Bitter fact

One More Chance


Jiyong just got back from Japan. He went to sign one contract and to meet one very important client. He went there the day before yesterday just after winding up everything at the party place. Since he was the host, he had to go check everything was fine before he hands over the key to the owner. He actually planned to call Seungri and ask him out that day but he had to go to Japan. The deal which has been on halt since last few months has finally signed off. He was opening one more fashion line in Tokyo and it was damn important to him so he left to Japan leaving his plan to spend time with Seungri to execute after he returns from Japan. Even though he knew that he has to wait few days but he was excited.

He went to the supermarket to buy groceries as he remembers his fridge at his safe heaven was almost empty and has to fill it before he invites Seungri over there. Usually, he buys a lot of instant food so that he doesn’t need to cook. He is quite bad at cooking. But this time he bought lots of fruit and healthy food as he knew Seungri is very conscious about his health. He also bought lots of snacks which Seungri used to eat when he was in the city last time. Basically, he bought the entire thing which either Seungri love or Seungri will eat. He was never choosy when it comes to food so he decided to go with Seungri’s favorite thing. It’s better than instant food anyway he thought.

He put groceries in his car trunk and drove off to his safe heaven. He made a lot of plans about what he was going to do with Seungri. He was happy despite how tired he was. He tried his best to wind up his Japan tour to the shortest so that he could see his boy as soon as possible. He missed him all the time but he didn’t call him neither he get any call from Seungri that made him little disappointed. He decided to call his boy tonight and have dinner together.

He parked his car in the parking. He saw the time on his dashboard and it was almost five pm. He got off from his car and opened his back door to take out his groceries. He heard the laughter of a girl and looked at the direction from where the laughter is coming as he felt the familiarities in that sound. There he saw Gwihan and Dara, happily talking with each other. He always amazed at how they dressed and today was also same. He was amazed at their dressing sense. He saw them coming towards him and then he saw a black Mercedes next to his car, which was too familiar to his eyes. 

Gwihan and Dara saw Jiyong standing nearby their car and also looking at them with a faint smile. He waved at Gwihan and she ran towards him and hugged him happily. Her gesture was beautiful and Jiyong felt such a warm feeling when she hugged her. Dara greets him and mentally feeling giddy to think about him and Seungri. She was always seeking happiness for Seungri and if his happiness means Jiyong than she will help him no matter what.

“Uncle Ji, when did you come here? Are you going back to your home already?” Gwihan asked curiously.

“I just came here. Where are you going?” he asked

“We are going to see firework display in the central park and then to have dinner at my favorite restaurant.” She said. Dara was going back to New York tomorrow so Seungri planned to spend their evening together as a family.

Gwihan was talkative and also curious exactly like Seungri. She never hesitates to ask what she didn’t understand and always ready to learn new thing even though sometimes it bothers other people with their unlimited question. Jiyong always feels good to talk with her. They began talking leaving Dara with a smile at their closeness. Dara didn’t say anything; she was just observing Jiyong.

Seungri closes the door of his apartment. He forgot his car key so he had to come back to retrieve it by sending Dara and Gwihan off to the parking lot. He had to wait for the lift. It has been three days since the last time saw Jiyong and that was also sleeping. Since then he was eager to see him again. He remembers his confession to sleeping Jiyong and it made him blush like a teenager. He was going to confess to him again but not before clearing all the misunderstanding. He got ample of questions to ask him and he was sure Jiyong also got few things to ask. It has been three days but he didn’t get any call or message from Jiyong. He hoped that Jiyong will probably call him but he didn’t get any. He knew that he can also call him but he felt nervous and shy. He had been quite opening these last three days making Dara and Gwihan question him about his wellness as he has never been these open and expressive in the last few years. 

He finally reached the ground floor and made his way towards the parking lot. The first thing he saw there was happily talking Gwihan and patiently listening Jiyong, with an adoring smile at his daughter. And Dara was standing with them but somehow she seemed like a third wheel. He felt happy to see them like that but the fear hits him at the same time. Jiyong didn’t know she was Seungri’s daughter and he was not ready to introduce her to him until he clears their misunderstanding. The situation was something he expected the least at the very moment. He didn’t know what to do. Should he escape from there? Or should he wait till Jiyong leave?. He didn’t know what to do. He thought the later idea was better so he was about to sneak to some place where he could wait for Jiyong to leave but the lady luck seems to be not with him today.

“Seunghyun- ah” Dara called him causing the other two to look at them.

Seungri couldn’t run away since he got caught and he made his way towards them with a smile. He looked cool from outside but from inside he was feeling scared to confront Jiyong in that situation. He didn’t know what to say to Jiyong if he started asking a question in front of Gwihan.

