22. Two Men

Please help me,I need you


I’m sorry for not updating on Wednesday… These days I was so busy and had little imagination block… Just I needed to think about the path in my fic so I hope I’ll do a good job in this chapter ^^


I looked at Woohyun’s face. So gentle and handsome even in his sleep. He had long eyelashes and nice,pointy nose. Even his mouth was pretty. Everything on him is pretty. No doubt,he’s a pretty boy.

I sighed. Was it a mistake? Was it a mistake to get involved with Woohyun like this. I like him very much,and I have no regrets. I’m lucky to be with him,but I know he doesn’t deserve me. Or should I say,I don’t deserve him. In all ways,Woohyun is too good for me. I keep on thinking and loving other guy while sleeping with him like this. .

,,Am I that handsome?” I smiled at this greasy creature.

,,Good morning to you too.” I said as I neared him on the bed. it was still early and as I heard,outside was raining.

,,Did you sleep well?” He said after kissing my forehead.

,,Uhm.” I said with a little blush.

,,Did you… think about...something y?” He said as his hands wandered around my waist. I pushed him while laughing.

,,Yaah,shut up.” I felt my whole face burning remembering our last night.

,,Come here.” He said as he spread his arms and I couldn’t say no. I put my head on his arm and he hugged my neck.

,,I don’t feel like getting up.”

,,Me too. It’s cold and rainy.... Can we stay in bed like this for a whole day?” He said with a playful smile. I pushed him once again.

,,Yaaah,stop thinking about it,you’re making me nervous.” I said as I jumped off the bed.

,,Hmnm,nice body,Miss.” He looked at me while I was heading to the bathroom.

,,Shut up.”

,,How about your roommates? Where are they?” I said as I put my socks back on. Woohyun was shirtless,just finished with his shower.

,,As I know,Sungyeol left for his work.”

,,And Oppa?”

,,He’s…” Before he could answer,we heard knock on the door.

,,Woohyun-ah,are you ready? We have classes don’t you remember?” Dongwoo knocked gently and added little smile as he always do. Woohyun looked at me and I looked at him. I wanted to smack him with something as he did apologetic face.

,,Really,Woohyun?” I said in a whisper.

,,He’s tough sleeper,he’d never wake up! I never knew he-”

,,Woohyun-ah,is there someone with you?” Woohyun quickly put his shirt on as I grabbed my jacket.

,,Aaah,Hyung,I’ll be out just in a minute!”

,,Aah,okay,I’m gonna make you a breakfast,is that okay?” Woohyun looked at me and I squeezed my eyes.

,,Y-Yes,Hyung!” We heard Dongwoo walking away and I sighed.

,,So,genius,how am I gonna go out without him noticing?”

,,I can just say you got here because you forgot something.”

,,And stayed here whole night?”

,,Well,why to hide,we’re in a relationship after all. He’ll understand.” Woohyun said with a wink. I blushed a bit.

,,I like your blushing face.” He said as he cupped my face. He gave light peck on my lips and sometime later,he deepened our kiss. I rested my arms over his shoulders and his hands were on my hips. We had our kissing session until…

,,WooWoo,do you want scrambled eggs or-” And Dongwoo entered Woohyun’s room with a wide smile,that slowly faded into a question mark. Woohyun and me quickly separated and I had to wipe my mouth a bit. Woohyun blushed and started to speak some nonsense. Dongwoo suddenly smiled like before,his cheeks blushing a bit while his wide smile looked satisfied.

,,I see. Did you have...fun?” He looked at Woohyun and giggled. Woohyun giggled back only to catch my serious gaze.

,,Hyung,did you make breakfast? Can you make for Ji Won?”

,,Heheh,you didn’t have breakfast yeeeet?” He looked at Woohyun and started giggling again,which made me blush as hell.

,,Yah,Oppa… Stop it.” I said with an embarrassed face. Woohyun put his arm over my shoulder.

,,Hyung,just stop it okay? You’re making my girlfriend shy.” Woohyun looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

,,Aish,you two are so cute… I’m gonna make breakfast then…” Dongwoo went out and Woohyun hugged me.

,,I’m sorry for this.”

,,Nah,it’s okay.” Woohyun put my hair in the back of my ear and tapped my head. Then,he stared at me.

,,W-What? Is there something on my face?”

,,You’re pretty.”

