20. Heart

Please help me,I need you

,,It’s cold outside. Can’t you wear something more warmer?”

,,I’m okay,don’t worry.”

,,You sure? We’re gonna stay longer outside.”

,,I’m alright,don’t worry,hehe.”

,,Okay,if you say so.” Woohyun showed me one little smile. I smiled him back. Outside,it smelled like snow even though it won’t snow soon. Woohyun and me went into bus soon after. It’s been a long time since I actually was out. These days,I’m only working and keeping my minds into how to pay all of the bills. But,with Woohyun and others,it’s quite fun.

,,Do you know what he wants for her birthday?”

,,Hmnm...a husband maybe?”

,,Well,she can have that even without us,hehe.”

,,Indeed. A lot of guys wants to date her. But she politely rejected them.”


,,She’s one really picky type.” Next week,it’s Woohyun’s oldest Noona’s birthday. Since Ji Ae is sick and Sungyeol is working and Dongwoo is in his own world currently,the only ones that can buy her some present is me and Woohyun. Actually,Woohyun pleaded me to go with him,since I’m a girl and I can help him with the present for her. After half an hour,Woohyun and me entered first department store. It was really huge and to be honest I never went to one department store since I came to Seoul. It was only because I was really busy.

We passed by some stores and looked at some clothes and all kind of stuff for our friend.

,,What do you think about some y lingerie or nurse costume?” I looked at him.

,,Yaah! She’s your sister!”

,, I hoped you’d like to try it out for her.” I saw that look in Woohyun’s eyes. I gave him one serious look.

,,Ha-ha,very funny,Woohyun.”

,,Let’s look some more.” He grinned and looked away.

We decided to part a bit and check this big store. I looked around and somehow I found myself in music part of this store. I looked around to see if Woohyun is somewhere to be found and I saw his back looking at something. I inhaled and looked at the top chart that stood in front of me.


I blinked few times after I saw his album selling. I didn’t know he released new album. I gulped and dared to take one album into my hands. His album was currently top selled,and after I took one album,couple of girls came screaming and took the rest of the albums on the shelf. I blinked few more times looking at the evidence of his huge popularity. I felt somehow happy. Since that’s everything he wished for. As I turned around,I saw his face on the TV playing in the store. His greeting voice,that greeted whole audience watching this. It made me remember my last time seeing him. Suddenly his words replied in my head.

,,So that we can say something did happen.”

I bite my lower lip again. I remembered his soft lips on mine and wanted to kiss him again. After that night,everything changed for me. But I didn’t hear a word from him. For almost 3 months,he didn’t call or message me. I didn’t even have his number to start with. But I missed him,so much. My lips longed for his touch and my whole mind thought about him for days and nights. I felt myself feeling weird imagining Sunggyu. I realized I was actually in the centre of the store,still holding his album and closing my eyes as some idiot. I returned his album on the shelf and sighed.

,,Why are you such idiot?”

,,There you are.” I almost jumped when I heard Woohyun’s voice. I quickly turned around and smiled at him,trying to get over my current state.

,,D-Did you find anything?”

,,No. Let’s go to some other store.” He smiled gently and slowly grabbed my hand. His sudden affection made my heart skip,but I didn’t protest. I just returned his holding and came after him.

Woohyun surely knew how to attract attention. While we were passing,a lot of girls thought he’s some idol and always approached him and asked for some picture or signature.

,,Why didn’t you just audition and be some idol?”

,,Hahahah,you’re right. Why didn’t I?”

I imagine Woohyun working in Woollim entertainment next to Sunggyu. But then that thought left my head,because I couldn’t imagine it.

,,Having some weird thoughts?” I felt my cheeks getting hotter and looked at Woohyun,that just red my thoughts.


,,Don’t try to hide it,your face is telling me all.”

,,D-Does it?”

,,If you think of me,then it’s okay. I’d be more than happy to know you think weird of me.” Woohyun blinked me.

