Kris' sudden interest

The Exchange
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"You stay here okay? We have to report back to the elders," 

Luhan's strict voice caused the pouting boy to whine. He does not fancy the idea of staying side by side next to the mourning girl who he had questioned before. She wasn't appealing to him, he does not like her, but he had to stay next to her because he is the strongest.

The struggle of knowing Wushu better than anyone else.


He watched with an even more sullen pout as his brothers strolled away, leaving him all alone with a blank looking hyung and a shaking girl.


Tao frowned when he saw how Sora was behaving, he knows she wasn't acting because she failed on doing that before; but he was confused of the cause of her actions. She was sitting down in one of the seats right next to Kai's room. He looked back at Lay's room, frowning. He didnt know why she was so worried about Kai when Lay was stabbed right through his stomach, he is in a state worse than Kai, who was only knocked unconscious, but she viewed fear to Kai more than Lay.


So now she has a favorite one?


Tao scoffed, looking down at Chanyeol's eyes who was eyeing him weirdly. First, he was standing in the middle of the hospital hallway between his and Sora's seats. Second, he was scowling to the wall, which did nothing to him besides being made. 


"Aish, why do I have to be here again?" Tao mumbled annoyingly, glancing back at Sora before sitting down next to Chanyeol, pouting with his arms crossed against his chest.

Sora fiddled with her shaking fingers, almost feeling like she was the one having a surgery instead of Kai. The moment they arrived here, the doctors took him inside and she was waiting for his surgery to end. The doctors said he was mainly okay, but there was few pieces of glass stuck at the back of his head, seemingly one of the attackers had knocked him down with a juice bottle from behind, which caused him to be inside one of those damn rooms for a few hours now.


Even though she felt a bit better now that he was found, she couldn't help but still feel worried, what the hell is wrong with her? First, she felt some strange thing toward Kai as he went missing, second, she was able to feel Kris' wound, and then she called out for Luhan in her mind. 

What's happening to her?

"Aish, I need Suga so much," the latter had left them the moment they arrived at the hospital, claiming that his grandfather would be worried if he came later than his allowed time. Sora had begged for him to stay, telling him how she can't stay with those s. He didn't listen though, even if he had an apologetic smile on his face. 


She felt the seat next to her shuffle down and she knew someone sat next to her. She lifted her head up to glance at the annoyed eyes of Tao grumbling.

"What's with the long sad face? Aren't you supposed to be fierce and all that ?" Tao was annoyed. She could tell by his squinted eyes as he glared at the space in front of him.

Sora looked back at Chanyeol, who choose to stay with her without going to the elders with them. What's the point of going there anyway? The royals who went were enough, they don't need him.

"I'm really not in the mood okay?" Just as annoyed as he was, she replied, giving him a stinky face before looking down at her fidgeting hands.

"Look, I'm not in the mood too since I was forced to stay here with you, for all I care I might let them kidnap you if they want, I don't even like you and pretty much will be happy if you were gone. Seriously that hyung needs to know how annoyed I am by just sitt..-"

"Tao, you are getting out of the subject," Tao coughed embarrassedly at the pointed look she gave him. He shook his head like a diva before turning his entire sitting position to be facing her instead of the boring wall.


"My point is, we are all not in the mood. Our friends got hurt in the process of protecting you, I understand you are worried even though it's kinda weird but then again we are dealing with you so it's totally okay, but they don't need this, we don't need this, alright? They have already been hurt and knocked out cold because they were protecting your pretty . You sitting down worrying about them would do them no good. Be a good girl and go home, I don't understand how you are still sitting here when it's already midnight,"


"Wow, you at comforting someone," Sora gave Tao a blank look, when he only rolled his eyes and stood up from his place, lifting her hands with him as he pulled her out of her chair.


Even though she was surprised, it was the first time Tao bothers to touch her, she didn't show it and let him drag her away from the hospital, he even looked back to Chanyeol and waved at him, shrugging at his surprised face.