,,W-What suddenly…” I chuckled and turned my head on the other side.

,,Aww,my cute girlfriend.” He said happily and became all jumpy. Dongwoo called us to the breakfast and after,Woohyun and Dongwoo had to go to classes. I just went back to my apartment and remember Ji Ae was on her work.

,,We’re in different shifts again…” I sat down on the couch and TV. Whatever I watched,my mind wandered to the last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about it and it made me blush too much.

,,S-So,Woohyun and I… Aish!” I hit my head with a pillow and tried to stop my chuckling. But I was happy.

,,I hope you’re now happy,Sunggyu.” I said as I remember his relationship with Eun Ji. I stopped with chuckling as I looked out the window.

,,What am I going to do now?” I came in Seoul for Sunggyu. But,as time is flowing,I’m more and more away from him.

,,Are we really destined to be together?” I felt one tear escaping from my eye. I couldn’t even cry anymore. Maybe because I’m happy?

,,I’m not happy… Not completely… I feel like a part of me is missing,Sunggyu.” I slowly touched my eye,brushing my tear. I hope at least he’s happy now.


,,Then,how about couple shirts?”

,,I don’t really like that…”

,,Then,let’s go to a movie!”

,,We’re celebrities…”

,,Aaahh,how about I book some places at the restaurant,I’m sure-”

,,I don’t feel like going…”

,,Yaaah! Why are you like this!”

,,We’ve been doing all kinds of things in these past 2 days. Can I at least relax for one day?”

,,I understand… Then,I’ll see you tomorrow right?”


,,Okay then...Bye…” Sunggyu hung up and throw his phone on the couch. He sighed and looked around his apartment,tired.

,,Why did I agree to this?” He grabbed his head with his hands and messed his hair with one loud ‘’aish’’. Eun Ji was too hard to control. He was super energetic and wanted to do all the things couples do. But Sunggyu didn’t have any will or energy for it. He felt burdened and tired just thinking about her. But he did all those stuff because he was the one that proposed relationship to her and he was the one that agreed to do this for Howon.

,,How am I going to get out of this situation?” He stood up lazily and decided to take a shower. He turned shower on and let the cold water wash his worries away. Suddenly,he thought about Ji Won. He thought what could be if she was his girlfriend. Watching movie together,eating together,laughing together… That would be nice if it’s her.

,,Kkkk…” He then noticed he was giggling.

,,Oh...why am I like this?” He frowned and suddenly turned hot water and screamed in sudden surprise.

After the shower,Sunggyu jumped on his bed and closed his eyes. He had a free day without Eun Ji. He should use it wisely.

Sunggyu went out and felt cold breeze. Somehow,it felt nice. He put his face mask and a cap and walked down the street. Luckily,no one recognized him. He gave his manager day off,so he had to use public transport to get to his company. He was lucky not to have any people around him that could recognize him. He arrived at the Woollim,safely and the first thing he did was to go to Howon.

,,I need you to give me a lot of schedule.”

,,What is this suddenly?”

,,Give me a lot of schedule. Singing events,drama,hosting,anything! Just give me a lot of schedule for next 2 weeks. No,next one month.”

Howon burst in laugh. Sunggyu watched his expression and frowned.

,,I’m serious!”

,,Are you really the lazy Gyu I knew?”

,,Your sister made me energetic.”

,,I knew it. I told you you shouldn’t do this.”

,,No,this was the only way. Since it’s fake,I am not in the need to give her romance right? So,set me something up.”

,,I understand,I will. But she’s not stupid,you know.”

,,I don’t care.”

,,Alright,you asked yourself. Then,I’m gonna put you with Sungjong in his radio tonight-”

,,Okay,I got it.” Sunggyu turned to leave office.

,,...and a drama with Myungsoo.”

,,...What did you say?”

,,You said you wanted to do some drama. So,here you go. You acted in some of them,you’re not bad.”

,,Yeah,why don’t you give me some normal coworkers? Why out of all,Myungsoo?”

,,You two need to work on your relationship.”

,,Aaah,no,I’m enough with relationships.”

,,I already messaged director. He said he’s expecting you on the set starting next Monday.”


,,You can do this.” Howon sent him out with a smile. Sunggyu looked pissed off.

