
Just Once

Yuri wakes up to the warmth of the sun shining through her bedroom window. 

The day before had been packed with hours after hours of driving and she could honestly say that, when she climbed into bed and closed her eyes the previous night, it was the best sleep she has ever gotten. She felt refreshed, something she hasn't been able to feel since her first day of freshmen year.

Stretching her arms across the bed, she feels only empty sheets and the warmth from where Suho had laid moments before. Yuri yawns and turns onto her back. It must be some time in the late morning and Suho, with probably some of the others, is already out and about.

Slipping out from the covers, Yuri gets up and lumbers over towards the door of the bedroom, still groggy and slightly dizzy from moving too fast out of bed, too soon. As she steps out into the hallway, a mixture of different smells flood her senses. It smelt of breakfast and sea water. Yuri follows the sounds of dishes clanging and the faucet running.

Suho, Baekhyun, Irene, and Wendy are in the kitchen, the girls sitting at the counter, while the boys are standing by the stove. From what Yuri can see, Suho is making pancakes. Her sense of smell never failed her.

"Good morning, babe," Suho greets, noticing his girlfriend walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning," Yuri responds back, a tired smile appearing on her face. She takes a seat on the stool next to Wendy, shifting her body to get as comfortable as she can.

Now that Yuri has a better view of the entirety of the cooking area, she notices plates of bacon and eggs on the countertops. Courtesy of Baekhyun, she thinks. She removes her attention from the food over to the girl next to her, who looks back with a wide grin.

"How are you doing, Yul? Little tired?" Wendy asks. She puts a hand over her friend's, who still looks pretty exhausted.

"I actually feel better than I usually do when I wake up. What time is it?" Yuri chuckles, running her fingertips up and down her own bare arm.

"It's 10:30. We're planning on getting a little bit to eat and then spending the day outside. Most of the others are already outside, but Seulgi is still asleep," Wendy says, folding her arms across her chest. It was a little chilly.

"Sehun, Kai, and Chanyeol are making friends with some other girls and guys our age who arrived this morning. They're staying in the house next to us, so maybe they'll be able to stop by for dinner tonight. I met one of the girls and she was pretty nice," Irene adds, pointing in the direction of where the newly-arrived group is staying.

Yuri nods. Having a few other people to hang out with isn't such a bad idea. 

"Well look who's finally up." Yoona slides open the screen door from outside and strides into the kitchen to meet with the others. In the few seconds the door was open, Yuri could hear birds chirping and waves lapping up against the shore. Yoona is already prepared for the ocean, clad in a black bikini with her hair tied up. It must be really nice out there.

"Suho didnt wake me up so I was left to wake my own self up." Yuri shoots a playful glare over to Suho, who returns the gesture with a wink.

"I'm just glad you're up now. I missed seeing your lovely face," Yoona says smoothly, kissing Yuri on her head.

Yuri cracks a wide smile.

This is why she loves Yoona. She always makes her feel good.

"What's for breakfast?" Seulgi, who is the last one to get up, makes her presence known. She rubs at her eyes and shuffles her feet against the bare wooden floor.

"Just some pancakes, eggs, and bacon," Irene responds, scooting over slightly to share her seat with her friend.

Seulgi plops down next to Irene and immediately presses her forehead to the countertop. She is still very much tired.

"I think I'm going to get into a bikini. I want to get in the water as soon as we finish breakfast," Yuri says, getting up from the stool.

Everyone voices out their approval as she starts making her way back towards the bedroom she woke up in.


The boys did an amazing job with cooking and serving breakfast. Being able to sit around at a table with her friends, having conversations about their lives, never made Yuri feel more content.

She is now sitting on the beach next to Yoona, the sand feeling hot against her skin. The waves are just able to wash over her legs and up to her knees, cooling her down immensely. 

"Have you met any of our neighbors yet?" Yoona asks, kicking her feet up in the water.

Both of the girls are resting comfortably on their elbows, looking out at the ocean in front of them. They enjoy being in each other's company.

"No, I haven't. Have you?" Yuri asks back, taking a second to glance up at the house next door. She can see a little bit of movement from inside, but that's all she would look for.

"I talked to a girl named Tiffany and a guy named Kris, but that's it. They're seniors, like us. It's kind of funny, Sehun and Kris hit it off right away and I'm pretty sure that they're best friends already," Yoona laughs. Yuri finds it pretty cute that her friends and neighbors were able to click instantly.

