27. Surprise

Please help me,I need you

I kept on being apologetic… I had so many exams and all but finally I’m on the holidays! So,I promise that this time really,I’m gonna update more often.

Merry Christmas and here’s my Christmas special ^^


,,So,how is our patient doing?”

I turned around and saw Sungyeol on my doors.

,,Ahh,hi Yeol-ah. I’m not a patient anymore,though.”

,,You were once. And next time you get sick,you’ll be again and again and…”

,,Yaah,do you want to get me sick again?”

I lightly pushed him on his arm and we chuckled together.

,,So,how is your busy dating life going? I know you didn’t come here just to see me.”

Sungyeol’s cheeks started to be red. He looked around the room and little smile was escaping his mouth.

,,Hahahah,guess you caught me.”

,,Yaah,how not to since this is repeating for 3 weeks now.” I smiled to him and turned to Ji Ae’s room.

,,Ji Ae! C’mon,your boyfriend is here.” I heard some noise from her room and loud steps. After few seconds,she opened her door and looked at me with her wide eyes.

,,H-he’s here?”

,,For whole 5 minutes.” I showed little smile.

,,Eonnie… How do I look?”

,,The best possible as always.”

,,You're sure?”

,,Yaah, just hurry, he's waiting for you. And I'm sure you're always beautiful to him.” I rushed her as she smiled to me while she ran towards Sungyeol.

,,Oppa!” She smiled and he turned to her.

,,Hello there, gorgeous.” He leaned to give her a kiss,but she shyly pushed him.

,,Yah, eonnie is watching…”

,,Aish, then let's better go, she's bothering us.” Sungyeol said with a little wink and grabbed Ji Ae’s hand and soon they were out. I sighed. They started dating three weeks ago. I was still in the hospital back then and it was very cute how they visited me together. It reminded me of Woohyun. Our relationship back then was just like that. So innocent. But now everything is changing slowly. And it’s thanks to me and my foolness. I keep on avoiding Woohyun and even when we are together,we don’t talk a lot. He doesn’t really message me these days as well. He concentrated on his studies and I understand that. But still I feel guilty for everything that’s happening.

And also for Sunggyu. Since that night in hospital,I haven’t seen him. Nor on television or anywhere else. And even since I came back from the hospital,I’m like lost in time and space. I don’t know what to do anymore…

,,Ji Won-ah!” I heard familiar voice entering my apartment.

,,Oppa!” I ran towards Dongwoo when his gentle smile made my heart warmer.

,,I just came to give you these products.”

,,Oh,it’s so nice,but why did you buy them?”

,,Hahahaha,don’t make me laugh. It’s Christmas for 2 days.”

,,I totally forgot!”

,,I noticed you seem off these days.”

,,But Oppa,you celebrate Christmas?”

,,Ah,yeah,my parents always did. They thought it’s like for everyone. It’s generous,warm and happy.”

,,Like you,Oppa.” I smiled. Dongwoo smiled as well.

,,Thank you.”

,,So shall we get started with preparations?”

,,Let’s call Woohyun!”

,,I-Isn’t he at university?”

,,No,he just came home with me. He had some things to do,but if you go and call him,I’m sure he will do it later.” He said with a wink.

,,Hhahah...I-It’s okay,if he wants he will come.”

,,Aiii,don’t be like this,go and call him.” He grabbed my phone and handed it to me. I gulped and dialed Woohyun’s number. After few dials,he didn’t pick up and I felt sad and relieved at the same time.

,,H-He’s not answering,he must be busy.”

,,Hmnm...If it’s Woohyun,I doubt he’s busy if it’s not about girls. Go and call him yourself.”

,,But,I just did…”

,,Not like that,go to our apartment!”

,,No,Oppa,it’s okay…”

,,Why are you so shy? Just go,it’s not your first time in there.” He winked.


Dongwoo rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand and started heading me to the door.

,,If you don’t want,I will make you.” He opened front door of his apartment and pushed me inside.

,,Yaah! Oppa!”

,,See you later!” He closed door and I heard lock sound. He locked me inside!

My heart was racing and I felt really nervous. I gulped.

,,Just calm down,he’s your boyfriend. Even if you didn’t talk a lot in last 2 weeks,he’s still your boyfriend.” I tried to calm myself in my head.

