Chapter 2

My Brother (Exo)

"Yak! Why don’t you let him in?"

"Shut up!"

Baekhyun was taken a back hearing Kyungsoo who barked at him in crumpled face, holding anger. Not getting angry back at him, Baekhyun felt sympathy with him instead when he saw Kyungsoo threw his own self on the bed and covered his face with a pillow.

“What’s wrong?" Baekhyun’s voice changed softer, asked carefully.

“Don’t you know the meaning of 'shut up'? I said ‘shut up’, so shut your mouth up!"

Kyungsoo’s mood seemed in bad condition, who knew what the reason was. But, it seems that it sourced from the person who is knocking the door from the outside. Curious, Baekhyun chosed to go outside flat just wanted to know what is happening outside because the knocking sound wasn’t heared anymore.

Right when Baekhyun’s invisible figure walking through the flat’s door, his gaze met with Chanyeol who was gazing sadly towards his direction.

Baekhyun blinked, he almost thought that Chanyeol was also able to see him, because Chanyeol’s gaze was exact to his Eyes. Baekhyun was standstill in front of the door when Chanyeol’s hands slowly outstretched towards his face. Baekhyun’s eyes were locked into Chanyeol’s expression when those hands went through his cheeks, touched the door’s surface behind Baekhyun’s invisible head.

"You can be in peace now, Baekkie~" that soft whisper, that longing gaze, his hands movement caressing the door, but for Baekhyun as if that hand could feel his invisible cheeks, it made Baekhyun’s heart warm and his heart beat peacefully, even though in fact Baekhyun had no real heart in this condition.

Chanyeol bowed, his gaze turned desperate with miserable smile appeared on his face. Baekhyun stared at him in worried, his invisible hands lifted up, almost touch –if only he could- Chanyeol’s cheeks when he turned away instead, walking to the flat beside.

Baekhyun was standstill, with eyes looked carefully at Chanyeol’s movement that at last gone behind the door he closed, without not even once realizing Baekhyun’s invisible existence there. Then, Baekhyun’s hands that had just hung on the air, touching his own cheeks, as if looking for warmth in Chanyeol’s hands that had just gone through him.

For seconds, Baekhyun was standstill and speechless, who knew what was inside his mind. Until at last Baekhyun awaken by his own self and immediately went inside through the flat’s door to see Kyungsoo’s condition that was starting to sob softly behind the pillow.









Kyungsoo awakes, sitting down on the bed. Dark sky seen from the window realizes Kyungsoo that it has been evening already. ‘Is Jongin still standing up in front of his flat?’ Kyungsoo asks in his mind with mood that is getting bad again. It seems his struggle to move from Seoul is in vain if he still meets Jongin, the person who hurt him.

Kyungsoo sighs tiredly. Bowing and his wrinkled forehead.

"Kyungsoo-ya…" Baekhyun’s voice echoes, realizes Kyungsoo that he is not alone in that dark bedroom without any lamps on. Ah, how long had he slept just now?

“Have you been okay?” Baekhyun’s echoed voice heard again without appearing his figure.

"Hmm..." replies Kyungsoo ambiguously. "Can you switch the lamps on?"

Baekhyun grumbles. "Are you mocking me? Just now you asked me to open the door, now you’re asking me to switch the lamps. You know that I can’t touch anything, don’t you? "

"Really?" Kyungsoo asks in confused tone. Actually he has known if a ghost can’t touch anything. But, why did Kyungsoo can feel Baekhyun’s invisible hand as if able to touch his head, even his hair softly before he slept just now? Was it only Kyungsoo’s hallucination?

In the dark bedroom that only get light from the building lamps outside the flat through the window. Kyungsoo turns his head to every direction, looking for the echoed voice owner’s existence. "Baekkie-ah," he calls, who knows why he becomes panic. "Where are you?"

"I’m here."

Kyungsoo turns over his body, squints his eyes, and at last sees Baekhyun’s invisible figure who is leaning back to his bed’s headboard.

"Wae?" asks Baekhyun in wonder, tilts his head while looking at Kyungsoo’s unusual expression.