Jiyong looked at the boy coming towards them. Instead of feeling happy to see his boy after three days, he felt anxious. His guts feeling tell him it’s not good and the feeling was so strong that Jiyong’s knee felt week. So he put his weight on his car by leaning on it while looking at the coming figure. He could tell Seungri was nervous by the way he was fidgeting his finger unnecessarily and also his pace was somehow awkward.

Gwihan saw her dad and passed him a big smile. She didn’t introduce her dad to her uncle Ji officially so she was so happy that they finally met. She wanted them to become a friend so that her dad could learn some fashion sense from Jiyong.

“Hi, guys.” Seungri said when he finally reached where they all were.

“Hi…” Jiyong replied but Seungri was not looking at him rather his eyes were on Gwihan

“uncle Ji..” Gwihan called

“yes…” Jiyong smiled at her.

“Uncle Ji… this is my dad...” she announced and at the same time both Seungri and Jiyong looked at each other shocked.

Seungri somehow knew that he couldn’t pass this time but he thought maybe; maybe he will get some excuse to drag his daughter and Dara before his secret blew out. But he couldn’t predict his daughter’s spontaneity. She was way ahead than any of them.  

Jiyong didn’t know what he just heard. He felt like he was in some kind of twilight zone where he could hear and see a weird thing. No No... He didn’t hear right. He looked at Seungri and his expression was somewhat scared and guilt. He didn’t want to believe what this little girl said but he heard it very clear. 

 “Dad... Why aren’t you greeting uncle Ji?” Gwihan wined at her dad causing both Jiyong and Seungri to get back to their sense.

She didn’t know what had happened to her dad and Jiyong. Both seem to be lost in their thought. She doesn’t like it when people ignore her and right now she felt like she is being ignored by both of them.

Dara has been quietly standing there observing them and theirs expression. She caught the hint that Jiyong didn’t know about Gwihan and Seungri being related. Jiyong’s expression seem like he was about to cry and on the other hand, Seungri’s expression was he was kindda lost. She quickly held Gwihan’s hand and pulled her towards her.

“Honey let’s wait for Dad in the car. He will talk with uncle Ji.” Dara said to Gwihan. “Seunghyun-ah, car key…?” She asked to dazed Seungri

Seungri looked at her and gave her car key without saying anything. Then he looked at Jiyong and it hurt to see his expression. He tried to reach Jiyong by taking his hand but Jiyong push back his hand without saying anything.

“Jiyong, we need to talk…” Seungri said.

Jiyong somehow little bit understood it by now and it hurt as hell. His hope, his dream, his everything shattered within a few minute and he didn’t know what to feel anymore. Should he cry for his situation or laugh out loud to think karma bite him back or should he yell at Seungri for not telling him about the fact that he has a family, one beautiful wife and a lovely daughter. He didn’t know anything. He seems like he didn’t know how to talk anymore.

He saw Seungri is reaching towards him and he didn’t want to do anything with Seungri right now. He wants to shut himself out from this world for a while to think what just happened that blew his world apart. He looked at Seungri and all he could see is guilt written on his face. He ignored what just Seungri had said and about to move back towards his car. He won’t stay here. He wanted to go somewhere where he could be alone, all alone.

Seungri saw Jiyong was about to go towards his car and he know it’s not the right time to drive for Jiyong. He knows Jiyong is very sensitive with his emotion and driving in this state could be suicidal. So he stopped him by grabbing his hand. Jiyong didn’t look at him; rather he was struggling to take his hand back.

“Don’t drive… please…” it sounds like a plea.

“Dad, come fast…” Gwihan yelled from his car.

Jiyong looked at the black SUV and the smiling face of Gwihan hits him strongly. The girl he grew so attached to, was a daughter of his Seungri. The beautiful lady he admired for her fashion sense was a wife of Seungri. A perfect family like he always wished but he was not in that picture. He was nowhere in that picture he painted a few years ago. He couldn’t take it anymore. He turned around, pulled back his hand from Seungri’s grip and made his way inside the building without even taking a single glance at Seungri.

Tears fell from Seungri’s eyes when Jiyong didn’t even take a glance towards him when he went inside. It hurt because unknowingly he caused Jiyong so much pain and he knew Jiyong would be crying out loud from inside even though he didn’t say anything. He watched Jiyong’s retreat figure and he saw Jiyong dragging his feet as if it weighted more than 10 kg. He wanted to go and hug Jiyong so much at the very moment but he couldn’t do anything. His overly excited daughter keeps on calling him and he knows his responsibility as a good father has to be first. He promised Cherin that he treasured their daughter. He looked at Jiyong’s retreading figure one more time and left towards his car.