,,W-Woohyun…” I called his name. After few times,I heard no answer. I gulped again. Then,I heard shower sounds.

,,He’s showering! That’s why he didn’t hear his phone.” I felt somehow relieved. I would leave immediately if Dongwoo didn’t lock me in here.

,,…” I had no other things to do,so I sat in the living room and waited for him. After couple of minutes,I heard that the shower sounds stopped. And few seconds later,doors opened. Woohyun got out wet and with only towel around his waist. I quickly turned my head in another way as I was getting red like hell.

,,Ji Won?” Woohyun sounded surprised as he looked towards me.

,,What are you doing in here?” I still couldn’t face his way but I slowly turned my head in his way. I didn’t face him,just wandering around the room,trying not to look at his toned abs and muscles,not to mention something else. The water was dropping off him,he looked so hot. I felt my heart racing like crazy and I tried to calm myself down.

,,Ahh...I...uhm,Dongwoo you see...he...locked...uhm…” I started to become more and more speechless as he approached to me more and more.

,,Did you miss me?” He was basically standing few steps away from me. I gulped again,still avoiding his gaze. But I felt his eyes were on me and it was making me feel so hot,so red.

,,Answer me.” He was now in front of me and he crouched. Now I had no other ways but to face him. I looked at Woohyun and oh my God,he looked so hot. I felt my heart racing like crazy and my thoughts just went numb.

,,Yes.” I answered like a robot. Whatever he said,I amenably answered him.

,,I missed you like crazy. Why are you avoiding me?” He made that puppy face and slowly touched my cheek. As he touched me,I totally went numb. I felt really stupid,but all I wanted is to feel his touch. I’ve been missing it.

,,I’m sorry.” Is all could say. I closed my eyes as his hand more and more touched my face. His fingers went around my cheeks,forehead,nose,chin and stopped at my mouth,slowly circling around them. My breath was hot,but I felt like I didn’t breath. It felt so good,but still I felt so terrible. But in the moment,I just wanted to forget about everything and just focus on Woohyun.

,,Ji Won..” When he said my name,my heart wanted to jump out. It felt so good,so hot to have my name said by him. I grabbed his hand as it still wondered around my face and just wanted to held it. His other hand went to my left cheek.

,,I missed you so much I could die.” He leaned his forehead on mine and I could feel his hot breath as well. His hair was wet and dripping on my forehead,but I didn’t care. Perhaps I needed something like this droops to calm me,but it only made me feel even more hot.

,,Don’t do this to me anymore… Or I will surely die.” He said and pressed his lips on mine. That kiss was passionate and God,how I missed it. I only realized how much I missed my boyfriend and how good he made me feel right now. His hands massaged my back and traveled all around my back. Sometimes he would hug my neck with them,just to keep me close to him. I did the same. I let him do whatever he wanted to. He always was a good kisser and I would always melt in his arms. His tongue my mouth and it felt so good. His torso was pressed on me,he would sometimes press my hands on his abs. God,I missed when he does that. I muttered my hands through his wet hair. Before I knew it,we were making out on the couch,his body pressed on mine. I don’t know how long we did this,but surely long enough. I needed to stop at one moment just to catch some breath.


,,It feels good right,babe?”

,,It does..”

,,I’m glad you’re back.” He pressed his lips on my collarbone,leaving a mark there.


,,I didn’t do it in a long time.” He smiled and kissed me again. I blushed.

,,I love when you blush.” He smiled again and kissed my cheeks. I smiled back and hugged his neck. I truly missed him.

,,You should dress,you will catch a cold this way.”

,,Don’t worry,you’re warming me.” His greasiness never got old.

,,Yaah!” I pushed him off the couch as he fell on the floor.

,,Yaah,why did you do that…” He got up and then I noticed….

,,What?” He noticed me turning my head on the other side as I was red like a tomato and he noticed the same thing as me. His towel fell down. Now he was standing in front of me. He started laughing.


,,Hahaha,your face is funny.”

,,Shut up! Go and wear something.”

,,You’re funny,it’s not like it’s your first time seeing my-”

,,YAAH,SHUT UP!” I turned my head and pushed him away as he got near me again. He was laughing and not because it was funny,but because this current Woohyun was very dangerous. I ran towards the door and was about to cry when I remembered they’re locked.