,,N-No! It’s not what you think! R-Really!” Woohyun only grinned,then he stopped with walking. I noticed I still held his hand. It felt nice.

,,You’re cute when you’re shy.” I looked at him and tried to hide my shy smile.

,,Your neck is bare.” He said as he grabbed his scarf and took it off and placed it around my neck. He made sure I was dying out of hotness under the scarf then he smiled and grabbed my hand again.

,,But what about you? Aren’t you cold?” I tried to breath under his scarf.

,,Just holding your hand is making me feel warm.” I looked up to Woohyun and noticed how his cheesiness is still pretty active. It made me smile. Somehow,being with Woohyun like this made me really safe. While Sunggyu left me hanging like that. But still,the thing that I’m feeling for Sunggyu is too much. I tried to forget him,but I ended up being more into him. I tried to avoid him,but I bumped into him even more. But now,he just left me without a word after what happened three months ago.

,,Thinking again?” I turned and saw Woohyun nearing my face. He stopped just few inches from my face and smiled again.

,,We still didn’t buy anything for Eonnie.”

,,It’s so cute thinking of my sister as your Eonnie.” He smiled cutely.

,,Well,she’s older than me,so she is my Eonnie.”

,,Why can’t you call me Oppa then? You call Dongwoo that way...”

,,I don’t know,for you,Namu feels fine.”

,,Namu?” He slowed his walking and burst in laugh.


,,Why Namu?”

,,When I see you,you remind me of some Namu.”

,,Namu? Hmnmn…”

,,Is it okay?”

,,It’s your nickname for me. I need to get used to it.” He smiled again and his eyes shine. His eyes.

I found myself drowned into Woohyun’s eyes. I guess it’s because of Sunggyu that I notice men’s eyes firstly. But Woohyun’s eyes are so beautiful. They’re so innocent and happy. Like some child. Makes me wanna look more into them,to see what he thinks,what is he. That’s what kind of person Woohyun is. Attracting by his looks and attracting by his personality.

,,Am I that handsome?” Woohyun’s sudden words woke me up and I realized I started at him too much than it’s needed.

,,I-I’m sorry.” I looked away to find something comforting to make some excuse for my actions. But I felt his strong,manly hands reaching for my face.

,,I like you.” I widened my eyes at his words. My throat went dry and my mouth opened a bit. And my cheeks,well,red tomatoes to be exact. My jaw was hanging a bit and I tried to speak,but Woohyun interrupted me.

,,If you’re going to reject me,then don’t say anything.” I stopped words in my throat. I didn’t think about rejecting him,but still,my heart hurt because obviously I didn’t feel what he was feeling for me. I gulped really hard,but I didn’t to disappoint this person that was there for me most of the time when Sunggyu wasn’t. Actually, he was there for me all of the time. Sunggyu would wound me and I’d come back,bleeding and Woohyun would help me out. He healed every of my wound and for that,I couldn’t be more thankful. Then why I can’t love this person? What was so wrong with me to always chose Sunggyu over all the pain he gave to me? When he wasn’t there,when I was crying and looking for him,returning to him no matter how much I was wounded. Just what did he do to myself that I couldn’t free from his chains?


,,Just having you like this is enough for me. Even if you rejected me,as long as you’re here,I’m the happiest man.” Woohyun made one small smile and it rather looked sad. My heart broke.

Woohyun’s grip on my face loosened. But I held his hands on my face with mine. Deep inside,I liked Woohyun as well. He was my angel. That’s why I’ll try to escape Sunggyu’s chains. It’s time to move on. After all,that’s why I cut my hair. To let go of my past.

I leaned and slowly touched Woohyun’s lips. He was surprised by this action. But I mean it. It was sincere. I deepened our kiss and felt his warm lips getting warmer by mine. Suddenly,Woohyun grabbed my shoulders and broke our kiss.

,,W-What are you doing?” He looked so surprised. It made me chuckle.