,,Aish,I’m digging my own grave.” He angrily went out the company and walked around the street. He sat on some park’s bench and looked at some couples walking around. They looked happy and in love.

,,They’re so disgusting.” Sunggyu frowned. He looked around until he saw a familiar figure.

,,No way…”


,,Should I just wear this?” I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore blue dress with my medium heels. My hair was styled into a pony and I put my coat over it. I looked at the message Woohyun sent me once again. He said to wait him in front of his university. I wanted to surprise him,so I put some makeup and perfume. I went out and realized it was a bit colder than I expect. But,not that I hated it. It was still cloudy,so I packed my umbrella with me for the case of raining. I felt really happy today. Even gloomy weather looked nice to me. I walked happily and just thought how to surprise my dear boyfriend. I wanted to look pretty for him today.

I reached his university and waited in front. It looked so huge,how will he find me here? He wrote in his text to wait him under some 2 trees. There were only 2 trees in front of his university,so I waited here. Couple of minutes later,I saw Woohyun walking with a huge grin and next to him was Dongwoo. Next to Dongwoo there were couple of girls giving him gifts and giggling with him. Woohyun had also bunch of the girls next to him,but he bowed to him and turned in my way looking around. Then,he met with my eyes. His eyes widened and his smile as he ran towards me. I smiled back and spread my arms. He jumped into my arms and lifted me from the ground. I giggled at his actions as he gently kissed me.

,,I missed you…”

,,But,Namu,you didn’t see me for couple of hours…”

,,More than enough.” He said as he hugged me again. I giggled and he grabbed my hand.

,,Let’s go.”

,,What about Oppa?” I looked at the lonely Dongwoo,getting surrounded by a lot of girls.

,,He’ll be fine.”

,,He looks like he needs help.”

,,It’s always like that.”

,,The girls that were after you looked disappointed.”

,,They can only be. Since I have you.” He said as he hugged me again,playfully.

,,Yaah,there’s people…”

,,They should know I’m yours.” I blushed at his greasiness. I laughed as he holded my hand and we walked away from the university.

,,Where should we go?”


,,Let’s just walk.” Me and Woohyun,while holding hands,walked around the Seoul. It was very nice to talk with him,we had many themes we could share and not to mention his humor. We talked and talked,I even forgot about the time.

,,When is your work?”

,,I have night shift today.”

,,You’re gonna be tired,no?”

,,Uhm,I need to stay there until 5AM.” Woohyun hugged me and planted a kiss on my forehead.

,,Why don’t you quit that job?”


,,You can find something better... This is too hard for you.”

,,It’s okay.” I lightly pushed him and looked into his eyes.

,,Why are you still working in there?” Woohyun looked at me with his worried,puppy eyes. I smiled.

,,It’s not that bad. Besides,I already got used on it.” I smiled and kissed his cheek. He still looked worried,so he hugged me tightly.

,,Yaah,you’re gonna spoil me.” I said while hugging him back.

,,I don’t care.”

,,I’m tired. Let’s sit on that bench.”

,,Uhm. Want me to buy you something? There’s a supermarket right across the street.”

,,If you want so. Maybe water? I’m thirsty.”

,,Okay,wait here,princess.” He said as he sat me on the bench. I only giggled and watched his handsome back moving forward. I only looked around me. What a nice park. I saw a lot of couples. I looked around and my eyes landed on the person sitting two benches away from mine. He looked so familiar. I ignored it and looked in front. But after couple of seconds,I couldn’t stop thinking someone was watching me. For some reason,I looked in the way that guy was. But he was gone.

,,Long time no see.” I jumped on my seat from a surprise. I turned around and saw that masked man in front of me. And I knew who it was.

,,S-Sunggyu sshi…” I said as I stood up,but his hand quickly covered my mouth.

,,Ssshh! If anyone knows I’m me,I’m gonna die!” He said while he was few inches away from my face and his other hand was on my shoulder. He realized our sudden skinship,so he moved away.

,,I-I’m sorry for it.” I knew it was him from the moment I saw those eyes. I chuckled.

,,It’s okay. How have you been?” Sunggyu looked at me. For a second,I saw how tired he was and how sad he was. As if he wanted to tell me something.

,,Can I be honest?” I blinked few times. What’s wrong with him? Is he really sad and tired? Well,he’s an idol.

