Real life action movie

The Exchange
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The way down was long, extremely long. Sora was given a chance to glance at the height of the building they stand on - Sora had severely denied and told them she wouldn't do it - but they had threatened to push her off the ledge if she didn't obediently look down. Sora doesn't know why they asked her such a strange request; whats so important in the school building's height? 


"Ah!" Sora screamed frighteningly when someone teasingly pretended to push her off the ledge, causing her heart to fall down on her legs. She looked back angrily at the culprit and immediately started hitting him on his shoulder.

"You. . Piece. Of. !" Sora screamed and paused with every word to land a hit on Kai's arms, who was already dying with laughter. Sora didn't find it amusing, especially that he was mocking her weakness. She is afraid of heights and that stupid stunt he made could have given her a heart attack.


"This is not even funny!" She pushed him away one last time before she strolled away far far away from the deadly ledge. 

Sora had been afraid of heights since she was a kid, the first time she discovered that twelve years ago when her mom and dad took her to an amusement park at the humans - that time her mom was still not whisked away though the entrance of the humans was closed, it was because her father was a royal did he get to pass - and had taken them to the Feeri wheels. They have been so happy talking with each other with their daughter in the middle of them, grabbing each one of her parent's hands around her tiny ones as they waited in the line. Sora had thought she would be happy riding the game, but It was the start of her very trauma.


Sehun hugged Sora protectively and everyone rolled their eyes at their interactions. Could those two keep their skin ship to theirselves? Ever since they made out and they can't keep their limps intact to their own bodies.


"Alright Kai stop laughing, and Sora come here, we need to start," Suho's calm face greeted Sora when she turned around to look at the speaker. He was dangerously close to the edge, and Sora's eyebrows twitched.


"No funny business?" She asked, raising an eyebrow up. Suho sighed helplessly but shook his head, making the girl more at ease.

Wait since when did she trust them?


Walking towards Suho slowly, she was pulled back by Sehun who leaned down to whisper in her ears, causing the elder boy to groan in annoyance.


"Funny fact, Luhan is afraid of heights too but he doesn't show it, not at all.." Sora pulled away from Sehun with wide eyes, glancing at him with disbelieve written on her orbs. Sehun nodded for more reassurance and Sora held her chuckle from escaping . She glanced sneakily at Luhan and watched him as he sat down at the edge, staring down at the ground with a small frown. Sora could tell immediately he was indeed scared.

'Huh.. Who would have thought luhan is scared of heights?'

At her taunting thoughts, he snapped his head at her in alarm and glared really hard, that Sora could actually pee her pants. She watched silently as he stood up and walked far from the edge, seating himself leaning against the rooftop door.


"Sora, we don't have much time.." Suho's annoyed voice snapped her from her daydreams and she looked at him with a scowl before softly walking towards him, calculating every step she takes in fear of slipping and falling down.

She stood in front of Suho, and waited for him to tell her the next lesson. Suho locked his eyes with her for a minute, cashing her heartbeat to increase at his intense look before opening his mouth to speak.


"The next lesson is flight, i'm sorry but you have to get pushed off the edge.." Immediately Sora's face paled like a ghost and she found herself walking backwards from Suho. Her heartbeat increased terribly in her ribcage showing her fear.


"You are kidding.." She muttered softly, and Suho reached his hands to clutch her arms before she can back away from him any further. Sora wiggled in his grip but he was strong, he was one heck of a strong person, totally not the same as his soft face.

"You have to train your flight abilities.. I already said you have to trigger it for it to come out. The only way to do that is for you to face the danger of falling. Besides, it would be a nice thing to win over your fears." Suho was calm and soft when he spoke, wanting to calm the nerves of the shaking girl. He failed however, because she wasn't even listing to him in the first place. Sora shook him away from her and immediately walked back, not even noticing the edge of the building right behind her.


Someone did from notice from behind her however, and Tao immediately headed for her in hopes of pushing her away from the edge. Suho had told them that she needs to be completely agreeing to this in hopes of her unleashing her powers in a much calm nature, so having her falling down with this panicky expression on her face made him alarmed. He reached his hands for her figure, to stop her from moving away from the edge, but she was a mess and she was pushing away Suho's arms from her. She lifted her arms to push Suho away, but her elbow kneed Tao on the stomach and that simple movement caused his body to slip off the edge and fall.


He ing fell!


"Tao!" Immediately different screams echoed in the place and Tao's scream was the loudest. Sora sat down on her knees on the edge and stared down at Tao's falling body with wide, frozen eyes. Her entire body shook and the wave of fear that made her sit down was coming from him. Sora sat down there, paralyzed and absolutely unaware of what to do. Tao doesn't know how to fly and he obviously can't!!! He doesn't have any flight powers, not even telekinesis as he can hopefully levitate himself. Tao doesn't have anything related to skies and he was going to die.


And it was going to be her fault, because all she did was siting down helplessly glaring at the ground with fright.