,,I like you,Namu.” I said shyly. I felt my cheeks getting warmer and warmer. I did like him. Not the way as Sunggyu,for Sunggyu,I felt pure love. But Sunggyu moved on long time ago. Should I do the same?

Woohyun’s eyes widened and were filled with happiness. It made me feel relieved somehow. This is the only thing I could do for him.

,,R-Really? You really mean it?”

,,Uhm.” I nodded. I watched how his greasy smile became bigger and bigger until he let go of my shoulders and turned around. He started jumping out of happiness,which made me chuckle more. He then came back to me and hugged me.

,,Thank you so much.” His hug was so tight,I needed to gasp for some air. But,I didn’t mind. I was happy. He was happy. Then,why did I feel little guiltiness in deep part of my soul?

,,C-Can I kiss you?” My cheeks started to be even more red. I widened my eyes a bit,but whispered in his ear one ‘’uhm’’. Woohyun stopped hugging me and looked directly in my eyes. Then,he leaned and kissed my lips. I closed my eyes tightly and let him do whatever he wants with my mouth. Our kiss soon became more passionate,so after couple of minutes,I was breathing hard since he drained oxygen from my lungs. We totally forgot about his sister,but at the end,we managed to buy a lot of presents for her. Before I knew it,it was already an evening and slowly,we needed to return home.

,,It’s getting colder no?” He noticed how I was rubbing my palms to warm them. I nodded and second later,he grabbed my palms and rested them between his. I felt myself blushing,but luckily it couldn’t be seen since my cheeks were already pinkish from the cold. Until we came home,we held our hands. It kept me feeling warmed and safe. I missed these feelings.

,,So,see you tomorrow?”

,,Yup.” I smiled.

,,Keep those presents safe,don’t let anyone find about them.”

,,Don’t worry,I’ll put them in my room.”

,,Good girl.” It reminded me when he said that to me months ago. I chuckled. When I lifted my gaze to him,he surprised me with one kiss. It was rather passionate kiss,with tongue of course. But I needed to hold onto his neck,if I didn’t want to fall. It reminded me of Sunggyu so much. I even found myself almost saying his name. But when I opened my eyes,it wasn’t Sunggyu. It made me feel shocked as I broke the kiss.

,,What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?” He cupped my face and looked worried. I only smiled at him,giving him another peck on his lips.

,,No,I’m just tired.”

,,I understand.” He said as he touched my hair ,,Your hair grew.”

I smiled.

,,I’m gonna go now. Good night,Woohyun.”

,,Good night,yeobo.” Woohyun chuckled. But I froze in my spot.


,,We’re now couple,no?”



,,I’ll see you tomorrow.” He kissed me softly again before he entered his apartment. He waved me and threw hearts at me,which made me laugh. But after I entered my apartment,I came to sudden realization. I leaned on my closed door.

,,I have a boyfriend.”

The sound of it was really good. But still,I never thought it’ll be someone else. I thought my heart belonged to Sunggyu.

My hand reached my heart. I saw it was throbbing fast.

,,Why am I like this?” I was reminded of his soft kisses and tight hugs. It filled me with another warm feeling and I found myself smiling.

,,Your hair grew…” I looked myself in the mirror and saw how my hair was over my shoulders now. I missed my old hairstyle,but this reminded me of new memories. I cut my old hair and replaced it with this new. And it’s full of new memories. I should move on.


,,APPCCHOOOO!” Ji Ae wiped her nose with another napkin. Her nose was red and was sore. And let’s not mention her headache.

,,Ah...What’s with me…”

Soon after,she heard door opening. She felt relieved,thinking it’s Ji Won.

,,Eonnie…” She said with her weak voice,just to see tall and handsome figure approaching.


Sungyeol was smiling,but still his voice was worried. In his hands,he had a lot of stuff he bought for her.

,,I heard you’re sick.”

,,Really? H-How?”