,,S-Sure,why no-”

,,I’ve missed you.” My eyes widened. I looked away,trying to find something comforting. But my eyes wandered around his face and then ground and then stopped at his eyes again.

,,I’ve missed you so much,that it hurts.”


,,I’m sorry… I don’t know what I’m saying right now…” He chuckled under his mask and lowered his gaze. He looked at the ground as his fists tightened.

,,I saw you with that person. I don’t know who is he,but it looks like he’s making you happy.” I couldn’t say anything. Woohyun indeed made me happy and all,but it’s different.


,,You moved on. I’m glad,it’s time for you.”

,,I’m sorry,but it looks like it’s not time or space to talk with you right now… So,could… Could you make time for me? For couple of days or something like that?” He now looked at me. I wanted to explain everything to him,to make it all clear.

,,Yeah,sure.” Sunggyu asked for my phone and I gave it to him. He typed his number and handed it back.

,,I’m gonna go now. He’s gonna come back soon.”


,,Make sure to call.” I smiled. And I could sense he was smiling as well. But not because he’s really glad. But because it’s the right thing to do now.

,,I’m back,I brought some juice and some ramen to eat.” I saw Woohyun,happily approaching me.

,,It was really crowded and all,so I-” Woohyun looked at me. I looked absent and I was really absent in my mind. I thought about Sunggyu and everything that happened right now.

,,Are you okay?” Woohyun said as he cupped my face. I looked at him,but as I saw him,I felt relieved and somehow happy.

,,Uhm,just I was thinking… Plus,I’m tired.”

,,Okay,want to pack these stuff? We can eat it at home.”

,,Hmnm,let’s eat ramen now.” I said with a giggle. Woohyun smiled as he gave me my ramen.

,,Thank you.” He looked at me.

,,What for? A gentlemen should pay and feed their girlfriends.”

,,Thank you for everything.” I said as I gave him little peck on the lips. Woohyun looked at me in question.


,,You’re weird all of a sudden.”


,,Usually,I’m the one that does that.”

,,Well,you’re my boyfriend,I can do it as well.” I said cutely.

,,Waaa,you really are something.” We continued to giggle. Soon after,we ate and went home.

,,Wanna come to my place?” Woohyun said with a playful tone.

,,You don’t sound safe.” I answered.

,,Don’t worry… I’ll make sure Hyung doesn’t interrupt us this time.” Woohyun said as he kissed my neck and his hands were on my waist.

,,Yaaah,I have work…”

,,Your work is in 3 hours…”


,,Don’t worry.” He said as he pushed me in his apartment. And after it,he locked it. I hope I won’t regret this.


Sunggyu watched their cuddling on the bench. He couldn’t stop looking at the person he likes being with someone else.

,,She likes him very much.” Sunggyu could notice from her laughing. His sighed as he decided it’s time to go back. He was called by Eun Ji multiple of times and he felt so annoyed.

Sunggyu came home and the first thing he did was jumping to the bed. He felt sick and tired. He wanted to sleep all of his current emotions. He felt angry,sad and annoyed at the same time. He saw the guy she was with. He wasn’t very tall,but he was really handsome. His face was handsome and his body was probably better than his.

,,Aish,Howon did told me to work out a bit…” But the lazy man he is,he can’t do that. And his fangirls already like him this way. He’s sire Ji Won didn’t only go after the looks. Since he’s not bad himself. But this guy… Something was weird about him. His aura maybe?

,,I’m better than him. What’s this guy seriously.” The only thing he knew about him was that she called him ‘’Namu’’ a lot.

,,A tree? Was it really for him or for the place they were at? Why would someone be a tree?” Sunggyu was confused. In his confusion,he fell asleep.

,,This lazy bastard. I really hate Howon for this.”

,,He’s our boss. What to do?”

,,But to put us in a dorm?”

,,We’re gonna have a schedule together. Especially you,since you’re filming a drama together.”

Sunggyu heard some talking in front of him.

,,I hate even thought about it. Why him? There’s so many talented people out there,while this stupid,lazy hamster had to be the one.”

,,I actually really like you two.”


,,Ahh,Hyung,you two arguing always… I know you’re close.”


,,Ohh,he’s waking up.”

Sungjong and Myungsoo looked at the Sunggyu that rolled all over his bed.

,,Hyung,wake up.”

,,Ahghgh… Leave me…” Sunggyu continued to roll around the bed and hide under his blanket.

