Pool PartY

That Kiss, First Kiss

Eli's P.O.V

Wake-up Hyung!" A voiced shouted from another room.

I slowly woke-up and dragged myself to the kitchen. Kibum was listening to music and Dongho was playing video games. Kevin walked into the kitchen curiously looking at me.

"What are you doing here!?" Kevin asked me.

"Waking-up." I answered back with a sarcastic tone.

"It's 11:30 and Kiseop and Sun-Hee already left!" Kevin shouted.

Ohh frick I slept in late! Dongho was suppose to wake me up, I looked over at him and he was smirking.  I got all my stuff and ran out the door.


~At Pool Party~


Sun-Hee's P.O.V

Where is Eli I thought. Dongho said that Eli would come right after us. Kiseop went and talked to his friends and I sat alone at the edge of the pool with my feet in the pool. As I looked around for Taeyeon and Sunny, I saw Yoona. She looked angry as she walked closer to me. 

SPLASH ! WHO THE HECK WAS THAT! I look over and Cheon-Doong was smiling at me.

"Why did you do that?! " I shouted.

"I couldn't get your attention." He answered

I giggled, he giggled, He was so friendly to me. As he pulled me up he lead me to the living room. The director of the show was sitting there with the scripts. Cheon-Doong, got my script from the director and gave it to me.

We went to the side of the pool and danced together. I finally saw Sunny and Taeyeon, as I ran to them, screaming there names Yoona went in front of me.

"Well, you lucky girl." Yoona said sarcastically. 

"Sorry, your in my way." I told her.

"Don't be so arrogant. You were lucky to be picked as Utau, even though it was obvious that I would get it." Yoona said.

As I tried to go away from Yoona, I felt her hands on my arm and suddenly I was in the pool.

I hit my head on the side of the pool,  then everything went black.

Eli's P.O.V

I'm finally here! It took me 40 minutes, but I finally made it.


What the heck. As I run to the pool I see a body in the pool. Why did the bikini looked familiar. THATS SUN-HEE'S BIKINI !

"Sun-Hee!" I screamed as I ran near the pool.

There was a guy carrying her out of the pool. He laid her down on the side of the pool. Their faces became closer and the KISSED HER, wait it's CPR, forgot about that. =_=

Sun-Hee started coughing, she looked up and hugged the mysterious guy. As I got closer, I could see the mysterious guy's face...............it was Cheon-Doong. I ran up to them when, Cheon-Doong carried her to the couch.


What will happen next?

Is Eli jealous?



Do you get why the 'Y' in party is capitalized??

Do you know MBLAQ's song,  Y~

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Love the story! <3 ^_^
omg~~~that was 0.O... JOON? omo~~~
@Yuuki, <br />
ahahahahaha ^-^ cute mistake : ) .
awww =']<br />
hehe and the bit at the end, that was so cute ^.^<br />
;~~~; its nearly over ;~~~;