Foreign feelings

The Exchange
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Sora felt weightless.


Her eyes were shut close, she couldn't quite open them. was sealed into a thin, straight line. Her back was itching her and she realized she was lying on her hair which somehow grew fast in the past weeks that it reached her mid back, right after her shoulders.. A sudden feeling of burning pain on her ankle emitted a hiss from her lips, in which caught the attention of the person sitting down on the chair in front of her bed.


Suga rushed immediately to her side, and watched with furrowed eyebrows as the girl's chest heaved up and down in anxiety. He placed a hand on her head but ended up withdrawing it so fast with a hiss. Her head was ing burning! Three burning marks appeared on his palm, and he knew something was wrong immediately, no normal fever would cause burning marks!


Sora gurgled in her sleep, sitting up on her bed with a startle. A choking sound exited her lips, where she immediately reached her hands to clutch on her tightening throat. Sora felt suffocated. Something was brutally trying to take control of her head. She felt it, she felt the pressure of a presence smothering her. The feeling was almost like being possessed, except that she doesn't know how is it like to be possessed, but Sora was so sure something strong wanted to control her body.


All of a sudden it disappeared and she was back loudly. She roughly rested her exhausted body back on the bed, where she started heaving an extremely big and loud breathing cycle.


"What the hell was that? Are you alright?!" Sora's eyes were opened widely and she stared at Suga with a confused expression, as if she was completely oblivious of the situation.


"W-what... What happened?" Suga was aware of how much confusion was on her tone. He was also aware of the tired tone she was trying hard to mask. Although he wanted to know what's wrong with her tired expression, he couldn't just let the earlier incident pass off.


"Sora.. You were just choking like someone was draining the air out of you," he said with so much seriousness that started to freak her out. All she was able to remember was the lady's words of her waking up echoing in her head before she found herself face to face with a shocked looking Suga. Did perhaps something happen when she was dreaming and wasn't aware of?


"Are you okay Suga? You seem like you haven't had a good sleep for a long time.." At her sarcastic, oblivious tone Suga seemed to actually realize how stupid he seemed. He sighed heavily before dropping back lazily to his seat, he didn't realize he had stood up in alarm when he saw her choking and ruffled his already messy hair.

"Yeah.. I guess I was just hallucinating.." Sora smiled softly at him before realizing where she was. She looked around her with wide eyes to see herself lying down in a hospital bed. Her head was wrapped in a bandage and her ankle as well, she dared not to look at her sides as she was extremely sure they were wrapped up as well.


She sighed heavily before remembering that Suga was sitting next to her all the time. Now that she thinks about it, she hasn't been seeing him a lot lately. She recalls how he just disappeared out of nowhere when she was attacked by Yoora, and now he was suddenly sitting next to her and pretending everything was alright. Feeling brave, Sora decided to confront him with the matter.


"Where were you that day when Yoora attacked me? I could have sworn you were standing just beside me.."


Bingo, he started fidgeting nervously. Sora raised an eyebrow at the way he fiddled with his hands, looking elsewhere but her with a slightly, tinted cheeks.

"I-I was.. I was requested by my grandpa, he needed a help.."


"I have been hearing about your grandfather for a long time but I haven't seen him once, nor did I get to know where he lives or even his name. He just simply was able to be in the picture all of a sudden every single time,"


"Are you suspecting me?" And she did, Sora did suspect him and all she could do was raise an eyebrow up, as if silently agreeing to his accusations. She watched as he stood from his place with a huff of air, showing his discomfort without any sign to mask his emotions.


"I think the hit on your head affected you so much. First you say you have absolutely no idea what just happened to you moments ago and now you are accusing me? The only person who cares enough to be here the moment he hears you were wounded..?" Though he wanted her to sympathize with her she did not show any signs of wavering and kept her stare strong and lingering. Suga started to shudder, and could no longer hold his stress as he lifted one corner of his lips to spout whatever nonsense he wanted to spout before the door of her room ripped open with a very disturbed looking Kyungsoo, who both of his hands seemed occupied with different types of food. Seemingly, he opened the door with his foot, and obviously he used a little bit of his super strength as there was a big crack on the middle of the wooden door.


Sora swore Suga paled visibly under the judging and very brave look he was receiving from Kyungsoo before running away right past him, not even caring about what he wanted to say minutes ago. Sora wasn't really surprised Kyungsoo can pull this tough, bad boy act, in case any one of you forgot, he has issues with girls, he is perfectly fine dealing with men twice his size.


He strolled inside her chamber, and Sora could tell his strides held more confidence than his usual self around her. She watched with lips sealed as he settled the tray of food on the table beside her desk before aiming to walk out without a sound, the key word was 'aiming' as Sora did not allow him without knowing something.


"Is Luhan's brother alright?" She felt his body stiffen at her words. He was frozen momentarily in front of the door and Sora was growing curious. Was the kid alright or not? She didn't ask him about a murder now did she?


"Lu Jian is alright, just a minor scratches and trauma, other than that he is okay," Sora sighed heavily in relief, and Kyungsoo turned his head back to look at her, his pose still stiff before the door.


"Were you worried... About him?" His question shocked her, or maybe not the question but the fact he was directing his question to her, his number one enemy. 


"Of course, that boy has nothing to do with our issues.." Kyungsoo held her gaze for a moment, which caused her heart to leap out of her chest. He felt it of course, every other boy felt the sudden acceleration of her heart, and her eyes bulged out of their sockets when Kyungsoo's lips curved into a smirk, was that amusement written on his pupils?


