Water can be dangerous too

The Exchange
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My friend would absolutely love it^^ 
I'm sorry i forgot to mention it earlier >.<


"Can we go home now? My body hurts," it wasn't completely a lie, Sora's body indeed was hurting her, but it wasn't the sole reason why she wanted to leave. The human teacher is missing, the interrogation is halted until the elders check on Suga themselves as Suho claimed, and she was so sure the elders would drag so much that the answers will be given to them tomorrow. 


Sora headed to the very first boy she saw and cuddled him to death, completely not caring with the fact everyone - the students, the royals, Minah and Yoora - were looking at them. Sora liked to believe she also did it to show Yoora that she can take her boys, that she can have them unlike how she told her she can't.


Kai's breath escaped his throat when Sora hugged him fully, wrapping her arms around his waist and nuzzle her nose into his neck. Sora wasn't a person who would initiate skinship with anyone, especially Kai himself. She had been telling him all the time how he is a player that can never have a chance with her. He knows - even though he never did it - that if he was the one who touches her, she would through a tantrum, but now she is the one doing it? Kai isn't complaining, because god damn it his heart was on a rollercoaster of feelings. He was sure she was able to feel it, but he was glad she concealed it from the rest. Her reaction to his feelings can be felt by everyone.


"Tame your wild heartbeats Kai," teasingly, She mumbled in between his neckline and shoulder blade, in which her nose was deeply buried in. Kai's heartbeats only increased harder, and with a flushed face he mimicked her position. Wrapping his arms around her loosely and snuggle his face into her hair, suddenly feeling unbothered by his brothers taunting looks. 


"Then stop doing what makes them roar," at his whispering voice - that made her visibly shudder - Sora let go of him, staring up at him with a raised eyebrow before muttering a slow 'fine' under her breath.

"And i was going to make you teleport us! I guess i have to use my powers then," Sora huffed at him, kicking him softly on the shin before walking away from him with a defeated blush on her rosy cheeks. Sora was bothered to be quite honest, she knew she was the one causing his heartbeat increase but she didn't think he would tell her to stop it. She was only teasing when she asked, she didn't literally mean it.


Sora went to Sehun's, hugging him just as she hugged Kai but with more strength and intensity. Knowing Sehun for the longest she can remember, she knew the great annoyance that attacked her when she hugged Kai was mainly pouring from him. Sehun is a rather insecure kid, Sora thinks that he was annoyed because he felt like she is slowly forgetting him, especially since her last encounter with him was ages ago, when he told her strictly not to 'cling' into Lay. For her, Sora believes he is getting emotional, which would explain why he scowled all the time. She deemed to free his irritated soul by hugging him tightly, as if silently telling him she forgot him not.


"Do you want to go home with me?" Sora tried hard ignoring the sudden longing feelings that came from Kai behind her, but knew she couldn't. Just as much as Kai missis her warmth, she was missing his too - Sora thought of the irony of the situation, how she only just hugged him for few seconds and yet they are longing for each other's touches.


"Home? You are that tired?" Came Sehun's husky reply. Sora's eyes widened slightly, not believing that sound had emitted from Sehun's throat. Her sehun's throat. The image of the childish Sehun with the whiny voice was soon thrown out the window, and Sora wondered if her old feelings for him surfaced just by a single whisper.


"Yeah, i feel like i fell on a pound of rocks," Sehun's lips emitted a soft chuckle and with that Sora knew he agreed to go with her - and a small part of him was really just taunting her at her description- before she closes her eyes and teleport them away alone.


Baekhyun send Kai a scowl the moment the two disappeared. Of course everyone was watching as Sora hugged Kai and Sehun, but none of them knew what to do. He instead was dead furious, and surprisingly he only was angered with Kai - he felt the relationship between Sehun and Sora was only platonic while Kai was a threat - and thought how the hell would he be able to put up eleven of his brothers making moves on Sora when he can't even put up with one. Baekhyun admits, he was dead jealous, and the fact none of his brothers cared for his feelings hurts him more than Sora's oblivious self. At least the girl wasn't informed loudly about his love, but his friends are aware, and yet that didn't seem to stop them from initiating skinship with her. So yes, he is selfish and quite possessive, especially since Sora wasn't by his side to tell him he shares a part of her heart just like the others.


Deep down, Baekhyun knows the aggressiveness he was feeling was because he knows he doesn't stand a chance. 


And that fact had broken him more than he could remember along the years. 




"Will you come with me or not?" Sora stared boldly at Sehun, who didn't seem to let go of the image of them hugging while sleeping. Sure her request for him was a golden opportunity to spend some time with her and snuggle her to death, maybe have a chance or two to spark back those feelings she used to have. But the fact she openly requesting him to lie beside her and hold her while she is asleep made him terrified of the consequences. 


'I love her, i ing love her to death! there! I admit it, just please don't let her know about my feelings,' 


Sehun couldn't help but think of Baekhyun's words on that day three years ago when they interrogated him on his odd actions around Sora. Sehun was aware with how Baekhyun felt, Sehun knows just how much Baekhyun loved that silly girl and he didn't have the heart to do anything with her for him. There are more logical reasons he can think of that were completely on his side, reason that gave Sehun right to do what he desired with Sora as long as she asked. They were bonded together first; and second she is his best friend. Except that Sehun could not shrug the face of Baekhyun that popped into his eyes as he stared at Sora's outstretched hands waiting to be taken. 