"Irene said we should invite them over for dinner. If they come out of the house, I'll ask them. I'm sure Sehun would like it anyways," Yuri smiles. She leans her head against Yoona's shoulder, shutting her eyes to bask in the sun.

"Oh look, some of them are coming out. What a coincidence?" Yoona notifies Yuri of two girls and guys leaving the house.

Yuri lifts her head from Yoona's shoulder and looks over towards them. They're all dressed in swimsuits and Yuri assumes that they're going to head to the ocean, over by where she and Yoona are sitting. 

As the group gets closer, Yuri recognizes them. They're the same group who was at the gas station the previous day. Is the girl with them? Yuri can remember her vividly. The way she would push her friends when they made seemingly stupid jokes. The way her hair fell perfectly and naturally into place. And the way she would smile. Yuri found her smile the prettiest.

Yuri is disappointed when she sees that the girl is not with them. Where is she? Yoona waves the friends over as they approach the shore. 

"Yoona, hi!" One of the girls says in excitement. She steps over next to Yoona as the three others circle around. 

"Yuri, this is Tiffany, the one I was telling you about," Yoona introduces, motioning over towards the girl who Yuri can tell is very outgoing.

"It's nice to meet you, Yuri," Tiffany greets, holding her hand out to Yuri.

Yuri takes Tiffany's hand into her own and shakes it, flashing a soft smile. Tiffany has that foreign look to her. American?

"It's nice to meet you too, Tiffany," Yuri says, nodding.

"Yuri, Yoona, this is Sooyoung, Tao, and Luhan." Tiffany introduces her other friends in a happy manner, with each of them saying their hellos. Yoona and Yuri greet them with just as much happiness.

"Wait, Jessica, Krystal, come here! Come meet Yuri and Yoona," Tiffany calls out to two other girls, who are setting down towels in the grass to tan.

One of them, the taller one, gives a thumbs up in agreement and taps the older girl on the back, who is straightening out the wrinkles in the fabric of her towel. They drop the bottles of the tanning oil they were about to spread over their legs and start talking amongst themselves as they make their way down the stone steps, maneuvering around a small blow up raft that is sitting right at the area where the house meets the sand.

It's her. Yuri's mystery girl. 

Her light brown locks are now up in a neat bun, different from how she wore it down the day before. Yuri finds her even more beautiful, now that she can see her up close. She doesn't know why her stomach begins filling with butterflies, but for this girl, the nerves came easily.

"Hey there, I'm Krystal." Krystal waves at Yoona and Yuri, who are now standing to avoid feeling awkward while the others are surrounding them.

"Hi, I'm Jessica."


Yoona, noticing Yuri taking too long to respond, takes it upon herself to invite the others to dinner.

"Would you guys like to come over for dinner tonight? We would love it if you all came," Yoona asks, nudging a little into Yuri.

"Oh yeah, we're having a barbecue, so you guys should definitely come," Yuri snaps out of her thoughts for a moment. But her eyes never leave Jessica.

"I think that sounds like a good plan to me. You okay with that?" Tiffany looks to her friends and smiles. 

They would be coming over for dinner, it was settled. Jessica would be coming over.

Yuri is about to make small talk with Jessica, hoping to get to know her, until arms sweep Yuri off the ground. It takes her awhile to process that she's being carried into the water and that Suho is the one holding her.


Dinner couldn't come soon enough. The sun was disappearing just behind the mountains and out of view, causing a shadow to fall over the two properties. The tide has already come in, so there isn't any beach left to walk on. Yuri and her friends decide that this is a perfect time for barbecuing hot dogs and hamburgers.

Suho throws a few patties on the barbecue, holding a spatula ready in his hands. The sizzling of the meat is music to Sunny's ears as she stands side by side with Suho, keeping him company. Yuri and the rest are sitting on the deck, sharing stories that have never been told before. Yuri likes this the best. Having down time with those she cares about most.

"Should one of us go get them?" Kai asks, aware of their neighbors coming to dinner as well.

"I'll just go get them, since I'm closest," Yuri responds, pushing up from her chair. It is true, she is the closest in distance to the other house, so she finds it easiest for the others if she goes.