,,Ji Won just called me and told me. I came here as soon as my work ended.”

,,Ah,there was really no nee- ACHOOOO!”

Sungyeol smiled at her sneezing face. Cute he thought.

,,Yayayaya,let’s get you healthy.” He covered one more blanket over her and put a bigger pillow under her head.

,,Yah,this girl. You have high fever!” He said as he measured her forehead with his hand. He took from his bags some fever pills and ordered her to drink. She blinked few times and did as he said.

,,You’re sweating so much. Let’s get you changed.”

,,Yaah! Oppa! I-I can do it myself.”

,,Don’t worry,you have nothing I didn’t see before.” Sungyeol blinked at her which made her fever go more up. Her whole face looked red as she was speechless.

,,You !” She said as she took the pillow and hit on his head.

,,YAAH!” He tried to scream and to stop her actions,but she didn’t stop.

,,Woohyun Oppa and now you! Stop.With.These..Things!” She threw a pillow at him and covered under blankets. Sungyeol finally was able to think straight as he looked at the curled ball on the sofa. It made him smile a bit.

,,Ji Ae-ah...It’s not what you think.” He heard sobbing under the blanket.

,,Yaah,are you crying?”

,,L-Leave me alone!” Sungyeol smiled again.

,,Listen. I finished medical school.”

,,Yeah,right. Why don’t you work in hospital then?”

,,I want to make money before I go to hospital.”

,,Wouldn’t you earn yourself money if you worked in hospital? Plus,it could be 10 times bigger.”

,,I know. But I wanted to work some more,before I go to hospital. I know it’s stupid,hehe. But,right now,I like it more in here.” He tapped the curled ball and slowly,Ji Ae peeked out the blanket.



,,You really are a doctor?” Sungyeol smiled.

,,Uhm,I am.”

,,Do you say I have a personal doctor I don’t have to pay right now?!” She jumped out of the blanket with one huge grin. It made Sungyeol chuckle some more.

,,You do.” She chuckled out of happiness just to sit back,when she felt her headache growing. Sungyeol took that as a sign and grabbed some more medicine and feed it to her. He also made her porridge and teas. Ji Ae soon fell asleep and he sat next to her and looked at her sleeping face. He noticed couple of hair strands getting into her eyes,so he gently removed them off her face. Just then,he heard doors open.


,,You seem happy.”

I jumped when I saw Sungyeol and I dropped all of my bags that I held with me.

,,S-Sungyeol...You’re still here?”

,,You roommate is quite energetic for a sick person.”

,,Honestly,you really shocked me when you said you are doctor-to-be when you called me.”

,,Well,what could I do when you said to me nonchalantly that she’s sick!”

,,Yaah,you were the one screaming at me for not telling you earlier…”

,,Well,she’s your closest friend,how could you leave her alone?”

,,She said she could be fine by herself,I didn’t know she was that sick.” I felt wrong and sad for Ji Ae. I didn’t pay a lot of attention to her,I totally forgot about the time with Woohyun. Woohyun.

,,Yaah! Why’re you smiling?” I noticed I was smiling.

,,Hmnm… How’s she?”

,,She’s sleeping now. Be quiet.”

,,Ahh,now you’re telling me?”

,,Anyways,where have you been all this time?”

My eyes widened and I felt my heart racing.

,,I-I...You know,we went to buy some present for Woohyun’s sister.”

,,Woohyun’s?” Sungyeol seemed suspicious.

,,Ahmn,you know… He asked me to go with him so…”

,,Wow,that’s nice.” He smiled brightly,revealing his gummy smile. I blushed. And smiled. I passed by Sungyeol and went to my room,leaving Eonnie’s presents in it before. I jumped onto my bed and replayed Woohyun’s skilled mouth on mine. Before I thought about anything else,I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. It was message from Woohyun.

Heey yeoboo >< :*

I grinned. This was too funny,even messages are like Woohyun.

How are you?