"Ahm.." Sora saw the hesitation in his eyes and felt like an idiot for even asking him that. She had to go through the humiliation of asking him to come upstairs with her to sleep and now she has to face the rejection.


Great! Just great.

"Fine then! I'll just sleep by my own, wake me up if I didn't wake up," Sora rolled her eyes and walked upstairs. Alone and grumpily. She couldn't help but feel slightly down since she faced rejection not only once but twice. From both Kai and Sehun, it gave her the impression that none of them actually likes her or wants to spend time with her.

Wait.. Did she just thought about them liking her? 


Sora's cheeks blushed horribly and she immediately started slapping them on reflex. God since when did she want them to like her? Does she even like them too? Sora's heartbeats gave her the answer.


While she was walking to her room, she passed by Kyungsoo's room, and surprisingly she found it wide open. Curiosity invaded her brain and in no time Sora was inside of his room staring at his blank wall.


"It's supposed to be a drawing of the woods, but I never got the chance to paint them.." 


Kyungsoo's words echoed in her head vividly and suddenly Sora's eyes sparkled in amusement. She remembered the old paint bottles she abandoned long time ago. She had bought it from the humans to play with it and paint different drawings, but never got the time to do so. She had wanted to throw them off, considering they were taking space in her closet but decided otherwise. She just values those dark colors so much that she didn't have the heart to. Huh, now that she thinks about it; she does have woods colors. 





Sora was in pain. 


What is wrong with her lately? Every time she falls asleep she wakes up groggily and in pain. Mostly the pain would be in her leg joints, her foot and her arm joints. Whats happening to her really? Sora had taken a shower after she finished her surprise for Kyungsoo and slept soundlessly after. It was six PM when she finished painting Kyungsoo's wall - she can't wait for him to come home and see the drawing she made for him -  and it was by the end of 7 O'clock when she lied on her bed getting ready to sleep.


And now Sora feels like someone had punched her in her entire frame. Not only that but she feels cold and , or maybe it's the wind picking up it's speed or whatever! She shuddered painfully and tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't do such a thing and she feels scared. What is wrong with her?


She hissed loudly when a searing pain spread in every part of her body. Sora tried to roll over or even move a finger; but she was horribly drained. The wind picked up its speed around her, roaring loudly in her ears and fluffing her hair madly. Oh boy, she indeed wasn't in her room.


Finally, she managed to open her eyes a little, and immediately a yelp escaped when she recognized the place she is in to be a rooftop of some building - not the school nor the house - but some building. She tried raising herself up but failed, returning back to her usual position with a soft shout of agony. How the hell did she get here anyway? She remembers falling asleep, she remembers the way her hair wetted her pillow, she remembers how her eyes slowly fluttered closed, she remembers, but then all she can remember after that is complete darkness. No dreams, no nightmares, simply nothing but severe aches. 

Suddenly, black dust started to crowd around her and twelve set of feet greeted her vision. Sora could not see their faces or bodies - except their legs - but she has an idea on whose those guys are.


"There she is!" Sora can identify the voice anywhere, especially with the wisps of black and gray dust roaming all around him. Kai was about to rush to her, but was beaten by Suho who ran like his life depended on it and immediately took the girl in his arms. Sora does not mind of course, especially since the ground under her hurts like a and in a desperate need of a cushion. Suho's thick arms can be labeled as one if you were in Sora's condition.


"What the hell happened.." Whispering, Suho took a stray look of hair and folded it beside her ears, taking in mind the heavy wounds on her lips, eyes and cheekbones. Sora could not respond to him, as she felt her body protesting loudly to give it mercy. It wasn't like she has an answer, because all she knows is when she sleeps, she wakes up in a very bad situation.


Sora felt the remaining boys crowding over her beside Suho, taking curious and angry looks at her devastated view. It needs no genius to know the marks spreading all along her left arm is nails mark, scratching marks. The wound on her lips was one of a hard punch, and the bluish bruises on her entire legs were something similar. Obviously, she was being abused, and if that ridiculously oblivious expression wasn't printed on her face they would tell she knows who hits her.


"Stop it," Sora softly said to Suho, eyes closed shut but can feel the slight movements of his fingers brushing on her cheeks. It surged incredible pain on her bones, and Sora could not bear such a pain anymore. 

"Kai teleport us back," the last thing she heard from Suho before black dust circle around her - and probably all the boys - as she found herself on her house's living room.


Sora knows nothing can heal her now but time, but taking by consideration the amount of pain she is feeling, she knew right away the needed time is longer than what she imagined.

Three or four days perhaps.


"Hey hey hey, don't faint on us girl." She heard Lay's voice vividly ringing in her ears, and she just wanted to reach for him and hug him tightly so she can hear him telling her everything would be alright.


"What are we supposed to do now?" Sora heard Kyungsoo's quite voice a little bit far from him and she wondered if he saw the draw

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
41 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that moment..one of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