"Chanyeol hyung! I'm taking her home, I'll be right back," 


"I can walk by myself just fine! You don't need to accompany me," Sora scowled at Tao, who was walking backward beside her with a wide smile, looking at the starry sky with twinkling eyes. It was a strange sight to see, Tao with Sora walking together without fighting, Tao's face having a smile on.. Yeah it all felt too surreal to be true.


He rolled his eyes at her words, turning around to walk at the same steps as her, giving her shoulder a hard nudge by his own shoulder. She stumbled to the side a little, but soon held her balance with an ugly scowl.

"Oh shut up, I'm only doing it because hyung will whip my if I didn't," casually he answered, lifting his hands to the back of his head while closing his eyes, enjoying their walk in this amazing weather.


"You suddenly fear your hyungs,eh?" sarcastically she replied back, giving him the same naughty nudge he gave her by the shoulder. Her nudge was stronger than his because he stumbled roughly and almost fell on his sides if he didn't hold himself. 

He balanced himself hurriedly, giving the girl a squinting glare when he noticed how she tried muffling her chuckles at his dorky behaviors.


"Are you saying I'm disrespectful? Tch, at least I don't talk back to the elderly!" He meant when she angrily talked back to his and every royal's parents when they first moved to the big castle. Honestly she is not ashamed of her doings because those so called elders deserve it, especially after she knew her father's head was filled with their crap, they might have told him a lot of bulls that maybe revolved around her, he did tell her her mother was dead before, if she hadn't found out by herself, she would have never known she still exists.


"They deserve whatever bullcrap's coming their way, they are so mean!" Frustratingly Sora replied, taking a fistful of her hair in complete anger now that she recalled whatever happened that day.


"They are still older than you, you might as well just accept the fact and give in, some of them are your uncles and aunts,"

"Psshhh, who says? My father has no blood relationship with any of them,"

"But they treated each other like brothers and sisters,"


"I don't care what they used to be. I don't trust them and I pretty much hate them," Sora lifted her nose up in the air, arrogance was evident in her tone and Tao fought the urge on flicking her forehead.

He rolled his eyes at the girl, imitating what she said with a funny tone and goofy eyes, making her glower.


She swatted him in his head, making him grimace. He glared at her, but still kept moving his mouth into ugly sounds and his eyes as goofy eyes.

"Yah!! I don't speak like this alright?!!!" He ignored her outburst, still making those ugly faces as he took a few steps ahead. He was scared she'll hit him again.

She ran towards him, and he immediately started running away from her. 

"I'm gonna get you!!" 

"I'm gonna get you~ pshhh! You are so slow," Tao was teasing her, she knows, but it truly annoyed her as she kept running after him.  

When he came into a halt, she took the chance and jumped on his back, strangling him from his neck as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She grinned mischievously when he started to struggle, and she immediately tightened her grip around his neck.


"Guess I'm faster than I look?" She smirked when she saw his hands wiggle in every direction trying to take her off of his back, her grip on him was strong and he was powerless against her.

"I halted!! You are so not fast!" Groaning Tao replied, already giving up on swatting her away from him. She leaned her head down on his cheeks, pressing her left cheek against his right one as she squeezed the other cheek with her free hand.

"Excuses, you know I'm fast~"

"What are you two doing?" She heard a voice from behind them and she looked back to see Yoora's face next to a silent Baekhyun, who was holding a black bag with food in it.


Sora's stomach roared in hunger, and immediately she dropped herself off of Tao and hopped toward baekhyun, ignoring the wide, accusing eyes of Yoora.

Wait, weren't they reporting back to the elders?


While Sora was busy grinning at Baekhyun with need, Tao was the one who asked.

"Aren't you guys supposed to report back to the elders?" Baekhyun ignored Sora's grinning face and looked at Tao, titling his head sideway to the side.