Kyungsoo doesn’t reply. He crawls closer to Baekhyun’s invisible figure instead. The light from outside window is penetrating Baekhyun’s invisible figure in Kyungsoo’s eyes, but Kyungsoo seems curious about something. Kyungsoo outstretches his hands slowly. He knows that it will be in vain because he can see clearly that Baekhyun is only soul without body. But, he wants to try it. He himself doesn’t know why this ghost is slightly different with the other ghosts he had met before.

"What do you want to do?" Baekhyun asks in suspicious tone, seeing how Kyungsoo’s hands are moving towards his face. Baekhyun almost laughs out loud with Kyungsoo who seems want to touch his invisible figure, when a miracle who they both never thought before happening in front of their eyes instead.



Under the light from outside the building that comes inside the bedroom’s window, on the bed, there are two different figures of boy sitting down, stares each other in unbelief, seeing how Kyungsoo’s hands are able to touch Baekhyun’s invisible cheeks.



Kyungsoo’s eyes are widening in surprised, as wide as Baekhyun’s eyes that is standstill on its place. Kyungsoo can feel it, the skin on his hands caressing Baekhyun’s cold cheeks. Even though it is still seen invisible but Kyungsoo’s hands cannot penetrate Baekhyun’s invisible figure.


"You..." Baekhyun’s voice echoes in caught tone, without any idea that he is able to feel the skin of Kyungsoo’s fingers that is sticking on his cheeks. It feels different when Chanyeol penetrated himself.

"...maldo andwae..." Kyungsoo humms in unbelieve while staring Baekhyun in confuse. He has never been able to touch any ghost before. He only could see and listen to their voice. But, why is it different with Baekhyun? What is happening exactly? Why is he suddenly able to touch Baekhyun’s invisible figure?

"...who are you exactly? It’s impossible…" asks Kyungsoo, staring sharply the invisible figure in front of him.








At the kitchen of his flat, Kyungsoo pours a mineral water to the glass in his hand, and then drinks it in one gulp. After that, he sighs, trying to calm his mind down. He takes a glance to his left side, where Baekhyun is standing up beside the kitchen’s counter. He tries to touch the glasses in front of him, and keeps failing. His invisible hands always penetrate those things. Even to slightly move the glass, he cannot afford.

"Look!" he turns his head to Kyungsoo while pointing the glass. "I can touch nothing," he says full of certainty "But if it is you," now Baekhyun’s finger moves to Kyungsoo and touches his cheek, poking his cheek with sparkling eyes. "Look! I can touch nothing but you~" and that invisible figure jumps and hugs Kyungsoo in his hands.

"Yak!" Kyungsoo barks. He is creeping everytime the cold air Baekhyun brings touch his skin. He forcely releases Bakehyun’s hug from his shoulder. "Let me go! Yak! You can’t touch me as you like only because you can only touch me. I am mind with that, okay?"

"But I like it ~" Baekhyun whines. "I only can touch you. I feel that I have other friend and felling like life again ."

"Don’t be kidding me! There is no way a ghost can be life again." And the next second, Kyungsoo really regrets with the sentence he said without thinking longer.

Baekhyun’s facial expression turns sad. He bows apathetically, making Kyungsoo feel more at fault. "Sometimes I myself forget that I have died already..." he says dejectedy.

"Baekkie-ah, mian, I didn’t mean to–"

"Gwenchana," Baekhyun interrupts, turns his body back to Kyungsoo. "Honestly, I am jealous of you," he admits in soft voice. "Now, I realize that life is so meaningful..."

"Baekkie-ah," Kyungsoo outstretches his hand, wants to touch Baekhyun’s shoulder from his back. But late, Baekhyun has floated away, flying outside through the kitchen wall without saying any words to Kyungsoo.

It’s not a strange thing to Kyungsoo to meet a ghost who is desperate and regrets the fate about his death. But, Kyungsoo himself doesn’t know why he feels more sympathy when he saw Bekhyun’s sad face that seemed so desperate. As if he has any inner contact with baekhyun. Kyungsoo is able to feel the sadness of Baekhyun.

In his heart, Kyungsoo becomes so curious. He has never taken interest so big in the past life of any ghosts he had met before, but this time Kyungsoo also wonders. ‘What was the reason of Baekkie’s death?’

"Aishh…! Why can a ghost get amnesia?" Kyungsoo mumbles, losing his mind over it.





I have business out of town. This is important and urgent, so I can’t just leave it. Sorry Kyungsoo, I can’t meet you now.

