to Baek and Minseok won't do it to you."

Jongdae almost spit out his coffee, whipping his head around to gape at Chanyeol. The tips of his ears were turning red.

"W-What did you say?"

Chanyeol exploded into laughter. Baekhyun turned his head away, trying, and failing to stifle his giggles.


Jongin was annoyed. And a bit frustrated with himself. 

"What the actual ," he murmured, walking across the bathroom to knock on the door.

"Kyungsoo! Can you tell me why you locked me in here?"

There was no answer. Jongin narrowed his eyes, staring intently at the door, as if willing it to open. It didn't work. Realizing this, he kicked the door in frustration, huffing under his breath.

"Yeah! Kyungsoo! Let me out!"

A chuckle. "That little er," he muttered, glaring at the door once more. "Open the door!"

Another chuckle. "Jongin, why do you think I locked you in the bathroom?"

Jongin thought about it. He didn't think that he had done anything wrong.

", Kyung, I don't know. Why?"

There was no answer.

He sat down in front of the door, occasionally frowning at it. Finally, he heard the soft click of the lock unlocking and the door opened, revealing Kyungsoo, in all his glory. All his raging glory.

Jongin's eyes widened. "Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap," he whispered, scooting as far away from the door as possible, until his back hit the wall.

Kyungsoo slowly walked in, grinning evilly at the man on the floor. He smiled sweetly, crouching down in front of Jongin, never once breaking eye contact.

"Jongin, do you know what happened to the cake I had stayed up all night to make?" he shirped in an overly bright voice.

Jongin shuddered, finally breaking eye contact with the older male by lowering his head. He twiddled his thumbs, trying to stall his inevitable doom.

"U-Um. I'm not sure. W-Which cake are we talking about?"

Kyungsoo's sweet smile turned stiff.

"Oh, you know, the only cake that was in the refrigerator last night. The one with the blue box and huge sticky note saying don't ing eat the cake."

"O-Oh. That cake? I think-I think I saw Sehun holding a blue box earlier. Maybe you should go ask him?" Jongin asked, smiling nervously.

"Oh? Sehun has it, does he? But, Jongin, why are there cake crumbs on your lips then?"

Kyungsoo slowly stood up, the smile still on his face as he reached towards the guilty man.

Jongin's world stopped. His eyes widened and he ducked underneath Kyungsoo's legs, crawling outside.

Unfortunately, Kyungsoo had a quicker reaction speed than Jongin had originally thought, so he found himself being dragged back into the bathroom by his leg. The door was slammed closed.

At that moment, Sehun came out of his room. He stood outside the KaiSoo couple's door for a few seconds, then he started hearing loud thumping noises, screams of pain, and the incessant begging of Kyungsoo to stop hitting Jongin. 

The maknae shook his head, walking away.


Suho was just about ready to burn the dorm down. He had left for half an hour to buy groceries and had come back to find Jongdae moping in a corner, Chanyeol and Baekhyun making out on the couch, and Kyungsoo trying to murder Jongin. 

"Stop!" he yelled. Everybody stopped what they were doing to look at Suho. After making sure that Kris was nowhere near him, they resumed the chaos.

He sighed. At least he could tell Kris that he had tried.


Suho walked into the kitchen, unloading the groceries onto the counter, checking to make sure that he had gotten everything.

"Cabbage, check."

And so he went on, checking and double checking to make sure he hadn't forgotten a single ingredient. He silently nodded, exiting the kitchen and walking off to find Kyungsoo. 


Suho walked into the living room, expecting to find Kyungsoo still there, strangling Jongin.

Instead, he was met with the sight of Sehun chasing Lu Han around that room, attempting to hit him with a pillow.

"Yeah, Sehun-ah. Have you seen Kyungsoo?" he asked, staring at the pillow in the younger male's hands with uncertainty.

Sehun turned to look at Suho, his now emotionless face a stark contrast from the happy smile he wore beforehand. 


Suho blinked, walking backwards out of the room slowly.

"Ok then."

Suho kept walking backwards, not breaking eye contact with Sehun. Until he ran into the wall.

"Ah!" Sehun exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head.

Sehun snorted, turning away to hide his giggles. "You're ridiculous, hyung."

Suho sighed, slouching. He turned down the hallway, peeking into Kyungsooo and Jongin's room at the end of the hall.

Knocking once, he turned the door knob, walking into the bedroom.

He immediately regretted it as a pillow flew over his head and hit the door frame above him, falling and landing on his upturned face.

He sighed once more, slowly picking the pillow off his face, dropping it to the floor and lowering his head to stare at the couple before him.

Kyungsoo was still trying to strangle Jongin, but Jongin had begun to fight back, hurling pillows at the older male's face. Another pillow managed to slip from Jongin's grip as it sailed over Suho's head again, this time landing on the floor of the corridor outside.

He cleared his throat. They carried on with their little "fight". 

He sighed another time; how many times had he sighed today? He was getting old. He turned around, looking for the light switch. When he found it, he threw the couple a glance before closing the door behind him.

Jongin crawled out from under Kyungsoo, leaping behind Suho.

"Hyung! Soo keeps trying to kill me!"

Suho glanced nervously at the angry Kyungsoo.

"W-What did he do?"

Kyungsoo glared at Jongin, who was still cowering behind Suho.

"He ate my cake."

Suho's eyes widened in fear. "Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. You, my friend, are on your own." He quickly shoved past Jongin, attempting to open the door and escape.


Jongin quickly ran to the door, blocking the older man's exit. 

"Yah, hyung! You can't just leave me here!"

Suho pointed to Kyungsoo, then to himself, looking desperately at Jongin. "Are you crazy? I'm not defending you against an angry Kyungsoo. No way. Nope."

Jongin stared at Suho pleadingly. "But you aren't ing leaving me here, right?"

Suho smiled apologetically, violently shoving Jongin away and quickly slamming the door behind him.

Jongin quickly turned back to Kyungsoo, who had sat down to play with his hands when the other two males began bickering.

Kyungsoo looked up. tilting his head to the side.

"Oh? Suho hyung left?"

Jongin laughed nervously, slowly opening the door behind him. "U-Uh, yeah. He left. And now....so am I!"

And with that, he quickly walked back through the doorway, slamming the door behind him , running to the living room as fast as he could.

Kyungsoo fell back onto the bed, smirking.

"I'll give him ten seconds."

I finished! It's like 3 in the morning, but I finished! I hope that you really liked this chapter. I'll try to update much more often, since school is ending in a few days and I'll be free. :) Please anticipate my active writing!

Please subscribe and vote (if I'm good enough for that) and if you really think I'm cool enough, please feel free to comment and criticize my story. Please be nice about it though, I am sensitive. :) Bye bye! I love every one of you!



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Athaeris #1
Chapter 3: Funny 💕
mariabb #2
It seems amazing. Pleaaase poost