I didn’t know what to talk to him. I messaged a lot with him before,but nothing like this… romantic,couple like messaging.

Waa,why’re you so shy?

Send some pics… ;)

I felt my cheeks burning. Just what is this guy thinking about?

To revenge,I took a picture of my foot.

Good enough?

I chuckled a lot and jumped all around the bed.

Yah… Why’re you so mean? T^T

I could only imagine his face right now. Sorry,but no sorry.

We talked some more,then I felt my eyes getting heavy and I decided to sleep. I turned some radio on like I do almost every night these days. Sungjong messaged to me one month ago telling me he’s now having his own radio show and to listen him every night. I his ‘’Jong radio’’ and listened to his voice. He had some guests every night and it always felt nice. Once he had Myungsoo as his guest and it was so funny listening to him. Especially since Sungjong likes to a lot. Today,I was feeling tired,so I skipped most of the show.

,,Now,at the end let’s play current hit that was asked by exactly 6590 people. This is the breaking record for this radio show,hehe.”

I felt my eyes closing more and more.

,,Now,everyone,are you interested what song is about?”

I yawned and grabbed my phone to turn the radio off. I really felt tired.

,,Now,let’s enjoy Kim Sunggyu’s current hit and hit of the nation,Kontrol.”

Just before I pushed exit button,my heart skipped when I heard Sunggyu. I felt really nice and slow melody that started playing. And for some reason,my eyes filled with tears. I listened to his beautiful voice and touching words of the song. It made me feel so emotional,reminding me of our wonderful days together. Those that will never come back to us again.

I felt my cheeks getting warmer and wet. My heart was breaking in two part.

,,Ahh,Sunggyu,I’m sorry…” I lowered my head and grabbed my knees,curling myself in the blanket. I felt so weak and for some reason,so dirty. My heart belonged to Sunggyu,but I decided to listen to my head and went to Woohyun. For some reason,I felt little anger for Woohyun. He seduced me in a minute and confused my whole spirit. I felt like punching him in the face. But,then I felt sad for him. I really liked him. He’s a good kisser… In some ways,little bit better than Sunggyu…

I mentally slapped myself. I inhaled and exhaled.

,,This is just a relationship. If it doesn’t work,I’ll end it.” But for some reason I felt so angry at both of them,I wanted to kill someone.

,,Aghh!” I took my pillow and throw it at the wall.

,,STUPID,STUPID,STUPID!!” I noticed I’m behaving strangely and before I knew it,song ended.

,,Wait… I didn’t even hear anything…” I was so busy being angry that I forgot about the song.

I searched some and downloaded all his new songs from his new album. I spent next 2 hours in tears and regrets. What to do now?


,,His albums sales are doing best as always.”

,,That’s great to hear,Krystal. Anything else?”

,,Nothing more,sir.”

,,That’s great.”

,,Are you alright,sir?” Howon turned to her.

,,Why? do I look like that?”

,,N-no,I just thought through talking,you could relieve yourself.”

,,You’re kind,but I’m alright. You don’t have to worry about me.”

,,I still do,sir.”

Howon smiled. In all these past years she worked for him,Krystal never let him down. She’s too good in her job,and Howon thought about replacing her for something higher and better. Being a secretary for a idiot like him hurt him.

,,Thank you. You can leave now.” He watched how Krystal bowed and slowly exited his office. Howon sighed. His father. The only family member that used to be on his side. He can’t stand a thought without him. Last month he did everything he could do to make him live longer. The best room in hospital,best doctors,best equipment. But nothing.

,,Hodong-ah… You know better than anyone. I’m sick from broken heart. You can’t heal that whatever you do.” His father said with one sad smile.

,,Tell me what to do,dad! I can’t let you go! Please,stay with me!” Howon said as he kneeled behind his father’s bed and few tears fell down his face.

,,My handsome son. You know,I want to meet your mother so much. I miss her from the day she left us.” Howon didn’t say anything. He just kept silent.