Kyungsoo sighs disappointedly reading the e-mail from his elder brother. But still, he sends the reply for his elder brother.

Gwenchana Hyung. But, don’t be too long, okay? I want to meet you so much.

"Why do you look so sad?" Baekhyun’s head appears suddenly beside Kyungsoo’s head, following Kyungsoo reading the e-mail conversation.

Kyungsoo sighs, closes his phone without desire to answer Baekhyun’s question. "You’ve come back?" he asks strange question instead.

"What kind of question is that? I’m clearly here, so of course I’ve come back."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Kyungsoo waves his hand, not ignoring Baekhyun’s words. He moves lazily to the sofa in front of television.

"You are in bad mood, again," says Baekhyun, resting his chin on his hands while watching what Kyungsoo is doing.

"I’m bored," Kyungsoo mumbles while randomly changing the TV channel using the remothe in his hand.

"You’re bored? If that so join me! Accompany me being a ghost."

Kyungsoo glares, throwing the sofa pillow that only goes penetrate Baekhyun’s invisible figure. "I’m not bored living, babo!" Kyungsoo hisses.

Baekhyun chuckles, "I’m just kidding."

Kyungsoo sighs again. He chooses to turn the TV off and lying on the sofa while staring at the ceiling.

"Of course you’re bored." Baekhyun floats under the ceiling right in front of Kyungsoo’s eyes direction. "You keep staying at home, doing activities like writing stories, reading books, watching TV. What kind of activities are they? Even though you are a writer, you also need to go out. It can refresh you. You also can look for wider inspiration."

"I have just moved to this city, Baekkie. I don’t know well places and streets here."

"'Hey! I’m here! I can be your guide. This town has been my territory since I was born. Of course I remember it sooo well" Baekhyun pats his chest proudly.

"What? You remember it sooo well? Don’t you get amnesia?" Kyungsoo stares him in strange.

"Ah, you’re right. I got amnesia, don’t I?" Baekhyun asks him back instead with his innocent face. It makes Kyungsoo stares him more in strange.

"Actually, are you amnesia or not huh?"

Baekhyun blinks, seemed like thinking. "Yeah. I’ve said that there are some memories I can’t remember right? So, there are any other memories that I can remember."

"So, you can remember aaall around this city, but you can’t even remember your own real name except for nickname Baekkie?"

"Ne!" Baekhyun nods with enthusiasm.

"Omo!" Kyungsoo slaps his own forehead in frustration. He gets really flustered of the strangest ghost he ever met so far. "Ah, forget it! Talking about you is such a waste. It only makes headache."



"Are you sure you don’t want to go out?"

"Why do you keep persuading me to go out?"

"Because I want to go out too ~" Baekhyun whines.

Again, Kyungsoo throws the strange stare towards Baekhyun. "You are a ghost, Baekkie. Ghost! You can walk and even floating away out there."

"But being alone is different with going out with you, Kyungsoo. I’ll have a friend to talk while walking."

"Oh, good… And people will consider me as a crazy boy who talks alone," says Kyungsoo sarcastically. "Why don’t you ask other ghosts out there? Make any friend with creatures like you!"

"Shiro!" Baekhyun pouts dejectedly. "Ghosts are scary!"

Kyungsoo gets sweatdropped. Look who was talking just now. "Aren’t you a ghost?"

"But I’m not as scary as them." Baekhyun defenses himself. "I don’t have long hair that covers most of my face. I also don’t have sharp red eyes that full of revenge and seemed like ready to kill anyone in front of it. I am not like them!"

"It seems like ghosts you’ve ever met always been bad ghosts, huh?"

"Kyungsoo-ya… I really truly want to take a walk out there with you..." Baekhyun whines, again.

"I don’t want to go out. Yak! Stop pulling my hands!"

"Jebal Kyungsoo... You’ll be dead in bored if you keep staying in the house."

Kyungsoo sighs, starting to losing by Baekhyun’s whines. "But… The problem is… Baekkie… I–" Kyungsoo glances towards the flat’s door. Jongin’s shadow that is standing up in front of the door like the previous afternoon haunts his mind again. He doesn’t want to meet that boy, not for now.

"What are you scared of?" Baekhyun asks in curious while following Kyungsoo’s view direction.