,,Ahh,Dongwoo I’m gonna kill you…”

,,Ji Wonnn” I heard him singing my name as I turned around and saw him,still in front of me. I won’t lie this was exciting,but it was wrong as well. I gulped as he came to me.

,,We missed you.” He smiled playfully as he grabbed my waist and lifted me from the ground,carrying me in a bridal way.

,,W-Woohyun…” He didn’t answer me anything as he went to his bedroom and slammed the door with his leg. God,help me.


,,Hyung still didn’t come back…”

,,Who cares about him. Stop mentioning him anyways.” Myungsoo answered rudely and Sungjong felt sad. Everyday was almost the same since Sunggyu left their dorm. Myungsoo was busy with his drama and since Sunggyu and him were on it,Myungsoo would feel glad to see him there. But the only thing they would say were some lines they said to each other in a drama,but in the real life,he didn’t speak with Sunggyu since he left. Even if he wanted to accidentally cross his path or talk to him,Sunggyu would just ignore and do what he has to do. It nerved Myungsoo a lot and after sometime,he gave up from trying to approach to him. But he felt bad for Sungjong. He liked his hyung a lot and Myungsoo won’t lie. He started to like Sunggyu as they lived together,even if it was for a short time. And he was sure Sunggyu liked him as well but just for some strange reason,he’s avoiding all of them. He even started to ignore them more and more when Apink came back from their Asian tour. He stopped with showing in public and he didn’t hear about Sunggyu for days when his drama ended. Then,Myungsoo one day received a call from their CEO.


,,Did Sunggyu contact you perhaps?”

,,I’m surely one of the last persons he would contact.” Myungsoo said sarcastically.

,,Just I’m not able to contact him for days. He’s refusing my calls.”

,,So,why are you calling me?”

,,Because he’s probably in his apartment.”

,,So go and get him.”

,,I can’t.”


,,Ahh...I’m on a press conference in Tokyo right now.”

,,Ahh… Why don’t you send some of your people then?”

,,As if Sunggyu would like that.” Howon was right. The only persons that can go and find Sunggyu were Myungsoo or Sungjong. Since they were the only ones that actually were his friend.

,,I understand. I’ll call you when we find him.”

Myungsoo didn’t waste any more time. He and Sungjong started to search for Sunggyu.

,,I hope we will find Hyung soon… It’s Christmas tomorrow. It would be sad if he was alone for Christmas.”

,,Or Christmas eve which is today.” Myungsoo looked on the road. It was really cold outside and he wondered if Sunggyu was outside or somewhere inside.

,,Let’s go to his apartment first.”

When they entered his apartment,they saw all the dust and mess that was in it. Everything was smelly and out of order. Whole apartment was dark and smelled mostly on alcohol. The kitchen was full of spoiled food and dirty dishes,living room smelled like something rooted in there. And they didn’t even want to start from his bedroom and bathroom. Sadly,he wasn’t in it.

,,Maybe he will come back.”

,,Yeah,let’s wait for him. I don’t have any other idea where he could go.”

,,Hyung let’s clean little bit for him.” Sungjong said as he took his jacket off and went to search for cleaning products. Myungsoo agreed.

,,If he doesn’t come back by the night,we will search for him then.”

Sungjong and Myungsoo took their time and cleaned his apartment. Myungsoo wanted to clean his bedroom because he noticed that Sunggyu wasn’t alone in here. He noticed lots of and bras around the room and he didn’t want Sungjong to see that side of Sunggyu. He just hoped there won’t be any scandal out of this. Myungsoo threw all of them out and concluded that Sunggyu really must be suffering from something since he’s behaving like this.

Sungjong cleaned the kitchen and living room,while Myungsoo did and bathroom as well. When they were finished,they both decided to plan what to do next.

,,He still didn’t come back…”

,,He will have to eventually.”

,,Aish this is nerving me… How will we know where he is?” Myungsoo cursed. Then,Sungjong stood up.

,,Social media!”


,,He’s a popular singer. If he’s out drinking somewhere,some of his fans must’ve noticed right?”

,,...And took a picture and posted online?”

,,Exactly.” Sungjong smiled as he grabbed his phone and Myungsoo did the same. They both started searching for Sunggyu on all kinds of blogs, cafes, sites. But it wasn't long before they found Sunggyu.

,,, fans saw him in a club.”