,,Soon,I will.” He reached his hand and touched top of Howon’s head.

,,And I’m asking you for one more time to promise me that thing.”

Howon nodded.

,,I don’t want anything to happen to you,so just do as they say. You can even choose whoever you want.” Howon sniffed.

,,And Hodong-ah.” Howon lifted his gaze to his father’s.

,,Y-Yes,abujji?” He used his Busan accent since his father did so too.

,,Please forgive this sinful father of yours.” He said as he reached Howon’s cheek and gently caressed it.

,,Forgive me,abujji.” Howon felt his tears becoming heavier.

,,Hehe. Soon,my time will come.” He smiled as he squeezed Howon’s hand.

,,How was it,CEOnim?” As Howon went out his father’s room,he saw countless of shareholders running to him. He felt disgusted looking at them, coming to see his father only when he’s about to die,but what could he do? His company is depending on them.

Howon didn’t answer them anything,just continued to go. His eyes were heavy and red,and big black bags could be seen under them. He was super tired,but still he couldn’t sleep.

,,Sir,please rest. You didn’t sleep for 2 days now!” Krystal came with a coffee in her hand and gave it to Howon.

,,Thank you.” He said as he gulped coffee. He watched Eun Ji sleeping next to him.

,,How is she?” Krystal came with an blanket.

,,She’s really close with our dad. She didn’t leave this spot for a while now.” He said as he,for the first time,admired Eun Ji. Her face was red from crying and her heart breaking.

,,Hyung…” Tae Hyung entered his room. He also looked sad and exhausted. Behind him,his mother came,already wearing black.

,,You already bury him,no,Mrs. Jung?” Howon said. Mrs. Jung only rolled her eyes and looked in other way.

,,My poor children… You shouldn’t suffer this much.” She said as she took her glasses from her head. Howon looked so pissed at her.

,,If anything happens,be sure to call me. I need to see my husband now.” She went out. Howon stood up and hit the wall with his fist.

,,H-Hyung..” Howon turned to Tae Hyung.

,,YOU ALL WILL BURY ME AFTER MY FATHER? WELL,I DON’T THINK SO!” He shouted and stormed out the room. Tae Hyung looked at him with worried face. For the first time,he felt bad for his Hyung.

Howon ran out and didn’t look back. Krystal tried to say something when she saw him running,but she only stopped when he was already out of her sight. He ran out the hospital and continued to run. The hospital his father was at was near the beach. He went there. But he couldn’t stop his tears. They were couldn’t be stopped now.

,,EOMMAAAA!” He stopped on the sand and screamed to the ocean.

,,WHERE ARE YOU,EOMMA?” He screamed until he felt his voice cracking from both crying and screaming. He felt his knees weak until they hit the sand.

,,Don’t go,abujji…” He said weakly while his tears fell into the sand. He listened to the calming waves hitting the shore. It reminded him on that place. Where all three of them were happy. He closed his eyes and traveled there once again. Tiny smile appeared on his face and also his tears. Then he felt his phone ringing. With weak hand,he grabbed it and answered.

,,CEOnim…” His eyes widened and soon his phone dropped the phone. His eyes once again started to fill the tears and he screamed in pain. He felt like a little child and his heart was breaking apart. He squeezed his palms,hit the sand,cut his hand while he was doing it,but he didn’t care. The pain and sadness that filled his heart were too big to handle.

,,Abujji… Take care of the mom…”

Tomorrow at the funeral,Mrs. Jung actually cried. He don’t know if it was sincere or not,but he didn’t care. Eun Ji looked broken. Tae Hyung had to hold her because she looked so broken. It was their father as well after all.

,,Hyung. I’m so sorry.” Tae Hyung came to him.

,,I feel wrong for everything I did to you.” He said as he bowed his head a bit.

,,I should’ve respect you more…”

Howon only smiled and messed his hair with his hand. Tae Hyung looked at him and suddenly,he hugged him.