Jiyong didn’t have any idea how did he end up in this unknown bar. He didn’t shed a single tear even though his heart crying out loud since this evening. He didn’t know anything. He felt so lost. When he went to his safe heaven after meeting with Seungri, somehow that apartment made him feel suffocated as if the apartment was mocking him at his pity life. He remembers each and everything happened at the parking lot and it was haunting him like a broken record. He wanted to forget everything like it never happened. He wish it was just a dream; very bad dream because Seungri was his everything, and his sole reason to exist in this world. He can’t afford to lose Seungri.

He couldn’t stop feeling betrayed by Seungri after a few glass of whiskey. The alcohol is taking control over his mind, making him think what he didn’t want to think. He can’t blame Seungri for everything happened in his life yet a part of him blame Seungri for giving him false hope by kissing him three days ago, by not telling him to back off from the day they met again or lastly for leaving him six years back. The feeling of betray was somehow same like the last time but this time he was more scared than angry. He was always scared of losing Seungri and he was confirmed that he already lost him. He can’t do anything now. Finally tears fell from his dry eyes.

Flesh back

Jiyong was on his way to meet Mr. Badoul, his client/ going to be the partner.  He was alone. His manager went to receive Mr. Badoul from the airport. He was a very important client from Paris so he prepared everything. On his way, he received a message from his manager saying they were already at the hotel. He reached there after a few minutes later. They went to the restaurant to have lunch and also to talk something about their business.

Jiyong was collaborating with a well known designer in Paris and it was a golden opportunity for him. His dream to conquer the Fashion world of Paris was taking its first step and he was more than escalated. He was very famous in Asia but last year he made his few fashion lines in America and now he was proceeding to Europe. He was grooming day by day in his business like it was well decided blueprint.

They all sat down at the corner table and ordered their food. While waiting for them he saw one familiar face but he ignore it because he believed his eye was making things and continue conversing with the other designer about their upcoming project.

After a while, he heard a loud laugh and he couldn’t help to look at from where it is coming. Then he saw his face. His Seungri was there with a girl and they both seem to like having fun and also they both seem extremely close by their hand gesture. He couldn’t see the girl face as she was facing back towards him but he could see clearly his lover.

Anger rose inside him like hot lava but he had to compose his posture at the very moment. This meeting was damn important and he can’t be distracted over anything. Thank god the meeting was almost over. His manager saw everything and tried his best to keep Jiyong focus with his work.

They ended their meeting and Jiyong was more than relief to rush inside his car as he saw Seungri and the girl leave just before they end their meeting. He bits goodbye to his partner/client and rushed towards his car and his manager followed him.

Now he didn’t need to act cool and compose his posture. He was angry. He has always been very possessive with Seungri and a little bit insecure. He always feel one day Seungri will leave him besides Seungri’s number of confirmation on how much he loves him. At this very moment, he felt like his fear will come true. Seungri will leave him. He saw Seungri was looking very happy with that unknown girl and that expression he knew too well. It was pure happiness.

He drove through the city to Seungri’s apartment in a haze. He wanted to know the truth. He wanted to know who that girl was and why were they together. Why he was hanging with that girl like a lover when he already had Jiyong in his life. Lots of question ware running inside his mind. He will go crazy if he didn’t talk to Seungri.

He tried to call him but his mobile was switched off making Jiyong angrier than before. After half an hour driving through the crazy traffic, they finally reached their destination. He was about to get outside from his car, a taxi stopped few meter away from his car. He saw Seungri and the girl got out from his car. The driver took out two suit case from the car. They went inside leaving Jiyong dumbfounded.

Jiyong was angry. How could Seungri take a girl in his apartment when he was already in a relationship? He was about to explode. He wouldn’t let them get inside. Even though Seungri’s apartment was not his but Seungri was his and he was not sharing him with anyone. He opened his car door but his manager stopped him.

“Now what..? Don’t stop me…I’m not letting them get inside our apartment without knowing who that girl is.” Jiyong was too angry to talk nicely with anyone.

“Jiyong... I won’t stop you but first look at these…” his manager told him while showing a picture from his cell phone.

It was a picture of Seungri and that girl. That girl had put one big sun glass but she looked familiar. There were few picture and most of them were either hugging or holding hands.

“Where did you get these?” Jiyong demand

“While I was waiting for Mr. Badoul, I saw Seungri at the airport. He seemed happy so I got curious. After fifteen minute that girl came out and they began hugging. He looked genuinely happy and they both seemed so close. I know you love him so much but I always had a doubt about him. So my doubt became more prominent when I saw those scenes. If I tell you those things, you wouldn’t have believed me like always so I clicked these pictures to show you and to tell you to get your sense back before it’s too late.” His manager said with a smirk.