Kyungsoo left her after that, letting her alone to wander to the depth of her thoughts. She was so sure Kyungsoo was a bit braver towards her than before, and surprisingly it started to scare her a bit. He is not the same cute kitten who fears her, he is rather a bit intimidating with his long judging stares and his smirks, he only did it once and it was two minutes along but it still counts, she only hoped it was his own way to open up to her.





"Hey..." Baekhyun's head popped inside her chamber, and as much as she wanted to scream at him in joy she held herself and only stared back at him blankly, trying so hard to stop her stomach from churning. 


She was so bored. Kyungsoo had left two hours ago and she was forbidden to leave the room. She even wanted to check on Lu Jian's health and maybe Luhan's, but she just didn't want to admit it, besides, it's not like she is allowed to leave the room.


She wanted to giggle amusingly at Baekhyun's shy actions. He walked towards the seat so slowly with his eyes darting to the floor, whatever was on his mind must have been so embarrassing to make the almighty Baekhyun like this. 


He softly sat down on the chair and started to fiddle with his fingers. Sora sat down on her bed and rested her head on her hands, elbow resting on her thighs. She watched him with an amuse expression as he fought with himself. He so did not look like himself.


"Are... Are you alright now?" When he asked, he still didn't lock their eyes together and kept his gaze solemnly to the floor. Sora crawled closer towards the bed railings and softly flicked his forehead. He hissed loudly and glared at her, hands lifting up to massage his head.


"What the was that?" He scowled, and Sora chuckled evilly. She wanted to cheer, knowing that the shy Baekhyun was gone and his usual, meanie self was back.


"That was because you were freaking me out, since when do you ask me if I'm okay?" Sora laid back on her bed, sighing a big sigh of relief now. She honestly wanted to get out of the hospital and go home, but the doctor told her she needs two days of rest. Humpghhhhhhh what a bummer. 


Somehow her words stung. Baekhyun's eyes widened for a bit and suddenly a blush of shame crept down his cheeks. He scratched his neck softly, all shyness of before returning back to him.


Sora suddenly remembered all of his attempts to save her on the ice lake yesterday, she remembered the time when he was send off to the mountains instead of her, and he knew she was the culprit but decided to go instead. She doesn't know or care about his reasons of doing that, all she knows is that she is extremely grateful to him, no matter how much of a jerk he is, or how many times he teased or bullied her, she still feels in debt to him. Sehun didn't even do half of the stuff and she still treats him better, perhaps if she did treat him nicely, like how that dorky slash Chen's aunt lady said, she wouldn't have felt like this. Sora even thinks that she was the one who acted like a in their early teens. He was just a cutie pie who loved walking after her... Which was weird now that she thinks of it, but that time she was so into Sehun that all she wanted was him only.



Baekhyun snapped his head at her soft tone calling his name, wide eyes turning even more wider than before, making him look adorable in Sora's opinion.


"Stay still.."


"W-wha..-" Before he can even know what the hell was going on inside her head, Sora sat up in her bed and crawled with her closer to his chair, where she bravely outstretched her arms in hope of embracing him wholly. 


She did manage to hug his big frame in her tiny one, where she rested her cheek on his broad shoulder.  Baekhyun's already wide wide wide eyes rounded more, and if Sora didn't have the connection with him she wouldn't have felt the way his heartbeat were increasing and the sudden wave of surprise and nervousness gushing out from him like a roaring river. It actually made her feel excited she had this effect on the school's jerk. 


"I'm... I'm probably never going to repeat this so listen carefully okay?" Sora took a deep breath, squeezing Baekhyun in her arms tightly to gain her fading courage. 


"I'm sorry for being a to you back when I was eleven, I did not have the right to do so when you were only trying to be my friend. Also, thank you a lot for going to the mountains for me, I probably wouldn't have survived there and you probably already know that which why you chose to sacrifice yourself for me. I'm also thankful for helping me yesterday, I wouldn't have done it without you.." Sora felt her face color in deep crimson at what she said, never has she ever felt so ashamed of herself before. She let go of Baekhyun so fast he almost didn't see it coming, but then again expect anything from Sora right?


"Oh wait.. There is also this.." Once again Sora returned to Baek's side and immediately gave him a fast, small kiss on his cheek before returning back to her bed, a growing grin replacing her shy expression at the sight of Baekhyun's epic face expression. 

He was so red that Sora was giggling mentally, also she couldn't ignore the extremely fast beatings of his heart as she could hear them vividly inside her own ears. She kinda feels proud she can make him this flustered. 


"Now!" Sora suddenly clapped her hands, immediately dropping the i'm-super-amazing-that-i-apologized expression away from her face to replace it with a growing smirk.


"Let's drop all the mushy acts and forget everything that happened! Gosh Baekhyun your face looks red right now, why are you so ugly today?" Baekhyun stared wide eyed at the girl who boringly stared at her nails, mood changing swiftly to the usual badass girl he always grew to know.


You know? It somehow makes his blood boil to know how much of a good actress she was and how fast she can change her moods easily. He also dislike the fact she happens to be completely immersed on her actions that she didn't give a if it affected someone.


Like his ing heart for example.


Chen suddenly barged inside the room, and as much as Baekhyun wanted to kill the girl for ruining the atmosphere, he still couldn't help his flushed face from disappearing and still has this reddish color on, for 's sake his ears were heating up more with Chen's taunting expression.


"What the is wrong with your face?" As the bold Chen is, he didn't hesitate to pull out his mocking expression as he raised an amuse eyebrow up, kinda enjoying the fact he was able to fluster Baek with a word.


Sora looked at Baekhyun

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
31 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