,,I know you’re in pain,Hyung… We’ll be there for you.” Howon smiled once again and hugged his brother back. It was sincere hug. From two broken brothers.

,,Since when you’re so close to him,Oppa?” Howon and Tae Hyung looked at Eun Ji behind them. She looked so broken,so weak.

,,Eun Ji… Why’re you standing,you should sit.”

,,No,Oppa.” She pushed Tae hyung’s hand when he came to help her.

,,Don’t worry about Tae Hyung,Oppa. He’s now feeling sorry for you. Tomorrow,I’m sure he’ll be the major problem for you.” Eun Ji said with a sad grin. Tae Hyung looked at her,sadly. He felt bad.

,,Then,how about you? When will you stop being a problem?” Howon glared at her. He’ll never understand her.

,,That’s the problem. I won’t. You thought I’ll be happy jumping on the stage with those 5 idiots next to me? You thought you’ll shush me that way? Ohh?” She started using her Busan accent.

,,You asked to be an idol by yourself.”

,,Don’t worry,I won’t be that for too long. I’m gonna departure. I’m gonna leave that stupid,talentless group. And I’m gonna take your job,you understand me?” Howon said nothing.

,,Eun Ji,calm do-”

,,NO I DON’T WANT TO!” She pushed Tae Hyung that tried to calm her down.

,,Now you’re on his side,oh? My only brother… Do you understand he tricked us? He isn’t even apart of our family! Just stupid bastard!” She started screaming and pushing both Tae Hyung and Howon.

People started looking at them. Then Howon pushed both of them into some private room.

,,Can you spare me the things I already know? This is a funeral. Our father’s funeral. Spare us your idiotic acts just for one day.” He said as he brushed her shoulder and went out. She screamed out of anger and sadness and slowly fell on the floor. Tae Hyung was luckily there to help her. But they all felt broken.


,,You have some chocolate here.”


,,No,little bit lower.”


,,Let me help you.” Woohyun stood up and bent over the table. He came to my face and gently kissed the place where I had chocolate. Before I could push him,I felt something wet in my corner. He it???

,,You taste so nicely,hmnmnm.” He blinked to me. But I was red like a tomato. I could feel it.

,,Y-Yaah! W-Why did you do that? We’re in public..”

,,I don’t care. People should know you’re my girlfriend now. Especially guys. They’re all so dirty and-”

,,Yaah,and since when you’re not dirty?”

,,Should I prove you I’m not thaaaat dirty?” He showed one of his greasy smiles. Sometimes he overdo it,but sometimes it looks cute,like right now.

We walked around the city,having our 3rd date. It’s been 3 days of our dating and he demands to go out with me every day. He tangled his fingers with mine and we just walked around,enjoying last days of warm weather.

,,Stop here.” He suddenly stopped me. I wondered why,but he grabbed my shoulders and leaned to me and gently kissed me. Soon his hands went back to my neck and neared me to him. It deepened our kiss. My hands relaxed on his waist. No matter what I think,Woohyun kisses the best. I’m sorry Sunggyu,but it doesn’t mean you’re bad. You’re also good but Woohyun is little bit better.

Wait,why am I thinking about Sunggyu again?

I slowly opened my mouth and Woohyun hugged me while he violated my mouth. It was so good,I really missed this feeling. I moved my hands on his neck and hugged him. Our kiss really looked passionate,I felt bad for all people watching.

,,Woohyun…” I managed to say between our kisses.

,,Let’s...move...somewhere else.” He stopped and looked into my eyes.

,,As you say,yeobo.” He smiled with his cheesy smile and grabbed my hand. We ran to some part of the park where there was less people. When we arrived,nobody was there.

Woohyun pushed me on one wall and there he continued our kissing. I could feel him smiling while we kissed. I wonder what’s making him so.

After couple of minutes,I was breathless and so was he. We stopped trying to take some breath. I noticed how he chuckled a lot.