His manager Soehyuk was his high school friend but they were not that close during their high school. When Jiyong was in need of a manager, he put an advertisement in the newspaper and the first phone he received was from his high school class mate. So he took him in and since then they were together. Till now Jiyong didn’t consider him as his good friend. For Jiyong he was always his manager but Jiyong treats him good.

Soehyuk had always doubt Seungri and his love towards Jiyong. He always warn Jiyong about Seungri but Jiyong never listen to him so today he got an evidence. He didn’t know why he dislikes Seungri but after many thinking, he reasoned Jiyong was a public figure and no one can be trusted around Jiyong.

“What did you just say? How could you say like this to me and to my Seungri? Get lost before I lose my mind and do something bad.” Jiyong yelled at his manager and left his car.

Jiyong entered the lift and went up the stair. He anxiously went toward the door and took a deep breath. He battled inside whether he should just enter putting like usual as he got the pass cord of the door or should he just ring the bell like a normal citizen. He was afraid to see what he was going to see if he budge him like usual. So he rang the bell.

Seungri opened the door and when he saw who was at the door he passed very beautiful smile and hugged his boyfriend. It had been two days since he saw Jiyong and he really missed him.

“I thought you are busy with your current project. I missed you so much.” Seungri said while still hugging.

Jiyong felt so warm when Seungri hugged him. His anger washed away by seeing Seungri’s beautiful smile. He loves Seungri so much that for a time being he got lost to Seungri’s warm hug. Then he saw the luggage in the living room; that two suit case. He couldn’t help but to ask. Yes, he can’t ignore this issue even though he could tell everything was alright.

“You have a guest?” Jiyong asked

“Oh yeah... I totally forgot to tell you. Guess what who came?” Seungri excitedly asked Jiyong and Jiyong pinch his nose for his cuteness. But the question made him think a bit. It seems like he should have known the person but he have no idea. Even though he saw that girl picture, he really had no idea who that girl was.

“Who…?” Jiyong asked enthusiastically

“Cherin… She finally came to Seoul. Mom called me last night and told me she left for Seoul so I went to the airport to give her surprise. She was supposed to give me a surprise but I outrun her.” Seungri happily narrate and Jiyong felt a wave of relief as if big stone from his chest has been removed.

“Of course you are my smart baby…” Jiyong said while caressing Seungri’s hair. Seungri giggled.

“Anyway, where is she?” Jiyong asked as she was nowhere in the sight.

“She went to take bath. I told you how freak she is when it comes to cleanliness.” Seungri said.

“Like me?” Jiyong asked and both laughed.

Jiyong didn’t have much time as he was running short on time. He received an order from a very important client who is an actress and asked him to make a gown within a week so he had been on that project since last three days. He has to complete it by this week.

“I hate to say this but I have to go. I have to complete my work.” Jiyong said while kissing Seungri’s forehead.

“Can’t you stay for a while? Meet Cherin before you go.” Seungri pout

“I will meet her later on. Pay me regard to her.” Jiyong said while kissing that pouting lips of his sweet boyfriend.

“I love you... come back soon.” Seungri hugged him

“I love you more. I won’t take much time. Till then enjoy with you cousin.” Jiyong said and left the apartment feeling all happy to see his boyfriend and also clearing all the misunderstanding.



Jiyong was very drunk and he didn’t know where he was. He had consumed the full bottle of whiskey. But this time he was not whinny like usual. He was quite. May be he didn’t have anyone like youngbae or Daesung to listen to his complain or bearing his tantrum. He was strangely quiet. His phone kept on ringing but he ignored it. He didn’t know who have been calling him. He wanted to sleep but somehow his phone was making lots of noise. So he pick up his phone and about to throw, but the bartender took the phone from him and received the call.

“hello… “

“no.. no… I m bartender. Yeah..Your friend is too drunk. Please come to pick him up. We are about to close.”

“yeah… the bar name is Ginny.”

The bartender hung up the call and put the phone beside the sleeping person.

“Your friend is coming to pick you up in a while.” He said and went to clean rest of the table.




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Chapter 18: 2022 stil waiting for update 😁✌
Love this story ao much ❣
Chapter 18: Reread 2022
Befun21 #3
Chapter 18: Happy new year dear
panda_riri #4
Chapter 18: Hello! I love this story. I hope you can update please. Thank you :)
Befun21 #5
Chapter 18: Hi again how are you ,I hope u doing good ..I really miss this story
Chapter 18: I'm still waiting authornimm.. can you complete this aww story ?? Pls don't abondoned this cute story
Befun21 #7
Chapter 18: Hi ..I really miss this story , update please
Update please
nimatong #9
Chapter 18: Hello i was wondering when will you be updating this again. Still waiting for an update. Xoxo
aieru_amie #10
Chapter 18: 2018 and still waiting if u will update this. :)