,,Yaaah,get up.” Myungsoo lightly kicked him with his foot between his ribs. It made Sunggyu jump and wake up.


,,Tch,I barely touched you.” Sunggyu clench his jaw and hit Myungsoo with a pillow.

,,Yaah,stop it!” They started a pillow battle and soon,Myungsoo was on the floor and on top of him was Sunggyu,then,they rolled all over the floor,changing their positions.

,,Stop.It.NOW!” Sungjong screamed as he grabbed their ears and dragged them away from each other. After some time,they calmed down.

,,I have to go through this again? Just how old are you,aish.” Sungjong said as he stood in front of them,with annoyed face.

,,WHAT? Live in a dorm? With you?” Sunggyu pointed at Myungsoo as Myungsoo glared at him.

,,I don’t like it either,so stop pointing at me,aish.”

,,Why do I have to live with you?”

,,I ask myself the same question. I don’t want you or your annoying girlfriend to come to my private space and do your… things.” Myungsoo blabed as he looked annoyed.

,,T-Things? Who do you think I am?”

,,A hamster.”

,,Yaah! Sungjong-ah stop him.”

,,No. You both stop. Or I won’t live with you. Then,just kill each other please.” Sungjong grabbed his stuff and was ready to leave,just to be stopped by Myungsoo and Sunggyu that grabbed both of his arms.

,,I’m sorry Sungjong…”

,,Jong-ah,Hyung will be better,just don’t leave me with him,oh?”

Sungjong smiled.

,,Okay,then you’re gonna listen to me and while I’m around,no fights,okay?” Even though Sungjong was the youngest of them all,he acted as if he’s the oldest. He understood many things and he acted older than his age. Probably because sticking with two of them and all.

Sunggyu and Myungsoo looked at each other. There was still tension in their eyes,but they nodded.

,,Good. Nooooow,let’s head to our dorm!”

,,Annyeonghaseyo!” 5 beautiful girls bowed. Myungsoo blushed and tried to look other way while greeting them back.

,,Hi,Sungjong sunbae,why are you here?” The leader of Apink,Chorong politely asked.

,,We’re gonna live in this building,since our dorm is here.” Sunggyu widened his eyes. Oh,no.

,,What? Apink lives here?” He grabbed Chorong’s shoulders,making everyone in the room confused.

,,You live here? Seriously??”

,,Y-Y-Yes,sunbae…” She answered,shocked by his actions. Sunggyu let go of her and one long ‘’aish’’ came out of his mouth as he grabbed his head with his hands.

,,I hate our boss so much.” He said as all of them entered their dorm.

,,Why did you react that way? Chorong seemed really shocked…” Sungjong asked as he left his luggage on the floor.

,,If their dorm is here,it means Eun Ji… is here too.”

,,I thought you’d love it,since she’s your girlfriend after all.” Myungsoo commented as he jumped on the couch. Sunggyu rolled his eyes.

,,It’s just for a display. She think I really like her and all,but I don’t. I mean,I tried,but I can’t…” Sunggyu sat on the floor as he lowered his head. Sungjong sat next to him.

,,But,I heard she’s not even living with them…”

,,If she heards I live in here,she’d definitely come back.”

,,Then,break up with her.”

,,I can’t. For many reasons,I can’t…” Sunggyu messed his hair. Myungsoo started laughing and Sungjong had to calm him down.

Soon after,they had their first dinner in their home. They didn’t fight too much as they were all tired. Sunggyu took a bath and jumped on his bed. For a whole day,he thought about Ji Won.

,,When will she call?” He took his phone and checked messages and call log every hour to see if something came.

,,Maybe,I should call first?”


I was tired. And Woohyun massaged my back.

,,Does this feel alright?”

,,Uhm…” I felt my eyelids becoming heavier and heavier.

,,You really overdo yourself. I’m starting to be worried.”

,,Ahh,it’s nothing.” I made him stop with a massage and stood up. I kissed him and hugged him.

,,I’m going to bed now.”

,,Do you want me to stay with you?”

,,No,I just need some rest.” I smiled as I kissed him again.

,,Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow right?”

,,Of course you will.” I smiled as I hugged him again. He smiled and tapped my head,before he left. I heard Ji Ae was done with her shower,so I went to her.