,,Hyung, this doesn't smell well…”

,,And it's not, c’mon let's go there.”

Half an hour later, Myungsoo and Sungjong entered a club where Sunggyu was at. It was really crowded and people were busy dancing and being drunk to notice they entered.

,,Go behind me,Jong.” Soon,they saw Sunggyu laughing,obviously drunk and with lots of girl around him. They were all very hot and pretty girls,but you could see they didn’t want anything nice from Sunggyu.

,,Oppa,you’re so hot!” One girl in his hug said as she kissed his neck. Other were around him,telling him nice things as he laughed and keep on having full glass in his hand. Myungsoo was sicked of looking at the Sunggyu in front of him.

,,Jong-ah wait here.”

Myungsoo frowned and pushed through the crowd and soon he was in front of Sunggyu. But he knew he wouldn’t be able to get Sunggyu out of there on his will. Myungsoo cursed and came back to the Sungjong.

,,Jong-ah. When I say now,grab Sunggyu with all of your might and drag him out of here. And put him in the car and wait for me.”

,,Hyung...Are you going to be alright?”

,,I hope so.” Myungsoo turned and gulped. He jumped on the nearest bar. Eyes started to be on him. Myungsoo cursed once again and then he took his shirt off. Now everyone could see his toned abs and his perfect,tall body. Myungsoo started screaming and pretending he’s drunk and having fun. Soon,all eyes were on him. Girls recognized him and screamed his name and soon he saw all the girls that were with Sunggyu jumping and dancing around the bar where he was at. Only around two girls stayed with him,but sadly they were too drunk to stop Sungjong from taking him away from them. Sunggyu looked confused,but he couldn’t stop Sungjong from taking him away. Myungsoo felt relieved,but now he had bigger problems. Girls went wild as they jumped on the bar as well,jumping on Myungsoo,while screaming his name. Myungsoo couldn’t push them,so he ended up on the floor with lots of girls on him. He could barely breath.






Myungsoo tried to escape,but they kept on flooding him and tearing his clothes. Finally,security came and those girls got scared a bit,so they made some space,enough for Myungsoo to escape. He ran towards the door and finally got out the club. He didn’t have his shirt on any longer.

,,I’m really crazy…”

Myungsoo hurried to his car and felt glad when he saw Sungjong holding Sunggyu while he vomited in front of it.

,,H-Hyung..” Sungjong felt relieved when he saw Myungsoo approaching.

,,Where’s your shirt?”

,,Trust me...long story…” Myungsoo’s hair was all messy and he had lipstick marks all over his face and torso.

,,Ughmhn….” Sunggyu frowned as he tried to stand up.

,,Hyung! Don’t rush!” Sungjong held him as Sunggyu couldn’t walk. Myungsoo opened door and Sungjong and Sunggyu entered it. Myungsoo started the car and soon,they were on the road. After half an hour,they were back to their dorm. They couldn’t leave him alone in his apartment and felt like he will stay if they go to their dorm.

Sunggyu woke up in the morning feeling horrible headache.

,,Aghhh,where am I?” He looked around his room. He got up and went to the living room. Sungjong and Myungsoo were already up,making something.

,,Merry Christmas,Hyung!” Sungjong broke the ice as he handed little gift to Sunggyu. Sunggyu was confused and looked at Sungjong.

,,What’s happening in here?”

,,It’s Christmas!” Sungjong jumped happily,wearing his Santa hat.

,,No,I mean,this all. What am I doing in here?” Myungsoo was quietly making breakfast and Sungjong decided to explain.

,,You don’t remember what happened last night?”

,,Actually… I don’t.”

,,Ahh,so you were at the club,got drunk,we went to save you.”

,,Ah...Why would you do that?”

,,Because you could get into some trouble..”

,,Even if I did… How is that your thing?”

,,Hyung,don’t be like this. We know you’re hurting and that’s why you’re behaving like this. Everyone’s worried.”

,,Ha...Worried? Are you really worried or is it our cute boss?”

,,We all are.”

,,Don’t kid with me.”

Sunggyu said as he returned the present back to Sungjong. He turned around just to be stopped by Myungsoo.

,,Yaah,you idiot.”

Sunggyu looked at Myungsoo.


,,Yes. Idiot. You’re one huge idiot,Sunggyu.”