"No, I just–"

"Ah, that yesterday tan boy?" Baekhyun guesses. "Calm down, I’ve floated away to this whole building and places around here. And I’m sure that I haven’t seen that boy’s existence. So, you don’t need to worry."

Kyungsoo stares Baekhyun in wonder. "Why did you do that?"

"I just don’t want if you cry again like a child because of meeting that guy, like yesterday," says Baekhyun, half mocking.

Kyungsoo amazed, and then smiling amusedly "Your way of thinking is the one that like a child," he mocks Baekhyun back. "I wonder how old you are exactly"

"Mine?" Baekhyun points his own nose. "I’m sure that I’m older than you," Baekhyun grins.

Kyungsoo smiles mockingly. "I will not ever believe that."

Baekhyun sullens, but in the next second he smiles widely after hearing Kyungsoo’s next sentence.

"Make sure that you will bring me to the nicest place in this city, Baekkie!"

"Leave it to me!" says Baekhyun joyfully.

Kyungsoo goes to his room to get ready. "Hey! Later don’t force me to talk with you in crowded area! I don’t want to be considered crazy."

"Okay, Bishi~"

Kyungsoo is stupefied hearing that nickname. He turns his head towards Baekhyun who is jumping high while floating on the sofa, smiling innocently to Kyungsoo who is looking at him. Kyungsoo blinks, once again remembering the nickname Baekhyun just said to him.

Bishi, it means hobbit. A person had given that nickname to Kyungsoo because his body is tinier and his shoulder is narrower than other boys in his age. And, the one and only person who often called him like that was… his elder brother.

"Wae?" asks Baekhyun, realizing Kyungsoo’s stares towards him gets too long. "Why are you only standing there staring at me and not changing your clothes immediately?"

Kyungsoo blinks, realized, he shakes his head "Ah, ani. I just… Ah, forget it!" Kyungsoo turns his body towards the wardrobe, denying his own mind. ‘Maybe that was only coincidence. Maybe Baekhyun thought the same like my brother that my body is like a hobbit, that’s why he called me Bishi’.

‘Yes, it is only coincidence’, Kyungsoo thinks.









In the middle of a crowded night club, Chanyeol chooses to enter his workplace through the backdoor. He met Chen who is jawdropped speechlessly looking at his arrival. As if Chanyeol is a ghost who has just back from the grave.

"Cha-chanyeol-ah, Y-you’re back?"

Chanyeol smiles shortly, seemed forceful. "Suho hyung threated me to fire me if I’m not coming tonight."

"Geojitmal," Chen snorts. "It’s impossible for him to fire a bartender as great as you. A week of your absence, there were bunch of our customers looked for you. They said that there is no other person who is able to create mixed vodka like yours."

"Jinjja?" Chanyeol’s tone heard so flat, without any interest in it or even feeling proud of that thing. He turns his body to wear his black apron from his locker. His hand that was almost closing the locker’s door was stopped when he saw some photos which are sticked behind the locker’s door. There are his photos with Baekhyun. Chanyeol gets in silence with his minds floating away to those beautiful memories.

A soft pat on his shoulder gets Chanyeol’s soul back to his body.

"Are you sure you’ve been better now?" Chen’s voice asks carefully.

No answer. Chanyeol is still staring at those photos with lingering eyes in silence, as if he is trying to record the memories fiercely in his mind when those togetherness taken into those pictures.


"Ne…" Chanyeol sighs softly, bows, and closes his locker slowly.

"Go home if you still feel insecure," advices Chen sympathically.

Chanyeol shakes his head weakly. "No. If I keep staying in the flat, I’ll–"

His shadow, his voice, even his touch is still felt real in every corner of the rooms they ever been together.

"–be crazy instead..." Chanyeol says miserably.

...only if they haven’t ever made that promise, maybe Chanyeol had already given up with all this emptyness...




"You looked weird Chanyeol-ssi," one of his customers who is ordering vodka comments on Chanyeol’s smile that seems awkward, not lively like usual. This is not the first time he heard that kind of comment tonight. Almost all customers that greeted him, immediately realized Chanyeol’s awkward smile.

And once again, Chanyeol only able to respond them with that same smile from behind the bar counter. A short smile, seemed so forced, without any life light in his eyes...