,,Eonnie… I’m so glad we were the same shift today… I really hate this job without you.”

,,I’m sorry,it’s my fault…”

,,What is your fault?”

,,I made you come here. We could quit you know?”

,,N-No,eonnie.” Ji Ae grabbed my hands.

,,We came all the way here. Just a little bit more. And everything will be fine.”

,,Would you like to work like this….forever?”

,,If eonnie is with me… then I won’t mind.” She said as she smiled. I felt my eyes watering as I leaned in one hug.

,,Thank you,Ji Ae.”

I jumped on my bed. I really felt tired. But just as I closed my eyes,I heard a message coming. I opened my eyes and saw a message. It was from Sunggyu.

Tomorrow,let’s meet. Wait at the NIT cafe in 2PM.

Suddenly,I didn’t feel so tired anymore.


,,Makeup checked,this dress looks nice...My shoes…” I checked myself once again in the mirror before I left my place. Woohyun has classes for whole day and I have night shift. Ji Ae also has a night shift and before I left,I saw Sungyeol with her.

,,Something is between them.” I smiled as I walked down the street.

NIT cafe wasn’t a big cafe. But it was comfy and today,it looked really peaceful. I saw a person,sitting in the corner while drinking a coffee. He had black cap and glasses on. I smiled.

,,Hello.” Sunggyu lifted his gaze and met my eyes. I smiled brightly and he looked awesome. Black really suits him. He also had black shirt and tried to blend with the people,to not be recognized. I sat across of him while he greeted me.


,,How are you?”

,,I’m fine. And you?”

,,I’m the same.” Sunggyu smiled. I blushed only looking at him.

,,So...Why did you want to see me?” I suddenly asked,to break our tension.

,,I want to explain myself.”

,,For what?”

,,For my relationship status.” I widened my eyes. I looked down at my coffee that just arrived.

,,Aahh,you don’t have to,it’s okay.”

,,No. I have to.”

,,But why?”

,,Because I like you.” I closed my mouth and clenched my jaw. Somehow,I expected it,but now that I heard it,I don’t know what to say.

,,Why are you telling me this?”

,,Because I want you.” Wow,so straight-forward. I looked around.

,,No,look at me.” I listened to him and looked at him. He took off his glasses long time ago. Now I saw his sharp and serious gaze.

,,I’m sorry…” I looked away,and wanted to escape this place.

,,Why are you feeling sorry?”

,,Because…” I love you,Gyu. I love you very much. But,now I’m very happy with some other man. How to tell you this?

,,You’re with him.”


,,Do you like him?”


,,Then,do you like me?” I lifted my gaze and met his.

,,I…I-” Before I could say anything else,Sunggyu bend over the table and press his lips on mine. His hand was behind my head and he didn’t let me go.


With his other hand,he pressed me even harder.

,,P-Pleas…” I managed to push him somehow. I felt like crying. I felt so dirty,so simple. And I wanted to escape this place. I didn’t last any time as I stood up and went towards the door. I knew Sunggyu was going after me,and he grabbed my wrist when I opened the door.

,,LET ME GO!” I screamed at him and started running. Outside was raining. And I didn’t brought my umbrella. But I didn’t care. Suddenly,I felt so guilty. I wanted to escape everything.

,,JI WON!” I heard my name and knew it was Sunggyu. But I didn’t stop running,until I almost slipped and fell. But I felt Sunggyu’s strong hands catching me. He lifted me from the ground and drag me to some place that is protected from the rain.

,,Are you okay?” My hair was wet as well as my clothes and I felt cold. But,I still tried to escape Sunggyu.

,,Please...Let me go…” I felt so weak all of a sudden. I wanted to scream at him. But as I looked at him again,I saw that guy I fell in love with. I saw Sunggyu from my childhood and my neighbor. My first love that I never forgot or escape. At the end,I’ll always come back to him.

,,Sunggyu…” My hands wandered around his face. His hair was wet as well.

,,I’m sorry…” He cupped my face and looked into my eyes.

,,There’s nothing you should be sorry about.”

,,I’m with the other g-”

,,So am I.”

,,How can we…”

,,I don’t know. We will figure something out.”

,,I can’t…”

,,Why?” Suddenly,Woohyun’s smiling face was before my eyes. His greasy and cheesy words,his handsome face and his charming personality. I can’t break that. Not now.