,,Ha-ha. That’s cute of you.” Sunggyu ce again,but Myungsoo stopped him as well.



,,Do you know what we did last night for you,huh?”

,,Did I ever ask of you to do that? HUH?”

,,No! But that’s what a friend means! We wanted to help you,no matter what you want!”

,,Hahaha,friend? Please don’t make me laugh. You’re all my ‘’friends’’ because your contract asks that of you.”

,,Think what you want,but you’re in some deep .”

,,SO WHAT? IT’S MY LIFE!” Sunggyu screamed at Myungsoo and left him speechless. Sungjong only held his present he made for Sunggyu in his hands,squeezing his eyes.

,,No. It’s our life. We live together. We share something together. We care for you. And we can’t let you go through this alone. Because it’s surely bad for all of us starting with you.” Myungsoo didn’t let his anger go over him. He needed to calm all of them down. Sunggyu suddenly felt headache again and cursed.

,,You’re now facing a hangover. You got so drunk last night you could make children to all those...girls around you. Why are you doing this?”

Sunggyu calmed down a bit. The more he fought,more his headache was growing.

,,And can you spare us your anger just today? It’s Christmas. And even if you don’t like me,Sungjong made this present for you last night. I hope you can at least be nice nice to him.” Myungsoo turned around and went to the kitchen. Sunggyu looked at Sungjong that was standing in the same room.

,,I’m sorry,Jong-ah…”

Sungjong just smiled.

,,It’s okay,Hyung.”



,,Yeah,I’m coming back from Tokyo today.”

,,When are you coming?”

,,I’m on the airport,will be soon in Korea.”

,,Hmnm,can I ask you something?”

,,Sure,go ahead.”

,,Where are you celebrating Christmas?”

,,Hahaha,I even forgot it’s today. Nowhere,actually.”

,,Perfect,you will celebrate with us then.”

,,I don’t want to bother…”

,,Yaah,after everything you’ve done for me,you’ll never be a bother.”

,,Then,I must thank you.”

,,Uhmm,if you come,it will be a huge thanks.”

,,Okay,see you then,gotta go now.”

,,Byee!” I returned my phone to charge. Everything seemed so perfect. In last two days,I’ve been so happy. I guess that’s the Christmas spirit.

,,So,is everything confirmed with the boss?” Sungyeol came while holding a cake.

,,Yup,he will come.”

,,Good.” Sungyeol said happily as he hurried to put cake into a fridge. I smiled and decided to clean something more.

,,Yeol-ah,where are you going?”

,,With Ji Ae to the market. We’re missing some fish and juice.”

,,I understand,please hurry.” Sungyeol smiled as he called Ji Ae that was in the bathroom to hurry. Soon,they went out,while giggling. I still couldn’t believe they were dating.

I heard a bell ringing and I stopped my work to hurry to the door.

,,Who’s it-”

,,Ho-ho-ho here comes the Santa.” Woohyun was standing in front of the door,wearing Santa pants and Santa jacket that was opened and no shirt under it.

,,Yaaah!” I chuckled as he entered while grabbing my waist and leaning me on the wall.

,,I’ve got lots of presents for you.”

,,Ah,really,Santa?” I played along.

,,But,there’s one thing. You’ve been nasty in a past days. So,I’m not sure if I should reward you or not.”

,,Please,Santa! I will be a good girl from now on,I promise!” I blushed at my words. It’s all his fault,he learned me how to be so cheesy.

,,I need to see… How will I know you will be a good girl?”

,,I can promise you…”

,,Well,can you show me?”

I smiled and he leaned and kissed me passionately. He moved onto my neck,but sadly,we were interrupted.

,,I came back from the market-” Dongwoo rushed into the apartment with a huge grin and saw us hugging on the wall. He blushed and excused himself,but I said it was okay,while Woohyun looked little bit disappointed.

,,Why are you back from the market? Sungyeol and Ji Ae just went there.”

,,Are you sure? Sungyeol was the one who told me to go to the market because we were out of juice and some fish…”

Now everything was clear to me.

,,Haah,they’re so sly…”

Woohyun came into the room finally wearing a shirt.

,,What can I help with?”

,,Almost everything is ready.” Dongwoo said before me. Suddenly,I heard someone ringing a bell.

,,I will open.” I hurried and wondered who could it be.

,,Maybe it’s Hoya..”