Stepping off the deck and across the lawn, she makes sure to run her fingers through Suho's hair and peck him on the cheek as she passes by. She realizes that she and her boyfriend haven't interacted that much in the past hour, so she will have to make it up to him later. 

After a few more strides, she reaches her neighbors'. It is a nice house, just like Yuri's. The decor, inside is, of course, different. But the outside is very similar, with its grass yard and modern-looking structure. Windows top it all off, covering all of the sides of the home to fully capture the feeling of being in nature. It is an overall great place to stay.

Yuri knocks on the door and takes a deep breath. The scent of smoke from the grill travels all the way over to where she is as she air in and exhales it out. Nothing could be more perfect than a barbecue on a Saturday night.

The sound of shuffling footsteps can be heard from the other side of the entrance. Yuri wonders who will be the one of the group to greet her. She's only met a few of the boys and has really only talked to Tiffany out of the girls. But hopefully tonight, after small talk over dinner and games by the fire, she would truly get to know everyone.

With the twist of a knob, the door swings open and Yuri becomes face to face with the person she least expects it to be. Jessica. Not that she entirely ruled her out. She just thought that the odds were unlikely.

"Oh, um, the others will be out in a moment. Do you want to come in and wait?" Jessica asks, grabbing a sweatshirt off the table next to the door. She looks a little rushed, despite her friends not even being ready yet.

Yuri smiles and nods, walking into the home after Jessica moves out of the way. Her eyes are immediately drawn to Jessica, who stares back at her with the same amount of interest. They had hardly become acquaintances at the beach earlier in the day and Yuri realizes that, with Suho swooping her away to the water, Jessica doesn't even know her name yet.

"I'm Yuri, by the way. We met at the beach but my boyfriend-"

"Spontaneously swept you off your feet. I saw that. You two seem like a really great couple," Jessica responds, that smile that Yuri was so fond of appearing on her face.

Yuri smiles too. Seeing Jessica smile is contagious.

"Anyways, thanks for inviting us over for dinner. It's really nice of you. I wanted to talk to you more but we didn't really get a chance to. So, maybe we'll get to tonight?" Jessica questions, clutching her sweatshirt in one of her hands. She's smart, since the night breeze is now in full swing. 

"Of course we will. I feel the same way," Yuri says back. Her heart flutters at the thought of getting to know Jessica more.

Right now, Jessica was merely someone who was standing next to her. Yuri didn't know one thing about Jessica. But she is curious. Curious of Jessica's thoughts and dreams. Curious of who she is and wants to be. 

Both of the girls see the rest of Jessica's friends  come downstairs, carrying whatever clothing that would protect them from the cold.

It would be a long and fun night.


A/N: Chapter two is finished, yay! I wanted to complete this chapter right away because I might not get a lot of time to write this coming week, I don't know. I'll update as often as I can. Hopefully people like this. It is sort of another filler, just so I can move on with the plot. I proofread it once, so hopefully it's good enough.  

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Shadow13579 #1
Chapter 3: I hope at the end it's YoonYul
Chapter 3: This is strongly going for the Yulsic route x.x but I won't give my hopes up for Yoonyul. Kekekeke.
Hi_sseongie #3
Chapter 3: HEELLLLLLLLooooOooO mystery girl! ^-^ Super excited for this. I wonder how suho will handle it when the time comes >=]
Btw, will there be any other soshi pairings in the story?
sone48Locket #4
Chapter 2: Yoonyul <3 Ahhh. Cute ^.^ Suho and yuri seem like a nice couple too. I liked this chapter very much. Keep it up!
Hi_sseongie #5
Chapter 2: All the giggles I got from this ^-^. But, you do know if you ever want to, you could turn this into a yoonyul right? Ahaha, whatever the choice I like the story.
Trackstar #6
Chapter 2: Aww why yoona has to be the one off limits. Honestly I want this to be yoonyul! I hope they gonna be more than just bestfriends! So since I'm rooting for yoonyul, I'm not gonna vote for anyone. Only Yoon for Yul!
kwonchatiz1186 #7
Chapter 2: yoonyul right........????
so, next chapt must be yoonyul sweet moment pleaseeee......
smtownjjiang #8
Chapter 2: How I wish it will be a yoonyul story.
Ooh i think it's gonna be yoonyul fic..