,,It’s not yet time,Sunggyu.” I said with a warming tone. Sunggyu didn’t say anything as he looked at me.

,,And that person… I like him very much. He takes very good care of me. How can I break up with him now?”

,,I… I…” I put my hand on his cheek.

,,Just let me go for now.” I said as I saw tears forming in his eyes. One tear escaped his eye and I brushed it with my thumb. I neared him and cupped his face. He lowered his back and slowly,but gently kissed me. He soon kissed me with his tongue,making our kiss into a passionate one. I found myself enjoying,missing his kisses. Sunggyu’s hands traveled all over my body,trying to make me stay with him. But then,my phone started to ring.

,,I..need to answer…” I said through our kisses,as he slowly let me go. I saw it was Woohyun.

,,It’s him isn’t it?” I looked at my phone and said one ‘’uhm’’.

,,Answer it.” I looked at Sunggyu. He smiled. I turned around and answered the call. I couldn’t face Sunggyu now.


,,Are you home? You said you’re going into a walk.”

,,I’m almost there.”

,,Did you get wet? Outside is a shower.”

,,I did a bit…”

,,Make sure to warm yourself,I’m gonna make you something hot when I’m home.” I chuckled.

,,You promise?”

,,Of course I am. Okay,my next class is starting. See you later,okay?”

,,Uhm.” I hang up. I turned around,ready to face Sunggyu somehow. But when I turned,he was gone… 

,,I’m sorry… Sunggyu…”  

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Chapter 24: Omo I did it again I missed 8 update already mianhae author_nim I look like a bad reader..... waaaa she is now with grassy n cheesy Namu they become couple.... omg sunggyu agree to date Enji to save Howon from people who nearly discovered his relationship with Enji as his younger step sister he is so kindhearted n he got JiWon number but she didn't call him is she was busy with her boyfriend Namu....I feel bad for sunggyu that he still love her n she moved on in her new life she gets tired from waiting him so long.....hahaha I was laughing at sunggyu n Myungsoo cute fight with pillow they really hate each other n poor sungjong has to stop them from getting into a serious fighting hopefully they will get along together.....waaaa they meet on a Caffe sunggyu trying to explain his relationship with Enji n say sorry that she was waiting for him so long n she can't say anything about it anymore he knows that she is with another guy that he is feeling a bit jealous but what can he do omo she couldn't hold on her feelings that she runs a way n he followed her n stop her both of them say they are having someone n it's not the time sunggyu let a tear falling n she erase itㅠㅠ they kissed *0* but the kiss is faded a moment later by Namu calling her....Woahhhh what will happen next? I hope is good hopefully they get back together soon wait Sungyeol n Jiae always together woooo I smell a cute couple here I'm so excited n curious hehehe mianhae author_nim this is my longest comments I ever wrote have a safe trip author_nim n Hwaiting on your new ideas
Chapter 15: Awwwwww 2 update already missed but I'm glad that I catch up with the story it's really great chapters ......aww she still waiting for him to remember her but it doesn't work at all n Woahhhh Howon is interesting on her. ....she meet Apink they are really cute and adorable they treat her like she is one of them.....Omg Enji is so mean to her I don't know why she is doing this......n she meet with Sungjong again he is so cute n finally she met with Myungsoo ohhhhh I can't wait for the next chapter I'm so excited.....what well happen next? n Hwaiting author_nim ♥ Xoxo ♥
Chapter 13: Woahhhh this storyline is so Deabk I read it all the chapters it's so amazing I felt sorry for JiWon hardship that she go through all of the pain her mother death n father beating her up n also die n Sunggyu leave her alone all behind by herself n didn't recognize her when he saw her was heartbreaking ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ n also she meet with EunJi she is so mean to her I hate her but I'm glad that she meets with JaeAe n Woohyun n Sungjong n Sungyeol n Howon too but she never meet with Dongwoo n Myungsoo yet.....I hope Sunggyu will remember her at the end ohhhhh I'm so excited to read what will happen next will she survive those hard work n pains? Please update soon author_nim n Hwaiting ♥ Xoxo ♥
Kida345 #4
Chapter 8: omg omg omg *fangirl feels* >< authornimmm please don't be so cruel,let Sunggyu back T-T
Buttefly #5
Waa I really like this fic :D
I'm so exited at what will happen next ><
please update soon