,,You’re so cute.”

,,You always tell me that.”

,,I’m so glad you’re mine now.” He smiled while putting his hands on my waist. With that,he started kissing my neck.

But… Am I his?


,,Can’t you hurry?”

,,I-I’m sorry,Sunggyu,but traffic today is horrible.”

,,Aish,we’ll be late… And I’ll get scolded like the last time.”

,,I-I’m trying…”

Sunggyu sighed. He leaned on the window and looked outside. It was really warm day for days in late October.

,,It’s already an October,huh?” He watched how leaves are now more brown and falling from the trees. He followed their falling until they touched the ground. In the midst of their falling,he saw two people kissing their lungs out.

,,Eeeww… Get yourself a room…”

He kind of felt jealous. He observed the guy and admired his handsome looks. The he looked at the girl. She looked kind of familiar.

,,W-Wha? That can’t be…”

The girl stopped with kissing and looked at her boyfriend. They both smiled and ran away,while holding their hands.

He was sure. It was indeed her.

,,J-Ji Won?”

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Chapter 24: Omo I did it again I missed 8 update already mianhae author_nim I look like a bad reader..... waaaa she is now with grassy n cheesy Namu they become couple.... omg sunggyu agree to date Enji to save Howon from people who nearly discovered his relationship with Enji as his younger step sister he is so kindhearted n he got JiWon number but she didn't call him is she was busy with her boyfriend Namu....I feel bad for sunggyu that he still love her n she moved on in her new life she gets tired from waiting him so long.....hahaha I was laughing at sunggyu n Myungsoo cute fight with pillow they really hate each other n poor sungjong has to stop them from getting into a serious fighting hopefully they will get along together.....waaaa they meet on a Caffe sunggyu trying to explain his relationship with Enji n say sorry that she was waiting for him so long n she can't say anything about it anymore he knows that she is with another guy that he is feeling a bit jealous but what can he do omo she couldn't hold on her feelings that she runs a way n he followed her n stop her both of them say they are having someone n it's not the time sunggyu let a tear falling n she erase itㅠㅠ they kissed *0* but the kiss is faded a moment later by Namu calling her....Woahhhh what will happen next? I hope is good hopefully they get back together soon wait Sungyeol n Jiae always together woooo I smell a cute couple here I'm so excited n curious hehehe mianhae author_nim this is my longest comments I ever wrote have a safe trip author_nim n Hwaiting on your new ideas
Chapter 15: Awwwwww 2 update already missed but I'm glad that I catch up with the story it's really great chapters ......aww she still waiting for him to remember her but it doesn't work at all n Woahhhh Howon is interesting on her. ....she meet Apink they are really cute and adorable they treat her like she is one of them.....Omg Enji is so mean to her I don't know why she is doing this......n she meet with Sungjong again he is so cute n finally she met with Myungsoo ohhhhh I can't wait for the next chapter I'm so excited.....what well happen next? n Hwaiting author_nim ♥ Xoxo ♥
Chapter 13: Woahhhh this storyline is so Deabk I read it all the chapters it's so amazing I felt sorry for JiWon hardship that she go through all of the pain her mother death n father beating her up n also die n Sunggyu leave her alone all behind by herself n didn't recognize her when he saw her was heartbreaking ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ n also she meet with EunJi she is so mean to her I hate her but I'm glad that she meets with JaeAe n Woohyun n Sungjong n Sungyeol n Howon too but she never meet with Dongwoo n Myungsoo yet.....I hope Sunggyu will remember her at the end ohhhhh I'm so excited to read what will happen next will she survive those hard work n pains? Please update soon author_nim n Hwaiting ♥ Xoxo ♥
Kida345 #4
Chapter 8: omg omg omg *fangirl feels* >< authornimmm please don't be so cruel,let Sunggyu back T-T
Buttefly #5
Waa I really like this fic :D
I'm so exited at what will happen next ><
please update soon