I opened door with a grin,expecting Hoya,just to be ultimately surprised.

,,Noona!” Sungjong held lots of presents and one of them was Sunggyu. I widened my eyes and Sunggyu widened his eyes as well.

,,I hope you don’t mind us,but I just wanted to give you these presents,Noona!” I didn’t know what to say.

,,T-Thank you,Jong-ah…” I smiled,but my gaze was flying to Sunggyu as well. He looked surprised as well,I wondered if Sungjong even told him he’s taking him to here.

,,So,this is the Noona.” Third person of a surprise,Myungsoo came.

,,Sorry,Jong,I helped to some old lady. Anyways,he kept on repeating ‘’let’s visit one Noona’’ and I just couldn’t say no. I didn’t know it was you tho. But it’s nice to see you,Ji Won.” Myungsoo smiled,and I must say,it was great to see him again.

,,I understand. How did you know I’m living in here?”

,,Finding you was the easiest part.” Sungjong winked. I gulped and looked and Sunggyu again. This doesn’t smell good.

,,Please come inside! I need to thank you for this,so stay at lunch!” I smiled.

,,Oh,no,we don’t want to bother so we will just-” Sunggyu started and Sungjong interrupted him.

,,We are so flattered! I’m sure you cook wonderful.” Sungjong smiled and entered apartment. Myungsoo came after him and Sunggyu was the last. He looked at me.

,,It’s nice to see you all healthy again.” He said quietly.


,,Ji Won you’re taking so long- WAAAH!” Dongwoo jumped out of surprise.

,,K-Kim Myungsoo! What is he doing in here?” His eyes widened and his grin was huge.

,,Good day,I’m Kim Myungsoo.” He smiled and bowed to Dongwoo. Dongwoo was speechless as he followed Myungsoo’s gaze.

,,I’m your huge fan! I love you! I watched all of your dramas!”

Myungsoo forced a smile,having this shorter person jumping around him like a girl.

,,T-Thank you.”

,,Can I touch you?” Dongwoo’s eyes were shining like stars and Myungsoo just had to let him. Dongwoo screamed out of joy and touched Myungsoo’s

milky,soft face.

,,Are you real? How can someone be that handsome? What are you doing in here?” Dongwoo started to flood him with questions that he didn’t notice other two celebrities in a room.

,,We came to wish you all the best for Christmas and give you these presents.” Sungjong said and Dongwoo noticed him just then. But when he saw him and Sunggyu,he almost got an heart attack.

,,Lee Sungjong? Kim Sunggyu? DID WE WON A LOTTERY?”

Woohyun heard a noise and came from another room.

,,What’s happening?” His eyes landed on Sunggyu first and he immediately recognized him. But not as a star but as my previous love. He widened his eyes and neared all of them. He saw me holding all of the presents and came to help me but and to ask me. Sunggyu’s eyes were following him all the time. He somehow was disappointed to see him in here.

,,What’s going on?” Woohyun said as he took half of the presents.

,,Ahh,they’re my friends and came to give me these presents for Christmas. I offered them to stay on a lunch because they were so sweet.”

,,So,let me get this straight. Your friends are Lee Sungjong,that cute lemon candy commercial boy,Kim Myungsoo,hot heart throbbing actor that’s every girl’s dream and Kim Sunggyu who is uhm…” Woohyun looked at Sunggyu and Sunggyu pierced through Woohyun.

,,..a very nice singer.” Woohyun said with a chuckle at the end.

,,Yaah,you..” Sunggyu was about to say something but I interrupted.

,,Yeah,they’re my good friends.” Woohyun couldn’t stop laughing.

,,If you said that to me like this I wouldn’t believe you. But since they’re all here with all these presents,we have to believe no?”

,,We can say you we like our Noona and that’s why we came. You need to believe us.” Sungjong confirmed.

,,Since you’re all here,I will ask you to have a lunch with us.” Woohyun smiled politely. Soon after,they were all helping around the lunch. But,just when Woohyun agreed for them to stay,I realized something. I have my boyfriend and my ‘’lover’’ at the same place. My heart started racing like crazy and I wondered if this was even a smart idea. Soon,Ji Ae and Sungyeol came back and were startled as everyone at first. But Ji Ae really got along with Sungjong and Sungyeol liked to talk with Myungsoo. As for Woohyun,he kept on staring at Sunggyu and Sunggyu did the same for Woohyun. They didn’t talk and Woohyun would always try to kiss me or would hug me when I pass just to show off in front of Sunggyu. Sunggyu would always frown and look some other way. Soon,door rang again and I knew who it was.