Suddenly, Sora found a pull in her body and she Magically, like a robot stood up from her place and walked back to her original place, where she was pushing Suho away from her with his hands clutched into her arms. Sora noticed that the entire boys were returning to their first position before Tao can fall, and Sora has a clear idea on whats happening now.


She glanced behind her in alarm, and she saw Tao's body appearing from down in the air to normally stand on the same position she had pushed him off in, except that his expression held nothing like worry as he was completely and utterly annoyed.


Everything clicked in Sora's mind, and she realized that what happened right now was a live show of time-reverse. 


She had always wanted to see how the great time controller can control time and reverse it back, a lot of students on school speaks of how amazing time reversing is, it feels like you are preventing a very bad thing from occurring. Some said that it had some side affect, and that is a great headache to those who were there when time was reversed. Of course everyone would be there when time gets reversed because when you reverse time every single action that is made in the entire world gets rewind, its not like freezing someone. When Tao freezes someone he only manipulate the time loop around him and make him freeze, no one gets frozen as well. 


"Gosh i'm so sorry!! Are you hurt somewhere?? Oh my god i'm so so sorry please forgive me!" Her sudden outburst of sorriness surprised the boy who only rolled his eyes to mask his amusement. Tao was not afraid nor hurt anywhere. He was rather a very hardcore person and a simple fall would not affect him. He had faced much worse annoyance in his life for this simple matter to affect him.


"Sora relax! It's alright you piece of short ," obviously Tao wanted to annoy her so she would let the matter drop, and it worked as she immediately calmed down, except that she sat down on the ground with palms on her face, not wanting anyone to see her expression.


"I'm not gonna jump Suho! Forget about it!" 



"Don't even try it! I almost killed Tao and i have a phobia, give me a break,"


"If you didn't do it than you'll kill someone else!" Sora immediately stared up at him, eyes staring wide at the boy in front of her. Suho was standing on the edge, his hands locked to the arms of Baekhyun who was standing beside him with a furious look on his face.


"What the hell is this?" Baekhyun demanded, and tried to wiggle away from Suho's grip but failed. Suho was glad his grip was strong enough to hold the boy still in his arms. Sora immediately stood up from her place, eyes holding nothing more than disbelieve and pure anger.


"Sehun controls wind, he can easily levitate himself. Kai can teleport midway and we all can make use of our powers to save us. Baekhyun is weak, his powers are based on anergy, its untouchable. If he fell down the edge, he will be completely helpless.." Suho was right, his words make sense. While everyone of the royals has powers that has a way to save them, Baekhyun cant, he can only control light, and light isn't a very strong thing.

Wait... Lay's powers are useless in this situation as well.

Sora wanted to ask that, wanted to question him why he chose Baekhyun when he can choose Lay, but she stopped herself, knowing that it would come out really rude, as in she wants to sacrifice Lay over Baekhyun.

When its not true. 


"You have to choose Sora, you fall, or he does." 

"Thats cruel.." But Sora knows it's not, she knows Suho is only helping her expanding her powers. He knows she wants to train her powers so he gave her two choices to do so. Sora knows that she can just go outside and leave them all in here as the door is two steps away, it would stop all this madness, but she wants this; Sora wants this and a small fear won't let it win over her.


Besides, she knows that if she couldn't unlock it, there was Luhan to save her, or Sehun if that decided to bail on her the last minute. 


"Okay! Okay i'll do it, just leave Baekhyun out of this.." Suho immediately let go of Baekhyun who huffed angrily and fixed his shirt, he looked at Sora gratefully before moving far from their way. 

"Thats the spirit..." Suho smiled at her, and Sora nodded hastily and took a hesitated step forward. She started to breathe unevenly once she reached Suho's side, and the air brushed against her hair softly making her shiver. Suho patted her back comfortably and nodded at Kris, who rushed towards them before hurriedly jumping off the ledge, as if it was a daily routine of his.


Sora held her breath and watched, amazed with the way he flew gracefully against the sky. She saw him gliding on the air like he is a plane and walking on the clouds like he is walking on dirt. Sora was so amazed that she wanted to experience what he was experiencing right now and then.


Kris hovered in front of her, having his hands on his pocket easily as he stared down at her with his blank expression, the soft feelings that she was feeling from him exposed him to her.


"Just let loose Sora, flight is only about that. Unlike any other power, instead of concentrating really hard, you just empty your mind and let loose..." Sora nodded at the boy before taking a deep breath, she glanced at the ground underneath her one more time before she jumps.


Oh well, here goes nothing.


"This is amazing!!" 


Sora shouted loudly with a giggle, wind roughly rushing between her hair and entire body. She stopped flying for a moment to stand midair, looking down at the boys thirty miles under her. She saw Sehun waving before simply kicking his shoes on the ground before he himself, levitate midair beside her.


To be honest, knowing how to fly is the easiest thing you can ever trigger, though Sora was sure she wouldn't have done it without triggering it first. Oh well, guess

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
41 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