Kyungsoo enters that club, followed by an invisible figure of Baekhyun who is floating behind him. Kyungsoo takes a sit on one of the chairs in front of the bartender’s long table. And Baekhyun is sitting down on the bartender’s table beside Kyungsoo while swinging his legs joyfully and smiling childishly, ignoring Kyungsoo who is staring at him strangely on his childish behavior.




Yixing puts on headphone while managing the music behind the DJ’s turntable, spoiling the bar’s visitors by showing his DJ-ing skill under the name of DJ Lay. Yixing’s hand that moved the disc jokey, stops for a moment. He takes a glance to the second floor where Suho is standing behind the window of his room while looking at his lover with smile on his face. Yixing responds by smiling amusedly.




Jongin takes a gulp of vodka in the small glass served on the table in front of him with restless heart. He takes a glance to his cousin, Suho, the owner of the bar. Jongin snorts annoyedly looking at Suho who is standing up behind the window backs him, ignoring his cousin and enjoys himself instead, keep paying attention to the DJ down there while smiling happily.










Kyungsoo is still sitting down on that chair, only takes a little glance to the dance floor without showing any interest. If he is in a good mood, maybe he will gladly join to the crowded there. But for tonight, no. His mood is really in a bad stance. Jongin’s arrival this afternoon, e-mail from his brother some hours ago, made Kyungsoo annoyed. But sometimes, the strange behavior of the ghost who asked him –forced exactly- to go out of his apartment, has succesful in distracting Kyungsoo’s annoyed feeling.

"Is there anything you want to drink?" A boy’s voice behind the bar’s counter –Chanyeol–, asks to Kyungsoo who only kept silence alone.

Kyungsoo turns his head towards that bartender, wanted to say something before Baekhyun’s echoed voice screams enthusiastically instead.

"Strawberry ice cream!"

A strange stare from Kyungsoo lands towards Baekhyun’s figure that is still sitting down on the bar’s table, eleven o’ clock direction from where Kyungsoo is sitting down right now.

"Do you want to have a drink or not?" Chanyeol repeats the same question because he doesn’t get the answer from Kyungsoo yet.

"Ah, I want to drink something that is able to relieve stress. Can you make it?"

Chanyeol smiles shortly, try to looked kind as the bartender of the club, but don’t know why Kyungsoo feels weird seeing the smile of him that seems in force."Of course”.

"Don’t give him an alcoholic one! He’ll may be drunk!"

"You think I am a child like you?!," Kyungsoo responds Baekhyun fiercely.

Chanyeol who just started to walk back turns his head again to Kyungsoo. "Excuse me, did you say something?"

"Ah, no! I just–" Kyungsoo takes a sharp glance to Baekhyun’s invisible figure a bit, and then turns his head again to Chanyeol. "–was mumbling to myself."

"Oh," Chanyeol continues his steps to the cabinet behind him to take glasses and three glass bottles which the contents will be mixed by him.

Kyungsoo notices that bartender’s face and realizes something at last. "Hmm... No wonder I feel familiar with that face. He is our flat neighbour, isn’t he?" whispers him softly. There is no answer from Baekhyun, so Kyungsoo turns his head to that invisible figure.

Baekhyun is silently noticing Chanyeol’s action that is doing some throwing acrobatics and swinging the glass bottles just like a professional bartender. But, there is something different from him. Not like the other bartender beside him, Chen, who seems often shows his smile in the middle of his action, Chanyeol looked like a bartender robot. He only smiles sometimes to someone who greets him, a forced smile.

A glass containing bluish purple drink with soda bubbles on it, served by Chanyeol in front of Kyungsoo. "Enjoy the drink!" and that short smile appears again.

"I’ve said to not giving him any alcoholic drink!" Baekhyun protests to Chanyeol when he sees small bubbles in the drink. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, bored. While Chanyeol turns his body to serve other customers.

Baekhyun slaps Kyungsoo’s hand that moved to take the glass. Kyungsoo slightly grimaces and stares Baekhyun sharply.

"Mwo?!" shouts Baekhyun, staring back to Kyungsoo sharply. "I don’t want to get any trouble if you get drunk later!"

Cih, who needs your help anyway? Kyungsoo only responds in his own mind, not wanting the person who had just sit down beside him to notice him speaking alone.