,,Hoyaa!” I jumped into his hug and was really glad to see him.

,,Hahaha,I’m glad to see you as well.”

Few seconds later,Howon was indeed surprised to see Sunggyu,Myungsoo and Sungjong in the same room.

,,Ehh… What...Is going on in here?”

So,it’s been even more weird to have even their boss in this whole story. Sunggyu had some explaining to do to him. So soon after,we all had the weirdest Christmas ever. Dongwoo looked like he had a very great time. Sungyeol was little bit jealous on Sungjong for spending most of the time with his girlfriend,while Ji Ae was jealous at Myungsoo well,for the same reason as Sungyeol. It was weird to her to see a guy and a guy to get along so well after only couple of hours spending together. Woohyun looked very competitive next to Sunggyu. He tended to do everything better than him no matter what he was doing. Even when we had a karaoke game,he got 100 while Sunggyu got 98 points. Sunggyu was really surprised and that’s when he saw him more like a rival than ever. Hoya was actually the only one that talked to me mostly. We talked about everything,he told me about his Tokyo conference and his work. It was nice to talk to him. Soon,lunch was over and we all celebrated Christmas this way. So,finally,everyone knows everyone now.  

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Chapter 24: Omo I did it again I missed 8 update already mianhae author_nim I look like a bad reader..... waaaa she is now with grassy n cheesy Namu they become couple.... omg sunggyu agree to date Enji to save Howon from people who nearly discovered his relationship with Enji as his younger step sister he is so kindhearted n he got JiWon number but she didn't call him is she was busy with her boyfriend Namu....I feel bad for sunggyu that he still love her n she moved on in her new life she gets tired from waiting him so long.....hahaha I was laughing at sunggyu n Myungsoo cute fight with pillow they really hate each other n poor sungjong has to stop them from getting into a serious fighting hopefully they will get along together.....waaaa they meet on a Caffe sunggyu trying to explain his relationship with Enji n say sorry that she was waiting for him so long n she can't say anything about it anymore he knows that she is with another guy that he is feeling a bit jealous but what can he do omo she couldn't hold on her feelings that she runs a way n he followed her n stop her both of them say they are having someone n it's not the time sunggyu let a tear falling n she erase itㅠㅠ they kissed *0* but the kiss is faded a moment later by Namu calling her....Woahhhh what will happen next? I hope is good hopefully they get back together soon wait Sungyeol n Jiae always together woooo I smell a cute couple here I'm so excited n curious hehehe mianhae author_nim this is my longest comments I ever wrote have a safe trip author_nim n Hwaiting on your new ideas
Chapter 15: Awwwwww 2 update already missed but I'm glad that I catch up with the story it's really great chapters ......aww she still waiting for him to remember her but it doesn't work at all n Woahhhh Howon is interesting on her. ....she meet Apink they are really cute and adorable they treat her like she is one of them.....Omg Enji is so mean to her I don't know why she is doing this......n she meet with Sungjong again he is so cute n finally she met with Myungsoo ohhhhh I can't wait for the next chapter I'm so excited.....what well happen next? n Hwaiting author_nim ♥ Xoxo ♥
Chapter 13: Woahhhh this storyline is so Deabk I read it all the chapters it's so amazing I felt sorry for JiWon hardship that she go through all of the pain her mother death n father beating her up n also die n Sunggyu leave her alone all behind by herself n didn't recognize her when he saw her was heartbreaking ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ n also she meet with EunJi she is so mean to her I hate her but I'm glad that she meets with JaeAe n Woohyun n Sungjong n Sungyeol n Howon too but she never meet with Dongwoo n Myungsoo yet.....I hope Sunggyu will remember her at the end ohhhhh I'm so excited to read what will happen next will she survive those hard work n pains? Please update soon author_nim n Hwaiting ♥ Xoxo ♥
Kida345 #4
Chapter 8: omg omg omg *fangirl feels* >< authornimmm please don't be so cruel,let Sunggyu back T-T
Buttefly #5
Waa I really like this fic :D
I'm so exited at what will happen next ><
please update soon