Sora swears she saw a hint of a glare in his eyes.

"We already did, we just came back for a meal," at his words, Sora looked behind Tao to see their own house sitting soundlessly. She didn't notice it before, wow, she didn't know they arrived easily.


Sora turned back to Baekhyun, walking toward him causally before locking their arms together like they are best friends.

"Am I invited to this meal of yours?" She asked, once again ignoring the preposterous look upon Yoora's face at the intimate contact she did with Baekhyun. It wasn't like she did it because she suddenly feels like she fell in love, she merely did it because she wants food.


Yeah, she is a benefiting person.


Yoora looked away, and Sora wondered from where did she come from. The boys have left alone to report back to the elders, she wasn't there with them when they did so. Probably they met her in the street.


Baekhyun causally took his arm away from her grip, looking up at Tao as he ignored her presence completely. He took a small step away from her, which really shocked the latter to be honest. Baekhyun does not treat her like that, he was rather playful and rude to her, not cold and emotionless like this.

"No you are not invited to be honest, but I guess you will go inside anyway right?" He didn't bother look at her, but his words were directed to her and Sora's jaw tightened at his cold actions.


She does not like it at all.


She knows he hates her, he had made it clear. But he at least doesn't treat her like this, he was mean yes, but she would take being mean instead of being cold like this. She doesn't know why she was so affected by this sudden change.

Instead of being the sad whiny girl, she was rather angry and she immediately glared at Baekhyun, lifting her nose up high in confidence.

"Pfft, . For your information, I was dragged here by your dongsaeng, I don't want to have anything to do with you guys. I was just playing to distract myself from Kai, please don't accuse me of nonsense things again," Even though he was shocked, he didn't show it and only kept eyeing the space in front of him, not wanting to look down at the short girl next to him.

"I'm going inside, thanks Tao for walking me home even though I didn't need it," she strolled back to Tao, lifting her hand to give him a slight punch on his arms like a last revenge, causing the latter to wince and whine about how manly her punches were. She ignored his whines, walking up to the house porch where she unlocked the house and strolled in.

She didn't notice Baekhyun's fuming look directed to Tao's body and her own skull.


When she first walked inside the house, the entire boys were crowding in the living room. They all seemed distracted as every one of them looked away, they weren't even conversing with each other and Sora didn't blame them - Kai and Lay are their friend and being away in the hospital was really weird for them since Lay's powers prevents him from being wounded. 

The door unlocked from behind her and she looked back to see Baekhyun and Yoora coming inside with smiles on their faces that really irritated her. Baekhyun lifted his head when he felt a heated stare and he was shocked when he saw Sora's eyes on him and him only. 


She ignored everyone around her and headed for the kitchen, looking for something to eat instead of sitting down in front of hypocrite people that hates her guts more than she hates theirs.

"Sora..? Come here we have something to talk about," Sora heard Xiumin's voice calling her and she was this close to banging her head on the refrigerator. She cursed under her breath before walking towards them with annoyance dripping in every stomp of her feet.


"What is there to talk about?!" She spoke with irritation. She caught Yoora's glance at her with disgust but she was so tired to glare or cuss at the girl, she wasn't as important to her as Yoora believes, she won't drain the last drop of energy she has on that lowlife. 

"Come, sit down first," Suho softly spoke as he patted the place next to him. She fought the urge on rolling her eyes at him and solemnly walked to sit down next to him, not even the slightest interested in what's about to come.

The silence lingered for a few minutes and Sora narrowed her eyes at the ten boys around her. Something is awfully wrong with their expressions, did something happen?

"Guys...?" She started, roaming her eyes into every royal's face that seemed to darken.

"You know what, we need to discuss about Kai's situation. You know he was hurt because he was protecting you right?" The moment Suho turned around to address her, her brows furrowed.

"Why does everyone keep saying that? What does Kai's wounds have to do with me?

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
31 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