Audition Time

That Kiss, First Kiss

As I look around I see boys leaving ......... Oh the boys get to audition first. Also, there was only teenage girls and boys......Shugo Chara is based on elementary students !

"All girls please sit down." A voice boomed a crossed the hall.

"We will be calling names up now. First is Kim Taeyeon, Lee Sunny, Im Yoona, and Shin Sun-Hee. Please follow me." The girl said.

OMG I with one of my favourite idols. As we wait outside I ask Taeyeon in Korean why the other members aren't in this group. Taeyeon actually responded and said only the 3 of them were auditioning. OMG I TALKED TO HER

She was such a nice person ^^ Like what people say about her on the internet.

"Okay, you can come in now, but you go in and ask you to introduce yourself, tell your name then what part you are auditioning for." The lady said.

All of us went into the room. There was 3 people in front of us with a clip-board.

"Please introduce yourselves." The guy in the middle asked.

"Hi I'm Kim Taeyeon and auditioning for Nadeshiko and Nadehiko if it's possible."

"My name is Lee Sunny and I'm auditioning for the part of Yaya and Rima."

"I am Im Yoona auditioning for Utau."

"Hello, My name is Shin Sun-Hee and I will be auditioning for the role of Utau too."

"Do anything to show us your good for this role and we would go Taeyeon all the way Sun-Hee." The lady on the right side said.

While Taeyeon, Sunny and Yoona was acting, Sun-Hee was thinking what to do. Suddenly, the people at the table stood up and started clapping. Yoona bowed and the people at the front were saying fantastic and was complimenting her.

"I'm sorry Sun-Hee, but if you're auditioning for Utau, it will be hard to beat Yoona." the guy in the middle said.

Yoona gave a slight smirk. I need to try my hardest.

After I said a dialogue from Shugo Chara, I put a disc into a stereo that was right beside the table. As the intro of the music started playing I said to the people at the front,

"I will be singing Meikyo Butterfly from the anime, Shugo Chara. I will be singing it in the original Japanese."

*Open your shiny eyes in the silent night
fushigi na yoru maiorita
ashioto tatezu shinobiyoru
nayamashi ge na kuro neko no poozu~

tsuki akari o se ni ukabu shiruetto
'kocchi e oide' to hohoende temaneki~

I stopped there, they people looked at me in shock. All 3 of them were clapping, they weren't cheering like they did to Yoona though.

"It will say on the website if you made it, about a week from now and the people who make it will be traveling to South Korea. Thank-You" The all said.


*I couldn't find the real Japanese version of that song. So I found the ramaji of the song


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Love the story! <3 ^_^
omg~~~that was 0.O... JOON? omo~~~
@Yuuki, <br />
ahahahahaha ^-^ cute mistake : ) .
awww =']<br />
hehe and the bit at the end, that was so cute ^.^<br />
;~~~; its nearly over ;~~~;