"You are the new flat tenant, aren’t you?"

Kyungsoo turns his head towards the bartender who is standing up in front of him again while cleaning a glass.

"Flat number 23?" Chanyeol adds.

Ah, it seems that he also realize it’, Kyungsoo thinks. He nods shortly as the answer.

"How is the flat? Are you comfortable there?"

Kyungsoo hasn’t even answered, when Chanyeol speaks again.

"If you feel uncomfortable, just move out from that flat. There are still a lot of other empty apartments around here."

He seems wanted to shoo Kyungsoo away from that flat softly. Kyungsoo doesn’t know why, but it seems that the tall boy doesn’t like his existence in that flat. "I feel comfortable with my new living place. No need to worry!" Kyungsoo replies in rather challenging tone, doesn’t want to give it away.

Chanyeol stares at Kyungsoo, and then smiles crookedly. "Jeongmal? If that so I hope you can take a good care of that flat."

"That is ‘my flat’." Kyungsoo replies fast, feels a little offended with the mention of ‘that flat’. "I have already bought it."

Chanyeol stares at him in silent. Not giving him any respond.

Kyungsoo takes a gulp of that drink, and in a second grimacing weirdly tasting the alcohol drink down through his throat.

"What I said? Don’t drink it! shouts Baekhyun.

"It seems that you aren’t strong with alcohol," Chanyeol mocks.

Baekhyun turns his head towards Chanyeol, stares him in annoyed. "Don’t mock him instead!"

Kyungsoo snorts, and takes the whole drink in one gulp as if he is challenged by mocking words from that bartender. Kyungsoo closes his eyes while breathing from his mouth. "Give me another glass!"

"Kyungsoo-ya!" Baekhyun’s face seems panic.

Chanyeol smiles crookedly. "Okay".

"Yak!" Baekhyun shouts to Chanyeol who is walking back towards the cabinet to take another drink. Baekhyun’s sharp stares turning to Kyungsoo. "Kyungsoo-ya! Stop it! I did bring you here to have fun, but not to get drunk!"

But, Kyungsoom ignores him. He bows while massaging the temple of his head. He starts getting dizzy. His body hasn’t ever made a good friend with alcohol. But for tonight, Kyungsoo’s emotion is trigerred by everything and he wants to let himself drown in alcohol effect to drive his stress away because of Jongin’s arrival and the postponed meeting with his brother.

"Here you are." Another same containing glass is served again by Chanyeol in front of Kyungsoo.

"Yak! Don’t drink it anymore, Do Kyungsoo!" Baekhyun forbids him once again.

But, it is Kyungsoo who is stubborn. His hand takes that glass again and wants to drink it. Baekhyun who has insisted to forbid him, pushes hard Kyungsoo’s hand at last.

The glass falls down from Kyungsoo’s  hand, broken into pieces under the bar chair. The girl who is sitting down beside Kyungsoo screams in surprised because of the broken glass sound. Suddenly, Kyungsoo becomes the center of attention in that bar. When Kyunsgoo realizes it, he shouts angrily to the invisible figure in front of him.




...and in that second, Chanyeol’s eyes widen in surprise...




Yixing stops his activity for seconds, and takes a glance to the noise around the bar counter area. He only shrughs indifferently and plays the disc jokey again. He thinks that it is only a little noise that will be solved by other club employees like usual.




Suho who is standing up in his room on the second floor also takes a glance to the bar counter through the window. Feeling there is any trouble there, as the owner of the club he moves to see the condition, not wanting that small trouble getting bigger and makes other visitors bothered.

"Hyung, eodiga?"

Suho’s steps stop in the middle of the door, only remembers now about his cousin’s existence since hours ago. "I need to go down for a while, Jongin."

"Oh…" Jongin nods lazily and then drinks the beer in his hand again. "Don’t take too long. I haven’t told my problems to you," he whines in half drunk stance with reddish cheeks.

Suho only sighs while shaking his heads understanding his cousin’s behavior. He closes the door and leave Jongin in that room alone.









To be continued…




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Alice_kirkland27 #1
I don't know what to feel.. I just can't.. This story has a taste of something I cannot pinpoint .. It very cool
Please update >>>><<<<
Cassie92 #2
Chapter 1: Ahhh >_< this is so good and sad,, please update more!!!!